The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 309: The sorrow of Gu Hong

On the 4th, it is the martial art of the life-stricken building. On the 7th is Su Yuyu, and there is a suspenseful confrontation. Su Yuyu walks on the stage with his eyes closed, and then only a punch is made. Going out, Su Yuyu’s combat power is really outrageous. You must know that the number four is also the top ten.

"I told you to play before, you didn't agree. I have to give you a lesson now."

On the 5th is the Tianyin Temple of the Taiyin Temple. On the 6th, it is the proud dragon. From the 12th to the top ten, she once let the proud dragon take the shot. Unfortunately, the proud dragon does not listen to her, now they are duel, five No. No, she will not be merciful. In her opinion, Aolong is not her opponent. Besides, she is a disciple of the emperor, and what is the proud dragon.

"If you are a beautiful woman, I will accompany you to play, but you are too sorry for my eyes."

In fact, the 5th is still quite a Peugeot, but it is eclipsed in front of Yin Qingyi. It is not that she is not good-looking, but that Yin Qingying is too good-looking. In comparison, she has become a green leaf, and Aolong deliberately squints, it is really irritating. On the 5th, let the 5th can't wait to smash his corpse.

"Hot moon print."

Compared with the bickering, on the 5th, she knew that she was not an arrogant opponent. Therefore, she directly displayed the cold moon print and killed the proud dragon. The temperature on the platform suddenly dropped. Her ten fingers were like ten spears. Each spear is a sharp cold, and her chill is enough to slow down the opponent's movements and straighten down the strength of the opponent's body.

Even if she can't kill the proud dragon, she must be on the proud dragon, and a few holes. If the dragon is seriously injured, then his ranking is definitely not high. The proud dragon is not a disciple of the Taiyin Temple, nor is it the ancient imperial palace and the life-stricken building. Disciples, no elders will help him heal, and will not give him any healing herbs.

"It’s not your fault to grow ugly. It’s wrong to come out and beat people.”

The dragon sword suddenly came out of the sheath, and a fierce sword mang, suddenly crossed, the cold moon print instantly divided into two, completely unable to withstand the edge of the dragon sword, the top ten battle, as long as you met Su Yuyu, ghosts like and Yin Qingyi He certainly can't hide his strength. Now there is no need to cover up and defeat the opponent. There is no need to waste time.

On the 5th, the force was again shot, and the source power condensed into a handle and the moon blade was killed to the proud dragon. Unfortunately, the speed of the dragon sword was faster, and the place where it passed, the broken blade of the moon and the strength of the fifth, In front of the proud dragon, it was not enough to see. I have not waited for the other means on the 5th. The dragon sword has been placed on her neck.

"If you dare to shoot, be careful of my sword and cut your head."

The proud dragon said rudely, although he is a satyr, but the other party obviously has deep hostility towards him, he will not pity the cherished jade, the fifth is scared to move, and the sword of the dragon sword has pierced him. The neck, the bright red blood has already dyed her clothes red, and if she does not listen to the proud dragon, the dragon sword may really want her life.

In the sixth game, the first five matchups ended. The five defeated players could not become champions. Ghosts, swordsmen, Yin Qingyi, Su Yuyu and Aolong could become the first and bet on them. On the body, it is possible to win, and the other five people are definitely losing.

"Sorry, things are beyond my expectations."

Lei Wenyuan said embarrassedly, losing to Yin Qingyi, it means that the swordsman gave him three thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, one piece is gone, and the Tianling Pavilion warrior who set up the gambling, all faces are smiling. Flowers, three thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi have earned their hands. Previously, Lei Wenyuan pressed Yin Qing to fight, and their hearts were raised.

"Nothing, a bunch of broken stones."

The words of the sword demon make the one of the nearby warriors turn their eyes straight, they want to tell the swordsman, can you give us a bunch of broken stones.

That is 3,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, even if it is the Tianzun on the scene, there is no sword and devil generous, losing 3,000 pieces of heavenly spirit stone, the sword magic is not half-heartache, even the face has no change, previously others still feel The swordsman is talking big, now they really believe that the sword does not care about the stone.

The sixth match was not over yet. The sixth match was on the 10th and the 2nd, because both of them were losers. On the 10th, the Tianyin Temple of the Taiyin Temple was the peak disciple. On the 2nd, it was Gu Hong, the battle between them. There is no such thing as a wonderful point. The strength of the 10th is not bad, but in the face of Gu Hong, less than ten strokes, they have lost.

No. 3 is Lei Wenyuan, No. 4 is the Tianfeng of the life-stricken building, and Lei Wenyuan can even press Yin Qingyu. On the 4th, of course, it is not the opponent of Lei Wenyuan. The match between No. 5 and No. 10 wins. On the 5th, anyway, both of them are disciples of the Taiyin Temple. The match between the 10th and the 4th, the winner is the 4th. Until now, the 10th has never won.

On the 10th, the remaining nine people were killed. On the 1st and 2nd, he won the 4th, the 3rd won the 4th, the 4th won the 10th, the 5th won the 10th, the 6th won the 5th, the 7th won the 7th. On the 4th, the 8th won the 3rd, the 9th won the 2nd, so no one can challenge on the 10th, she is the tenth.

The arrangement of the three emperors of the emperor is obvious. It is to compare the rankings in the back, and then compare them one by one. Next, the match between the fourth and fifth, the winner is the fourth. The day of the building will be the peak of the military.

No. 5 only lost to No. 6 and No. 4, No. 7 should be No. 4, and the other five people can challenge him. No. 1 is a ghost, No. 5 is abandoned, No. 2 is Gu Hong, No. 5 is abandoned, No. 3 is Lei. Wen Yuan, No. 5 gave up, No. 8 was Yin Qingyi, No. 5 gave up, No. 9 was Jianmo, and No. 5 gave up.

I don’t want to play on the 5th, but she understands that she is not the opponent of Ghost, Gu Hong, Lei Wenyuan, Yin Qingyi and Jianmo. It ranks tenth on the 10th and ranks ninth on the fifth. On the 4th, anyone can see that the strength of the fourth is worse than the other seven.

On the 4th, he lost to No. 7 and No. 3. He couldn’t beat him on the 1st. He couldn’t beat him on the 2nd. He couldn’t beat him on the 6th. He couldn’t beat him on the 8th. He couldn’t beat him on the 9th. He also didn’t waste time and gave up directly. Up to now, the last three of the top ten are arranged, and the fourth is the eighth.

The interest of a group of warriors has not only not decreased, but has become higher and higher, because the last seven people, each of them can not be underestimated, so that the elders of the ancient emperor are gratified that the last seven people have four from the ancient palace, they They are Su Yuyu, Gu Hong, Jianmo and Lei Wenyuan. There are two Taiyin Temples, Yin Qingyi and Ao Long. There is only one ghost in the life building.

Except for No. 2 Gu Hong and No. 3 Lei Wenyuan, the other people have not lost, so they first played a confrontation. Gu Hong has already lost to the sword, and certainly does not want to lose to other people, especially Raven. Far away from his realm, Gu Hong must maintain the dignity of the great family and his son, but Lei Wenyuan also does not want to lose.

"The ancient **** magic boxing."

There is no nonsense in Gu Hong. It is the display of the ancient heaven and the magic boxing. Whether it is the first round of combat or the second round of fighting, Gu Hong is better than Lei Wen’s. At that time, Gu Hong was in the late stage, Lei Wenyuan. It is already the peak of the sky, and now the ancient flood is already the peak of the sky, of course, can not be lost to Lei Wenyuan.

However, when it really hits, Gu Hong understands why Lei Wenyuan can press Yin Qing’s beating, and Lei Wenyuan’s hands are like the infinite Thunder’s power. Gu Hong and Lei Wen have played for dozens of rounds. It is the feeling that the speed of the fist is numb and the speed of the punch is slower and slower.

"Be careful."

Using ancient gods, Gu Hong is not sure, so he uses the shifting star to change the bucket, and the stars fall and become the weapons of Gu Hong. There are stars and swords, there are stars and spears, there are stars and axe, and there are stars. It is not that Gu Hong does not want to cast the Taikoo Devil Boxing, but consumes too much, which is not good for his next battle.

"Dragon battles the world."

Lei Wenyuan whispered, eight Leilong appeared, rampaged, whether it was a star sword, or a star axe, or other weapons, all disintegrated under the impact of the dragon, all weapons disappeared, eight Leilong is Go back to the palm of Lei Wenyuan.

The two of them attacked the sky from the ground and shattered one star after another. Gu Hong was not reconciled. However, he really couldn’t beat Lei Wenyuan. Gu Hong’s body has already had another **** print. Wen Yuan did not have a heavy hand, otherwise Gu Hong would have fallen to the ground.

The match between No. 2 and No. 3, the final winner was No. 3 Lei Wenyuan, No. 2 Gu Hong defeated, Gu Hong stared at Lei Wenyuan. He used to be invincible in the same world. Now he has lost two. The field, that is to say, the day will be the battle for the list, his best results, have to be the fourth, the top three and he missed.

The sword demon won the ancient flood, his ranking must be in front of Gu Hong, Lei Wenyuan won Gu Hong, his ranking must also be in front of Gu Hong, Yin Qingyi defeated Lei Wenyuan, her ranking is still in In front of Lei Wenyuan, of course, in front of Gu Hong.

You must know that Gu Hong is at the first place. I didn’t expect that the first three are not with him. Even if he wants to be the top five, the pressure is great. Su Yuyu and the ghost are powerful, needless to say. If Gu Hong loses to them, the top five will not have him.

No. 4, No. 5, No. 10 did not challenge the meaning of Ghosts, Su Yuyu and Yin Qingxi, but Gu Hong was different. As a great family, he did not allow himself to admit defeat. Therefore, the first challenge of Gu Hong was one. The number of ghosts, his challenge, made several other people seriously.

Up to now, the ghosts have never performed any powerful martial arts, and even powerful attacks are not. Su Yuyu and the ghosts are all a solution to the opponent, but Su Yuyu’s attack is very powerful, unlike ghosts. The times are all gone, and when they appear again, the dagger is already on the neck of others.

Others may not be able to force the strength of ghosts, Gu Hong can certainly do it, because Gu Hong's martial arts, just to restrain the killer's hidden means.

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