The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 318: Death knife

As a sword repair in the late days of the heavens, the swordsman uses swords and no swords. There is absolutely a huge gap in combat power. From the beginning of his sword-drawing, Su Yuyu feels the ubiquitous sword meaning, and it is as sharp as it is. There are countless small swords, constantly stabbing Su Yuyu's skin.


Su Yuyu slammed a big step backwards. The sword demon is definitely not just a sword. Otherwise, he will not feel the danger. The sword-sword movement is slow, but the speed of the sword is so incredible. When the sword is completely unplugged When it came out, even the stars, the stars and the stars seemed to be eclipsed.

The sharp sword light is like tearing open the void, ignoring the distance. In an instant, it is in front of Su Yuyu. Fortunately, Su Yuyu reacts quickly, otherwise he is injured now. It is not Jianqi, nor Jianmang, but Wang Jian, sharp sword tip, flashing.

Su Yuyu stretched his right hand, and a knives appeared out of thin air. It was like a golden sun, which made the entire platform bathe under the golden brilliance. The blade was engraved with the ancient words, and you could not see what was written, but you could feel it. To the endless domineering, even the ancient warriors outside the ancient battlefield, can not help but shudder.

The man Wang Jian was stabbed on the golden sword, and immediately the horse was blocked. The sword tip swallowed the edge, but could not break the golden sword. Su Yuyu was the first of the nine great angels of the ancient emperor. The sword used was certainly not low. The devil came from the lower bound, and the origin was definitely not as good as Su Yuyu. The man Wang Jian only used the big sky to cast swordsmanship, and he combined a handle and a sword.

"Knife name, overlord."

The Overlord's Knife, not the strongest of the ancient Emperor's Palace, was refining for Su Yuyu, but Su Yuyu's income in a monument. He did not know what level of weapons the Overlord Knife was. Even the elders of the Ancient Emperor Palace did not know, perhaps The Emperor of the Ancient Emperor Palace knew that it was only Su Yuyu who was not qualified to meet the Emperor.

Regardless of whether he is a heavenly person, a heavenly regime, or a heavenly kingdom, there is no problem in using the Overlord's knife. To say that the Overlord's knife is a Taoist device, Su Yuyu does not believe it, because there is no instrumental manifestation, even the Tianpin weapon. And the holy weapons, there are spirits, but the hardness of the Overlord's knife, even the heavenly weapons are not necessarily comparable.

"It turned out that Su Yuyu was a knife repair, it was incredible."

"He didn't use a knife, he could defeat all the geniuses with one stroke, and how strong his strength is."

Many warriors thought that Su Yuyu was a martial artist. After all, in front of the battle, he did not use the knife at all, especially those geniuses who lost under Su Yuyu's hands. It is even more unacceptable. It is also the Tianfeng dynasty, why is Su Yuyu They are so strong.

Even in the top ten battles, Su Yuyu’s first matchup was a defeat to the opponent. Later, he confronted Gu Hong, he was purely pointing to Gu Hong, and if he did his best, he did not know that Gu Hong could resist. He has a few tricks. Fortunately, there is a sword magic that allows them to see the real power of Su Yuyu.

Yin Qingqi and the ghosts are silent. They were not convinced by Su Yuyu. They were the first day of their respective forces. Why did Su Yuyu’s last shot, from the moment when Su Yuyu held the Overlord knife, they I understand that I am not an opponent of Su Yuyu.

"The same world can make me pull out the knife. There are only a handful of them. It is lower than me to make a knife. You are the first one."

The current Su Yuyu, the feeling of giving people is a sword, nothing to stop, invincible, he is like a commander on the battlefield, the blade pointed out, there will be a million troops to listen to his orders, arrogant, as if, He is not like a martial artist in the sky. It is just an imposing manner, and it is comparable to the peak king.

"Death knives."

The tyrant's blaze is a dazzling golden light, but it gives people a feeling of sinisterness, especially the swordsman who is standing opposite Su Shiyu. It seems to be shrouded in the shadow of death. It is like chilling, like an endless chill. I have to drill into his body.

The sword demon looks a glimpse, and Su Yuyu's knife method uses the will to attack. If he can't stop Su Shiyu's will, he is not qualified to be Su Yuyu's opponent. He does not use the nine-tailed magic. Did not use the ancient secrets, just condense a Qinglian in the world of will.

No matter how fierce the impact of Su Yuyu's will, the three-footed Qinglian is completely untouched, and it is not affected at all. The will of the death ink knife is attacked. After all, it is incidental. The sword magic can block it, completely in the expectation of Su Yuyu. Among them, Su Yuyu wants only the moment, as long as the sword magic is affected a little, that is enough.

Fully ninety-nine knives, from the direction of the sword in the direction of the sword, Su Yuyu's tyrant knife has disappeared, perhaps in the ninety-nine knives, whether the sword is going backwards, or to the left or Moving to the right, there is no effect, there are knives everywhere, behind and around, not safer than the front.

"Shock sword."

The sword magic does not retreat, Su Yuyu is in front of him, then, the Overlord knife is very likely to be hidden in the front of the knife, he did not deal with the knife, but turned to Su Yuyu, as long as he can defeat Su Yuyu No matter what is hidden, the Overlord knife has no effect.

The man Wang Jian oscillated at an unprecedented frequency, and the void of a hundred meters was greatly affected. The ninety-nine knives were within the scope of the shock, and the eyes of the sword and the demon were bright. Eighteen knives were shaken, and only one knife was fine.

Yuan Shiyuan originated into the origin of the sword, condensed into a sword, slammed into the knife that was not affected, and Wang Jian was at a faster speed, stabbing the neck of Su Yuyu, but the development of things Except for the anti-magic of the sword, even the king Wang Jian can not break the overlord knife, but the original sword has shattered the knife.

When he realized that it was not good, it was already late. Wang Jian pierced the neck of Su Yuyu. Unfortunately, it was only a residual image. In the battle ahead, Su Yuyu not only did not pull the knife, but also did not expose his original strength until Now, he knows that Su Yuyu is mastering the fifth level of spatial origin.


The Overlord knife suddenly appeared and squatted on the body of the Sword Demon. Fortunately, the Sword Demon used the Sword Step to avoid the deadly knife. Even so, the Overlord Knife cut through the swordsman’s clothes and left a piece on his body. A half-foot knife wound, fortunately, the wound is not deep, and has little effect on the next battle.

What makes the sword magic depressed is that the Tiandu robes actually hang him. If the Tiandu robes really want to help him resist the tyrant knife, he will not be injured at all. The mouth of the Tiandu robes is instantly restored, healed than his wounds. The speed is even faster, and the robes of the heavens that are not working at the time of the spirit are really unreliable.

"It's a bit interesting, come again."

Su Shiyu thought that after the death of the magic knife, he could solve the sword magic. I did not expect that the sword magic was only slightly injured. He understood the sword magic, the sword magic did not understand him, and he did not defeat the sword magic when he did not care. Interested in the next showdown.

Still the death knives, but the number of knives has skyrocketed. Previously there were only ninety-nine knives, but now it is a full five hundred swordsmanship. The sword magic is thought to be the tyrant knife, hidden in the knives, only to eat. Once a loss, with the lessons of the previous car, the sword magic will certainly not continue to be fooled, Su Yuyu is using the psychology of the sword magic, in fact, the overlord knife is hidden in five hundred knives.

The black pupil, there is a little bit of gold mans, the sword of the devil's supreme gold 确 really did not fully stimulate, but with the ability of a little supreme gold ,, there is no problem, fortunately he did not take it for granted, otherwise it was counted, did not expect Su In the trial, Haoyu gave him the next set.

The sword demon did not care about five hundred knives, but continued to attack Su Yuyu. Of course, it was only attacking. What he had to do was to count the calculations. Su Yuyu thought he knew the swords. In fact, he did not know enough. The source, there is no problem, Su Yuyu's space source is powerful, the magical source of the sword magic is also not bad, but unfortunately only the fourth level.

"I didn't beat you just now, now there is absolutely no problem."

Su Yuyu is full of confidence, because the sword magic has no control over five hundred knives. As long as the person Wang Jian attacked him, the overlord knife will suddenly become awkward, and it will definitely make the sword devil suffer a big loss. Of course he did not think about killing. Sword demon, innocent and enmity, as long as you defeat the sword magic.

All the warriors inside and outside the ancient battlefield are staring at Su Yuyu and the swordsman, for fear of missing any details. Although the ghosts have a showdown with Aurora and Yin Qingyi, they are only fighting for the third, fourth and fifth. Far from the swordsman and Su Shi Yu fight for the first and second best.

Just when the man Wang Jian was less than half a meter away from Su Yuyu, he suddenly changed his direction, and he squatted on the knife that hides the Overlord's knife. The sword magic displayed the collapsed sword style, and even used the nine-turn dragon. The fifth turn of the strength, the force has skyrocketed five times, Su Yuyu did not know, how the sword magic found the overlord knife.

Su Yuyu’s right hand shook, and the Overlord’s knife almost came out. The power of the sword demon was too big. He couldn’t bear it. He barely grasped the Overlord’s knife. His body was shaking, and the sword was fierce. Piercing into his body, he smiled a bit, and he did not expect the sword of the pit to be pitted.

The man Wang Jian is like a snake snake. He walks to the chest of Su Yuyu with a smashing angle. The sword demon knows that Su Yuyu reacted very quickly, so his left hand has already shot a big handprint, and Su Yuyu even thought. To avoid, it is impossible. Under the last resort, Su Yuyu can only swing the left fist and slam it out.

The meat fist can't stop the edge of the man Wang Jian. Su Yuyu's four fingers are almost cut off, the bright red blood, the sprinkling of the sky, the ten fingers and the heart, the severe pain, which makes Su Yuyu retreat at a faster speed. All the knives are attacking the swordsmen. Before the swords and swords are resisted, they are all blasted.

"Very interesting, let you try my power of martial arts." The first book from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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