The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 17: Longling battle suit

Dong Miaoyin is out of anger. Lingdao is a cloudless wind. The result is Dong Miaoyin. When Lingdao’s words, the lethality is too great. I almost let Dong Miaoyin run away. She plays the music and will The road was attracted to remove the Lingdao, and the result was not only unscathed, but also ate her tofu.

She killed the dragon and killed other Heavenly Warriors. She had not eaten any loss, but she had suffered a big loss in Lingdao’s hands. She did not hide the murder of Lingdao. She wanted to kill Lingdao. Lingdao was sure. Know, however, Lingdao still dared to tease her, completely did not put her in the heart.

"Do you know that people who are too courage usually die early?"

Tianpin Guqin once again returned to Dong Miaoyin’s hands. Her fighting power was strong. If she used Tianpin Guqin, even if she could not play the full power of Tianqin Guqin, she could defeat all the Heavenly Warriors of the Tianqin Holy Land. It is absolutely unexplainable to say that she is the first day of the Tianqin Holy Land.

"Don't scare me, I am very courageous."

Ling Dao squinted at Dong Miaoyin’s eyes, and Dong’s lungs were blown up. Dong Miaoyin didn’t know before. Some people could hate to such a degree. She would not want to bite off the meat on Lingdao, one by one. Lingdao can be very conscious to start with her, indicating that Lingdao is always awake, deliberately taking advantage of her.

"Han Mei proud snow."

Dong Miaoyin is no longer talking to Lingdao, because the more he talks, the more he is tempted. Now, if she is bickering, she is definitely not as good as Lingdao. Ten fingers like jade are playing the strings again. Now she is using the attacking music. The sound of the piano caused the temperature in the field to drop suddenly, and the goose-like snow flakes fell.

Musical notes, turned into plum blossoms, murderous and restrained, when plum blossoms bloom, it is a murderous eruption, like to kill the enemy into pieces, a piece of snow, all drift into the will of the world of the road, to his will The world is frozen, and the cold and proud snow is a double killing. Whether it is the real world or the will world, it will be attacked.

Lingdao will be tough, and when he is facing the piano, he will occupy a certain advantage. A piece of snowflake will not help the world of the will, and the double attack will be abolished. The rest is the same. It can't hurt Lingdao, because Lingdao is a martial art, and the flesh is even more masculine than physical repair.

The big handprints of the sky are like the collapse of the sky, crushing the blossoming plum blossoms, and the Lingdao does not retreat. The stars are like a palm in the palm of your hand. He walks straight toward Dong Miaoyin. Dong Miaoyin is a piano repair. If it is a distant battle, she has an advantage and it is difficult to deal with.

"A thought cycle."

Dong Miaoyin can of course see the intention of Lingdao. The speed of playing a piece of jade hand is getting faster and faster. It seems to have sent out a sword, and it is like a knife and axe. The thunder is banging, she is playing now. It is the famous ancient epoch of the Tianqin Holy Land.

It’s a pity that she is only going to be the peak of the world. It’s impossible to play the ancient songs of the ancient times. What she plays is just a small part of the front of the ancient reincarnation. I remember the reincarnation. Even so, playing this song, the same The piano in the realm has not beaten her.

Even Dong Miaoyin’s elders praised her reincarnation. If Lingdao’s strength is too strong, Dong Miaoyin will not play a reincarnation because playing such a powerful battle, the mind is very exhausted. Big, Lingdao insisted on the longer the time, her consumption is greater.

According to legend, after a person dies, he becomes a ghost, and then he can reincarnate. This is reincarnation. In the past life, Ling Dao did not believe it. Now, Ling Dao is half of the letter. After his death, he did not turn into a ghost, but he did reincarnate. He became the son of Xiaoyao Wang. He really died once. He knew that there was no ghost after death.

With the cultivation of Dong Miaoyin, under the king of heaven, it will inevitably be affected by the reincarnation of one thought. After a thought, you can enter the reincarnation, turn into a ghost, a wild ghost, wandering between heaven and earth, and even some kings will be recruited, even the peak Uranus is immersed in her music and can't extricate herself.

She is the peerless genius of the Tianqin Holy Land, and there is a Tianpin Guqin in hand. It is really difficult to deal with. Unfortunately, she encountered Lingdao, not only because Lingdao will be tough, but also because he experienced reincarnation and reincarnation. The influence on him is not very big. The most important thing is that the sword is still in Taikoo City. As long as the sword is fine, her music does not want to make Lingdao consciousness sink.

Lingdao pretends to be like a immersed in the music, because he wants to count the meter, solve Dong Miaoyin in one fell swoop, deal with the cross-border warrior, Dong Miaoyin's reincarnation, never failed, because of this, she relaxed her vigilance. I really thought that Lingdao was stupid, and then she was the stone carving of her killing.


The sound of the piano is a knife, with a metallic luster, and a cold cold, as if it can tear the body of the king. Originally, Dong Miaoyin is going to be the life of Lingdao, but at the crucial moment, she even manipulated the swordsman. Attacked the limbs of Lingdao.

For the Heavenly Warrior, the injuries of the limbs can be restored. Even if you lose an arm and take the healing holy medicine, you can rehabilitate your limbs. What's more, Dong Miaoyin's swordsman is at most on the limbs of Lingdao. Leave a wound, which will not make him lack arms and legs.

At the time when a handle weapon was about to sneak in the middle of the road, Lingdao suddenly moved, like a humanoid dragon, rambling, a pair of fists, like the ancient Taijin gold to create a general, crushing a handle and another weapon, he stepped on Eight steps to chase the stars, as if the body is like a scorpion, the speed has been raised to the extreme.

In the twinkling of an eye, Ling Dao rushed to the front of Dong Miaoyin. Dong Miaoyin did not think that Ling Dao could still turn over when he had an absolute advantage. Fortunately, she was the first day of the Tianqin Holy Land. In times of crisis, you can still calmly retreat.

Hundreds of notes, turned into a wall, blocked in front of Lingdao, Lingdao punched the wall, making the wall violently shaken, followed by a punch, hundreds of ways The notes broke apart, but Dong Miaoyin had already opened the distance again. Lingdao wanted to defeat her, which was obviously not an easy task.

Dong Miaoyin also had a headache. Lingdao, who was in the late days of the day, was harder to deal with than the Heavenly King who she had seen. Even if she played a reincarnation, she did not hurt Lingdao. Fortunately, she changed her mind at a critical moment. Otherwise, Lingdao will definitely be mercilessly shot. If you use the nine-turn dragon, Jindao’s Wu Peng will explode more powerful power.

"Your strength is very strong, but unfortunately, you didn't come early, I don't know much about the dragon's big world, because I have Longling, and you don't, you are destined to be a loser."

Long Ling is said to be a condensed dragon. It has the shape of a dragon, a transparent body, and different sizes. In the world of dragons and dragons, Long Ling can enhance the strength of the warrior. The bigger the dragon, the greater the extent of the increase. The bigger the world is, the more the dragon and the big world can be refining and strengthening the body.

Most of the dragons in the Dragon's Great World have absorbed Longling. As long as they are killed, Longling will collapse and disappear into the heavens and the earth. However, if other warriors take timely shots, they can completely condense the dragon spirits to be broken. Either refining, or retaining strength.

Dong Miaoyin has killed the dragon, got the dragon spirit of the dragon, even the heavenly warrior she killed, and some have already got the dragon spirit, the dragon spirit can be merged, all the dragon spirits she got merged together, can be turned into three feet The long transparent dragon, as long as she let Long Ling attach to the body, can enhance its defense and attack power.

The three-foot-long transparent dragon can be turned into a war suit and draped in Dong Miaoyin's body. After wearing the dragon spirit war suit, once again playing the war music, the power of the war song will be enhanced. If the attack hits him, Long Ling's suit can help her offset some of the power.

"Long Ling."

Ling Dao does not have Long Ling, because he does not even know Long Ling. In fact, there are Long Ling in many places in the Dragon Lord. It is a problem to find out. If Ling Dao wears Long Ling’s suit, he will get The increase in combat power is definitely bigger than Dong Miaoyin, because he is more dependent on melee.

"It's two of them, they are outsiders, they are human races, they ate them."

At the time of the battle between Ling Dao and Dong Miaoyin, a group of Snapdragons rushed over. Among them, there were heavens and heavens, and the kingdom of heaven, the original living spirit of the Dragon Lord’s world, was hostile to the Terran, especially Dong Miaoyin’s hands. Also covered with the blood of the dragon, they certainly will not let Dong Miaoyin and Ling Dao.

The Dragon Lord's World is an open world. Unlike the Great World of Swords and Spirits, there are Star Gates transmitted to the Dragon Lord's World in the heavens. Although the Dragon Lord's World is a dragon, the Dragons deliberately give people the stars, and the people send juniors. Going to the world of the Dragon Lord, the Dragons will also send juniors to the Dragon World.

Just like this time, I don’t know if it’s a good deal for the Lingjia Emperor and the Dragon. It’s a coincidence that after they entered the Dragon’s Great World, the Dragons also had a younger generation, and they came to the Dragon’s world, and even the real dragon. A junior of a family, but until now, Lingdao has not encountered a real dragon.

"Thirteen days will be the world, eight kings, you are sure we will continue to fight."

Lingdao glanced at the distant dragon, and then he looked at Dong Miaoyin. He and Dong Miaoyin couldn't tell the difference in a short period of time. Even if Dong Miaoyin put on Long Ling's suit, there is no overwhelming advantage. , then say, they are all from the Ling family, it should be resolved first to solve the dragon group.

"The slaves solve half of them, and Ling Gongzi solves half of them. Is it good?"

Dong Miaoyin, who was still angry and angry, has now become a beautiful woman, spoiled and said, woman heart, sea bottom needle, Dong Miaoyin turned face faster than flipping a book, Lingdao simply does not know what is in her mind. Anyway, one thing is certain, that is, Dong Miaoyin decided to join him first to deal with the dragon group.

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