The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 14: Demon girl

Zu Long loves his little daughter most. Although the dragon master world is opened by his little daughter, but also his credit, the dragon master world is certainly not comparable to the sword **** big world, the sword **** big world is only affiliated with one product. The forces, the Dragon Lord's world, are all true dragons.

The solitary family is known as the family. In fact, there is no corresponding strength. Generally speaking, the family and the holy land are of a rank, and it should be the right of the emperor. The sword **** of the solitary family is alone, the general emperor power, the solitary family still Really not afraid, but unfortunately, the later swordsman, the combat power will not work.

The sun, the moon and the stars of the dragon's main world are all dragon-shaped, and the same is true for mountains and rivers. Unlike the world of the sword god, the world of the sword **** is dominated by the human race, and the world of the dragon is dominated by the dragon. The Dragons are not alone in the real dragon family. Others who have the Dragon's blood are counted among them.

One thing, Zulong is stronger than other emperors. That is the ability to give birth to future generations. According to legend, Zulong has nine sons, and the children are different. The most delicious food is the descendants of Zulong. You must know that Son is also a non-genuine child born by the combination of Zulong and other ethnic groups. He has more children of the true dragon family.

Zulong is the first dragon between heaven and earth. Fortunately, his blood is very tyrannical. Even if it is combined with other races, it is possible to give birth to a real dragon. The reason why Zulong has nine sons is because the nine sons have Great achievements, and they are not true dragons, the number of children of Zulong is certainly far more than nine.

I have to say that in terms of women, it is not right. In terms of magnetism, Zulong is not picky eaters at all. According to legend, Zulong played with elephants, so with the dragon elephant, Zulong played the turtle, so there is a dragon turtle, Zulong play Over the horse, so with Longma, Zulong played the tiger, so with the dragon tiger, Zulong played too much, so there is the dragon eagle...

Flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the water, as long as it is eye-catching, Zu Long, Zu Long is a peerless strong man in the wild, there are many legends about him, just a little credibility I don't know. Anyway, the children of Zulong are indeed quite a lot. Compared with other great emperors, he is definitely a high-yield.

If you want to become a hegemonic race in the wilderness period, the number is too small to be sure. The true dragon family can be the hegemon, and it is inseparable from other dragons who are not true dragons. Of course, the dragons are highly hierarchical and must be respected by the real dragon. There is no way to become a hegemon without a beast, because the number is too small and less pitiful.

Don't neglect the role of quantity. The Terran can become the master of heaven and earth, because the base is too large. If it is more than the number, the Dragon, the Phoenix, the Pengpeng, and the Idol are not as good as the human race, even if one hundred people. Not as good as a dragon, but if it is a thousand people, 10,000 people.

The true dragon family, the phoenix family, and the Kunpeng family are the hegemons of the wilderness period, but now, no race can fight the entire Terran, because they can’t beat it. From ancient times to the present, the heavens have three thousand territories, and the emperor’s power was born. There are too many, fortunately, all the forces of the Emperor are not a heart, or it is not a problem to destroy the true dragon family.

"Aolong and Levin are far away, I don't know where they are sent."

Lingdao stood on a dragon-shaped mountain peak and stumbled around. No one found other people. Aolong and Levin were only one step ahead of him. If they were transferred in one place, Lingdao could not see. Not to them, anyway, with the strength of the proud dragon and Levin, not to bully other days will be better, no one can bully them.

The Lingjia Emperor only let them go to the Dragon Lord's World. What they did, they didn't even say anything. It seems that what they need to do most is to ensure that they live. The front of the Star Gate is clear and clear, and it is only dangerous to enter. Where did it come from, Lingdao still didn't know.

It may be that other days will be the martial arts, because they all want to be the apprentice of Lingjia the Great, killing a Heavenly Warrior, it means that the possibility of becoming a disciple of the Great Emperor may increase one point, and it may be the world of the Dragon Lord. The souls, the warriors coming from Lingjia, are all foreign.

It is a genius who can come to the Dragon's Great World through the Denglong Ladder. There are many really powerful characters. After Lingdao has reached the heavens, it will be confused to the wilderness, then the ancient domain, and then the Tianling domain. There are very few powerful people he knows. The vast majority of the people who passed the Denglong ladder have never seen him.

"No matter what the test of the Dragon Lord's world is, as long as the slaves will kill the other warriors in other days, will they be able to become the apprentices of the Great Emperor?"

The proud dragon stared at one young woman after another, and the one who impressed him the most was a purple-haired girl. Unfortunately, the purple-haired girl covered the veil, and the proud dragon could not see her appearance. From a professional perspective, the purple-haired girl is definitely a beautiful woman.

If the proud dragon is here, he will recognize that sitting next to the dragon-shaped river is the purple-haired girl he wants to see, not only because of her flowing purple hair, but also because she has a devil. The figure is like the general purpose of heaven.

Purple hair girl with bare feet, snow white crystal, such as jade, such as satin soft, curvy, soft and boneless, ten toes are neatly tidy, toenail reveals a nice pink, shining with natural luster, as if Ten small petals, a pair of jade feet gently sway, every time they touch the river, they are all splashed.

Slim and slender legs, mostly exposed, delicate skin, silky silky, lavender skirt, her legs are like clean white lotus, light white top, like the fullness of the chest, Xue Chengfeng, Norwegian dew, like double beads, a pair of moons on the chest, the forbidden grape jasper round.

Her mouth is smiling, a pair of bright scorpions, clear mirrors, bright stars, like black pearl-like pupils, turning from time to time, sly, wise, a little naughty, a bit smart, long eyelashes, As the eyes move, flickering.

Even if it is a veil covering, it is difficult to cover up her beauty. At this time, Aolong could not wait for the dragon ladder to open the veil of the purple girl, but he did not act, not only the proud dragon, Ling Dao and Lei Wenyuan. I also noticed the purple-haired girls, who did not stare like the proud dragon.

If they hear the purple girl, she will definitely feel unbelievable. Her thoughts are too crazy. In order to become the apprentice of the emperor, she has to kill all other competitors. Lingjia Dadi said that only living alive and out of the dragon The world is qualified to be his apprentice. If only she goes out, then the test of the latter can not be canceled.

If you know someone who is a purple-haired girl, if you hear her, you won’t be surprised. She is the genius disciple of the emperor’s power. If today, the peak of the world, the name of the demon girl, the legend, the wonderful sound of the fairy, unfortunately, no one I saw her appearance after picking up the yarn.

"A group of stinky men don't want to know what the slave parents look like. The slaves killed you a moment ago, so that you can see the most beautiful woman in the world. If you are dead, you can laugh at Jiuquan. ......"

The silver bell-like laughter is very good, but it’s just a wonderful voice. It’s a creepy thing. She’s not talking about playing, but it’s really killing her heart. If she meets other Heavenly Warriors, she will not Under the mercy of her, her purpose is not to kill one or two, but to kill all the Heavenly Warriors who come in.

Her eyes suddenly moved, she was going to leave, but now she changed her mind, because she sensed that a heavenly warrior is coming towards her place. After she puts her clothes on, she quietly Waiting for the Heavenly Man to come.

"I didn't expect to be able to meet a girl here. It seems that you and I have a fate, not how to talk about it."

Linghu Rui's eyes brightened, but I didn't expect to encounter such a beautiful purple-haired girl in the dragon's main world. No matter what the face in the veil looks like, the purple-haired girl's body can let him play for a while. At the time, there are not a few girls who have ruined him. However, if they are taller than the figure, they are not better than the purple girl.

Originally, Lingjia the Great did not want to participate in the incident. He was a disciple of Ling Xiaoge. There was no need to go to Lingjia to take risks. However, after seeing the butterfly dance, he felt that it was worthwhile. If the strength of the butterfly dance is too strong. He couldn't figure out the details of the butterfly dance. He had already started the butterfly dance.

After the butterfly dance went to the Dragon World, Linghurui quickly rushed to the front, and the ninety-nine floors climbed the dragon ladder. It was very difficult for Linghu Rui, and it took a lot of effort to pass. Denglong Ladder, unfortunately, after entering the Dragon King World, he did not encounter the martial arts one day, and the butterfly dance was unknown.

Fortunately, God is not thin to him, he can meet the purple girl, it is his blessing, the territory where the sound is located, far away from the Tianling domain, so Linghu Rui does not know her, if Linghuru heard If the enchantress is wonderful, he will not be able to escape. He will not dare to think about the sound.

"The son of a son who is willing to accompany the slaves to talk is a blessing to the slave."

Miao Yin Jiao said, the crisp sound, like the big beads and beads falling on the jade plate, she looked up slightly, looking at Ling Hurui after a glance, it was shy to lower his head, so that Huo Rui's bones are almost crisp, I did not expect In the world of the Dragon Lord, there is still such a good luck, the luck of the peach blossom.

"In the next Lingling Pavilion, Linghu Rui, I have seen a girl."

Linghu Rui quickly reported his origins, Ling Xiaoge is the emperor's power, the name of the fox is the blood of the emperor, as long as the purple-haired girl in front of him heard of Ling Xiaoge, he will certainly look at him, sure enough, as he thought The purple-haired girl looked up again after hearing the words. The innocent and pretty face was more red than before, and she was too shy.

"Girl, the dragon is big and dangerous in the world. If you want to protect you, you can definitely make you safe and sound." The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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