The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 322: Fed up

Under the broad public, the elders of the three great emperors can't take the proud dragon, the sword magic and the Levin far, but take them to no one's place, they want to kill the proud dragon, the sword magic and the Le Wenyuan. There is no problem. In order to deal with the three juniors, they rack their brains and do everything they can. They are afraid to be laughed at by other powerful powers.

The elders of the ancient palace decided to deal with Lei Wenyuan, the sword demon and the lotus, the ancient devil did not dare to move, the elders of the Taiyin Temple dealt with the sword demon, they have not heard of any swords, do not need taboos, the elders of the life building are I plan to let go of the proud dragon first, and then send the killer. I don’t know how to get rid of the proud dragon, and it’s best to leave the ancient world after the proud dragon.

Su Yuyu, Ghost Ruyi, Yin Qingyi, Gu Hong and the eighth place all got a key. The keys given to them by the three great emperors are true. The keys to the swords, proud dragons and Levin are fake. It is certainly not difficult to create three fake keys by their means.

"I don't want to go."

After the sword took the key, he didn't look at it. He put the key on the ground. He didn't know that the key was fake, but for him, there is no difference. Even if the key is true, he will throw it away. Elders who have offended the three great powers, who knows they will not secretly start.

"I don't want to go."

"You don't go, of course, Lao Tzu does not go."

The proud dragon and Lei Wenyuan successively slammed the keys on the ground. They were not stupid. The swordsmen threw the keys away. They understood the intention of the swordsmen. What they are going to do now is the elders who are far away from the three emperors. It is best to leave the ancient domain to ensure their safety.

The elders of the three great emperors are too deceiving. Otherwise, the swordsmen will not claim to be 'Laozi'. The arrogant dragon wants to win the championship. The result is that the grievances become the fourth. His grievances are probably bigger than the swordsmen. Lei Wenyuan must be standing on the side of the sword, not to mention the hostility of the three emperors.

Whether it is the young genius in the ancient battlefield or the large number of warriors outside the ancient battlefield, it is like petrification. They did not think that the swordsman, the proud dragon and the Levin far dare to be so rude to the elders of the three emperors. You must know that even the head of a power force must give three points to the emperor's elders.


The elders of the Taiyin Temple couldn't help but scream, and the swords, the dragons, and the Levin were throwing the keys, but they were playing their faces, and the plans to trick the swords, the dragon and the Levin were defeated. His mood Definitely not much better, Jianmo, proud dragon and Lei Wenyuan are still disrespectful to him.

The sky above the ancient battlefield, dark clouds, like a storm is coming, the anger of the emperor's power elders has triggered the vision of heaven and earth. Mu Xue, Zhong Xingba, Di Yuanzhao, etc., all feel a horrible Power, they can't breathe.

Zhong Xingba quickly gave Lei Wenyuan a wink, but unfortunately, Lei Wen was far from seeing, and Le Wenyuan didn't want to even have a hard time with Zhong Xing. Now, don't have anything to do with Zhong Xingba. Zhong Xingba is a disciple of the ancient emperor, wanting to come or not. There will be any danger, but the status of Zhong Xingba is too low. It is impossible to save Lei Wenyuan and Jianmo.

"Relying on the old and selling old, stinking."

The tender voice sounded, and the lotus of the sword demon was really invisible. The elders of the ancient emperor’s palace had a pain in the liver, but they did not dare to talk about the lotus. There is a command from the palace, whether it is the ancient emperor. The elders of the palace or the disciples are not allowed to hurt the lotus. The elders of the Taiyin Temple and the life-stricken building are all blown up. Even the seven or eight-year-old girl dare to ridicule them and insult them.

At the end of the battle, the warriors outside the ancient battlefields felt that there was nothing left in the future. They could leave Taikoo City. I did not expect that the swordsman, the proud dragon and the Lei Wenyuan actually stood on the opposite side of the three emperors. They said that they would not be able to compete with the forces of the Emperor.

"The rewards that our three great emperors have given you, you have to do it, don't have to."

The elders of the desperate building said strongly that the actions of the proud dragon, the sword demon and the Levin far made his killings heavier, and they would dare not respect them if they were arrogant, if they were proud, swordsman and Levin far The same realm as him, he must dare to do it to him, even the next killer.

Anyone can now see that there are problems with the rewards of the three great emperors. Someone is forcing others to reward. Swords, Aurora and Levin are throwing the keys. Why do the three emperors have to They went to the so-called lord's remains.

"It's a pity that three young geniuses, the impulse is the devil, they should not offend the three emperors."

"Men's husband, who can bend and stretch, is tough, and will die early."

Many warriors sighed in their hearts. They seemed to have seen the tragic end of the Sword Devil, Aurora and Levin. The road was uneven, and they helped each other. That was what the coward did. They would not be for the Sword, the Proud and the Thunder. Wen Yuan offended the three great emperors.

The Taiyin Hall, the Life-Stricken House and some of the young geniuses of the Ancient Emperor Palace, but in the gloating, Jianmo, Aolong and Lei Wenyuan are the second, fourth and sixth of the Tianguan list, respectively. If they don't go, they will be stunned by swordsmen, proud dragons and Lei Wenyuan. If swordsmen, proud dragons and Levin are killed, they are too happy to be there.

"Elders, they don't want to go, then don't bring them. The fewer people, the better the benefits we get."

Su Yuyu frowned, and the actions of the elders of the three great emperors were indeed ugly. He also wanted to find another opportunity to fight with the swordsman. Of course, he did not want the sword to die in the hands of the three emperors. The strength of even Aolong and Lei Wenyuan is far from being as simple as they are.

In some words, with the status of Su Yuyu, there is no qualification at all. It is fair and fair for the Tiancang list to fight. If the disciples of the three major emperors can win the championship, then they should be allowed to win the championship. Can it be said that the three great emperors have even recognized There is no courage to fail.

"Hey, you stand aside, the elders talk, you don't have to interrupt."

The elders of the ancient palace said with a smile, but his eyes are very cold. If Su Yuyu is the first day of the younger generation of the ancient palace, he will definitely not give Su Yuyu any good looks. Originally, Zhong Xingba still wants to replace the thunder. Wen Yuan spoke to the sword, but now there is no opening.

"It's very interesting. Our three Laozi don't want to go. Why do you want us to go? Do you want to catch us and take back the rewards we gave us?"

The proud dragon said without hesitation, making the face of the three emperor's power elders seem to be dripping out of water. The elders of the three emperors want to get rid of them, just worry that they will be revenge after becoming a strong man. For this reason, he deliberately referred to the purpose of the three emperors of the emperor as the reward for retrieving them.

If the swordsman, the proud dragon and the Levin far down, maybe there is a turning point. Unfortunately, they are not such people. Anyway, the elders of the three great emperors did not intend to let go of the sword, the proud dragon and the Levin, then they Of course, I am not afraid of making things big. Even if I die, I have to fight fiercely.

"Alcohol, can you come over and help me take three people."

The sword magic has long thought of countermeasures. If the elders of the three great emperors want to get rid of them, they will let the wine princess take away the proud dragon, lotus and Lei Wenyuan. Anyway, he has already integrated two points, even if he died in ancient times. The battlefield is also fine. After Lingdao arrived in Tianling, it was always practicing. There is no danger to life. The resurrection of the sword is certainly not a problem.

Anyway, the fruit has already arrived, so that after taking it, Xian Ling will inevitably make Xian Ling heal, use a body's life, and change the life of Xian Ling, the sword demon feels worthwhile. After all, Xian Ling is hit hard to save him.

"Okay, no problem."

The wine immediately agreed to help the sword, she is of course happy, she is still small, no strength to deal with the elders of the three emperors, but taking away three people, for her is just a piece of cake, originally in the hundred miles The family, she took the lotus to help the sword, to ensure the safety of the lotus.

"Well, who has shackled the void, I can't take them away."

However, the wine did not take away the proud dragon, lotus and Lei Wenyuan, not that she did not help, but she really could not do it, the sword and the face changed, I did not expect the elders of the three emperors to be prepared. The imprisonment of the void is definitely the elder of the three great emperors.

"I originally wanted to send you away, but unfortunately they banned the void."

The sword devil bit his teeth and said that the killings in a pair of scorpions skyrocketed. The elders of the three great emperors were really prepared to get rid of them. Even the emptiness was imprisoned early, and the emptiness of their strength, the swordsmen, It is impossible for Aolong and Levin to join hands and it is impossible to break open. The gap between the realms is too great.

"You are still too tender, and the old man has long guessed that you have the means to escape, so we join hands to ban the void, and you still go to the monuments with us."

An elder of the Taiyin Temple said faintly, as if doing a trivial thing in general, the proud dragon from the proud home, the sword magic and the Levin far unknown, want to win them three, of course, have to do everything The three great emperors have the power to join the elders to ban the void. Even if the swordsman has a transmission symbol, they don't want to escape. Others that can break the void can't be used.

They are eating swordsmen, proud dragons and Lei Wenyuan. In their realm, if the three juniors escape under the eyelids, then they will have no face to face, and the elders of the three great emperors will look at each other. At a glance, there were a lot of shots, and they were ready to win the sword, the proud dragon and the Levin.


The sword demon laughed. Many warriors have never seen the sword and the devil laugh. However, his smile is very cold, and he is cold in his bones. His laughter is like an endless killing. In order to keep the dragon, The fate of Lei Wenyuan and Lian Er, in order to obtain the fruit of the fruit and save the fairy, he once again tolerated, did not expect that the elders of the three great emperors are aggressive, and they have no meaning at all.

"I, want, you, we, die,." The first book from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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