The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 292: Ao Long

C_t; "Under my man, Wang Jian, don't lose face!"

Xia Houyi’s words were changed by the sword and he was given back. []. More recent chapter visits: ww. He is proud of the long hate knife, not only failed to defeat the sword magic, but was broken by a sword and a sword. The pain at the shoulder is completely negligible compared to the shame that the swordsman brought him. The man Wang Jian broke, not only his knife, but also broke his martial arts heart.

The long hate knife method is the famous knife method of the Xiahou family. Xiahou Temple is also the peerless genius of the Xiahou family. He casts a long hate knife method, and there are few rivals in the same territory. But now, he actually lost to a young warrior who is lower than his realm. The reality is cruel, whether he can accept it or not, losing to the sword is a fact.

If the sword is not under the sword, Xia Houyu is now a dead body. The most unacceptable thing for Xiahou Temple is that from the beginning to the end, the sword magic only has a sword. Since the sword magic can defeat him with a sword, what did the previous swordsman have been avoiding, deliberately humiliating him?

Recalling the previous arrogance, Xiahou's face 'color' is a burst of white. Before the fourth round of combat, he was ambitious and wanted to be the top ten, even the top five, in the battle for the Tianbang. But now, a warrior with a lower realm than him can hurt him with a sword. Can it be said that his strength is really not comparable to those geniuses in front?

"What is the situation? Is Xia Houzhen deliberate? Or how can Xia Houzhen lose so quickly?"

Not to mention the warriors outside the ancient battlefield can't believe that even the other geniuses in the ancient battlefield felt incredible. Su Yuyu and Gu Hong defeated their opponents. The former is the first of the nine great angels of the ancient emperor palace. The fame is very early, and the latter is the great family. Too yin hall and disciple of the life-stricken building all feel that Su Yuyu and Gu Hong are the two most powerful two in the ancient palace.

Who knows, and now he has one more, and a sword defeated Xiahou. We must know that the strength of Xiahou Yu is stronger than that of Su Yuyu and Gu Hong. The most important thing is that the swordsman is not the peak of the sky, the previous one, the violent ‘show’ the repair of the sword.

"When did he break through? Is it in the ancient monument?"

Gu Hong relied on the method of gathering source to break through to the peak of the heavens. The sword demon can rely on the method of gathering source to break through to the later stage of the heavens. It is not something that cannot be accepted. However, those who have some understanding of the sword magic do not think that the sword magic breakthrough is a good thing. Gu Hong broke through it because he had already been a late warrior. [Update fast, website page is refreshing, advertising is small, and most like this website, must be praised]

When the sword demon arrived at the ancient palace, it was only the peak of the heavenly dynasty. The cultivation of the ancient source made him break through to the early days of the heavens. The battle on the Beast Island allowed him to break through to the middle of the sky. The cultivation of the ancient monuments allowed him to break through to the end of the heavens. I have to say that the speed of his breakthrough is a bit faster.

"A breakthrough in such an eagerness will definitely lead to an unstable state, a primal foundation, and limited achievements in the future."

Di Yuanzhao sneered, and the breakthrough of the sword magic gave people a feeling of eagerness to seek success, and did not thoroughly understand every small realm. He believes that even if the current swordsman is dazzling, he will definitely suffer a big loss when he waits. The talent of the sword demon is good, but the foundation is illusory and will not be qualified to be his opponent in the future.

Being able to defeat Xiahou Temple, and Xiahou Temple, which was solved by a sword, Di Yuanzhao had to pay attention to the sword. Di Yuanzhao suddenly changed his mind and killed the sword, it didn't mean anything. If the swordsman is alive, and when they become the sacred kings of Tianzun, the evils of the swordsman's roots are not exposed, and they must not be compared with them. Isn't it a big heart?

"If I were to encounter the sword magic, I would defeat him, step on my feet, and humiliate it!"

It is one thing not to kill the sword, and Di Yuanzhao still wants to humiliate the sword. Of course, in the fourth round of combat, it is a problem to encounter the sword. Anyway, the first match, the sword's opponent is Xiahou, not Di Yuanzhao. The sword demon has already won, and the second game has nothing to do with him. He will play again in the third game.

Originally thought that there was no suspense in the battle, but because of the sword of the sword, I was shocked by the countless warriors. Some people even regret the intestines, because they feel boring, so they did not see how the swordsman broke the long hate knife, how to defeat Xiahou. Of course, there are warriors who are always staring at Jian Nai Hou Hou, and they have not seen what happened.

Next, it was the test of No. 9 and No. 22. Until now, the ancient emperor only eliminated one young disciple, and was eliminated by the disciples of the ancient emperor. The ancient demon always pouted, obviously very happy, too, the yin hall and the elders of the desperate building could not wait to smash his mouth, but they did not have the ability.

"Ghost is coming, he is number ten!"

Su Yuyu, who is known as the strongest in the ancient palace, has already shot. Now it is the turn of the most powerful ghost in the life-stricken building. Many people are excited. Ghosts can be said to be more legendary than Su Yuyu and Yin Qingyi, because he is rising from the bottom, without background, relying on his own ability.

The ghost's opponent is a young male disciple who is too yin. The younger generation circulated a word that would rather provoke the eyes of the prince, not to provoke the ghosts, and the horror of the ghosts. It is better to provoke Su Yuyu or to provoke Yin Qingyi than to provoke a ghost, because the ghost itself is a kill, and very vengeful.

Because of the experience of childhood, let the ghosts feel that only dead people are the safest. As long as it is his enemy, if he is capable, he will try to kill him. If he is incapable, he will hide and prevent his enemies from finding him. When his strength is strong enough, he will kill the enemy.

"Ghost brother, please also show your mercy."

The dynasty of the yin dynasty said that the disciples of the dynasty of the dynasty said respectfully, representing the face of the yin hall, he must not admit defeat. However, he understands that he is definitely not a ghost opponent, so he is very polite. Who knows what the consequences will be if the ‘Aggressive’ is angry. That's right, now the ghost will not want his life, but what about it?


What makes the 21st happy is that the ghost nodded. However, before he said the second sentence, the ghost disappeared into his eyes. The ghost is stronger than the 21st, and the strong is not a star and a half. Even so, the ghost has no idea of ​​a positive confrontation.

As a martial artist who has been in the sky, he has already mastered the ninth will in the 21st, but he has not waited for him to explore, he has seen the ghost. It wasn't his eyes that were so powerful, but the hand of the ghost, who had pinched his neck. As long as the ghost is a little hard, he can break his neck.

The young warriors outside the ancient battlefield still want to see the ghosts come to the fore. Who knows, the battle is so easy to end, there is no movement. In their eyes, the ghost came to walk freely to the 21st, pinching his neck. It’s not like fighting at all, but like acting, a previously arranged play.

On the 11th is the ancient emperor's disciple Ning Siyu, her opponent is a killer of the life-stricken building. Ning Siyu's strength is not bad, the ancient emperor's palace nine days will be her in the forefront. Unfortunately, she lost to the No. 20, a ‘female’ killer in the desperate building. Like Ning Siyu, she is also the peak of the sky.

Xing Xing Peng was the first disciple of the ancient emperor, and Ning Siyu was the second. Ning Siyu's means is not bad, so that within her 100 meters, it has been a light rain. Once the killer of the desperate building enters her 100 meters, she must be aware of the reads; Who knows, her opponent actually got out of the ground, hit her by a surprise, and put the dagger on her neck.

The duel between the 12th and the 19th was also the same as the 'fine' color. After hundreds of rounds, it was the winner. However, most of the warriors' minds are not on the 12th and 19th, because they are already looking forward to the 13th and 18th confrontation. The strongest and most powerful building in the ancient palace has already been shot, and the next is the yin's strongest.

More importantly, the Su Shiyu of the Ancient Emperor Palace and the ghost of the life-stricken building are all men. Too Yin Qing, who is too yin, is a ‘female’ and a very beautiful ‘female’. The number of men outside the ancient battlefield is obviously higher than that of the ‘female’. They are eager to get Yin Qingyi, but it is not realistic.

In the ink ‘color’ long skirt, Yin Qing’s white skin is more crystal clear and blown. The black hair blocked her half of her cheeks, but she could not hide her beauty. The face of ‘精精’ is not a little bit of powder, it is beautiful and refined, just like the fat of sheep’s ‘Jade’.

Hands such as soft, skin such as gelatin, collar like a scorpion, teeth such as rhinoceros, dagger moth, clever smile, look forward to beautiful.

Her body seems to be covered with layers of gods, even if it is standing there, it gives a very strong oppression. Perhaps because of the practice, her body is very cold, as long as she is a little closer to her, she can feel it. Can overcome the yin yin hall all the heavens will be the martial arts, no one dare to marry her.

"Clear, do you say that the trick is very fatal? I ‘push’ to the thirteenth, and you’re ‘pushing’ to the 18th. Is it destined to be in the midst?”

The name of the proud dragon is to make Yin Qingyi frown, and there is never any young man who dares to be so rude to her, especially the words behind the proud dragon, the more they say the more. Others either call her sister, or call her sister, or the holy ‘wolf’, how can a young disciple call her to clear?

"Do you know? The reason why I went to the Taiyin Hall to participate in the first three rounds of battle is to see your style. In the third round of fighting, I have been admiring your beauty. Have you noticed it?"

The young warriors outside the ancient battlefield were stunned. The fourth round of combat was to let Aolong and Yin Qingyi compare. Yin Qingyi's self-confidence, did not take the lead, waiting for the proud first shot, and then she defeated the proud dragon. Who knows, Aolong does not mean to do anything at all, but instead talks endlessly.

"Just because I saw you more in the crowd, I never forgot your face..."


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