The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 280: Depressed, depressed

"Let this seat go in."

The real situation, the ancient palace palace master did not know, just the elders said, can not let him make an accurate judgment, the requirements of the ancient emperor palace, the two elders certainly will not refuse, immediately joined hands to open the monument The gates of the world, others need to contribute value to enter the ancient monument, the ancient palace palace master certainly does not need.

The two elders who guard the ancient monuments are old, but on the strength, they may not be better than the ancient palace, the two elders have entered the ancient monument, can avoid the sight of the sword, the ancient palace Of course, the Lord of the Palace can also do it. When the Lord of the Ancient Palace saw the Sword Devil and the Lian Er, they understood the Presbyterian King who guarded the ancient monument. Why did he come over?

The hundred-star map in front of the sword demon, a hundred small stars, exudes a splendid light, which is the main stone monument, and belongs to the demon lord, the name of the ancient emperor palace to the demon lord, no stranger The ancestors of the ancient emperor palace said that the magic kendo is mainly able to break through to the great emperor, and may be able to drive the ancient palace to a new glory.


Even though the ancient palace of the palace had been psychologically prepared, it was unacceptable to see the lotus star holding the twenty-three maps of the main stone tablets. It was only an hour after the third day, and the lotus was completely lit. Three hundred stars, two thousand three hundred stars, it seems to form a beautiful dress, covering the body of the lotus.

"Little girl, how did you realize the main stone monument?"

The ancient palace palace converges all the powers, like an ordinary middle-aged person, with a smile on the face of the lotus, both of the elders have checked, there is no problem with the one-star map, then the problem is likely Appeared on the lotus, by his means, I want the sword to see him, it is easy.

"Ah, ghost."

Lian Er screamed and quickly retreated. The black and white scorpion was full of fear. Except for her and the sword, there were graves everywhere. Now a big living person appeared in front of her, naturally it scared her. Fortunately, the ancient palace palace and Yan Yue color, if the ancient palace of the palace is full of fierce, I still do not know what to look like.

"what's wrong."

The sword demon who is practicing, suddenly opened his eyes, a step is to rush to the front of the lotus, the lotus and the sword are not far from the original, her voice is full of fear, the sword is of course nothing I thought, if I didn't think about anything, I would hold the lotus in my arms.

The ancient emperor's palace main face black line, I thought it was his majesty, scared the lotus, I did not expect that the lotus is to treat him as a ghost, now it is good, the lotus child exclaimed, the sword magic attracted, Even if he doesn't show up, it's useless, because Lotus will definitely tell the sword that she had seen before.

The sword devil does not know the ancient palace palace master. After hearing the description of the lotus child, it is inevitable to guess that the ancient emperor has a strong person coming in. In the ancient emperor palace, the palace owner does not need to be sneaky, generous. There is nothing wrong with the appearance of the sword in front of the sword.

"Who are you, why should you scare a little girl."

Originally, the Lord of the Palace of the Ancient Palace still thought, and could not communicate with Lian Er, the sword magic can help him, who knows, the problem of the sword demon, so that the ancient Emperor Palace is more depressed, chaotic ancient three major emperors One of the forces, the ancient palace of the palace, was actually said by a junior to scare the little girl.

The two elders are all sorrowful, and they are really strange brothers and sisters. One person and one sentence, they will talk about the dumb saying of the ancient palace, and stay on the spot. The ancient emperor’s palace is respected, not to mention the heavenly martial arts. It is a general Taoist who does not dare to smash the ancient palace.

"Don't get me wrong, this seat is just curious, wondering why she can light up another one-star picture."

The owner of the ancient palace called the twenty-three hundred stars around the lotus, and asked the sword magic seriously. He could see that the feelings of the sword and the lotus were deep, as long as the sword would ask the lotus. Lian Er will definitely say, not to mention, the sword demon as the eldest brother of the lotus, may have long understood.

"Hundred Star Map, you mean this, what is the use."

The sword devil pointed to the hundred star map over the tombstone of the demon kendo. They asked one after another, and let the ancient palace palace master be depressed for a while. Together with the present, the sword magic does not even know what the hundred-star map is. The two elders always said that they were younger and less, and they said less, they certainly did not introduce the hundred-star map to the sword demon.

When others see the ancient palace, the Lord is respectful. Even if he converges on the pressure, he still has the momentum of a superior. Who knows, the sword is always indifferent from the beginning, and has never been subjected to the ancient palace. The influence of the palace master, the sword magic even the emperor and the fairy king have seen, will not be shocked by a Taoist.

Luo Tianhao determined that the sword demon is a disciple of the ancient emperor palace, because Luo Tiancheng is in conflict with the ancient magical world and the sword magic. It is because of the things of Luo Tianhao and Luo Tiancheng that many insiders think that the sword demon is the ancient emperor. Gong disciple, but the ancient palace official knows that the sword is not a disciple of the ancient emperor.

First, the practice of sword and magic cultivation is definitely the emperor. Secondly, there is no emperor of the ancient emperor palace, because all the emperors of the ancient palace, the ancient palace palace masters have seen it, and the emperor Severe, it is just a Tianzun, compared with the ancient Emperor Palace, whether it is repairing or eyesight, it is very far.

"Lighting up a star means that one hundred percent of the feelings on the stone tablet are realized. If one hundred stars are all bright, it means that all the sentiments on the stone tablet are realized."

The ancient palace palace is simple and concise, and the lotus child does not know what he is saying. The sword demon must understand that the situation of the sword demon, he knows himself, a hundred small stars bloom, is the supreme golden dragonfly, the colorless lotus imprint and the ancient world. The result of the union of the Holy Lotus, without any of them, he could not light a hundred small stars in the hundred.

"You mean that Lian Er realized all the feelings of the twenty-three Taoists, and only spent a little more than two days."

I don't know why, the more the Lord of the Palace is the more obsessed with the sword, the more unsatisfactory the sword, the wish to fight the sword and the magic, and the swordsman again and again ask questions, not to give the face of the ancient palace, the ancient palace Just introduced the hundred-star map, the problem raised by the sword magic is to make him speechless.

A seven-eight-year-old girl spent more than two days and realized the lifeblood of twenty-three Taoist masters. Don’t say that other people don’t believe it, even the ancient emperor’s palace owner does not believe in himself. The Lord also wanted to ask how Lotus did it. Now it is not easy to ask. Lian Er is a good deceit. The sword is not good.

"In theory, this is indeed the case. It is just that the current situation is indeed a problem."

There is a problem, there is a big problem at all. However, the Lord of the Palace of the Ancient Palace has not asked anything until now, because the sword is always asking, the ancient palace is only responsible for answering and explaining. If the sword is asked again, the ancient palace owner thinks that he will never want to understand the things of the lotus and the sword.

"Little girl, I asked your question before, can you answer now?"

The ancient palace palace owner thought that he had never been so kind and good, and he was still a pair of two juniors, and he was replaced by the ancient disciples of the ancient emperor, talking to him, the tongue is afraid to be unfavorable, the sword can be good, a problem Then there is a problem, no timid.

In fact, the sword magic is not a person with a lot of words. The reason why he asks questions is because he wants to understand the meaning of the middle-aged man. Because the pressure of the ancient palace palace master is too great, he can conclude that Gudi The palace palace is stronger than the average Taoist. If the ancient palace palace owner is comfortable with him and the lotus, he must find a way to ensure the safety of the lotus.

Fortunately, the Lord of the Palace of the Ancient Palace did not have any malice against them. Finally, the sword and the devil were relieved. In the face of the strongman of the ancient palace, the sword magic is not grasped at all, even if the road will be stone carving. All sent it, no effect, stone carving will kill the gods.

"I don't know what the main stone monument is, and I don't know what it is."

Lian Er’s eyes widened and said with a delicate voice. It seemed very embarrassing. The ancient palace palace owner smiled helplessly. The lotus child should not lie. She really didn’t know what the main stone monument was. When introducing the ancient monument, Lotus did not listen at all.

"Then how did you light the stars?"

"It's very simple. I think in my heart that they are lit up, and they are lit one after another."

Rao is the main psychological quality of the ancient palace, and now it is about to collapse. The sword and the two brothers and sisters are really tears, the ancient monument, the solemn place, the Taoist stone is for future generations. The cultivation, the hundred-star map is the result of the test, but now, a little girl actually said that the little star in the heart wants to light up, which small star can light up.

The ancient palace palace owner thought that he really couldn't communicate with Lian Er, but he didn't ask Lian Er, he didn't ask anyone else, Su Yuyu, Zhong Xingba, Ning Siyu, Mu Xue, Lei Wenyuan, Yan The performances of Xingpeng, Di Yuanzhao, Zongrenfu and Guhong, although exceeded by all the expectations of the military, are completely acceptable.

Unlike the sword magic, there are a hundred small stars lit up in the rest of the time, not like the lotus, a hundred stars and then a hundred stars are all lit up, the ancient palace palace owner feels, ask again, Still can't ask for useful things. Fortunately, the Lord of the Ancient Palace Palace thought of another way. As long as it succeeds, what will be asked in the future, there is no problem.

"Sword magic is, she is your sister, is it?"

Although I don’t know what the Lord’s Palace wants to do, the Swordsman nodded. Even if the Lord’s Palace did not ask, if you ask outside, you will know the name of the Sword and the relationship between Sword and Lotus. However, there is still vigilance in the eyes of the sword demon. He cannot completely trust the ancient palace of the palace because of a few words.

"This seat wants to earn you income, be my apprentice, I don't know if you can be interested." The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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