The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 18: Break the army and kill seven

"If I win, is there a reward?"

On the 16th day of the dynasty, the dragon and the eight kings of the kings are the dragons. For Lingdao, it really is nothing. He did not play against the dragons in front of him. Of course, they don’t know their true combat power. However, the dragons are very strict, and the dragons are In front of him, he could not exert the strongest strength at all.

"The son is confident, just afraid that you don't have the ability to win the slaves. If the slaves unveil the veil, they can solve the dragons simply by beauty."

Dong Miaoyin said with a chuckle, making Lingdao straightforward eyes, never seen such a narcissistic girl, Lingdao heart remorse, knowing that I didn’t think about climbing the snow peak just now, I should first unveil the veil of Dong Miaoyin, right? Knowing what the material of Dong Miaoyin's veil is made, it can block his eyes. If Lingdao can stimulate the supreme gold, you may see the veil as nothing.

On the first day of the Tianqin Holy Land, on the ability of group battles, the Tianqin domain of the vastness of the heavens, there is no heavenly warrior can match, even many of the kings of the warriors are not as good as her, Qin Xiu, this is suitable for group battles, Dong Miaoyin has a full grasp of the eight-headed Tianlong and the four-headed kings in front of Lingdao.

"If I win, you promise me a condition. If you win, I promise you a condition, dare."

Ling Dao did not argue with Dong Miaoyin. A group of dragons and tigers looked at him. He had no time to talk to Dong Miaoyin. Dong Miaoyin had confidence and it was a good thing for him. If Dong Miaoyin had no confidence, he would not promise him. If it was before, Dong Miaoyin It is not necessarily affected by the radical law, but it is different now.

Previously, Ling Dao took advantage of Dong Miaoyin's cheapness. Dong Miaoyin hated Ling Dao's tooth itch. He was arrogant and powerful. Dong Miaoyin wanted to defeat him. It was not easy. Killing him is even more delusional. In the field, let Lingdao promise her a condition, she must let Lingdao suffer.

"With, let him be my piano slave and be my next life."

The black pearl-like pupils exude a splendid brilliance. After Dong Miaoyin had an idea, he agreed to Lingdao’s proposal. She thought that Lingdao would be a piano slave for her centuries and thousands of years. She was laughing. It’s too boring to stop the mouth and kill the Lingdao. It’s interesting to put Lingdao around.

"The son, the slaves may have to pay, and if you lose, don't accept it."

Tianpin Guqin, suspended in front of Dong Miaoyin, and Ling Dao's gambling, she did not have a child's play, as the first day of the Tianqin Holy Land, Dong Miaoyin's cultivating Tianpin battle, far more than one, It is a pity that the previous treatment of Ling Dao has already used a reincarnation. If you continue to use it, your heart will be too much.

"Break the army and kill seven."

Breaking the military star, seven killing stars, murderous, suffocating, Dong Miaoyin's face is cold, in order to win, she took the lead, she and Lingdao did not understand the front of the dragon group, which is strong and weak, they do not know, Anyway, she only needs to solve the problem of the Eight Dragons and the Four Kings, and Lingdao loses.

Thousands of notes, condensed into two figures, one for the broken army, one for the seven killing war, but unfortunately, even Dong Miaoyin, do not know the broken army and the seven killing war, in the end is Who, anyway, will break the army and the seven killings will help her solve the dragon.

The strength of the broken army and the seven killings will be entirely with Dong Miaoyin. She is the peak of the heavens, the battle of the army and the seven killings will be the peak of the sky, and the strength of the two wars will be affirmed. It is not the general day that the peaks of the world are comparable. The six pieces of the martial arts are broken, killing the mind and attacking the world of the enemy's will, and letting the two major battles be shot.

Dong Miaoyin smiles and smiles. It is already in the grip, and the bamboo is in the chest. The true dragon family is physically strong, and the will is relatively weak. She uses the Tianpin Guqin, plays the Tianpin battle, and deals with the Heavenly King and the Heavenly Dragon. When the hand arrives, there is a piece of cake, she doesn't believe it, Lingdao can still be faster than her, and the dragon in the kingdom will not be able to deal with it.

However, what Dong Miaoyin is puzzled is that Lingdao is not in a hurry to take the shot. It is Lingdao’s initiative to test. He can’t think of losing. She has already seized the opportunity. Lingdao will not take the shot again. No, is it true that Lingdao knows her inner thoughts and wants to be her slave?

Also, Qinqin, who can be the first beauty in the world, is accompanying her. I don’t know how many men are dreaming. If Lingdao knows Dong Miaoyin’s inner thoughts, he will definitely be narcissistic to Dong Miaoyin and admire the five bodies. .

"It’s ridiculous that two people who are going to die will dare to speak up."

"I don't know if the sky is high and thick, just because you have two days, I want to solve us."

The dragons of the two kings are sarcasm, and the other dragons are laughing. The two arrogant heavenly warriors, they want to solve it easily, but the dialogue between Ling Dao and Dong Miaoyin does not put them in the eye. Let them change their attention, they want to see what Lingdao and Dong Miaoyin have.

However, after Dong Miaoyin played the melody, the Eight-headed Heavenly Dragon and the Four-Heavenly Kings were stunned, and they couldn’t laugh. Originally, the warfare had no problem with the 16-day squadron and the Eight-headed Heavenly King. She couldn't help Ling Dao deal with Xiao Long unless she got into the water.

The battle of the army and the seven-killer will have already been killed in front of the dragons. With their combat power alone, they will definitely not be able to solve the four-headed kings and the eight-headed heavens. Fortunately, the four-headed kings and the eight-headed dragons They were all affected by the war, their movements were slow, their reaction was slow, and their strength fell by 50%.

"You just do it."

Lingdao not only did not shoot, but also fell off Dong Miaoyin. The remaining four kings, the dragons and the eight heads of the heavens, were leaning toward him. They could feel that Lingdao’s qi and blood were better than Dong. The sound is very strong, Dong Miaoyin does not shoot them, they are too lazy to start with Dong Miaoyin.

However, Lingdao seems to have not seen the dragon in the distance, deliberately stimulate Dong Miaoyin, do not look at the anger of Dong Miaoyin's face, she did not lose her mind, Lingdao looked down on her, not a bad thing, waiting for her to solve the four kings And the eight-headed day will be the dragon, Lingdao crying is too late.

"Boy, you are all dead, don't you know."

A king of heaven and a dragon overlooking the Lingdao, compared to the dozens of long dragons, Ling Dao is really small and pitiful. If Lingdao is Tianjun, they will still be jealous, the district will be a warrior, really not It deserves their attention. However, the next words of Lingdao have surprised the dragons.

"A group of Snapdragons, do you still want to make the following mistakes? Look at your dog's eyes and see what is a real dragon."

Lingdao is confident that he is better than Dong Miaoyin. It is not that he feels his ability to fight in groups. He wins Dong Miaoyin. If he is to deal with other races, he will certainly not look at Dong Miaoyin’s first shot, and he will not be the same. The blood is enough to suppress the dragon.

With his current cultivation, the real dragon is transformed into a real dragon. It is more majestic than before. It is just a real dragon change. It is not enough to deceive all the dragons. The real problem is actually in the blood. He used to The blood of the wine has been combined, which makes his blood contain the atmosphere of the dragon.

The human martial arts can't feel it, but the dragon's life can feel the clear and clear, it is the real dragon change, and it is the blood of the fusion wine, which makes the true dragon of Lingdao, can completely deceive the dragon in front of it, especially Ling Dao also deliberately stimulated the power of blood and blood, as if to dye the red sky.

"Really... true dragon."

Originally, the arrogant Tianwang dynasty dragons were all shocked, not to mention the dragons in the sky, the power of qi and blood spurred by Lingdao, as if they were to crush them, if their realm is high enough, strength Strong enough to hold or not be affected.

However, they are not kings, they are heavenly, they can't resist blood pressure, they haven't done it yet, their strength has dropped by more than half, and now they dare to do it with Lingdao, let alone Eat Lingdao, Heaven will be the martial arts, they do not care, the real dragons in the sky, they dare to eat.

Ling Dao did not care about the reaction of the dragons, and the test of Dong Miaoyin has already begun. Of course, it cannot be lost to Dong Miaoyin. The huge dragon tail is like a whip. The two days in front of it will be the dragon, even if it is flying backwards. Going out, then, Ling Dao slammed into the past with a dragon, like a mountain, bursting with a deafening sound.

After a king of heaven and a dragon was hit, the Lingdao was hit by a more powerful force toward another dragon. The void seemed to be cracking. They couldn’t bear their collision, and they were flying out. Kneeling on a dragon-shaped mountain in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, Lingdao is like a tiger into a flock. He can't find an opponent at all. It's just a moment. The eight-headed day will be the dragon and the four kings. It is not on the mountain, but it falls into the deep pit. In the meantime, if they fall into the big river, whether their injuries are light or heavy, they don’t want to start anyway.

True dragons are definitely the ones they can't afford. If they swallow a real dragon, they will be known by the real dragons. They will definitely be frustrated, and they may even torture them to death. They will borrow a few courage. I didn’t dare to take the Lingdao. I used to walk in the ghost gate.

Among the dragons, there is no daring daring, there must be dragons, want to devour the true dragon, and strengthen their own body, from 蛟龙蜕 to the real dragon, but the four kings that Lingdao met, the dragon and the eight heads will be dragons. Obviously there is no such courage, or they do not have the corresponding strength. If Lingdao encounters the Tianjun level or the Tianzun level of the dragon, they may start with him.

"Dong girl, you see the current situation, is it that I won." The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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