The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 283: Who is the best?

C_t; The command of the palace master caused a sensation in the palace of the ancient emperor. The latest chapter full-text reading access:. Sword Devil's sister, many people have not seen it, they really do not know why the palace owner does not allow others to hurt her. What's more, they have not encountered similar things, let alone the apprentice of the palace, even the emperor's parents, there is no such treatment.

Gu Hong’s identity is high, but the Lord of the Ancient Palace has never given orders to allow others to harm him. The great emperor who sits in the ancient palace of the ancients certainly does not want Gu Hong to become the ‘flower’ of the greenhouse. Of course, the warriors of the ancient imperial palace certainly did not dare to kill Gu Hong, because the emperor resorted to the sky, once the emperor found the murderer, the consequences were unimaginable.

The two elders who guarded the ancient palace were even more incomprehensible. They knew that Lian Er was not the apprentice of the ancient palace. It is reasonable to say that the ancient palace should not like the lotus and the sword. However, the order issued by the ancient palace of the palace was to protect the lotus.

They did not know, in fact, the ancient palace of the palace also did not understand, why not allow the elders and disciples of the ancient palace to hurt the lotus. The order was issued by the ancient palace palace, and the person who can issue the order is the great emperor who sits in the ancient palace. The ancient palace may not give the elders a face, or even give the elders a face, but he does not dare not give the face of the emperor.

Because of the things of the lotus, people who did not pay attention to the ancient monuments could not help but rushed over. Some of them are interested in Lotus, and some are interested in the children of the elders. Anyway, an order from the ancient palace of the palace, makes the lotus more famous than the sword.

"What do you say? The palace mainly accepts swordsmen as disciples, but the swordsmen refused?"

It was only a day's time, and the things of the ancient palace and the swordsman were spread. Originally, one elder wanted to take the sword as a disciple, but the swordsman did not do even the apprentices of the palace, and certainly would not be their apprentice. They want to take the sword as a disciple, it is estimated that it is impossible.

The status of the palace is higher than those of the elders, and the strength is stronger than those of the elders. He can give more to the swords than those elders. Even the Lord of the Palace couldn't take the swordsman as a disciple. They really couldn't convince the swordsmen. In the three rounds of battles in the sky, they can see that the swordsmen are a good seed, but they can't cultivate their own readings.

For three days, for Huangfu Tianzun, the blink of an eye will pass. The top ten of the ancient palace will compete for the top ten, and the rewards are now exhausted. The disciples of the ancient emperors in the field began to compare the performance of the top ten, to see their understanding of 'sexuality', who is better. [There are almost all books that I want to read. I have to be more stable than the average station. It is faster and faster. There is no advertisement for the whole text. ]

There are a total of four people who choose the Stone Tablet of the Holy King, namely Zhong Xing Pa, Ning Si Yu, Mu Xue and Xing Xing Peng. In three days, the 阮 蓬 蓬 lit up ten small stars, which is equivalent to knowing a piece of the sacred stone monument. The sorrow of the singer’s ‘sex’ is not as strong as the average disciple of the ancient emperor.

It is a pity that the opponents of Xing Xing Peng are not only bad, but stronger. In three days, Zhong Xingba and Ning Siyu have lighted fifteen small stars, which is half of the Wuwang stone monument. The most powerful one is Mu Xue, because Mu Xue has already lit 30 small stars, which means that he has realized 30% of the holy stone.

There are three people who choose Daojun Stone Monument, namely Di Yuanzhao, Zong Renfu and Lei Wenyuan. In three days, Zongrenfu lit up six small stars, and realized that six percent of the Daojun stone monument. Di Yuanzhao lit up eight small stars, and realized that eight percent of the Daojun stone monument. The performance of the two of them has been very eye-catching in the past.

However, there is now one that is better and more outstanding than Di Yuanzhao and Zongrenfu. Yes, he is Lei Wenyuan. In the previous two days, Lei Wenyuan's performance was better than Di Yuanzhao and Zongrenfu, but the gap was not big. On the third day, Lei Wenyuan seemed to have suddenly opened up, and the speed of enlightenment of Daojun Stone was greatly increased.

Lei Wenyuan has already lit 30 small stars, just like Mu Xue, but Mu Xue is enlightened by the holy king stone monument, and he is enlightened by the Daojun stone monument. The same is the Dao Jun, there is a difference in the realm, and Lei Wenyuan chose to be the peak. In three days, he realized that 30% of the peak of the stone road, he is not as good as the disciples of the ancient Emperor.

Even the disciples of the ancient emperor who witnessed all the process with their own eyes felt incredible. Fortunately, there are two enchanting lions and swordsmen. They have already been shocked to numbness. The performance of Lei Wenyuan is not unacceptable. Their psychological endurance has been greatly enhanced by the lotus and the sword.

The choice of the main stone monument is the remaining three, Su Yuyu, Gu Hong and Jianmo. In three days, Gu Hong lit up ten small stars, which is equivalent to realizing the 10% of the Taoist stone monument. It is worthy of being the father and son of the emperor. It is really scary to realize that the 'sexuality' is high. That is the Taoist stone monument. It is definitely not the stone of the holy king and the stone of the king.

However, Su Yuyu’s understanding of 'sexuality' is stronger, because Su Yuyu lit up fifteen small stars readings; At the beginning, the gap between Gu Hong and Su Yuyu was not large, but the later the gap, the bigger the gap. Su Yuyu’s ‘sex’ is much better than Gu Hong’s, because his little star is half brighter than Gu Hong.

In just three days, I realized that I had half of the Taoist stone monument. If you didn’t see it with your own eyes, the disciples of the ancient emperor who were present could not believe it. Su Yuyu, one of the nine great heavens, is even higher than the ‘sex’ of the emperor’s parents. I don’t know who Su Shiyu and Gu Hong are now, who is even more powerful?

"If it is not for breaking through the realm, I can certainly understand more."

The realm of Gu Hong was originally close to the peak of the heavens, and there was a help from the source of the array. Now he can become a martial artist in the sky. It’s just that he is not qualified to compete for the top five in the middle of the day, but now it’s totally different.

In terms of realm, Gu Hong has not suffered from losses. Because he can participate in the battle for the Tianbang list, the highest level can only be the peak of the sky. His goal is definitely not the top five, but the first. Only when he won the first place in the "chaos" of the ancient domain, he only had a face to see him.

There are three people who clearly chose the Taoist stone tablet. However, the disciples of the ancient emperor who were present only compared Gu Hong and Su Yuyu, and did not count the sword magic. It is not that they look down on the swordsmen, nor do they have opinions about the swordsmen, but the situation of the swordsmen. It is too special and there is no way to compare them.

In the breath, the sword demon illuminates a hundred small stars, letting the hundred-star figure over the tombstone of the martial art lord completely shine. However, next, he did not have any performance. He did not enlighten other stone monuments, no matter whether it was the Taoist stone monument or the holy king stone monument, he did not choose.

It was Lotus, who chose a piece of stone and a stone monument. The lighted star map that she lit up was already thirty-five. Mu Xue and Lei Wenyuan are only 30 stars, which is already more than others. However, the number of small stars they lit up, there is not a large number of stars in the lotus light, too hit people.

"To understand the ‘sex’ who is the best, I think it’s Su Yuyu. After all, he chose the Taoist stone.”

"I think it is Le Wenyuan, because Lei Wenyuan chose the peak of the stone, but it is not bad, and he lights up thirty small stars."

"In any case, whether you feel that there is a problem with the stone monument, I feel that the stone monument is no problem. Then, the best thing about ‘sexuality’ is obviously the sword magic.”

"As you said, the best thing about ‘sex’ should be that the sword and the magic sister are right. Didn’t you see how many hundred stars she lit up?”

When guarding the two elders in the ancient monument, they will release Su Yuyu, Zhong Xingba, Ningsiyu, Muxue, Xingxingpeng, Jianmo, Diyuanzhao, Zongrenfu, Guhong and Lianer. They heard the arguments of the disciples of the ancient emperors. Three days of cultivation in the ancient monument, it is obviously a reward, and the disciples present are still regarded as a comparison.

When it comes to who understands the best problem of 'sexuality', there is support for Su Yuyu, support for Lei Wenyuan, and support for the sword magic, and even support for the lotus. The best result of choosing the holy stone monument is Mu Xue. Unfortunately, the number of small stars lit by Mu Xue is as much as that of Lei Wenyuan. So Mu Xue’s understanding of 'sex' is definitely not as good as Lei Wenyuan.

Mu Xue is better than Zhong Xingba, Ning Siyu, and Xing Xing Peng's understanding of 'sex', and Le Wenyuan is better than Di Yuanzhao and Zongren Fuwu's 'sexuality'. As a result, they have the most 'sexual' of the seven people. The good thing is Lei Wenyuan. The number of small stars lit up by Su Yuyu is much higher than that of Gu Hong, and his understanding of 'sexuality' is naturally better than that of ancient Hong.

As a result, among the nine people, the real controversy is Lei Wenyuan and Su Yuyu. The remaining two are the sword-resistant brothers and sisters, and others do not know how to evaluate them. Therefore, there is a dispute, and their four ‘sexual’ is really not good or bad.

"The sword magic lighted a picture of a hundred stars. His sister lit up thirty-five hundred star maps. Are they two ‘sexual' and there is comparable ‘sex’?”

Some people have raised objections. Even if there is a problem with the Hundred Stars chart, the lotuses that light up the thirty-five hundred star maps will be better than the swordsmen. They obviously divided the eleven people who entered the ancient monument into four groups, Zhong Xingba, Ningsiyu, Xingxingpeng and Muxue, Dingyuanzhao, Zongrenfu and Leiwenyuan, Su Yuyu. A group of Gu Hong, a group of sword-resistant lotus.

"No, the sword demon can light up a star map in the rest of the breath, but he did not enlighten other stone monuments, or else he would light a hundred stars, certainly more than his sister."

From beginning to end, the swordsman has only one performance, and he is practicing at other times. He is acquainted with the truth of greed, and he understands that he has the sentiment of the Emperor and the sentiment of the Three Masters. He has absorbed the sentiment of the Demon Swordmaster. He is content, and no need to absorb other sentiments.

Fortunately, Emperor Tian pays off, and in three days, with the help of the source matrix method and those Lingshi, he finally upgraded to the end of the heavens. With his current cultivation, if he plays with Luo Tianhao again, he can easily defeat Luo Tianhao. The improvement of a small realm brings about a tremendous increase in combat power.

"What do you mean by vying for it? It’s meaningful to compete in the first place, isn’t it?”


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