The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 319: 瞳术-雷罚

Su Yuyu’s martial arts are different from those of Yin Qingyi, Gu Hong, and Ao Long. Before the start of the third round of combat, he closed his eyes and brewed sputum. The longer he closed his eyes, the longer he was. Yes, it is bigger, and when he confronted Gu Hong, he said that he opened his eyes and was afraid of hurting Gu Hong.

Originally, Su Yuyu was trying to win the championship. Now, as long as he defeats the sword, he is the first. If he loses to the sword, he will not even be the second, but he must go with the ghost and the proud dragon. If he loses to the proud dragon, then even Yin Qingyi can fight against him.

"If you can't resist it, you will leave the battle platform, don't resist."

Even if Yin Qingyi’s Taiyin world, Su Yuyu is sure to use the shackles to break open. If the swordsman’s strength is too strong, Su Yuyu does not need to use 瞳 ,, if the sword can’t stop his martial arts, then The victory and defeat have been divided, even if the sword is blocked by his martial arts, it is extremely important to think of the injury. He wants to defeat the sword magic again, and it is easy.

First of all, as long as the victory over the sword magic, Su Yuyu is the first, there is no need to keep the martial arts, and secondly, Su Yuyu feels that the ghosts and Yin Qingyi are not qualified to let him use the martial arts, the ghosts come before the fourth round of combat, but also specially I saw the disciples of the ancient emperor and the disciples of the Taiyin Temple. I wanted to know myself and know each other. Su Yuyu did nothing, because he believed that he was the strongest.


Most of the warriors are the same as the swordsmen. The first time they saw Su Yuyu opened their eyes, they saw not the black and white braids, but a pair of purple eyes, which seemed to be the result of infinite lightning. It is the source of space, but the power of thunder is the power of thunder.

One after another, Tian Lei, from the eyes of Su Yuyu, spurred out, the movement of the sword magic is very fast, but compared with the speed of the thunder, it is still too slow, Su Yuyu just stares at the sword The thunder is all smashed in the past, and even if the sword magic reacts quickly, it is impossible to escape.

The young geniuses in the ancient battlefields have wiped out a cold sweat. Su Yuyu’s martial arts power is beyond their imagination. Even a thunder, it is enough to fly like Xing Peng, Fan Dongmei and Xiahou Ghosts, Yin Qingyi, and Gu Hong, etc., have no problem with resisting a thunder, but they are not sure to cope with Su Yuyu’s technique.

The elders of the ancient palace were most gratified. I didn’t expect Su Yuyu to be able to display such a powerful technique. Su Yuyu was able to defeat the swordsman by his own strength. No matter how good, the elders of the Taiyin Temple and the life-stricken building were complicated. Of course, I hope that the swordsman will lose, and Su Yuyu will say that he is a disciple of the ancient emperor palace. The disciples of the ancient emperor won the first place, and certainly will be better than the genius of the non-prestige forces.

However, Su Yuyu is too powerful, and it is more powerful than the Yin Qingying of the Taiyin Temple and the ghost of the life-stricken building. In the future, in the end, Su Yuyu can go to any point, they can’t predict, in case, Su Yuyu becomes a counter Heavenly master, the Taiyin Temple and the desperate building are not short.

At a critical juncture, the swordsman still remained calm. If he was in a chaotic position, he would not be able to stop Su Yuyu's martial arts. A pair of black pupils gradually turned into gold, stimulated by Su Yuyu's technique. The supreme gold scorpion, finally broke out with a dazzling golden light.

The spurs of the distant spurs are all affected by the supreme gold scorpion. It seems to have been dyed with a layer of gold lacquer. The speed of the thunder is slowing down. For the current swordsman. Even if it is a moment of time, it is precious and precious. He did not think that Su Yuyu’s martial arts had such terrible destructive power.

"Fast sword style."

As the name suggests, the fast sword style is that the sword magic is currently able to display the fastest swordsmanship. For example, when he displays a time of a sword-breaking style, he can display more than a dozen fast swords. If there is no supreme gold, even if he uses a fast sword. It is impossible to stop Su Yuyu's martial arts.

A sword and a sword, all on the golden thunder, so that the sword magic did not expect that, unexpectedly smooth, people Wang Jian hit the thunder, it seems to be on the gold, how to say, people Wang Jian is a sword of the land, and there is absolutely no problem in cutting iron.

The most unacceptable is Su Yuyu, who thought that using the scorpion technique, he could defeat the sword magic in one fell swoop. When he wanted to come, there were only two kinds of results. One type of sword demon escaped from the battle platform, and another type of sword demon was hit hard. Know that the sword magic can use a sword to smash his thunder.

A group of martial artists are incomprehensible looking at the swordsman, Su Yuyu's martial arts can not be illusory, only a few people look at the swordsman's eyes, if thoughtful, Su Yuyu encounters the sword magic, it is really unlucky It’s not that his technique is not strong enough, but he has encountered the supreme gold.

It is a pity that the supreme gold scorpion of the Sword Devil is not completely activated, or there is a body of the Sword Demon in the Thunder. If Su Yuyu did not brew the scorpion before, then his martial arts will not hurt the Sword, but of course, only It is certainly not enough to hurt the sword, and Su Yuyu is going to defeat the sword.

"Broken and cracked."

Su Yuyu holds the Overlord's knife in both hands, and it is the most powerful knives of the ancient emperor's palace. He masters the space of the fifth level, and it is most suitable to display the smashing of the slash. If you master the source of the mine or the source of the five elements Even if the savvy is good, there is no way to bring out all the power of the rupture.


The battle platform is a world of self-containedness. It is definitely not as good as the heavens. Whether it is the sun, the moon or the stars, or the mountains and rivers, it is fragile many times. A loud noise, the overlord knife tore open the void, the thick black crack, extending to the location of the sword magic. Come over, the void crack is even more terrible than the weapons of the earth, even if the body of the king can not stop.

The black hair of the sword demon has long been uprooted. So far, there have been five heavenly thunders, and he is on his body. His half body is about to lose consciousness. Fortunately, his resilience is extremely strong. Otherwise, there is no way to carry out the following decisive battle. In particular, Su Yuyu has also applied a broken smash, which is enough to tear the King's knife.

"Ling Ling three."

What he is using now is only the first type of Ling Xiao San style. It is the sword method of the Ling family in the past. Although it is not used in this life, it is still very skillful and not strange. He is now practicing the ancient sky. I don’t know how many times better than the previous practice.

The first type, Ling Sifang.

A sword broke out, and the four sides were invincible.

The sword demon does not know what kind of means Su Shiyu has. If he can display the big demon green lotus sword and can't defeat Su Yuyu, then the loser is him. The Lingxiao three-style consumption is very big, just, compared with the big demon green. The lotus sword is several times better, especially if he only uses the first type and there are no problems in performing it for a dozen times.

The man Wang Jianyu was on the crack of the void, and the void was shaking. With the sword and the devil screaming low, the crack of the void broke into pieces for a period of time. Su Yuyu thought that he knew himself and now he understood that he did not understand the sword magic. It is the sword magic, or the fast sword style and the Ling Xiao three styles, he did not see the sword magic used.


The sword demon used the Lingxiao three-style to resist the broken cracks, just to give Su Yuyu a smashing machine, Su Yuyu’s eyes were stunned, and the rest of the Tianlei poured out. Since becoming the king of the heavens, Su Yuyu He has never seen such a powerful martial artist in the late days, he has to go all out.

Fortunately, the sword magic has been prepared, and the man Wang Jian is in his hands, as if one is two, two, three, three thousand, dense swordsman, in front of the sword, but unfortunately can not stop the thunder The bombardment, the sword magic snorted, dozens of Tianlei will fly him.

"A good opportunity is this time."

Su Yuyu held the overlord's knife and chased it toward the sword. He changed to another opponent. Su Yuyu definitely felt that the victory and defeat had been divided, but he had already seen the hardship of the sword, so he would not take it lightly. When the devil was injured, he just defeated the sword demon and won it in one fell swoop.


Swordsman coughs up blood, dozens of thunders are really bombarding him, wanting not to be hurt, it is impossible, but fortunately, the Tiandu robes have not pitted him at the crucial moment, helping him block the vast Part of Wei Neng, Su Yuyu is eager to win, even if he is already very careful, he still stepped into the trap of the sword magic,

He was bombarded by the thunder, but every time he stepped back, he took out a sword in the void. His movements were hidden. Su Yuyu did not notice, even the warriors who watched the war were I thought that the sword and the devil had already disappeared. I thought it would be possible to defeat Su Yuyu.

"No fun, lose it."

The Overlord's knife smashed from top to bottom. It seemed to be able to open the heavens and the earth. Su Yuyu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. I didn't expect to be able to reach such a situation If the sword magic and him are in a realm, perhaps he is not the opponent of the sword magic.

"It’s finally over, the sword is awesome, but unfortunately, the Soviet brother is still better than him."

Ning Siyu looked at Su Yuyu with a look of worship. The champion of the Tianzhang list was really her Sue brother. The disciples of the ancient emperor who stood next to her all nodded. They all felt that the outcome had been won. Points, of course, no one laughs at the swordsman, because the swordsman is a little lower than Su Yuyu.

"Kill him and kill him."

Di Yuanzhao prayed in his heart, and the warrior who hated the swordsman, also hoped that Su Yuyu could kill the swordsman, and the talents that the swordsmen now show, they want to surpass the swords in the future, the possibility is almost zero, with As time goes by, the gap between them and the swordsman will only grow bigger and bigger.


Just when Su Yuyu thought that he could defeat the sword magic with a knife, the sword magic suddenly waved the sword, instead of attacking Su Yuyu, but starting the Qianyuan sword array. The eight swords he had previously pulled out were in the array, and Su Yuyu just walked. Into his sword array, Su Yuyu suddenly felt a fatal crisis, it seems that there are nine swordsmen, and at the same time he swords.

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