The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 312: Shura

C_t; Great Emperor Gu Hong lost to the sword magic, the emperor lost to the proud dragon, the battle of the heavens is equal to the famous battle of the sword and the proud dragon. (Advertising) () They used to be in the chaos of the ancient domain, just a nameless pawn, but the day of the battle for the list made them famous, the great family and the emperor's prostitutes became their stepping stones.

"Good men don't fight with women, but you are too much, can't help but want to slap you!"

What I did not expect from a group of warriors was that Aolong Mingming had already won, and even went to Yin Qingyi’s side, ready to beat her. The slap in the face is too much, hurting people's self-respect, with such a good character as the proud dragon, of course, only spanking. Unfortunately, the proud dragon did not succeed, because the elders of the Taiyin Temple pulled Yin Qingyi.

"The winners and losers have been divided, and it’s fun!"

The elders of the Taiyin Temple stunned the proud dragon and knew that the proud dragon would win. They will definitely do their hands before the proud dragon. The top three in the battle for Tianbang will only be the disciples of the three emperors, because the award is better than previous sessions.

The Emperor of the Taiyin Temple and the Emperor of the Ancient Emperor Palace, who were sitting in the town, prepared a generous reward for Yin Qingyi and Gu Hong. They did not directly give Yin Qingyi and Gu Hong, in order to test Yin Qingyi and Gu Hong, but they did not expect that Gu Hong and Yin Qingyi could not compete with the top three.

"Aolong can win Yin Qingyi, although unexpected, but acceptable, anyway, the sword magic will definitely not win the ghost!"

How to say again, Aolong and Yin Qingyi are both a realm of the realm, and most of the warriors have seen it, and the dragon is very big. The swordsman and the ghost are not the same. First of all, the sword demon is lower than the ghost, and the sword is from the sword, a force that has not been heard.

"No, I am still waiting for the ghosts to come up with Su Yuyu. The swordsman is not a ghost opponent, and it is over."

"It's better to guess, if the ghosts come to the end to defeat the swordsman, how?"

The sword can defeat Gu Hong, and if the ghost wants to defeat him, it is impossible. They are not optimistic about the sword magic, at least Gu Hong and the martial arts, you can find where the ghost is. The sword demon has no Gu Hong's martial arts. He and the ghosts are decisive battles, certainly more difficult than Gu Hong.

"I don't want to suppress it and fight with you, so..."

If the ghost is not finished, it will disappear without a trace. As a killer, he is doing his best to kill the target. Gu Hong’s repression was a battle with the sword, because the dignity of the emperor’s parents and children, there is no dignity in the dictionary of ghosts, only survival. Read the full text of the latest chapter

Even if it is a test, the ghost will not suppress the battle with the sword and the realm. What the ghost wants to do is to defeat the sword magic in the shortest time. Because the longer the battle, the more strength he exposes, the more he will suffer from the confrontation with Su Yuyu. He can hide his body shape, of course, he will not be stupid and confrontation with the sword magic.


Just as the ghost thought that it was easy to put the dagger on the neck of the sword, the man Wang Jian suddenly attacked and blocked his dagger. Ghosts did not know how the swordsman did it. The previous swordsmen did not react at all. Suddenly, they shot all the offensive routes of the dagger.

The ghost came again, just as it was just now, the man Wang Jian stopped his dagger at a crucial moment. He disappeared again, and when he was about to attack the sword, the man Wang Jian was on his dagger. If it is a coincidence, then three times, it is really a problem.

"I have to look at it, you can block it a few times!"

Losing three consecutive attacks, the ghost is also a bit angry. Next, he disappeared again and again, wanting to hide his body shape, and then seize the opportunity to assassinate the sword. However, no matter where he appears and in which direction he attacks, he cannot avoid Wang Jian.

Don't say that ghosts are in doubt, other warriors are confused. The sword demon is like a **** operator, and can calculate the position of the ghost at a critical moment. Until now, the swordsmen have not moved half a step, purely invariable.

"Is this interesting?"

The rebellion of the swordsman makes the ghosts have nothing to say, and there is no way to refute them. If you deal with Yin Qingyi, the hidden means of ghosts will definitely make Yin Qingyi rushed. It is a pity that the swordsmen are calm and terrible from beginning to end, and there is no such thing as self-confidence. In fact, it is not the sword magic, but he can really see the ghost.

"You are even better than I thought. If so, then I will shoot!"

If the ghost came to retract the dagger, take out a long sword and use the sword and the sword to fight. He did not deliberately humiliate the swordsman, but his swordsmanship is indeed not bad. In order to kill one goal, he not only did a sword repair, but also did knife repair, martial arts, and even arrow repair.

His sword method, highlight a word, fast!

It seems that a sword is thrown out. In fact, he has repeatedly thrown nine swords. Even if it is the king of the king, it is difficult to avoid his sword. However, his opponent is the sword magic, on the speed of the sword, the sword magic is definitely no worse than the ghost, because the sword magic is pure sword repair, the ghost is at most a half hanging reads;

The confrontation between the sword and the sword is approaching the sky. Ghosts soon felt that it was not right. The swordsman’s sword speed was not only faster than him, but each sword also made him uncomfortable. To defeat the swordsman with the means of sword repair is simply a delusion. If you don't take out some real skills, you can't solve the sword magic.


The sword of the ghost is very fast, but his claws are faster. Just blinking your eyes is the shadow of the sky, as if the void is being torn open. Even his will is condensed into a palm, attacking the world of the sword magic, and wanting to tear the world of the sword magic into pieces.


The wind whistling, the sullen atmosphere, as if there are countless lonely ghosts crying. The battlefield of the ancient battlefield, like a ghost, the ghosts are surrounded by ghosts. When a ghost comes, it is like a ghost. It floats in the void, and it is changed to the general heaven and earth. It is already indistinguishable which is a ghost and which is a ghost.

"People are the sword!"

The sword demon uses the sword, because the sword can be derived from the human figure. As the saying goes, people are afraid of three points, and ghosts are afraid of seven points. The shadow of the sky, a ghost of a showdown, of course, there is no problem. What's more, there are thousands of swords in the air, enough to destroy all ghosts.


The deadly claws were caught on the man Wang Jian again and again, giving a crisp sound. Ghosts and swordsmen are quick to play, so the ghost is astonished that he can’t help the sword. It is really hard to imagine that a warrior in the middle of the day would have such a powerful force. No wonder Gu Hong will lose to the sword magic, he loses nothing.

"What happened? Is it a ghost to fight the sword?"

"No, the ghost is coming to play. If he wants to defeat the sword, isn't it a few tricks?"

There are a small number of warriors who have doubts about the strength of the ghosts. After all, the ghosts are a killer. Perhaps the strength of his confrontation is not good. In the previous test, except for the ancient Hong, the ghosts were all relying on the ghosts and defeated opponents. In front of the sword demon, the ghosts are invisible and can only face each other.

"Shu Luo passed away!"

In the mouth of the ghost, a strange syllable was issued, and then his black hair was gradually longer. The suffocation on his body is getting heavier and heavier, like a murderer. If the average person stands in front of him, he will certainly be scared by his power.

His hands were holding a green dagger, and the icy luster seemed to drown the entire battle platform. The face of the grimace mask is more and more ferocious, and the exposed pair of scorpions are even more exuding the killing. It’s not that he has to kill the sword, he’s just a test, he won’t kill.

The reign of Shura, this is a martial art that is extremely murderous and arrogant. The ghost did not know how many people were killed before he cultivated Shura to the present situation. After Shi Xiu's reign, he seemed to be transformed into a **** Shura, and his combat power soared. It was not comparable before.

Ghosts are not descendants of the great emperor, and even the ancestors of the Daojun level do not. His blood is very poor, especially compared to the pride of the sky, the arrogant woman of the sky, and I don’t know how many grades are missing. There is something wrong with it. His understanding is very good. The cultivation of martial arts and martial arts is faster than the vast majority of the genius of the imperial forces.

A dagger slammed into the chest of the sword, and Wang Jian squatted at a faster speed. What surprised the sword was that the power from the dagger was enough to shake his arm. Ghosts wouldn’t give him a bit of breathing time at all. He only had a sword, but the ghost had two daggers.

Another dagger, stabbed the sword's neck. The sword did not hesitate, holding the scabbard in his left hand and blocking the dagger from the ghost. The two daggers and the man Wang Jian and the scabbard were deadlocked together. The ghost did not stop, but kicked, the sword did not think, there is a small sword on the shoes of the ghost.

If you are kicked by a ghost, the little sword will inevitably hurt the sword, because the sword has already felt the edge of the sword. Not only that, but the ghost used the head and slammed toward the sword. If the ghost knows his own advantage, the sword magic is just a sword repair, and his physical strength is even greater than the sword magic.

The ghost attack is not over yet, and the black hair has grown to tens of meters long. His hair is like a vine, climbing to the body of the sword, and strapping the sword magic tightly. The sword demon wants to break free, but finds that the hair of the ghost is like a chain, and it is extremely strong.

"The sword is finished, and it is still a ghost."

"Ghosts are too terrible, they can attack under their bodies, and they are like humanoid weapons!"

"You said, if a ghost comes to fight with Su Yuyu, who can win?"

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