The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 308: 瞳术-太阴界


The sky above the battle platform is covered with dark clouds. It seems that there are storms coming. Even Ningsiyu, Xingxingpeng and others can feel the suppression of the atmosphere and the invisible oppression. It is like someone who licks their necks. Living in general, even breathing is a bit difficult.

What Yin Qingzhen really wants to deal with is Lei Wenyuan. The battle between them is fierce. The aftermath of the attack will not affect the outside of the battle platform. Ning Siyu, Xing Xingpeng, Xiahou Temple and others are affected, mainly because of psychological effects. Their will is not strong enough, just like the average person sees a **** scene, they will be afraid, and even fainted.

When the Taiyin world is opened, the entire battle platform is affected. No matter where Raven is going, where to hide, it is useless, unless Le Wenyuan takes the initiative to admit defeat or leave the platform, but if he does so, he will have three thousand pieces. Tianpin Lingshi will lose all of the light, and then, if a martial arts can't stop, Lei Wenyuan will come to self-confidence.

Yin Qingxi’s eyes are like two small black holes, which devour all the light. The only remaining infinite darkness, even the other young warriors in the ancient battlefield, can’t see the situation on the platform. The young warriors outside the ancient battlefield are even more It is impossible to see the battle between Yin Qingyi and Lei Wenyuan.

Lei Wenyuan stood in the darkness and was able to clearly feel that the energy around him was constantly changing. The Taiyin world would expel other sources of power, leaving only the source of the yin and everything, all things, yin and yang, all things negative and hug Yang, a yin and a yang can be described as Tao.

If Yin Qingyi's martial arts is great, only the Taiyin of the Taiyin origin can definitely make Lei Wenyuan suffer a big loss, even Lei Wenyuan's life, but Yin Qingyi is too young, and the realm is low, unable to play the Taiyin world. All the power, even so, is used to deal with the Tianshi martial arts, is no advantage.

Even the King of Heavenly Warriors can't be arbitrarily in front of the Taiyin interface. If the general kings of the kings and even the kings of the kings and the kings of the kings are unable to withstand the martial arts of Yin Qingxi, unlike the practice of Di Yuanzhao, Yin Qingyi exhibits After the operation, you can still shoot.

In the Taiyin world, Yin Qingyi’s strength will be greatly improved. On the contrary, the strength of Lei Wenyuan will be weakened in the Taiyin world, and Yin Qing’s ability to force the exhibition will demonstrate the strength of Lei Wenyuan. With the approval of Yin Qingyi, Lei Wenyuan is not a descendant of the Great Emperor.

Most of the warriors feel that the winners and losers have already been divided. Yin Qingyi, who uses the martial arts, can certainly defeat Lei Wenyuan. Unfortunately, they can't see the test on the battle platform, maybe when the darkness disappears, the test of Lei Wenyuan and Yin Qingxi It is over, but I don’t know what Lei Wenyuan will be liked by Yin Qingyi.

"I was going to use sputum to deal with them. I didn't expect to show them first. You can be defeated by my shackles."

What Yin Qingyi said, they refer to Su Yuyu and the ghosts. Gu Hong and her origins are similar, but they have already lost to the swordsmen. Of course, they are not valued by Yin Qingyi. The swordsmen don’t break through to the peaks of the heavens, and Yin Qingyi does not. The sword will be placed in the same position as Su Yuyu and the ghost.

"The palm of the hand."

A pair of palm-like palms exudes a chilly chill, as if it could freeze a piece of heaven and earth, the rivers on the battle platform, all frozen, even the mountains, have become huge ice sculptures, the darkness of the Taiyin world, to Yin Qingyi In terms of whiteness, there is no impact.

Even if it is the king of heaven, the palm of the hand is very likely to be frozen into ice. Of course, if it is similar to Yin Qingyu, the blood flow is not smooth, the action is blocked, and Lei Wenyuan hits now, Yin Qingyi I feel embarrassed and I don’t want to stand still.

"Yes, give me a break."

Lei Wenyuan sneered, and the whole body seemed to have a dragon in the roar, so that Yin Qing’s big eyes were, and Le Wenyuan’s side had a full eight Leilong, each of which was the fifth level of Lei Zhi. The source is condensed, and even the dragon scales are clearly visible, as if they are real.

Eight Leilong roaring, even the stars and the stars are shaking, the huge dragon body ran rampant, one star after another fell, as the following dumplings, Lei Long broke through the dark clouds, making the Taiyin world appear disorder, a pair of big hands like two handles The giant axe completely opened the darkness, and the Taiyin world could not bear such a fierce attack.

"Dragon battles the world."

Lei Wenyuan and Yin Qingqi fought together. The eight Leilongs shrank and swam in his palm. The power of the yin palm was not in the face of Lei Long, and it was not strong enough. Yin Qingyan’s face was big. Change, completely did not expect, Lei Wenyuan can actually explode such a tyrannical force.

The Taiyin world is broken, Yin Qingying's eyes overflow with a trace of bright red blood, sliding down the corner of the eye, the dragon battle world is completely suppressing the Yinyin palm, Lei Wenyuan will Yin Qingyi hit back and forth again, Yin Qingyi wants to solve Lei Wenyuan as soon as possible, who Know that she is not an opponent of Lei Wenyuan.

"The Tibetan is too deep. Fortunately, Yin Qingyi has tried her strength."

Even if it was a ghost, he was taken aback. Originally, he did not put Le Wenyuan in his eyes. He felt that he could compete with him for the first time. Only Yin Qingyi and Su Yuyu did not expect that Yin Qingyi was not Lei Wenyuan. Opponents, disciples from the ancient palace, how strong the strength.

Zhong Xingba is even more stunned. On the battle platform, Lei Wenyuan, who can suppress Yin Qingxi, is really a friend he has known for many years. Yin Qingyi is a level with Su Yuyu. Can it be said that Lei Wenyuan can still compare with Su Yuyu? When the high school failed, Ray Wenyuan was so powerful, why didn’t he know.

Other young warriors from the ancient palace also did not expect that Lei Wenyuan had such strength. The first round of combat, the second round of combat and the third round of combat, Le Wenyuan performed well, but did not take the lead, even It’s Gu Hong, I’m afraid I can’t press Yin Qing’s beating, isn’t it that Lei Wenyuan is even worse than Gu Hong?

"No wonder he dared to pledge himself. It turned out to be well-informed."

Judging from the strength of Levin’s present, there is indeed the possibility of becoming a champion. The Tianling Pavilion’s martial artists are all nervous. If Lei Wenyuan becomes the first, their losses will be too great. Wen Yuan defeated Yin Qingyi, and the possibility that he defeated Su Yuyu and the ghost would not be small.

"How could this be."

Yin Qingxi is the most incomprehensible, because she is the biological daughter of the emperor, and she should be invincible in the same realm. She has nine left seals on her left hand and a crescent moon print on her right hand. Even the mountains are pierced with a seat, but they are still not allowed to go to Lei Wenyuan. Wen Yuan's hands are like having a world, heavy and unimaginable.

The faster they play, the more they will be able to see their movements in most days. Yin Qingyi is not as good as Lei Wenyuan. The nine seals and the sinister seals are broken again and again, Lei Wenyuan. Right hand, slammed into the head of Yin Qingxi.

It’s not that Yin Qingyi doesn’t want to hide, but he has no time to escape, and he has no time to escape. Lei Wenyuan’s shot is too fast, and he is locked in Yin Qingyi with his will. If Yin Qingyi can’t escape, he will be defeated by Lei Wenyuan, in the eyes of Lei Wenyuan. There is no killing, but Yin Qingxi’s injury is affirmative.

At the crucial moment, Yin Qingyi’s eyebrows spurt a black awn, like a peerless sword. It’s just a sword, it can pierce the sky, and Lei Wenyuan, who is opposite Yin Qingyu, feels the bitter cold. It is like falling into an endless abyss.

"Damn, it's you again."

Lei Wenyuan snorted in his heart, and then he quickly stopped his hand. If his palms were all played on Yin Qingyi’s body, it might cause the attention of the black man’s owner. In his current situation, if he was discovered, he might Dead souls, even if you flee to the ends of the earth, you can not escape.

The black mans hit the palm of Lei Wenyuan, making Lei Wenyuan's brow wrinkled, and a pair of big hands turned into lacquer black, as if it was poisonous in corroding his skin. Not only that, but Le Wenyuan’s movements were stagnant. Down, the body is shaking, as if suffering enormous pain.

Yin Qingyi looked at Lei Wenyuan with a puzzled look. He didn't know what was going on. Fortunately, she didn't hesitate for a long time. Soon it was once again pinching the moonprint and attacking Lei Wenyuan. If it was before, Lei Wenyuan could easily It is possible to break the stagnation of the moon, but now Raven is unable to shoot.

First, the attack of the black mans made Ray Wenyuan suffer a minor wound. Secondly, Lei Wenyuan did not dare to let go, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable, and the moon will be printed on the chest of Lei Wenyuan. Flying out, Yin Qingyi did not think that the formerly powerful Lei Wenyuan was now vulnerable.

"What happened to Lei Wenyuan."

Aolong, Zhongxingba and others, it is not clear how it happened, obviously Lei Wenyuan has to win, who knows that Yin Qingyi turned defeat into victory, and a stroke of the moon is printed, it is the fall of Lei Wenyuan, Raven Far away is definitely not intentional to lose, as long as he fails, three thousand pieces of heavenly spirit stone, it is nothing.

Yin Qingyi did not continue to attack because she did not know why the gap between Lei Wen and Yuan was so big. Anyway, the winners and losers had already been divided. The winner was her. Lei Wenyuan was only a loser. She was qualified to win the championship. Le Wenyuan was and The crown is completely out of bounds. In the sixth game, the lose will not be eliminated, but as long as you lose one, it has nothing to do with the first.

"There was a problem with the previous black mans, and what means did Yin Qingyi use?"

Many warriors did not see the black awns that Yin Qing’s eyebrows shot. The swordsmen have the supreme gold scorpion. Even if they are not open, they are all clearly seen. The swordsmen know that the ancient emperor palace, the Taiyin temple and the elders of the life-stricken building I must have seen it, but if they don’t say it, it means that the failure of Lei Wenyuan is a foregone conclusion.

"It’s a joke to fight for the list."

Su Yuyu also noticed the black mang, obviously not the power of Yin Qingyi. He knows what kind of calculations the elders are playing, and Yin Qingyi wins, which is better than Levin.

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