The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 27: Hunting for real dragons

Confidence, Lingdao has never been lacking, and the ancient dynasty relies on the flesh. So, for him, there is no difficulty at all. It’s quite ridiculous, and one of the most powerful exercises in the past and the present, if you compare the flesh, Lingdao also I haven't been afraid of anyone, even if it's the previous shackles, the bones are broken, he is unscathed.

However, it seems to others that he is completely arrogant and ignorant. I don’t think that the young dragons of the dragons are laughing at the young people of the human race. In fact, they know that they can break the ancient array of the dragons. It is normal, because both 敖烨 and Chi Longyang are true dragons, and they are replaced by them. The possibility of breaking them is very small.

Lingdao, a young man in the late Qing Dynasty, thought that the Tianlong ancient squad was very broken. It was a frog at the bottom of the well. Other young people of the Terran screamed secretly, some smiled bitterly, and some glared at Lingdao. They lost face again and again. Lingdao even has to take his own insults, it is really stupid.

"You are so confident that you will break, then you go, why do you have to wait for someone."

"With such a bad excuse, how do you mean to say something, whether you are waiting in the heavens, will never come."

"It's not as good as our dragons, it's not as good as our dragons, but we don't admit it. It's really shameless."

The young warriors of the Dragons have ridiculed their sarcasm. Until now, no one of the Terran young warriors has broken down. They are qualified to laugh at the presence of the young Terracotta martial arts. He and Chi Longyang not only broke the Tianlong Ancient Array, but also followed them. Those who broke into the Tianlong Valley, as long as the Emperor is willing, can take the remaining Dragon Warriors.

On the other hand, the young people of the Terran, more than 800 people, all failed, Lingdao not only did not have embarrassment, but also uttered madness, it is simply brazen, in addition to Aolong and Qianhui believe in Lingdao, other Terran young warriors do not believe that Lingdao can break Array, even the old seven of the Xianyi Palace did not succeed, Lingdao counted what.

Lingdao did not take care of the ridicule of the young dragons of the dragons. After the butterfly dance and Lei Wenyuan arrived, he would break and speak with the facts. Now even if he is eloquent and his tongue is lotus, there is no point in it. Butterfly dance and Lei Wenyuan Although it is powerful, but wants to break through the ancient body, the possibility of success is very small.

There is a blood dragon in Tianlong Valley. Of course, he has to wait for the butterfly dance and Lei Wenyuan to go in together. The Tianwu who came from Lingjia is afraid of more than a thousand people. What really makes Lingdao care is only the proud dragon and Qianhui. Butterfly Dance and Lei Wenyuan, Aolong and Qianhui are at Lingdao. Now he only needs to wait for Butterfly Dance and Levin to arrive.

"His Royal Highness, help."

The cry for help from the distance attracted the attention of the Emperor, and other dragon warriors also looked at the past. The only ones in the field could be called the Highness, only the Emperor, the Prince of the Real Dragon, and a true dragon of several tens of feet. He rushed over and was stained with blood. He looked extremely miserable. He had hundreds of sword wounds on his body, and some had deep bones.

"A big courage, even the young genius of my true dragon family dare to chase."

The emperor was angry and angered, and his blood broke out. He broke the clouds above the sky and dared to chase the dragon in the world of the dragon. It must be a young warrior of the human race. It is a wound that can be a real dragon. It should not be One person is likely to be chased by a group of Terran warriors. The Dragon of the Dragon Kings World will certainly not be bold enough to blatantly chase the true dragon.

The whole body is a wounded real dragon. He knows the emperor. He and the emperor are together in the dragon and the big world. They also make an appointment to meet outside the Tianlong Valley. Compared to Yu and Chi Longyang, Yan Huang prefers Lan Yuyu. Because Lan Yuyu is his subordinate, the Emperor is a dragon prince, but the dragon is more than one prince. He and Chi Longyang are not following the emperor.

As the prince of the prince, he ordered the 敖烨 and Chi Longyang to do things. They did not dare to fail. However, if their loyal princes were also there, they would not necessarily listen to the words of the emperor. Early on, he followed the Emperor, so Lan Yuyu suffered heavy losses, and the Emperor was very angry.

"Yuyu, don't be afraid, there is this temple, how many people and martial arts are dead."

Emperor Huang is going to get Long Ling and then deal with the young people of the Terran. However, Lan Yuyu is injured. He can't ignore it. Otherwise, other subordinates will be chilling. As a superior, sometimes, he will pay attention to the behavior of his subordinates. Then it is possible to touch the squalor, and since then, the knife is under the fire, and it is not to be resigned.

"Your Highness, I can see you, if I can't find you again, I am afraid that I will die under the woman's sword."

When Lan Yuyu saw the Queen, it was like catching a straw, and quickly became a human figure. He hid to the side of the Emperor. He was really scared. If it wasn’t the real dragon, he might not be able to escape. Tianlong Valley, in order to survive, he used the life-saving ban, and the result was still not to remove the woman who chased him.

"That woman, you will not tell this Highness, you are just being chased by a woman, other people."

It is how powerful it is to be able to kill a real dragon without a road, no one in heaven. Originally, the Emperor thought that it was a group of young people who were chasing blue dragons, but Lan Yuyu nodded and admitted his guess. Whether it is the young dragons of the Dragons or the young warriors of the Terran, they are all looking forward to the direction of Lan Yuyu.

They all want to take a look at what kind of Terran young warriors can have such strength. Even though the Terran warriors present have never seen Lan Yuyu’s shot, as the true dragon, the strength of Lan Yuyu should be He is similar to Chi Longyang. They have seen and played against Chi Longyang. The general genius is not their opponent.

"His Highness, that woman is too fierce, and my five men are all dead under her sword."

Lan Yuyu whispered that there were five young dragons who were following him. Unfortunately, in order to protect him, the five young dragons of the dragons were all in a pool of blood. The young warriors present were very good at hearing. They are more interested in the pursuit of the young Terran warrior of Lan Yuyu, because she is still a woman.

"Is it a butterfly dance?"

The woman who can make a real dragon fight, the first thought of Lingdao is the butterfly dance, plus the blue swords are all sword wounds. It is a possibility of butterfly dance. Unfortunately, Lan Lan Standing on the side of the emperor, Lingdao is not good at exploring the injury of Lan Yuyu. Fortunately, Lingdao has heard the wind and the woman who is chasing Lan Yuyu is about to arrive.

A young woman holds a golden sword, her hair is fluttering, her lotus steps are light, and she walks over without urgency. She is like a fairy who has fallen from above nine days, not eating human fireworks, glamorous Nothing can be square, without a trace of pretty face, full of ease and freehand, not like chasing others.

"Little dragon, why don't you run."

Like Lingdao’s guess, the woman who chased Lan Yuyu is a butterfly dance. Even if Lan Yuyu hides next to the Emperor’s emperor, even if there are hundreds of dragon young warriors around the emperor, the butterfly dance is a face that doesn’t care. Both Lan Yuyu and Emperor Huang are the peaks of the heavens. Like her, the warriors in the same territory, of course, she is not afraid, let alone Lan Yuyu is still her defeat.

Whether it is a young man of the Terran or a young warrior of the Dragon, it is a bright eye. The beauty of the butterfly dance is enough to make the world eclipse. She is just standing there, it is enough to form a beautiful landscape, especially the kind of non-food. The smell of fireworks is even more fascinating and addictive.

"His Royal Highness is here, I am afraid that you will not succeed."

The blue 皓 色 色 厉 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , When Emperor Huang was present, Emperor Huang would definitely support him. Just a singer, it should be enough to deal with the butterfly dance, not to mention other dragon warriors.

You don’t need to ask, you know how Lan Yuyu and the butterfly dance are enemies. If you are used to the beauty of the emperor, you will be surprised when you see the butterfly dance. Even if I wanted to move the butterfly foot to the hand, I was chased by the butterfly dance. The **** is the nature of the dragon, perhaps inherited from the ancestors.

"Take you a prince is not a child. This time, you can't escape."

The gold sword directly pointed to Lan Yuyu, which scared Lan Yuyu a lot. Even though the butterfly dance has a distance of hundreds of feet from Lan Yuyu, Lan Yuyu feels stinging and the sword wound on Lan Yuyu. It is either a golden sword or a sword, and Blue Yuyu is not only afraid of butterfly dance, but even the sword of the butterfly dance.

"The beauty of the Terran, yes, if you are willing to do the favor of your Highness, this Highness can spare you a life."

The emperor who had intended to avenge Lan Yuyu instantly forgot all about Lan Yuyu’s affairs. If he could take the butterfly dance for himself, he would definitely feel that the dragon’s journey to the world was not a sneak peek. As the Prince of the Real Dragon family, he really does not think that the Dragon Lord has a big chance in the world. What is important.

"He wants to rob you woman, don't you be angry?"

The proud right hand patted the shoulders of Lingdao, and the left finger was against the emperor. It was obviously in the Lingdao Road. Even if the butterfly dance was strong, it would definitely not be a group dragon. Now it is the opportunity of Lingdao performance. The Taoist shot, just a dragon prince, may be able to defeat the butterfly dance, proud of the strength of the butterfly dance, not enough understanding.

"The hero will save the opportunity, you will not be unsure."

As long as Lingdao shot, Aolong will definitely shoot, if you add a thousand benefits, even if it is the Emperor, only the ones that have been beaten, even if other young dragons are shot, they can all retreat, Qianhui can gather five hundred Many people come to Tianlong Valley together, which is enough to show that she has a certain appeal. The group of dragons will be shot, and more than 500 people will never stand by.

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