The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 317: Peak matchup

Whether it is Jianmo or Su Yuyu, all the minds are placed on the opponent's body. The swordsman wants to win, in order to make the fruit, Su Yuyu wants to win, just to prove himself. In the past, Su Yuyu was the first in the ancient palace. One day will be, now, he will do the first day of chaos.

No one will treat the swordsman as a martial artist in the late stage of the list. Even the ghosts are not his opponents. They despise the swordsmen and the swordsmen. They are all looking for a dead end. Su Yuyu did not deal with the swordsman, but the swordsman He knew the battle with Gu Hong and the ghost.

The sword demon is also referred to as a sword. Thousands of sturdy swords come out from his fingertips, condensing into a big sword, and smashing into the opposite Su Yuyu. It is only a sword that is condensed into swords, but has Unparalleled edge, sharp cold awning seems to be able to penetrate the body of the king of the king.

Su Yuyu's fist, the golden fist shadow, suddenly became bigger, squatting on the sword that the sword condensed, the big sword made a cry, the huge blade, there was a crack, just a blink of an eye, big sword It was broken into hundreds of pieces, but hundreds of pieces not only did not stop, but instead spurred Su Yuyu at a faster speed.


If you change to another day, you will be in a state of martial arts, and you may be in a hurry. Su Yuyu is calm and self-confident, golden fists, slamming out, nothing to stop, crushing everything, hundreds of big sword fragments, are In a moment, it turned into a powder, and it did not cause a little damage to Su Yuyu.

Su Yuyu waved his fists and played again. Even the void was followed by shocks. The mountains behind the swordsman, one after another, were all crushed by Su Yuyu’s boxing. No wonder Su Yuyu could defeat one opponent after another. Really and Su Yuyu confrontation, can understand the terrible of Su Yuyu.

His boxing meaning is like being able to sweep thousands of horses and horses, suppressing the six-in-one and eight-year-olds, crushing the heavens and the earth, a pair of fists, like two Taikoo mountains, weighing hundreds of millions of people, even if it is the king of the kings, facing Su Yuyu, in the face of The momentum is weak, he has not opened his eyes, it is enough to suppress others.

Fortunately, the sword demon is not an ordinary person. He will certainly not be scared by Su Yuyu’s boxing. The will of the Heavenly Warrior, even if it is stronger, will not affect him. However, Su Yuyu’s demonstrated strength will make the sword The magic is shocked, because the sword magic knows that Su Yuyu is not a martial arts.

The sword demon took the right arm as a sword and slammed it out. The arm must not have a sharp sword. However, he spurred the nine swords, one grass and one wood, all of which could be swords, not to mention the arm. Su Yuyu still has no Show the true ability, if he draws the sword, it will fall.

It’s terrible to think about the performance of Su Yuyu’s front. One is not a martial artist’s martial artist. He only needs a punch to deal with other squadrons. You must know that those who can participate in the fourth round of battles are geniuses. Out of the one or two million warriors, the result is not the enemy of Su Yuyu.

The confrontation between the palm and the fist broke out the crack of the sword collision. The sword and Su Yuyu were both physically shocked. The former felt the majestic fist, as if the palm of his hand was broken. The latter felt the sharp sword. Meaning, like to run through his arms.

Sword Devil and Su Yuyu have stepped back one step after another. They all know the other side's power. Su Yuyu did not think that the battle for Tianbang will really bring him pressure. It is not the ghost of the life building, nor the Yin Qingyi of the Taiyin Temple. It is the swordsman’s martial arts.

Su Yuyu knows the power of the sword, especially the big demon green lotus sword, even the ghosts can not stop, but until now, the swordsmen have not pulled the sword, it seems that the sword is more difficult than he imagined, since In this way, he will use the martial arts of the ancient emperor's palace, and he will not believe that the swordsman can never pull the sword.

"The ancient **** magic boxing."

"The ancient **** boxing."

Gu Hong used to cast the ancient magical boxing and the ancient gods and the swords and devils. Unfortunately, he is not the opponent of the swordsman. However, Su Yuyu’s ancient gods and ancient gods are more powerful than Gu Hong, otherwise he does not have Qualified pointing to Gu Hong, Su Yuyu did not count on the ancient gods and ancient gods, can defeat the sword magic, all he has to do is to force the sword to pull the sword.

Jingying jade's left fist, along a curve, hit the chest of the sword magic, Su Yuyu's fist has not yet arrived, the sharp fist, let the sword magic feel the pain, such as knife scraping, it is reasonable to say, The boxing should not be sharp, and it is not a sword.

"A big handprint."

The sword magic still has no meaning of drawing a sword. It is two points in one, and the memory is unreasonable. He does not use martial arts. It does not mean that he will not. However, his large handprints have been changed, and the original cover of the sky, The difference is very far, and the big handprints, whether it is the Jinxiu Mountain River or the Stars, are actually made up of swords.

The Jinxiu Mountain River blocked Su Yuyu’s left fist. Although Su Yuyu shattered the Xiongshan Dayue and cut off a section of the Yangtze River, but after all, it did not hurt the sword and the magic, while at the same time, the black fist of the ink, Faster speed, straight to the sword's chest.

If Su Yuyu’s right fist is hit **** the chest of the sword, the sternum of the sword magic may have to break a lot of roots. Unfortunately, the black fist of the ink is blocked by a sword star, even if Su Yuyu The fists are like bamboo, and they have no effect, because the number of stars is too many.

"You have a sword repair, and learn what to do in the palm of your hand."

Su Yuyu really wants to ask the swordsman like this. Just think about the boxing method he used. He didn’t mean to open his mouth. He was going to continue attacking. His face suddenly changed. He thought that the sword magic was just resisting his boxing method. I didn’t expect it. Such a powerful counterattack.

Whether it is a broken mountain or a broken star, it is turned into a sword, and it is like a big handprint. It is like suppressing the gods of the heavens and the earth. Su Yuyu retreats again and again. If he continues to move forward, if the sword is cold, the sword will be cold. Maybe he will be planted in the hands of the swordsman.

A pair of fists opened and closed together, and the bombardment was repeated on the huge handprints again and again, and one finger after another broke. Su Yuyu finally breathed a sigh of relief. The sword demon is really a genius, and the palm of the hand is in his hands. Such a change, if Su Yuyu reacts quickly, he will definitely eat a dark loss.

Su Yuyu praised the swordsman, but the founder of the big handprints, if you know that the swordsman will use the big handprints so much, you don’t know if you will jump your feet, and the swordsman’s big handprints are at best Martial arts, compared with the real emperor martial arts, do not know how many times the difference.

I can change the martial arts of the emperor into a martial art of heaven. I really don’t know whether the sword is clever or clever, or the stupid sword is stupid. Anyway, the current big handprint is useful for the sword, the original cover. The big handprints are so powerful that the swordsmen can't use them. It's better to switch to a sword.

"For the first time, I saw that Sue Brothers retreated in the confrontation with their peers. The Swordsman is much more powerful than us."

Mu Xue couldn't help but sigh, when she saw the sword demon for the first time, she knew that the sword demon was not in the pool, but she did not think that she could actually fight in the sky. There is such a dazzling light bursting out, first defeating Gu Hong, then defeating the ghosts, no one can beat the younger generation.

Even if Su Yuyu defeats the swordsman, the real winners are swordsmen, because the swordsmen are only in the late stage of the heavens, and they are even lower than Su Yuyu. After the swordsman loses to Su Yuyu, others will definitely say that if the swordsman At that time, when it broke through to the peak of the sky, it would be able to defeat Su Yuyu, unless Su Yuyu crushed the sword in an absolute situation.

"Oh, just because Su’s brother is not serious, it is not a level of battle.”

Ning Siyu whispered, because she did not have the confidence, she could not say that the sword is weak, the sword can defeat Gu Hong and the ghost, and it is easy to defeat her. If she says that the strength of the sword is not good, it means that all the days will be present. The strength of the martial arts will not work, because they are not as good as the swords.

"What are you going to do, you don't really have to do it right with the old things, you have the courage, the man and the man, that's it."

Only the proud dragon is clear, the elders of the three great emperors demand that the swordsmen lose to Su Yuyu. If the swords and the swords do not agree, after the battle of the Tianzhang list, the elders of the three emperors will certainly not let go of the swords, but one Thinking of the elders of the three great emperors, the proud dragon is full of blood, almost could not help but scream.

"No, no, people should be low-key, can not mess, we first let the group of old things once, and then the strength is enough, then come back to kill the old things."

Aolong shook his head and quickly expelled the previous crazy thoughts. The elders of the three great emperors were screaming, but their lives were hard to protect. With their talents, as long as they don’t die, they will definitely be able to surpass the elders present and revenge. It’s not too late for ten years, or not to be impulsive.

The swordsman who is fighting with Su Yuyu does not care about the dragon. The people outside the platform can't intervene in the confrontation between Su Yuyu and the sword, but they pass the sound to the sword and Su Yuyu. There is no problem, and they compete with Su Yuyu. The sword magic can not be distracted. If Su Yuyu seizes the opportunity, he will be restrained everywhere until it is defeated.

"It doesn't make much sense to fight like this. Don't hide it. It's really a positive contest."

Su Yuyu and Jianmo are not martial arts, but they use the boxing method and the palms to compete. They simply cannot exert their strongest strength. The Tianwu who are present in the field do not know what to say, people are more popular than people, swordsmen The strength shown by Su Yuyu has far surpassed that of the average Tianfeng, and they have not yet been true.

"it is good."

The sword devil nodded, the left hand grasped the scabbard of the man Wang Jian, the right hand held the sword of the man Wang Jian, slowly pulled out the man Wang Jian, one by one, the people of the martial arts felt that their hair was erected. It’s just a sword-drawing action that makes them feel dangerous.

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