The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 282: No one can hurt the lotus

C_t; "You are not willing to be the apprentice of this seat? Why?"

The Lord of the Ancient Palace is really not understanding why the Swordsman refused his proposal. . Update is fast. He is the master of the power of the emperor, and his disciple has countless benefits. In the middle of the sword, the Emperor Palace is fully qualified to teach him and train him.

The two elders also did not understand that Huangfu Tianzun and other warriors were even more puzzled. In the status of the ancient Emperor Palace, the master of the ancient palace, as the master of the sword, is more than enough. The sword demon refused to be the apprentice of the ancient palace, and they could not figure out how.

"Because I have a master!"

The swordsman did not lie, but hidden the truth. The demon emperor is his master, but he does not know how many years have passed since he died. The three dead masters are also his masters. Unfortunately, before he left Tianwu, the three dead masters have passed away. The three dead masters have no strong masters of the ancient palace, the sword magic does not know, anyway, the demon emperor is certainly more powerful than the ancient palace.

"What does it matter? Doesn't your Master not allow you to worship other Masters?"

It is not a rare thing for a warrior to worship a few masters. Of course, if Master rules, the disciple can only worship him as a master. Once the disciple is promised, he can no longer worship other strong men. The sword demon refused to the ancient palace, and said that he had a master. It was normal for the ancient palace to ask this question.

"Yes, Master's rules."

The sword demon can only go down the words of the ancient emperor's palace, he will not say it for the real reason. Anyway, there is a demon emperor inherited, the Lord of the Emperor's Power is a master, and for others it is a big temptation to lie. For him, it is really nothing. He refused the ancient palace, but he wanted the lotus to promise the palace of the ancient palace.

His enemies are not too small, and they are equally powerful. The latest chapter reading the full text of his current strength, self-protection is a problem, always with lotus, it is difficult to protect the future of the child will be any danger. If Lie Er is placed in the ancient palace, he can be assured that the apprentice of the ancient palace of the palace will certainly not be bullied.

"Well, little girl, would you like to worship me as a teacher?"

As the owner of the ancient palace, the sword magic will certainly not be forced. Although the sword magic is a good seed, but the ancient palace is not lacking genius, the palace owner is not a sword. In addition, the situation of Lian Er seems to be more enchanting than the sword demon. If you can accept the lotus as a disciple, the ancient palace palace must be happy.

Lotus is only seven or eight years old, and she is already a martial artist. Even the eldest son of the great emperor, Gu Hong, was only fifteen years old. After entering the ancient monument, other geniuses are all a small star followed by a small star, and the lotus is a picture of a hundred stars followed by a starry picture. There is no comparable 'sex' reads. ;

"I don't want to, because I just want to be with my big brother."

What makes the ancient palace palace depressed is that he is once again rejected. The reason given by the sword demon, the ancient palace palace master can fully accept, the reason of the lotus child, it is a bit nonsense. Is it difficult for him to tie the sword to the ancient palace, and not let the sword demon leave the ancient palace?

The two elders who were outside were changing their faces. Jian Nai Lian has refused to the ancient palace, but even they feel embarrassed, do not know what the ancient palace will think. The owner of the ancient palace may never have been so embarrassed, because the apprentice he had previously collected never refused.

"Don't make trouble, you first practice in the ancient emperor palace. As long as there is time, I will definitely come to see you. After I have enough strength, let me follow me every day?"

The sword demon does not want to worship the master of the ancient palace, but he hopes that Lier will be the apprentice of the ancient palace. In a few months, Lian Er can cultivate from an ordinary person who has not been cultivated to the heavens. Her talent will certainly not disappoint the ancient palace. The owner of the ancient palace can come in person, which is enough to show his emphasis on the lotus and the sword.

If the owner of the ancient palace is willing to support the lotus, and do the backing of the lotus, the days of the lotus in the ancient palace, certainly better, more safe than following the sword. The sword demon does not want the lotus to be in any danger, and actively persuaded the lotus child. If the lotus child promised the ancient palace, it would be a joy.

In the heart of the ancient palace, the Emperor’s palace was not depressed, and in his status, he took the initiative to collect the sword and resist the lotus. Not only did the sword and the devil refused, but Lian Er was also a reluctant appearance. Even if the swordsman was bitterly persuaded, Lian Er did not promise to be the apprentice of the ancient palace.

What is the world like?

The two elders who guarded the ancient monuments were also completely incomprehensible. The sword demon refused to tell the ancient palace, the Lord, they said, the things of the lotus, they do not want to talk. One person refused to the ancient palace, it is very interesting, two people refused to the ancient palace, it is not fun, but shame.

"Elder, let me talk about what happened inside? Is the palace owner angry?"

"What is the attitude of the sister of the sword, is it promised to the palace?"

Whether it is Huangfu Tianzun or other ancient emperor disciples, they are full of interest in the things in the ancient monument. The ancient Emperor Palace was personally accepted and rejected, and what happened next was definitely very interesting. However, they can't enter the ancient monument, they can only look at the images to guess the reads;

The two elders closed their mouths and did not answer their meaning. One person refused to the ancient palace, but he did not know how to be good. Two people refused to be the Lord of the Palace of the Ancient Emperor. If they were passed out, the Lord of the Ancient Palace may become the laughing stock of the ancient domain. Other forces dare not laugh at the ancient palace of the palace, too yin hall and the desperate building must be dare.

"Big brother, are you not wanting me?"

Lian Er’s eyes were red, and asked pitifully. The sword demon is not willing to worship the ancient palace, she certainly does not want to sit in the apprentice of the ancient palace. She thought she was not jealous. She thought she was doing something wrong. She thought that the sword did not hurt her, so she was sad, she was sad, she wanted to cry.

The Lord God Palace has lived for so many years and has never been so ruined. Lian Er did not say anything to reject the ancient palace, but her meaning is obvious. Even if the sword magic persuaded, the use is not big, perhaps the sword magic to help the lotus child to be the master, the lotus will promise to be the apprentice of the ancient palace.

However, such an apprentice is what the Lord God Palace wanted? As the Lord of the Emperor's Power, the ancient Emperor Palace will accept an apprentice, but also others to give?

Suddenly, the main body of the ancient palace was shocked because he received the voice of the emperor. Even if the emperor is not in the ancient monument, he still knows what happened in the ancient monument. In the eyes of the Lord of the Palace, the first thing is dissatisfaction, then it is stunned, and finally it is doubtful. The sword demon did not know the emperor who was sitting in the ancient palace, and gave the message to the palace owner. Others did not know.

"Where, there are too many people who want to kill me, you follow me, it is not safe."

The sword is resistant to the ‘sex’ interpretation, but unfortunately, the object is a small “female” child of seven or eight years old. He does not think that he has any reason. What Lian Er got in the Baili family was only superficial love. Only the sword magic is the real pet, and who is good to her, she knows well. She did not know the Lord of the Palace, and certainly did not want to follow the ancient palace.

"Since there are so many people who want to kill you, then you have more reason to be my apprentice, don't you?"

If the sword demon becomes the apprentice of the ancient palace, the others want to kill him and have to measure himself. The ancient emperor palace, one of the three great emperors of the ‘chaos’ ancient domain, killing the disciples of the ancient emperor’s palace, is offending the ancient palace, the same as the ancient emperor’s palace.

The words of the Great Emperor are very clear, the Lord of the Palace of the Ancient Emperor is not qualified to be the Master of Lotus. Even if you choose an apprentice between Lian Er and Jianmo, the Lord of the Ancient Palace can only choose the sword. The Lord of the Palace of the Ancients did not know if his words had any effect, and he would try again.

"Sorry, the teacher is hard to beat!"

Anyway, the demon emperor died and did not know how many years, the sword demon pushed everything to the body of the demon, no evidence of death. The sword demon is still as determined as before, and hesitated at all, but it made the old man palace brother laugh. If the sword is afraid of death, because he wants to find a backer, he worships him as a teacher, and he certainly will not appreciate the sword like this.

"That's good, the matter of collecting people, just give up."

The ancient palace of the palace gave the opportunity to the sword, the sword demon rejected his kindness, he certainly will not stalk. Being able to become the owner of the ancient palace, his talent and heart ‘sex’ are definitely the best choice. Now even if the sword is seeking to worship him as a teacher, he will not agree, but if he misses it, he will miss it.

The two elders who guarded the ancient monuments did not expect that the ancient Emperor Palace had personally received the apprentices, and as a result, none of the apprentices received them. They looked at each other and saw unbelief and incomprehension from the other's eyes. There are so many advantages to the apprentices of the ancient palace, why do the swordsmen have to refuse? Is it really because the teacher's life is hard to break?

"All the elders and disciples of the ancient palace have listened, and no one will ever hurt the sword-sister's sister in the future!"

After the ancient palace palace owner left the ancient monument, he issued such an order. Huangfu Tianzun heard it, and the disciples of the ancient emperor’s palace were heard. Soon, other elders and disciples of the ancient palace will hear it. However, the disciples and elders of the ancient emperor who were not present did not know what happened.

"The sword demon refused the palace owner. His sister promised the palace owner, so the palace owner issued such an order?"

"There is no right, the palace owner has not received the apprentice before, when did he love the apprentice so much?"

"Maybe because the age of the Sword Devil is too small, he is not worried about the Sword Demon sister."

The disciples of the ancient emperors in the scene have said their own speculations. One thing is the same. They all think that Lian Er is already an apprentice of the ancient palace. Only two elders understood that Lian Er did not have the apprentice of the ancient palace. Then, what is the meaning of the order issued by the ancient palace president?

"Who is the sister of Sword Devil? Why can't we hurt her?"

The disciples and elders of the ancient emperor who were not present, many of them had no impression of the sister of the sword demon. If the swordsman is too eye-catching in the battle of the day, they don’t even know who the sword is.


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