The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 13: Are you in a hurry?

On the 99th floor of the illusion, Lingdao is the most difficult, because his opponent is always the same. Unlike other warriors, their opponents will weaken as long as they persist for a while. However, Ling Dao still grabbed in front of Lei Wenyuan and Ao Long, breaking his opponent and breaking the illusion.

The opponents in the illusion of killing are only Lingdao, the martial arts of Wu Xiu. The real Lingdao also includes Jianxiu Lingdao. Therefore, Lingdao in the illusion of killing, can not beat the real Lingdao. In fact, the swordsmanship of the swordsman will also be, but it is not as powerful as the swords, because the practice of cultivation is different.

Previously, Lingdao discovered that no matter what martial arts he used, he would be in the illusion. However, after switching to the martial arts of the sword magic, the illusion of killing himself is a bit unresponsive. Even Lingdao himself did not think that the integrated two points actually played in the ninety-nine-story fantasy scene.

"The liar, the big liar, the dead liar!"

All of the singer's, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, and the singer. When Lingdao passes the Denglong ladder, it means that they are beggars, all of which lose their light, and there is nothing left.

Until now, Lingdao has passed the Denglong ladder in the shortest time. Even if his phantom killing difficulty is increased, he still does not cause much trouble to him. It is not that other people will not be able to surpass him in other days, but other days will not compete with other people.

If Lingdao is not competing with Lei Wenyuan and the proud dragon, it will certainly not pass the dragon ladder in such a short time. Those days behind will be speechless, and the goods will be thrown away than the goods, and people will die than others. The same is the Heavenly Warrior, they and Lingdao are like a cloud of mud.

The second one that broke through the ninety-nine-step illusion was Lei Wenyuan, because he first stepped on the ninety-nine layers. Although the proud dragon is in the last place, he is the fastest passing Deng Long ladder except for Lei Wenyuan and Ling Dao. All three of them have refreshed the record, but unfortunately, there is no difference between going through the dragon ladder faster and slower.

"I am the first? Am I the first?"

Lei Wenyuan asked him twice in a row, but when he saw the lingering road that had already opened his eyes, he realized that the first was not him, like the eggplant that was frosted, and he was dejected. He offered the gambling on his own initiative, and he did not expect that the loser would be him. No matter the second or the third, there is no difference. The first is the winner.

"I blame you, I am losing five hundred pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, so I can gamble."

Ao Long took a look at Lei Wenyuan, and the third passed the Denglong ladder. He was certainly not satisfied with this result. Fortunately, the gap is not big, even if lost, it is also on the ninety-ninth step to lose. Really open the gap, still in the middle of the thirty-three steps. His will, without Lingdao and Levin, is far stronger, and the ability to withstand the impact of the will is not as good as Lingdao and Lei Wenyuan.

The three of them passed the Denglong ladder, and none of them went into the Star Gate. It’s not that they are greedy and fearful of death, and they are not afraid of nine deaths. The reason why they did not go is because they have won the spiritual stone and have not yet got their hands. Ling Dao designed the gambling to help them win a lot of Lingshi.

"Don't you have five hundred pieces of heavenly spirits, can you have a bit of interest?"

Lei Wen said with a grin, pointing to Lingshishan in front of Qianhui. Aolong suddenly smiled and compared with the Lingshi they earned. The five hundred pieces of Tianpin Lingshi that were lost are really nothing. What's more, even if you lose, you lose to Lingdao, and you don't lose to others.

After the other warriors pass the dragon ladder, they are either eager to go to the dragon world, or hesitate to take risks. Ling Dao, Ao Long and Le Wen Yuan are different. They did not go into the Star Gate. They are not considering the risk-taking problem. They are waiting for Qianhui. It is precisely the Lingshi of Qianhui.

"Why don't you go in? Are you greedy and afraid of death?"

"It's better for us to change position, you are afraid of death, let us go."

The following days complained about the dissatisfaction of the martial arts. Ling Dao, Ao Long and Lei Wenyuan stood on the ninety-nine steps, and there was no point in entering the Star Gate. They all want to rush into the Star Gate, but unfortunately there are layers of steps above, and it is difficult to go to the 99th floor.

"We are not in a hurry, you are anxious to get on!"

In the words of the proud dragon, a large group of gas will smoke the nose of the warrior, and their hope of going to the ninety-nine steps is too embarrassing. Even if they are in a hurry, don't go through the dragon ladder, don't even want to go to the dragon world. Originally, I wanted to slap the dragons, Ling Dao and Lei Wenyuan’s Heavenly Warriors. They all closed their mouths, and no one wanted to take their own insults.

Qian Hui’s helpless face, Ling Dao, Ao Long and Le Wen Yuan are all staring at the Lingshi in front of her. Of course she knows why the three of them did not move on. Fortunately, the next batch of warriors, there are thousands of benefits, Lingdao believes that the ninety-nine layers of the dragon ladder, certainly can not beat her.

Compared with the speed, Qianhui certainly does not have Lingdao, Aurora and Levin. They have three competitions, and Qianhui does not compare with anyone. Qianhui has been very stable. Whether it is the world or the will, or the will, or the fantasy, it is familiar to her.

The Emperor of Lingjia received a lot of care for the children of Lingjia. Qianhui had already experienced the temperament of the world, the will and the illusion, but it was not a ladder. If Qianhui is playing against Lingdao, Aurora and Levin, the speed will definitely be much faster than it is now.

"About the number, in the case of Tianpin Lingshi, it is 38,000 pieces."

After reaching the ninety-nine steps, Qianhui will hand over the Lingqiao Ring with all the Lingshi and hand it to Lingdao. More than 10,000 days of betting on the martial arts, some use Tianpin Lingshi, and some use the land of Lingshi. The thirty-eight thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi completely exceeded the imagination of Lei Wenyuan.

Lei Wenyuan is owing to the Tianling Pavilion for 10,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi. Originally, he felt that 10,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi are an astronomical number. However, Lingdao simply designed a gambling game, which is to win 38,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi. He really does not understand why Lingdao wins Lingshi so easily, but he loses Lingshi every day.

"Levin is 10,000 yuan, deducting 500 pieces of Tianpin weapons, 10,000 dragons, thousands of Huihui, and the rest are mine."

The 38,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi that Qianhui said do not include the thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi of Lingdao and Aolong. Lingdao returned Lei Wenyuan's Tianpin weapon to Lei Wenyuan, and deducted his five hundred pieces of Tianpin Lingshi. At once, I got nine thousand five hundred pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, and Le Wenyuan felt like a dream.

Lei Wenyuan has never won so many spiritual stones. If he adds five hundred pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, he can pay off the debts owed to Tianlinge. However, he did not mean to pay off his debts. Tianlinge chased him so many times. Even if he had a spiritual stone, he did not want to return. What's more, he still wants to stay at 9,500 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi and gamble with others.

Every day, borrowing Lingshi’s Lingshi gamble, Le Wenyuan is of course embarrassed. However, after Le Wenyuan got 9500 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, he did not intend to return to Lingdao. Anyway, Lingdao won more Lingshi than he did. He believes that Lingdao certainly does not care about the Lingshi he owes. When he later wins the spiritual stone of others, he will still be the leader.

In fact, Lingdao won a total of 11,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi. In addition to the 10,000 pieces, there are a thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi lost by Aolong and Levin. Although Aolong took 10,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi from Lingdao, he had previously sold out 500 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi. He and Lei Wenyuan only won 9500 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi. .

They don't get all the natural stones, there are a lot of spiritual stones. Lingdao said that the 10,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi have been converted into the Tianpin Lingshi. Just like the nine thousand five hundred pieces of Tianpin Lingshi in Levin's far, there are only more than 6,000 pieces of natural stone, and the rest are all spiritual stones.

"I didn't do anything, give me eight thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi?"

Le Wenyuan and Ao Long did not say anything, they received Ling Ling’s Lingshi, only Qianhui was deducting. The gambling is designed by Ling Dao. How Ling Dao is divided into Lingshi, and there is no opinion on Aolong and Levin. Anyway, they all got 9,500 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, which is a big earning, and they have a heavenly spirit, far more than most Tianzun.

"Eating in the bowl, licking the pot, some people, just don't know enough."

Ao Long sighed long and said quite emotionally. Lingdao certainly knows what the proud dragon means, so he kicked his foot on the proud dragon and kicked the proud dragon into the star gate. Up until now, the proud dragon is definitely the first to be broken in, I am afraid it is also the last one.

"There will be such a good thing next time, you must call me, let alone give thousands of pieces of Tianhui Lingshi, that is, 10,000 pieces."

Lei Wenyuan squeezed his eyebrows and waited for Lingdao to lift his legs. He rushed into the Star Gate. If you go in yourself, you will be better than being swayed by Lingdao. When he meets the Dragon in the Dragon World, he can laugh at the Dragon. Lingdao smiled a bit, really no words to the proud dragon and Levin.

"If it weren't for you, other people may not be willing to bet. You have helped a lot. Eight thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi are what you deserve."

Listening to Ling Dao’s talks on the ninety-nine steps, those who bet on the land will not want to unload the eight roads. Lingdao used their Lingshi, gave it to friends, and used it to please Qianhui. Their sullen faces are white, and if they can go to the Dragon World, they will never let go of the ridge.

Not waiting for Qianhui to refute, Lingdao is the Qiang Kun ring that will be equipped with Lingshi, and returned to Qianhui. Later, he stepped into the world of the Dragon Lord, and he would not scare him when he died. Butterfly Dance, Aurora, and Levin are all entering the Dragon World. I just don't know where the Star Gate will send him. Will they meet them?

Looking at the back of Ling Dao, Qian Hui’s pretty face showed a smile, and then she followed the Star Gate.

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