The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 26: Tianlong Ancient Array

If you want to enter Tianlong Valley, you will either be a dragon of death or a true dragon. Because you can break the ancient array of Tianlong, only the real dragons will not even have half-blood dragons. Of course, the truth of the ancient dragons will be broken. The dragon can bring other people into it. As long as he let in, he can enter, and he and the red dragon will be able to break, and the emperor has no problem.

As the son of the Dragon Emperor, the body of the Emperor, is even more arrogant than the 敖烨 and Chi Longyang. However, the Emperor is not in a hurry to break, because he wants to see the ugly of the Terran martial arts, can not break the ancient array, relying on In the flesh, the dragon's best shot is the flesh, even if the wild beasts are rampant in the wild, the real dragons are the strongest.

"This is the broad-mindedness of the temple, the big belly can accommodate, now not only do not kill you, but also give you some advice, want to break the ancient array of Tianlong, relying on the flesh, as long as you are physically strong enough, you can break the ancient array."

It is possible to make people young and martial people ugly, and the emperor is of course happy. Whether it is human martial arts or physical training, don’t think about it in the flesh. It’s rare to be able to compare with 敖烨 and Chi Longyang. The Terran is meritorious. The law, in theory, allows the military to cultivate to the flesh to counter the extent of the true dragon family, but unfortunately it is only legend that they have never seen it.

The other young dragons of the Dragons heard the previous words of Emperor Huang, and they were full of opinions. But the last sentence of Emperor Huang was to make them laugh. They were not fools. They naturally knew what the Emperor was trying to do, relying on the flesh. Breaking the line is the strength of the real dragon. The Terran warrior is far from far away. It is no wonder that the previous two hundred young Terran warriors were present and no one went in.

"Breaking in the flesh."

Later, the young Terran warriors now only want to go to the stone monument. They want to enter the Tianlong Valley. They have to break through the ancient array. The young people who have tried to break the battle before, began to explain to them the ancient array of Tianlong. They came to Tianlong Valley, of course, for Longling. By killing dragons and killing dragon spirits alone, they are tired and dangerous, and there are still few dragon spirits.

Ling Dao killed eight days and the dragon and the seven kings of the king of the dragon, only to get a one-and-a-half-and-half-year-old blood dragon spirit, if it was not later forced to a half-blood dragon, the blood dragon spirit, he simply could not get a five-foot long blood dragon Ling, other young warriors get less dragon spirits, and most of them are not even three-foot long dragons.

"Have you tried to break the line?"

Qianhui went to Lingdao and asked. Both Aolong and Lingdao shook their heads. If there were other formations, Qianhui had confidence, and the Tianlong ancient array could be broken by the flesh. She was really not sure. Qianhui was just a sword repair. The flesh is not strong, and she does not have any strong blood, the body of the proud dragon, it is also impossible to break the ancient array.

When the emperor said, there were still people who did not believe it. They began to try to break the battle. The result was one after another failure. Without success, once they entered the Tianlong ancient array, they would meet their opponents, a giant dragon of a hundred feet. They did not. The law moves, can only withstand the collision of the dragon, what martial arts, what weapons, can not be used, can only rely on the flesh support.

If they can survive, they can break through, and if they can't hold on, they will be knocked out of the ancient array of dragons and dragons. The dragons and the big world will be arranged, and they will be arranged by the dragons. Let the true dragons enter, understand. After all, the dragons are respected by the real dragons. The ancient dragon array can be said to be a test. If there is a dragon, the body can be tempered and the real dragon in the same realm is generally tyrannical.

"Laughing the dragon, they really thought they could break."

"Even if we can't break, they are more confident."

There are cynics and sorrows of the young dragons of the dragons. The faces are full of sarcasm. The young warriors of the Terran who tried to break the battles have refuted one by one, but have nothing to say. If they can break the battle, they must definitely smash the young dragons of the dragons. Faces, unfortunately, they all failed, and there was no hope of breaking.

There are still people who have not broken the martial arts, they are all mad into the Tianlong ancient array, but unfortunately, the results have not changed, no one can break, some people are strong, want to sigh, but the vomiting blood hit by the dragon There are still people who are even more miserable. Even the sternum has been broken four or five. The proud dragon and the thousand Hui are not convinced of the evil, and they can't be forced for them.

"A group of wastes, and want to break through, is simply whimsical."

Chi Longyang Yang smiled and saw that the young people of the Terran were out of ugliness, and they were more happy than killing them. The sounds of other young dragons’ ridicules were getting louder and louder. Many young people of the Terran are angry and angry, if they are not sure Dead dragons, they will definitely kill the group dragons.

"What's so funny, you can break it."

A young man of the Terran is angry, but he has not seen the young Wushu of the Dragons. So far, there are other young people who are attached to it. The Tianlong Ancient Array is very powerful. They have tried it personally. Even if the Dragons are physically strong, they are all Do not believe that the young dragons of the dragons can really break.

"Hey, let them see how powerful our dragons are."

The Emperor did not personally take the shot, but let the scorpion go to the battle. When he came, he wanted to let him explore the ancient array of the dragon. If he could break the line, he could break the line. Second, he I still want to continue to see the martial arts of the young people of the Terran, and I don’t want to go in. For the third time, he wants to let the young people of the ethnic group know that the real dragons can easily break out, and the Terran can’t be compared.

The request of His Royal Highness Prince, I immediately agreed, whether it is the Dragon Warrior or the Terran Warrior, they are all focused on the body of the beggar, and the body is restored, only to deliberately reduce the body, only one foot long, When he walked into the Tianlong Ancient Array, he was hit by the dragon again and again.

After half an hour, the dragon’s collision ended. I didn’t step back, but stepped forward and broke the Tianlong Guzhen. So far, it’s the first to break, when he looks When they questioned their young Terran martial artists, those young people of the Terran are all lowering their heads and smashing the ancient array of Tianlong, which is like a slap in their face.

"Now I know you are a waste."

He did not rush into the Tianlong Valley, but looked at the young people of the Terran with a look of ridicule. A young, personal warrior couldn’t help but clench his fists. He wanted to unload the eight, but they had to admit it. The cockroaches are so powerful that they can't break the true dragons, and they broke down. The dragons collided again and again, and they didn't scream.

Suddenly, one after another young warriors rushed to Tianlong Valley, because they broke the Tianlong ancient array, and there was no way to block them. They could take the opportunity to go in, no matter who broke the Tianlong ancient array, as long as they could enter Tianlong Valley. Not only did the young dragons of the dragons not stop, but it was a look of optimism.


None of them succeeded, because the invisible barrier blocked them from the outside, and the smashed Tianlong ancient squad, only the people he allowed to enter, could enter. They wanted to enter Tianlong Valley without the permission of the shackles. It is simply a delusion, even the king of heaven and earth will not succeed, and a group of them will be more likely to succeed.

"You are advanced, and your Highness depends on how other people are not self-reliant."

The Emperor pointed to the followers of the ,, let them first enter the Tianlong Valley, and the task they entered was to explore the Tianlong Valley and find out the situation of the Tianlong Valley, when the Emperor Huang took the other dragons into the army. You can directly absorb Long Ling. He believes that with his ability, he can fully handle what he has to say.

"I'll try."

The old seven of Xianyi Palace couldn’t sit still anymore. The dragons laughed again and again, making his face colder and colder. As a prince, he was also a martial artist. His physical strength is definitely not bad. A personal family. The young warriors are all coming to the spirit, can you be shameful before the snow, just look at the old seven of the Xianyi Palace can not break.

The dragon collided, and the old seven of Xianyi Palace was biting his teeth. His body was a little worse than the real dragon in the same realm. However, for the face of the Terran, in order to sweep the face of the dragon, he must break. The ridicule of the young dragons of the Dragons has long provoked the anger of the old seven of Xianyi Palace.

"It’s half an hour, and it’s hopeful.”

"Haha, we humans can also break through, and your dragons have something to be proud of."

The young people of the Terran army finally raised their brilliance, and in turn ridiculed the young dragons of the dragons. I don’t know if it’s a great sadness. When they satirized the dragons one by one, the old seven of the Xianyi Palace vomited blood, and the strength of the old seven of the Xianyi Palace was still Not enough, no breaks, was blasted out of the ancient array.

The young warriors who had previously ridiculed the dragons even wanted to find a place to sneak in. The young dragons of the dragons were laughing louder. The emperor once again let the red dragons go out, and the red dragons did not let the emperor disappoint, and broke the dragon. In ancient times, Chi Longyang took his followers and walked into Tianlong Valley. This time, no young Terran warriors were rash, and they had already suffered a loss.

First, there are 敖烨, and then there is Chi Longyang. For the true dragon family, breaking the Tianlong ancient squad is as simple as eating and drinking. The young dragons of the dragons are one-of-a-kind, and they look at the eyes of the young people of the Terran. They are full of contempt. The dragons have dispatched two young warriors to break the battle. All of them succeeded. The Terran sent more than 800 young warriors to break the battle. No one succeeded.

"You still can't kill the arrogance of their horses, and his dragon tail is afraid to be on the sky."

The proud dragon pushed the swaying road, the ridicule of the young dragon warrior, he could not stand it anymore, but unfortunately, he tried, the Tianlong ancient array is not something he can break, he knows that Lingdao’s body is strong and wants to break the Tianlong ancient Array, I am afraid I can only count on Ling Dao. Even the old seven of the Emperor’s parents, the fairy tales, did not break the ancient array of Tianlong. The proud dragon said that Lingdao could break the line. Don’t say that the young dragons of the dragons did not believe, other young people of the Terran Do not believe.

"I am waiting for people, they are here, and it will not be late." The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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