The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 291: Long hate knife

C_t; Di Yuanzhao, Xiahou Temple, Nangong Tianjiao are not disciples of the emperor's forces. However, even the disciples of the emperor's forces have to admit their power. [There are almost all the books I want to read. It is much more stable than the average station. There is no advertisement for the whole text. ]. Update is fast. Those who are so proud of Yuanhua Xin admit that they have the qualification to fight with him. Of course, Yuan Huaxin can't continue to be proud now, because he was eliminated in the third round of fighting and could not participate in the fourth round of fighting.

"Who is that young man? The nine great angels of the ancient imperial palace, there is no such number one. Is he new to rise?"

"You haven't seen the front three battles of the ancient emperor's palace? Even the swordsmen don't know, but he is the only peerless genius reading that passes the first three rounds of battle in the middle of the sky;!"

"Luo Tianhao, one of the nine great kings of the ancient emperor's palace, you must have heard of it, right? But Luo Tianhao, who is at the peak of the day, died in the hands of the swordsman in the middle of the sky."

The first three rounds of the battle for Tianbang were held in the ancient palace, the Tai’s yin hall and the life-stricken building. Those who pay attention to the three rounds of battle in front of the ancient imperial palace must know the swordsman, because the swordsman has smashed the big name. The first round of fighting, winning in one fell swoop, shocked countless eyeballs. The second round of the battle passed smoothly. The third round of fighting, even killed one of the nine great Tian Luo Tianhao.

The nine days of the ancient emperor's palace will lose four, and only one of them will die. Yuanhuaxin, Xingyuan and Mei Jianying will only be defeated. Only Luo Tianhao will die on the duel. It’s hard to be famous. However, other disciples who are concerned about the yin hall and the three rounds of fighting in front of the desperate building do not know who the sword is.

"You mean, that kid is only in the middle of the day?"

"What kind of jokes? How could it be possible to play Xiahou in the middle of the day?"

People who don't know the swordsman always think that others are bragging. Three people become tigers, maybe the swordsmen are not so powerful, but the passers-by are becoming outrageous. They didn't believe that the warriors in the middle of the day could play Xiahou, and they were familiar with Xiahou's warriors, knowing how much Xiahou was so powerful.

Xia Houyi’s performance in the first three rounds of fighting was very powerful. Even many disciples of the emperor’s powers sighed. If the book network wants the group of people to believe that the sword magic is enough to compete with Xia Houzhen, isn’t it that they are not as good as swordsmen? How can they accept a medium-term warrior who is not as good as a day?

"Don't believe it, just wait and see the show."

The disciples of the ancient palace were full of confidence in the sword, and Luo Tianhao was so powerful that they knew clearly. However, the swordsman's swordsmanship was last, and even the scary, even Luo Tianhao, was hit hard by him. Xiahou Yu and Di Yuanzhao are the same, and they want to come to Di Yuanzhao, it should be half a catty.

"Hello, you are born, don't know which power from?"

Xia Houzhen had some understanding of the mighty characters of the ancient palace, but he did not know the swordsman and had no impression at all. When the first three rounds of fighting ended, they rushed to Taikoo City without stopping. Xia Houxuan’s understanding of the ancient emperor’s palace still stayed in the sky before the battle for the top of the list.

"Jianzong, swordsman!"

In the past, no one asked which force the sword demon came from, so he did not say it. Today, Xia Houzhen asked, he said it. Anyway, he did not intend to lie, posing as a disciple of the ancient emperor, he was not interested. One stone 'excited' a thousand layers of 'waves', his words are obviously to make Taikoo City lively.

"He is not a disciple of our ancient emperor palace? How is it possible? How did he get into the ancient source world?"

"What is the power of the sword? Where is it? How have I never heard it?"

The disciples of the ancient emperor were all a stunned look. They thought that the swordsmen were their brothers. Of course, smart people are not without. Someone used to doubt the identity of the sword demon. A genius like the sword magic, if it is a disciple of the ancient emperor, is unlikely to be silent.

Di Yuanzhao stunned. If he knew that the sword demon was not a disciple of the ancient emperor, he would not have to entangle for so long. He wants to kill the sword, but he dare not start, because he is afraid of the ancient palace, but he did not expect that the sword is not a disciple of the ancient palace. What kind of power is the sword demon? He simply does not know, is there such a power in the 'chaos' ancient domain?

"Xiahoujia, Xiahou垣!"

Xia Houzhen also thought that the sword demon was a disciple of the ancient emperor, but he did not expect to come from a force he had not heard of. He did not have such a small sword, because the sword can become the top ten, the strength is certainly not weak. If he loses to the swordsman, would he not regret it?

"It turned out that it was not a disciple of the ancient emperor palace. How did he kill Luo Tianhao in the middle of the day? Can you blow it too?"

Too yin hall and disciple of the life-stricken building are incomparably contemptuous of the disciples of the ancient emperor. If the sword demon is a disciple of the ancient emperor, practicing the emperor, there is a guide from the Tao, practicing the martial arts of the heavenly martial arts, and ‘handing’ with Xiahou’s, he has a little chance of winning. The disciples of the ancient emperor did not refute, because the swordsmen are not their brothers, they do not need to speak for the swords.

"Long hate knife!"

Xia Houzhen is a knife repairer, and he is good at the Xiahou family's famous long hate knife. It is said that there are a total of seven heavy hate knives. Heavenly martial arts can cultivate the first heavy hate knife. The king of heavenly martial arts can cultivate the second heavy weight of the long hate knife. The Tianjun martial arts can cultivate the long hate knife method. The third weight, and so on, the Taoist just cultivated the seventh heavy of the long hate knife.

However, it is clear that Xia Houyi, who is only the peak of the sky, has cultivated the long hate knife method to the second place. Even if it is part of the Xiahou family, the king of the kings is not as good as himself. He didn't look down on the swordsman, so he used the long hate knife when he came up, of course, the first.

"The swordsman has lost, Xia Houzhen uses the long hate knife method, obviously does not intend to accompany him to play, want to solve the battle as soon as possible."

"The ancient emperor's palace eliminated the first place, and it will be able to eliminate the second place. That kid is definitely not the opponent of Xiahou. I am going to end it. I want to see a more perfect match."

Even Zhong Xingba, Zongrenfu, Ningsiyu and Muxue were silent. Long hate knife, they have of course heard that Xia Houyi relies on the long hate knife method, the victorious disciples of the victorious powers are not in the minority. Even they are not absolutely sure to defeat Xiahou. Of course, they definitely think that their odds are bigger than Xiahou.

Long hate knife, as if there is an endless force, each knife has the power to break the mountains. Xiahou’s hatred of his face is like standing on the opposite side of the sword, and he has a deep hatred and hatred, killing the father’s hatred and taking hate of his wife. Only in this way can he show the power of the first hate knife.

Hate, can also be used to attack, use hate to provoke the knife, but also let the long hate knife have a forefront, not afraid of death, there is no me, I have no you, not you are dead or me Die. Xia Houyi is obviously the first true biography of the long hate knife, otherwise he can't cultivate the second key to the long hate knife.

"Under my long hate knife, don't lose face!"

Xiahou Temple is already a winner, and the swordsman is not only a disciple of the ancient emperor, but also not a martial artist. There are very few people in the same world who can defeat him, not to mention a lower than his realm. If he lost to the sword, how can he go back to Xiahou?

The sword did not pull the sword, not even shot, but constantly retreated. The long hate knife is fierce, and Xia Houyi’s knife speed is very fast, but the speed of the sword devil is faster. The swordsman's eyes are staring at Xiahou, and want to find out the flaws of the long hate knife.

"The long-awaited loss will not be lost. I didn't expect that the kid has no courage to pull the sword. It is really a boring battle."

"Sword magic, you quickly admit defeat, anyway, you can't beat Xiahou, why should you stand on it and shame?"

Most people think that the swordsman will be defeated, Xiahou will win, and now the performance of the two men on the platform makes them believe in their own ideas. Xia Houqi attacked fiercely, with one knife and one knife. He did not know how many old trees were cut and how many mountains were opened. The swordsman can only continually retreat, and there is no chance to even get out of the sword. At least they think so.

Too yin, the ancient emperor's palace, the elders of the desperate building, did not say anything, because they saw the problem. Xia Houyi’s long hate knife method is powerful, but until now, he did not touch the sword magic. At the beginning, the swordsman was still very embarrassed. On several occasions, he and Xiahou’s knife passed by, and the danger was dangerous.

As time goes by, the sword demon becomes more and more relaxed, as if it has been calculated that Xia Houyi’s next knife will attack. The sword demon is avoiding the fake, but the evasiveness is more than enough. Xia Houzhen is attacking without falsehood, but the attack has no rules. Long time to attack, Xia Houyi has been from the 'chaos' position, his heart is 'chaotic', so the knife is more chaotic.

Xiahou Temple is the peerless genius of the Xiahou family. However, in front of everyone, dealing with a young man who is lower than his realm has no effect. If this thing spreads out, how can someone laugh at him? Said that his knife method did not cultivate home, or that the Xiahou family’s long hate knife has a false name?

"This is the time!"

The grasp of the timing of the sword and the control of the rhythm is certainly not comparable to Xiahou. Originally, although Xiahou’s long hate knife method has flaws, it is harmless and elegant. Even if the swordsman attacked the long-scoring knife, the flaws were caused by Xiahou’s busyness and chaos. Big.

But now it is different, Xia Houyi's heart is 'chaotic', so ‘show’ has a fatal flaw. How sinister the eyes of the sword demon, naturally will not let such a great opportunity. He even retired two steps, suddenly pulled out the man Wang Jian, a sword stabbed, not any swordsmanship, but with unparalleled power.


Just a sword, it is to break the long hate knife. The man Wang Jian was stabbed in Xiahou's left shoulder, and the 'hole' wore Xiahou's body. If the sword is a killer, Xiahou is now a dead person.

If you don’t pull the sword, you will be shocked!

Outside the ancient battlefield, one of the warriors had widened their eyes. They didn’t know what was going on, and the swordsman defeated Xiahou. The moment before, Xia Houzhen was still attacking, and the swordsman could only dodge hard. How did the next moment, the man Wang Jian penetrated Xiahou's shoulder?


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