The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 22: Real dragon

"Wine, where are you going to take me, is Tianlong Valley?"

Lingdao followed the proud dragon, intending to go to the Dragon Valley that the dragon said, and then go to the place where the wine princess said, but he suddenly thought of one thing, perhaps the place where the wine princess refers is Tianlong Valley. The wine princess nodded and confirmed the speculation of Lingdao.

When they rushed to Tianlong Valley, outside Tianlong Valley, a large number of Heavenly Warriors had gathered. It seems that more than one person knows Tianlong Valley. Perhaps, except for Lingdao, everyone knows Tianlong Valley. What is it? The reason, Lingdao did not know, anyway, no one told him about Tianlong Valley.

It’s two different things to go to Tianlong Valley and into Tianlong Valley. Tianlong Valley is not good. Otherwise, those who will not stay in Tianlong Valley will not be allowed to go in, but they have not broken up until now. The array of methods outside the Tianlong Valley, tried every day by the warriors, all ended in failure.

"How did you not see Lei Wenyuan?"

Lingdao did not find Lei Wenyuan, but noticed the stone monument outside the Tianlong Valley. The three characters of "Dragon Valley", the iron-painted silver hook, exudes the taste of iron, not the current text, but the text of the ancient times, if it is now The ancient characters written by the dragons are also acceptable. It is really a stone monument in the Taikoo period. It is absolutely unacceptable.

From the time of Taikoo to the present, it is too long. It is not a matter of hundreds of thousands of years, but a few billion years. Each period is 10 billion years. It is all so old and ancient. The general stone can't hold for tens of thousands of years, let alone one billion years. If someone knows that Lingdao wants to remove the stone tablet, he must have thought he was a madman.

"Tianlong ancient array, can break, can enter."

Even if the original living creatures of the Dragon Lord's World are not intended to enter the Tianlong Valley, they will be able to enter. Only the dead dragons will be born, and the Tianlong ancient array will not stop. Otherwise, if you want to enter the Tianlong Valley, you must break the Tianlonggu. It’s not the only way to break into the ancient array of talents. As long as someone breaks the ancient array, everyone else can go in together.

"Looking for Lei Wenyuan is a fake. It is true to find a butterfly dance."

The proud dragon interjected in the side, Lingdao stunned the proud dragon, and knew that the last time he did not save the proud dragon, let the proud dragon eat the bitter first, then the wine princess is snickering, did not mean to help Lingdao In addition to sighing that people are not good, and erroneously paying friends, Lingdao has no way to take pride.

Lei Wenyuan and the butterfly dance are indeed not in the crowd. The Tianzhi who came to the heavens will have more than two hundred people. Lingdao and Aolong are still early, but on other days, the warriors will come one after another. Lei Wenyuan and the butterfly dance should come sooner or later. However, they have not waited until the butterfly dance and Lei Wenyuan, but they have waited for the dragon strong.

"There is a real dragon, I will hide first."

The Princess of Wine reminded Lingdao that it disappeared into the field. The Dragon Lord’s World met the Dragon Powerhouse. It’s not surprising at all. I didn’t expect to have a real dragon. They certainly didn’t know that the Dragon Dragons had dispatched. A group of young geniuses, to the world of the Dragon Lord.

The big dragons and the big world, the burial place of the dragons and the souls, certainly more than one Tianlong Valley, I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, or the Linger’s deliberate arrangement, the young genius from the Lingjia’s Heavenly Warriors and the true dragons. Just in one place, their goal is Tianlong Valley.

"Well, the Terran Warrior."

One young dragon strongman came over, they obviously did not expect that they would encounter a large number of Terran martial artists in Tianlong Valley, and some young dragons in the dragons showed fierce light, selected people, and some young dragons look strong. Blinking, I don’t know what I’m thinking, and there are some young dragons who are killing the sky, as if they are going to do it at any time.

In the wilder period, the murderer was rampant, and the real dragon family was one of the hegemons. From the Three Emperors, the Terran gradually rose, and later the Terran became the master of the heavens and the earth, whether it was the true dragon family, the Phoenix family, or the Kunpeng family. Not the opponents of the Terran, they used to be the hegemons of the world, and now they can only be one.

The young strongmen of the dragons hate the Terran martial artists. It is normal. The phoenix and the 鲲Peng and other ethnic groups do not like the Terran. They think that the Terran occupies their ancestral land. The Heavenly Kingdom should be theirs. The Terran Lords are in the heavens and other races. There are opinions, but the human race is so powerful that they can't push down the Terran.

"A group of ants, I also want to compete with us for the blood dragon spirit."

Hey, the genius of the younger generation of the true dragon family, the peak of the heavens, the real dragon, is not comparable to the dragon, the physical unparalleled is not a joke, in addition to the Lingdao, the presence of more than 200 Terran warriors, absolutely no body, It can be compared with 敖烨.

The blood dragon spirit thing, in addition to Ling Dao, other human warriors do not know, they only know Long Ling, he is a young genius of the true dragon family, knowing the blood dragon spirit and the Tao Longling, no strange, Long Ling more He does not intend to divide the Terran martial art, the Dragon Spirit, which is formed by the dragon's soul and blood, and the Terran martial arts compete for it.

"The four-legged snake is nothing, what is good."

A young man satirically said that all the people who can come from Lingjia are geniuses, or else they can’t pass the Denglong ladder. The worst ones must be on the top of a large territory, just like the fox. Rui, although not comparable to the nine great angels of the ancient palace, but at least not too much.

The Terran is the master of the heavens, the only hegemon, the younger generation now, and some have forgotten the power of the hegemonic race in the wilderness period. The young people who were previously open, but they are the genius of the power, they dare not focus on the eyes. In the face of the fact that the power of a product is in front of the true dragon family, it is not worth mentioning.

There are only a few dozen young strongmen who have arrived. The young people of the Terran who are present are all geniuses, and there are many people. Of course, they are not afraid of the young strongmen of the dragons. They laugh at the real dragons, which are four-legged snakes. The biggest insult of the true dragon family, of course, can not stand.

"court death."

The cold screaming, like a ghost, immediately rushed to the young man's body, he clenched his fists, did not use any martial arts, purely with physical flesh, he has enough confidence in his body, The true dragon family, the unparalleled body, and the people of the same realm, may be comparable to him.

The young man was shocked. He didn't expect that he would suddenly shoot. Fortunately, he was in a hundred battles. In an instant, he calmed down and displayed a palm, a palm of the sky, stacked like a fallen leaf. In general, it seems to be fluttering, but in fact it is hidden and turbulent.

One side is a genius of the power of the other, the other side is the genius of the true dragon family. Their fighting, in fact, there is no suspense at all, the fists of the smashing, smashing all the palms, as if ignoring the space distance, squatting in the young The chest of the person, the power of violent, broke out completely, and a pair of fists is like a weapon of the gods.


The young man had a sweet throat and spewed blood against him. He still didn’t stop, and he slammed again. His fists were like two giant hammers, squatting on the chest of young people. The scene of frightening happened. Young people’s The chest broke open, as if it had been worn by a sword.

Other Terran young warriors have not reacted yet, and they are killing young people who are not inferior. The same realm, strength is different from each other, just like the chaos of the ancient domain. Several young geniuses, killing other border warlords, are effortless.

"Who wants to compete for the blood dragon spirit."

He stepped on the young man's body, and the mighty strength shook the body into a piece of ground. The young people of the Terran, who were next to each other, took a sigh of relief and did not expect that they would suddenly shoot. I didn’t even think that the strength of you was so terrible.

The surname, even in the real dragon family, is a big surname, can become a genius of the true dragon family, the strength of the scorpion, absolutely can not be underestimated, even the young genius of the emperor's power, are carefully looked at a few eyes I don't know if they have a chance to win.

"It is what you said first, he said you, why do you kill him."

Some young people asked, but he was smarter and deliberately concealed his position. His voice seemed to come from all directions, and he shot, and he did not have half a hand. His strength is indeed stronger than that of the previous one. Whether you can play it or not, it is still unknown.

"The juniors who are exposed to the tail are also qualified to be dogs."

Another young dragon strongman shot, he is not a real dragon, but a cockroach, so the old legend, Zu Long has nine sons, 狴犴 is one of them, 狴犴 looks like a tiger, even if he is adult, they are Seeing the fierce light, it seems like a wild and savage beast, and he did not find the young man who secretly spoke, but he found it.

A big hand poked out, as if a tiger was thrown out, accompanied by a group of dragons, the young man hidden in the dark, did not think that there was a dragon young strong man who found him in a flash and could come to the dragon The dragons of the world are also geniuses, and their strengths are not necessarily worse than those of the dragons.

"Million bones kill."

Since he has already been discovered, he certainly will not sit still, his hands are shot again and again, one after another, bones, condensed in the void, as if entering the bones of hell, everywhere are bones, each root The bones are like bone knives, and they are going to kill.

Behind the embarrassment, a tail emerges, like the tail of a tiger, like the tail of a dragon, the autumn wind sweeps the leaves, all the white bones, in front of the tail of the dragonfly, are worthless, all sweeping Some bones are turned into powder, and in a few moments, a young man of the Terran is killed. Of course, you can't return without success.

The true dragon family is the descendant of Zulong. The same is the descendant of Zulong. He screams and screams, and the tiger screams and screams, rushing toward the young man.

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