The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 311: Pluto anger, heaven and earth collapse

Ghosts have come, so far, have not lost once, Lei Wenyuan has lost once, but the loss is very strange, clearly prevailed, suddenly lost, and Lei Wenyuan and the ghosts of the showdown, there is still suspense, I only think that the ghosts who are stronger are the majority.

Lei Wenyuan only lost to Yin Qingyi, the other four people, he can challenge, ghosts such as, the proud dragon, Su Yuyu, Jianmo, have not tried with Levin, but unfortunately, Le Wenyuan does not want to fight with them. Anyway, it is not the first. For him, there is no difference in other rankings.

Three thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi have already lost. Without the first, they will not be able to make fruit, and they will not be able to earn a spiritual stone. Other rewards are not very attractive to him. Again, Yin Qing’s black awning in the eyebrows reminded him that if the performance is too prominent, it is very likely that something will happen.

"I give up, the sixth is good."

He not only gave up the challenge ghosts, but even the qualifications of the last three matchups were given up, the first round of fighting and the second round of fighting. In fact, he did not seriously fight, the fourth round of fighting, he wanted For a championship, it is a pity that it is better to leave the opportunity to others.

"No, isn't he interested in the rewards in front of him?"

The top five rewards are definitely better than the sixth prize. If Raven is willing to challenge others and become the top five, I don’t think it will be a problem. As long as Le Wenyuan can beat any one, he can become the top five. In the end, the strength of the battle can be ranked in the first place. No one knows that he is sixth after giving up.

There are only five people in the top ten competitions in the list, and the sixth to the tenth. All of them are determined. Ghosts, Aolong, Su Yuyu, Yin Qingyi, and Jianmo are all the same. The sixth game is now So far, I have not lost one time. The next comparison is the key point. I don’t know how the elders will arrange it.

The elders of the ancient emperor palace and the elders of the Taiyin Temple are in a good mood. Su Yuyu is a disciple of the ancient emperor palace. The sword demon represents the ancient emperor palace. Yin Qingyi is a disciple of the Taiyin Temple. The proud dragon represents the Taiyin Temple, but only the life building, only the ghost If one comes, the ghost is like the first few, the best result of the life-threatening building is the first few.

"Let the proud dragon show up with Yin Qingyi, the sword and the evil spirits come, and then Su Yuyu and the two winners."

The elders of the three great emperors felt that the strongest of their five young geniuses was Su Yuyu and the ghosts. Yin Qingyi was a little bit worse. The swordsman and the proud dragon should be the weakest two. They didn’t know who the ghosts came and Su Yuyu. Strong, so they won't let the two of them fight first.

When Yin Qingyi defeated the proud dragon, he let Yin Qingyi and Su Yuyu fight. When the ghosts came to defeat the swordsman, they also let Su Yuyu and the ghosts come to fight. The elders of the life-stricken building wanted to arrange the swordsmen to fight with Su Yuyu, but the ancient palace. The elders disagreed, and the proud dragon and Yin Qingyi had a showdown, and the elders of the Taiyin Temple did not agree, but there was no way.

The elders of the Taiyin Temple felt that the proud dragon was not Yin Qing’s opponent, nor was it the opponent of other people. If the ancient emperor’s palace or the life-stricken building, arranged for Su Yuyu or the ghost to come to fight with Yin Qingyi, Yin Qingyi might come up and lose, it is better to win one. field.

The elders of the desperate building must fight the demon and the ghosts because they are worried about the sword magic. If the sword magic breaks through to the peak of the sky, when the ghost can win, it is an unknown, the sooner the sword is solved. The more they are relieved, the more they will have long night dreams.

"Good, I like this arrangement."

Yin Qingxiao said with a smile, finally got the wish and the proud dragon to play a game, the other four people, she only has to deal with the sword magic and the proud dragon, only to have the victory to win, before participating in the Tianbang list battle, she always thinks that she is chaos The first day of the ancient domain will be, but after seeing the ghosts and Su Yuyu's power, she has doubts about her strength.

"If you are a man, don't admit defeat and fight with me."

If the proud dragon dies and dies, Yin Qingyi can't take revenge. She deliberately uses the radical method, in order to be able to fight for the proud dragon in the trial. After she defeats the proud dragon, it is best to Playing with the sword magic, the sword magic stepped on the emperor's name, she used the sword magic as a stepping stone.

"To prove that I am a man, I have to fight in bed. Of course, if you want to be a quilt and use the ground as a bed, I have no opinion."

Ao Long said with a smile, but before he responded to Yin Qingyi, he began to undress, and everyone else was stunned, so brazenly swaying the Taiyin Temple, even the face of the Taiyin Temple was ugly. Bold days, it should be described as proud.

"you wanna die."

The fifth level of the Taiyin origin, condensed into nine full handprints, layered, the real nine secluded, representing the nine heavy, and the nine heavens, Yin Qingyi's nine secluded prints, like a dark nine-story pagoda It radiates a cold chill, and even the void seems to be frozen.

The previous test had no effect on the sixth match, so the Aolong admits that it has nothing to do. If the Aaron then accepts the loss, then the Aurora will have no relationship with the first, even with the top three, as long as they lose to Yin Qingyi, then He is afraid that even the challenge ghosts and Su Yuyu are not qualified.

"When I was young, there were elders who told me that women can't get used to it, or else they have to lick their noses. I didn't believe it before. Now I believe, don't beat you, you don't know what a husband is. ”

The proud dragon is always unexpected. When others think that he wants to fight, he admits defeat. When others think that he wants to admit defeat, he wants to fight. It’s not that Yin Qing’s radical method played a role, but he didn’t intend to admit defeat. He The goal is the same, and it is impossible for him to give up because of the beauty of Yin Qing.

Yin Qingyi stunned, did not expect the proud dragon even dare to be so arrogant, the sword magic is nodded, now the proud dragon, is a little strong, even if Yin Qingyi is the birth of the Emperor's daughter, the sword magic feels that Yin Qing is not the proud dragon Opponents, other people do not understand the proud dragon, the sword magic can still not understand.

"The gloom of the prince, the heavens and the earth collapse."

The proud dragon looks serious, and in a pair of eyes, it seems that there is anger to spurt out. He does not use the dragon sword, but like Yin Qingyi, he uses the printing method, nine seals, in his eyes, nothing, because he The exhibition is the famous Pluto Seal.

The dark throne radiates a terrible air, as if it can suppress one side of the earth, a tall figure, sitting on it, rolling over the magical spirit, it is not really cut, only a pair of scorpions, flashing the cold murder, The opening room is like a scene where the sky is falling and the earth is sinking.

"Oops, it is the seal of Pluto. He is a proud son."

The two elders of the Taiyin Temple are full of madness. The proud family is definitely no weaker than the Taiyin Temple. The arrogant family inherits a long time. The martial arts possessed by it are not comparable to the Taiyin Temple, especially the Pluto of the Aojia, which is awesome. The most terrible thing is that Pluto is not only a peerless strongman but also a low-ranking warrior.

The practice of Pluto Seal is not based on realm, but on understanding and relying on chance. Even if it is a proud child, there are not many who can use Pluto. Although Pride has never hidden his name, the elders of Taiyin Temple did not The pride of the proud dragon is linked with the pride of the proud family.

A big hand, like a grinding disk, even if the nine secluded seals have a full nine handprints, they can not stop the crushing of the Pluto, and one after another, the broken handwriting, Yin Qingyi did not think, the proud dragon can display this Awesome martial arts, Jiu Qing Yin is not an opponent of Pluto.


Yin Qingxi is very clever. The elders said the word 'bad', which means that the power of Pluto is far more powerful than her imagination. Therefore, she did not hesitate. The first time was to display her skills, as long as the Taiyin world enveloped the entire battle platform. At that time, the strength of the proud dragon will definitely weaken.

However, her martyrdom has just been displayed, and the figure sitting on the dark throne is moving. The place where Pluto is really powerful is not the handprint displayed by the proud dragon, but the real Pluto shot, yes, that way. The tall figure represents the world of Pluto.

The big hand of Pluto is like the Wuzhi Mountain. It can crush the void. The Taiyin world can cover the battle platform. But the big hand of Pluto is bigger than the battle platform. The Taiyin world has not yet formed. It is crushed by the big hand of Pluto. Yin Qingyi The martial arts were first broken by Lei Wenyuan and then broken by the proud dragon.

Yin Qingyu snorted, blood in his eyes crossed, and the proud shot was heavier than Le Wenyuan. The damage suffered by Yin Qingyi was of course greater. Don’t look at the dragon’s cheapness in Yin Qing’s mouth. In fact, he was not interested in Yin Qingyi. In the end, he and Ling Dao are all kinds of people, really shot, never merciless.

Of course, Aolong did not dare to kill Yin Qingyi, because the ancient area was the site of the Taiyin Temple. Even other proud children, the saints who killed the Taiyin Temple, could not escape, let alone the proud dragon. It is impossible for the proud family to fight for him and the Taiyin Temple. Even if they ask, they will not ask.

After the disappearance of the Taiyin Temple, Pluto’s big hand was beaten on Yin Qingyi’s body. Yin Qingyi did not take the shot, but successively displayed the sacred moon print and the nine seals, but unfortunately could not stop the big hand of Pluto, Yin Qingyi repeatedly hemoptysis She did not defeat the proud dragon, but was blasted out of the battle platform by the proud dragon.

"Yin Qingying actually lost."

"How could it be that the proud dragon won."

In addition to the swordsman, other people have never thought that the proud dragon will win, especially the disciples of the Taiyin Temple. They can tolerate the fact that they lost to the eldest daughter of the emperor, but they cannot accept the fact that they are not as good as the proud dragon. It means that Yin Qingyi will miss the top three.

Yin Qingyi is the biological daughter of the Emperor, and the Tang Dynasty Taiyin Temple is the sacred woman. As a result, even the top three of the list can not be grabbed. She is different from Gu Hong, and Gu Hong’s way is to break through to the peak of the heavens. She becomes the heavenly The time of the peak is not short.

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