The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 321: Top ten rewards

"Hand over the fruit."

The swordsman did not have the politeness of the emperors of the three great emperors. Anyway, they had vowed in the name of the Tao. The elders of the three great emperors threatened him with the fate of the proud dragon and Levin, and they had already let him lick a fire. Now, of course, there is no need to give the elders face of the three great emperors.

The faces of the elders of the three great emperors are not good-looking. The swordsmen will make things for the fruit. When they say it in public, they are equal to hitting their faces. The swordsman loses to Su Yuyu. The people with clear eyes can see that there are problems. Now the swordsmen have to The first prize was given to tell other warriors that he had reached an agreement with the elders of the three emperors.

"Damn, I want to kill him."

The elders of the ancient palace tightened their fists, the knuckles were white, and the eyes were full of anger. No junior dared to be so arrogant in front of him. He only had to stretch out one hand to shoot the sword. Not only did he not think that the other elders did not think that the swordsman was so daring.

"You shut me up, restless, scare and scare him to be okay, really want to kill him, we have to be implicated in the ancient palace."

Whether it is threatening him with his own life, or threatening him with the life of the proud dragon and Levin, there will be no problem, but if you kill the sword, the nature is completely different, the ancient magic knows things, Not another elder can compare, he would rather kill the proud dragon, will not kill the sword magic.

Lian Er and Jianmo, they can't kill, but they can kill by knife. The ancient devil is going to let the elders of the Taiyin Temple and the life-stricken building start. You can get rid of the sword and the lotus, and second, if in the future Revenge for the lotus and the sword, the unfortunate is the Taiyin Temple and the desperate building.

"Is it true that the first of Su Yuyu was exchanged for the elders of the three great emperors."

"A good day will be the battle for the list. It turned out that the three great emperors are playing at home. Other geniuses don't want to win."

"The once-in-a-century squad will fight for the battle. There is nothing fair about it. The elders of the three emperors are simply shameless."

There are a lot of words to say about the non-prestige warriors outside the ancient battlefield. Unfortunately, they have a lot of voices and exchanges, and they are out of the mouth. They don’t dare to talk too much. The three great emperors are the masters of the chaotic ancient domain. Other forces They must all rely on their breath to survive, no force dare to openly call the three great emperors.

Besides, the Sword Devil is not a disciple of their power. They only have sympathy for the Sword Devil. It is impossible to fight for the Sword Devil. Whether it is the Taiyin Temple, the Ancient Emperor Palace, or the life-stricken building, you want to destroy the ancient domain. Other forces are easy.

"Get it."

The elders of the three great emperors do not want to entangle with the sword magic, throwing the fruit into the sword magic, it is no longer to take care of the sword magic, anyway, the name of the sword magic has been fixed, lost to Su Yuyu, the sword magic is the second, The battle for the Tianbang list has not yet ended, and the third, fourth and fifth have not yet come out.

"Ghosts come to the arrogant dragon, if the ghost is to win, the ghost is the third, the proud fourth, Yin Qingyi fifth, if the proud dragon wins, the proud dragon is the third, the ghost is coming and Yin Qingyi again."

If at the beginning, the proud dragon may still really play with the ghosts, but now, the proud dragon has no interest, the so-called Tianbang list battle, the elders of the three emperors want to think about it, basically There is no point, even if the top three rewards are good, Aolong has no interest.

Therefore, the proud dragon did not fight with the ghosts, even did not go to the battle platform, directly admit defeat, Yin Qingyi lost to the proud dragon, proudly admit defeat, she is not qualified to challenge the ghosts, the ranking of the battle From the first to the tenth, all came out.

Su Yuyu first, swordsman second, ghosts come third, proud dragon fourth, Yin Qingyi fifth, Lei Wenyuan sixth, Gu Hong seventh...

The warriors of the Tianling Pavilion are in the spirit stone, and all who are sorrowful and sorrowful, they have won the Lingshi, and they have been detained by others. All of them have lost their cleanliness. The swordsman gave Lei Wenyuan’s 3,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, of course, lost. There is no one piece, and Levin’s face looks distressed. The sword magic does not matter.

There are rewards in the first to tenth days of the list. In addition to weapons, martial arts, and medicinal herbs, there is also a key to a monument, and the tenth reward, there is already a heavenly weapon and a heavenly martial art. The higher the ranking, the better the reward, the rewarding Tianpin martial arts, definitely choose the tenth young talent.

Normally, it is not bad for Tianyi to be able to use the weapons of the land. If you have a weapon, you will have a strong background or a strong air transport. Weapons, the celestial warriors of the ancient domain, of course, want to participate.

Even if it is a disciple of the emperor, when the heavens are in the world, most of them do not have weapons of heaven. What's more, there are more non-prestige disciples in the ancient times. They want to get the weapons of the heavens, and the possibility is better than that of the emperor. The disciples of the power are still small, and the battle for the list is their chance.

The monuments chosen by the three great powers are a small world created by a Taoist leader. Unfortunately, there are only five keys. They were originally intended to compete for the top five in the Tiangang list. Before the fourth round of combat, the three great forces The elders believe that the top five must be the genius of their respective forces.

Su Yuyu, Yin Qingyi and Ghost are the top three. Gu Hong is the top five. There is another one. It is not clear who is the specific one. I just didn’t think of it. The second let the swordsman steal, the fourth let the dragons occupy, and the ghosts are the first. Third, it is acceptable. Yin Qingyi has become the fifth. Gu Hong is the seventh. Normally, he is not qualified to get the key.

However, the elders of the three great emperors are ignorantly detaining the five keys. They will only give other rewards. Fortunately, when the list of battles began, they did not introduce rewards. Otherwise, now all In the face of the warriors, they are not good at deducting rewards.

The top ten rewards of the Tianzhu are the powers of the three great emperors. The elders of the ancient emperor’s palace have sent out the rewards of Lei Wenyuan. The proud dragons and the swordsmen, the ancient demons don’t want to move, only the thunder Wen Yuan did not care. After winning Lei Wenyuan, he now sent a reward for Lei Wenyuan. He was still his time.

The elders of the ancient emperor's palace certainly do not care about rewards, Tianpin weapons, Tianpin martial arts and Tianpin Dan medicine, for them, there is no value, they care about the talent of swordsman, proud dragon and Lei Wenyuan. Sword and the proud dragon are sure to have grievances, who knows what they will become the strongest in the future.

The reward of the proud dragon is given by the elders of the desperate building. The reward of the sword magic is sent by the elders of the Taiyin Temple. After all, the proud dragons represent the Taiyin Temple to participate in the battle of the Tianzhang list. The elders of the Taiyin Temple are not good at cleaning up. He, of course, the most important thing is that the proud dragon is from the proud family, and the Taiyin Temple does not want to be against the proud family.

The elders of the desperate building did not intend to get rid of the proud dragons. They had a way to smother one of the heavens and the martial arts. As long as there is no evidence in the arrogant family, it would be difficult to collide with the life-stricken building. The life-stricken building is far away, and it is impossible to hit a game with nothing to do.

The elders of the Taiyin Temple did not know the trap of the ancient devil. They opened the proud dragon and felt that they had already occupied a big bargain. The strength of the sword demon was strong, but the practice of the sword demon cultivation, they have not seen it, only two cases The first is that the Swordsman is not a disciple of the Emperor. The second is that the Swordsman comes from a devotee that they don't know. No matter what the situation, they have no problem dealing with the Sword.

The weapon obtained by the proud dragon is a sword of the heavenly sword, and it is the refining of the peak of the heavens. The tenth weapon obtained by the tenth is the one that was rebuilt in the previous period. It is also a weapon of the heavenly spirit. There is still a gap. The peak of Tianzun and the previous Tianzun refining system are of course different.

In addition to the weapons, Aolong also got two Tianwu martial arts, three Tianpin medicinal herbs, the elders of the life-stricken building did not have a stingy, and the Tianpin martial arts that was given to the proud dragon was created by Qifeng Tianzun. It is also the peak of Tianzun refining, and then say, the proud dragon is the fourth, the reward is certainly not bad.

The Taiyin Temple gives the swordsman a better reward. The two swords of the Tianfeng refinement, the four-door swordsmanship, and the five heavenly medicines are not how generous they are, but they have no plans to let them The sword demon left the ancient city, and now rewards the sword magic. After taking the sword, you can still grab it back, and then send a young genius of the Taiyin Temple.

Anyone who knows how to raise a tiger can understand that the swordsmen in the later days of the heavens will be able to defeat the emperors and emperors of the peaks of the heavens. If the swordsmen and their realms are the same, killing them may be effortless, especially the sword. In the late period of the magical talents, there will be endless means, and it will definitely be a difficult existence in the future.

"I thought of an idea, based on five real keys, and then forged three fake keys, respectively, to the sword, the proud dragon and the Levin."

After the top ten rewards were issued, an elder of the Taiyin Temple was voiced to other elders and began to discuss how to deal with the Sword, the Dragon and the Levin, who wanted to win the Sword, the Proud and the Levin. I definitely need a reason. If they do not indiscriminately start, how can other disciples of other forces dare to participate in the Tianbang list.

The other elders nodded, and the Tianzhang list battle ended. They took the first place to the eighth place of the Tianzhu list and went to the monuments prepared by the three great emperors. Of course, there is no problem, the swordsman, the proud dragon and the thunder. Wen Yuan may not know their plot at all, and he went to the monument with them.

Even if the Sword, the Proud and the Levin are found to be useless, the elders of the three emperors can forcibly take away the Sword, the Proud and the Levin, and take the strength of the three emperors to fully win. Sword Demon, Aaron and Levin Yuan, the resistance is definitely futile.

"We have prepared the key to the lord's relics for the top eight young geniuses of Tianzhu. Now I will give it to you and then take you there." The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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