The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 21: Half blood dragon

"Little thief, give me a stop."

A splendid drink, containing dragons, crushed a piece of dragon-shaped boulders, big rivers, waves splashing, a young woman standing in the air, angrily glaring at the distant proud dragon, she is not coming from Lingjia The Heavenly Warrior, but the original living creature of the Dragon Lord's World, a half-blood dragon.

The so-called half-blood dragon means that there is half the true dragon blood. She wants to turn into a real dragon. It is much simpler than the average dragon. Even if it is adult, her forehead has two dragon horns, five hundred miles away. It is her territory, and other dragons simply do not dare to commit crimes.

Unexpectedly, today, some people even secretly peeped at the bathing. If she had arranged the array of methods around her, she could not find the dragon. It must be said that the ability of the dragon to hide the figure is very strong, even if she is already the peak of the king, previously Did not find the proud dragon, but fortunately, the proud dragon touched the formation, causing her attention.

"Girl, I just passed by, I didn't see anything."

The proud dragon will only be the peak of the world. Of course, he does not want to tear the skin with the dragon of the king. He can feel the power of the half-blood dragon. If he really fights, who knows what will happen, if he can fool into the half-blood dragon, most It’s better, if you can’t fool it, you’ll find a way to escape.

"You can't be a fool when I am."

Half-blood dragon said disdainfully, she said that she did not believe a word, not to look at her appearance, only 18 years old, in fact, she has lived for hundreds of years, no matter what the proud dragon said, she will not let go Ao Long, even if the proud dragon really did not see anything, she wants the life of the proud dragon.

People, in the world of dragons and the big world is rare. Heavenly martial arts martial arts just gave her a tooth sacrifice. She is not the first time to eat people. She has half of the true dragon blood, of course, she is not afraid of melee, even if she is rushing to the proud The dragon, and the Aurora battle together, the district will be the peak of the military, she really did not look at it.


The proud dragon quickly manipulated the dragon sword, and smashed the past with the half-blood dragon. The fierceness of the dragon sword was sent out, and the killing of the forest made her feel fearful. Fortunately, the proud dragon only had the peak of the sky, if he and the half-blood dragon In a realm of words, half-blood dragons may become the soul of his sword.

Next to the Dahe River, the half-blood dragon manipulated the river water and turned it into hundreds of large dragon knives, blocking the dragon sword. What made Aaron Long’s heartbeat was that a chain of origins rushed out from the ground and hid him. In the void, half-blood dragons are bullying and fighting with the Dragon.

Without the dragon sword, the strength of the proud dragon, this is weak, not to mention, he is still facing half-blood dragons, on the body, he is not comparable to half-blood dragons, just a half-column Time, his body is scarred, a little careless, it is possible to die in the hands of half blood dragon.

"Think of my life..."

The proud dragon is planning to feel a bit, but he was interrupted by the half-blood dragon. Under the last resort, the proud dragon had to display the scorpion, and the arrogant dragon of the peak of the heavens showed his skills, even if it was the killing of the king. Can you kill the dragon of the king of heaven, he does not know, always try.

Huge figure, on the top of the sky, down the earth, exudes endless majesty, half-blood dragon was shocked, did not expect that the proud dragon has such a means, even if the half-blood dragon now wants to escape, are late, a big hand As if the Taigu Mouyue was under pressure, the void broke open, the earth collapsed, and the Qiankun trembled, killing the sky.

The half-blood dragon used up the means, still could not stop the crackdown, and the bones were broken, mostly on the ground, legs twitching, even the dragon horn at her forehead was broken, and the bright red blood rushed out. Her eyes were full of anger, and the dragon's martyrdom would kill her. If her enemy came over, she would be in danger.

The sound of the dragon rang, her original shape was revealed, and the 50-foot-long dragon's eyes were red and staring at the proud dragon. Her original arrangement was once again attacked, and the dragon was locked, and then she was Zhang Kailong. Mouth, rushed toward the proud dragon, want to swallow the dragon.

"The dragon's martial arts."

Lingdao's face changed. In the Dongjian domain, Lingdao saw the proud dragon show his skills. Even if it was the chaos of the ancient domain, the proud dragon did not display the tricks. Now the dragon uses the tricks. It is enough to prove that the proud dragon has encountered trouble, the average opponent, certainly not worthy of the use of 瞳 傲.


The real dragon is unparalleled, but the speed is the first, and the Peng Peng is the first. Lingdao hastened to display the Yan Peng change. The Peng Peng wings show, it is the mountain river reversal, after the transformation of the Peng Peng, the speed of the Ling Dao, far beyond the sky, Some days will be the peak of the military, not as fast as him.

When Lingdao arrived, the half-blood dragon was less than three meters away from the proud dragon. The double wings of Kunpeng were like a peerless sword. The sharp edge was obviously stimulated to the half-blood dragon, whether it was the proud dragon or Half-blood dragons are all scared, and I did not expect a 鲲鹏.

The fifty-foot-long dragon is in front of Xiaopeng. It is like a small insect. The body of Kunpeng is terrible. The wings are spread out and there are thousands of feet. It is said that during the wilderness period, Peng Peng used dragons and phoenixes as food, half blood and dragons. Only half of the true dragon blood is worse than the real dragon.

The proud dragon looks at the original star, and suppresses the half-blood dragon. What he has to do is to let the half-blood dragon stop in the place. As long as the time is over, the half-blood dragon struggles, but the speed of the road is too fast. Yan Peng's wings are directly on the body of the half-blood dragon.

Half-blood dragons screamed, and then they squatted on the ground. The dragon’s scorpion smashed half-blood dragons. Now Lingdao is full-powered, and half-blood dragons hurt and hurt. In the battle of the law, the half-blood dragon had two large wounds on his body, and even the bones were cracked, and the blood flowed into the river.

"The meat on the ground, the dragon in the sky, you want to eat."

鲲 化 化 化 人 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 傲 傲 傲 傲 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化 化Freedom, fortunately, the timely arrival of Lingdao, or else, the proud dragon may have become the belly of the half-blood dragon.

The proud dragon has not answered yet. The Princess of the Wine Princess is smashed on Lingdao. The Princess of the Wine is also a dragon. Of course, it is against the Lingdao to eat the Dragon Meat. Fortunately, the Princess of the Wine Princess has turned into a three-year-old girl, as if it were a child. Like a temper, you are cute.

The blood of the princess is enough to suppress the half-blood dragon. If she walks in the dragon world in the form of a true dragon, there are only two situations, either the dragons are retreating from the three or the dragons want to She took it and got her blood.

"How are you so embarrassed."

Lingdao couldn't help but smile and asked, the proud dragon and the half-blood dragon were close combat, and the scars were scarred. It seemed that even the shackles were inferior. Aolong gave a bitter smile, and then he said what happened before, even though he intentionally concealed it, but Lingdao can guess the real situation.

The half-blood dragon turns into a young girl's appearance, the thigh and the waist, with two sly wounds. The proud dragon smiles and the half-blood dragon wants to kill him. It is indeed half-blood dragon and wrong. However, if he is not peeping at half-blood Xiaolong bathing, half-blood dragon will not want his life.

"How to deal with it."

The proud dragon threw the puzzle to Lingdao. No matter whether Lingdao is to kill half-blood dragon or half-blood dragon, he will not have any opinions.

"Wine, is there any way to take out her blood dragon spirit?"

Killing and killing half-blood dragons is only a matter of thought for Ling Dao. Since there is no life for the dragon to be half-blooded, he does not need to be a murderer. However, he has half a blood dragon, and Ling Dao has a heart. Unwilling, after all, half-blood dragons almost ate the proud dragon, half-blood dragons want to kill his brother, he left half blood, dragons and one life, has been kind enough.

The wine nodded, and then it was the method of taking out the blood dragon spirit, and told Lingdao that if there is no blood dragon spirit, the strength of the half blood dragon will definitely be weaker. However, the half blood dragon is unable to resist. Even if she has any opinions, it is useless, and she stays in the mountains. She is not afraid of not burning wood. As long as she can live, she can report it later.

Lingdao’s hands were printed and slammed on the body of a half-blood dragon. The half-blood dragon’s face was white, and then Long Ling was drilled out of her body. What Lingdao didn’t think was that half-blood dragon had The Dragon Spirit is seven feet long, more than the dragons he killed before.

He divided Long Ling into two halves, he was three and a half feet, and the proud dragon was three and a half feet. Plus his original one and a half feet, now he has a five-foot long blood dragon spirit. What surprised him is that the dragon is proud of the dragon. Ling, there is no sense of strangeness, he asked specifically, the proud dragon knows the thing of Long Ling.

"I am planning to go to Tianlong Valley. There is Longling. If you get enough dragon spirit, you can walk in the dragon world. When I want to see who is taking a shower, I will see who will take a shower."

The first sentence of the proud dragon is still normal, the latter sentence is to make Lingdao speechless, the wine princess jumped to the shoulder of the proud dragon, knocking on the head of the proud dragon, and the proud dragon smiled. I don't care, and I have a good deal with a three-year-old girl.

"How do you know Tianlong Valley and Longling."

If it weren’t for the Princess of Wine, Lingdao didn’t know anything about Long Ling. Although Aolong didn’t know Xuelongling and Daolongling, he knew Longling and Tianlonggu. However, after the explanation of the proud dragon, Lingdao was even more puzzled. , proud dragon said that someone told him, who told him in the end, he could not say why.

Fortunately, Lingdao only met a proud dragon. If he met Le Wenyuan, he would be even more puzzled, because Lei Wenyuan also knows Long Ling and Tianlong Valley, not only the proud dragon and Lei Wenyuan, other days coming in. The people of the martial arts know that today, they are either in Tianlong Valley or on the way to Tianlong Valley.

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