The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 284: Virgin Yin Qing

C_t; In the first three rounds of the battle of the ancient squad of the riots, there are three battlefields, namely the ancient imperial palace, the Tai’s yin hall, and the life-stricken building. [Update fast, website page is refreshing, advertising is less, most like this website, must be praised], the latest chapter visit:. The first three rounds of the ancient palace have ended. Too much yin and the death-stricken building will certainly not be inked. The top ten of the yin’s temple will be screened out in the top ten of the list and the top ten of the squad.

In the top ten of the ancient palace, there are only two ‘female’ sons, Ning Siyu and Mu Xue, and the other eight are men. The top ten differences in the yin hall are seven ‘female’ children, and the remaining three are men. Originally, the most powerful young disciple of the ancient palace was Su Suyu, but now that Gu Hong has broken through to the peak of the heavens, they are barely weak, still unknown.

Too ‘Yin’ is the most powerful of the top ten in the list. It must be the ‘female’ Yin Qingyi. In the first two rounds of fighting, the ‘Yin’ Hall and the Ancient Emperor’s Palace are definitely different. The third round of fighting is the same. Like Su Yuyu, Yin Qingyi is a defeated enemy and never made a second move.

Today, the ancient emperor palace has a Guhong, so that others have doubts about Su Yuyu. In the past, Su Yuyu was the first of the nine great heavens, and the first person below the ancient king of the palace. However, after the great emperor Gu Hong and Su Yuyu had a realm, some people thought that Gu Hong was better than others. Who made Gu Hong the birth son of the emperor.

Yin Qingyi is different. In the past, she was the first person below the ‘Yin’ Hall of Heaven. Now she is still. Too yin's top ten, the strength is very strong, but no one has the ability to defeat Yin Qingyi. Just relying on talent and ‘sexuality’, just want to be a sacred woman, certainly not. She can become a sacred woman, mainly because her father is the great emperor.

The emperor who sits in the town of Taiyin is the singer of Yin Qingyi. Her position is no worse than Gu Hong’s in the ancient palace. Whether it is the elders of the too yin hall, or the disciples of the too yin hall, they are waiting for Yin Qingyi to win the first place in the battle. Su Yuyu of the ancient palace is very powerful, but they believe Yin Qingyi more, and then, Yin Qingyi is their own.

Too yin is the place where the temple is located. The yin is very heavy and suitable for the martial arts practice of the yin hall. For a long time, too yin's halls are yin yang, and ‘female’ is more powerful than men. Too ‘Yin’ is a different force in the “chaotic” ancient domain, because the ‘female’ son dominates, unlike the ancient imperial palace and the desperate building, all men dominate.

"Sister, you think that this day will compete for the top ten in the battle. Can we occupy a few places in the yin hall?"

Fan Dongmei stood behind Yin Qingyi and asked carefully, for fear of causing Yin Qingyi's unhappiness. [Look at the latest chapter of the book, please go to] the ‘female’ that the elders love, and the yin’s yin’s top ten will compete for the top ten, and only the peak of the sky will be able to counter the warriors in the late kings. Even so, Fan Dongmei was whispered in front of Yin Qingyi.

Whether it is status or genius, Fan Dongmei is not as good as Yin Qingyi. In front of others, Fan Dongmei can be proud, can be high-spirited, in front of Yin Qingyi, she must lower her posture. She is a wise man. She can offend the other eight people in the top ten of the yin. Only Yin Qing can't.

"I only need to be first, other things, nothing to do with me."

Is Yin Qingzhen confident? confidence!

Is Yin Qingyi proud? proud!

Is Yin Qing arrogant? Mania!

But she is too ‘Yin’, the holy ‘female’, she is the ‘female’ of the great emperor, she is the first person below the yin’s king. If she is not prepared to take the first place, then, too, the yin’s heaven will be in the top ten, and no one can take the first. Too yin and the ancient palaces and the desperate buildings are the emperor's forces. Why can't the yin hall win the championship?

Her words are very direct, the meaning is obvious, she is just a person, won the first, just a quota. Too yin hall can not take other places, not that she can decide, but rely on the other priests of the yin hall to fight for themselves. Fan Dongmei did not, Yin Qingyi can respond to her a sentence, already gave her face.

"I understand."

Fan Dongmei did not continue to ask questions, and did not ask other questions. If Yin Qingyu was impatient, who knows if Yin Qingyi would annoy her. Anyway, the younger generation of the yin yin, the most incomprehensible person, is Yin Qingyi, who gives her high status, great background, and good talents?

Other disciples of the yin yin are talking and laughing, but they have opened the distance from Yin Qingyi. When Fan Dongmei asked Yin Qingyi, they all erected their ears and wanted to listen to them. Yin Qingxi’s answer was in their expectation that they were not angry and not qualified.

The two elders who were headed at each other looked at each other and laughed. Yin Qingyi is very cold even when she talks to them, just good education, so that she can remain respectful. They are elders, and the realm is much higher than Yin Qingyi. Of course, Yin Qingyi will not embarrass them.

The fourth round of fighting is not in the ancient palace, not too yin, not in the life building, but in the ancient city. Just let Yin Qingyi and other ten young disciples go to Taikoo City, certainly not assured, two elders escort, their safety is guaranteed. In addition to the two elders who are heads, there are eight Tianzun.

Why is it a god, not a holy king? Because the eight heavenly confessions are white, it is to be a nanny, the realm of the holy king is higher, they have the right to not come. If ten young disciples don't understand anything, they are responsible for pointing. If ten young disciples are uncomfortable, they will take care of them.

The most important thing is that they need to chase the chariots. From the Taiyin Hall to the Taikoo City, there is a transmission ‘door’, but still need to catch a road. Ten young disciples have a low realm and the speed of driving is too slow. The two elders are too high. They are all coming to be uncles. Only eight Tianzuns have worked tirelessly and dare not resign.

Their chariots are run by eight horses. If the gods are driving the chariots, they can make the chariots faster. Imagine that they are sacred, and they are still too yin, and they are responsible for driving, which is really wrong. It’s just that there are orders, they have to, from course, wait for the day to end the battle, they must be rewarded.

The ancient emperor's palace eight men and two ‘female’, too ‘yin’ temple three men and seven ‘women’, the life building is seven men and three women. Too yin's temple is approaching Taikoo City, and the desperate building will certainly not be honed. However, the two elders in the life-stricken building had a headache. There were only nine young disciples who followed them, and one did not know where to go.

"Is the ghost brother still performing the task? Who is going to kill?"

"If the ghost brother does not come, isn't that the first hand to give someone?"

The ghost brothers they said were the first people under the king of the life building. The ghost brothers are the strongest of the ten of them, and they all agree with each other. In the third round of fighting, Su Yuyu and Yin Qingyi performed very badly. They were defeated by one enemy, but the ghost brothers were even more powerful because he did not have a single move.

"Whoever dares to do it with me, I will kill anyone!"

At that time, the ghost brother said that, in this case, it would be better than any martial arts. All who confess with him, without exception, all concede. He was killed from the heap of dead people, and the number of warriors who died in his hands could not count. He said that he wants to kill, no one doubts, so his opponent can only admit defeat.

Don't look at the ghost brothers, only the heavens will peak, but the kings who killed him are far more than one. Of course, he relies on assassinations. As a killer, he will not be stupidly fighting against others. Even if his opponent is not as good as him, he will still sneak and kill him.

"Without the ghost brother, who can we beat Su Yuyu? Who can win Yin Qingyi?"

It’s not that they have the ambition of others to destroy their own prestige, but that Su Yuyu and Yin Qingyi have long been famous. The power of Su Yuyu and Yin Qingyi is definitely not based on others’ bragging, but in a battle. Among them, no one is not acquainted with Su Yuyu and Yin Qingyu, but they can't beat it.

They can stand out from the millions of warriors, whether it is talent or strength, certainly not bad. Even so, they are not the opponents of Su Yuyu and Yin Qingyi, and they will be replaced by the general Tianfeng. In their view, only the ghost brothers who can defeat Su Yuyu and Yin Qingxi.

"Don't be arrogant, the boy will definitely be there."

One of the elders said with a smile, he was watching the kid grow up, and the understanding of the kid must be far better than others. The confrontation of Taikoo Shing, the kid will definitely not miss it, whether it is Su Yuyu or Yin Qingyi, it is worthy of the serious opponent of that kid.

Those young disciples firmly believe that the ghost brother can take the first place, but he does not believe that the boy has the possibility of becoming the first at most, not that the first is definitely his. Because of this, the kid will definitely go to Taikoo Shing, a challenging thing, the kid will not miss it. As for what the kid did, he didn't know and didn't want to know.

"The elders said that the ghost brothers are very different. He promised to participate in the fourth round of fighting, so he certainly will not go."

Obviously, the ghost brothers have a great reputation in the younger generation. The young disciples who can become the top ten in the life of the building, which one is not arrogant, but they serve the ghost brother, not only the mouth, but also the heart. Who has let the ghost brothers have not failed a mission until now.

Too yin and the top ten of the desperate building are already on the way to Taikoo Shing, and the top ten of the ancient palace will certainly not fall behind. The lineup of the ancient emperor palace, the Tai'yin temple and the life-stricken building is like a good discussion. They are two elders, eight Tianzun, ten young disciples, but there is a little 'female in the ancient palace. 'Child, it is the lotus.

No way, Lian Er must follow the sword magic, the sword devil worried about the accident of the lotus, will definitely bring the lotus. Although some people objected, but the order of the palace owner, no one dared to hurt the lotus, then they had to close one eye. Anyway, the lotus is followed, and nothing will happen. She is still small, and it is impossible to make trouble, even though she has made a lot of noise in the ancient monument.

The ancient emperor palace, the Tai’s yin hall and other disciples of the life-stricken building, who want to watch the fourth round of fighting, can only go to Taikoo City by themselves. Other forces have also traveled to Taikoo Shing, and once in a hundred years, the battle will be on the list. How can they miss it?


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