The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 29: Beaten into meat

Among the followers of Emperor Huang, a young man emerged. His arms crossed his knees and his body was burly. Unlike others, even if he turned into a human body, his hair was extremely strong, both on his face and on his hands. Jin Mao, he said that to take the fate of Lingdao, other dragon young warriors gave him a way.

He has not yet started to work, and it is like a river in the Yangtze River. When he was fighting with the Dragon Warriors and the Terran Warriors, he was torn the two young people into pieces. Once they entered the battle, he would It’s red eyes, killing people is even more fierce than 敖烨 and Chi Longyang.

"Well, Long Yao, gave him to the temple."

Long Hao, the heavens will be the peak of the world, one of the best battles of the Emperor, even if it is the blue dragon, you must give the dragon a few face, because the strength of the dragon, it is worthy of his equal view, the dragon is not only a name, but also It represents his birth, his father is a true dragon, his mother is a holy shrine, the real dragon is unparalleled, the holy war is the strongest, and the dragon has inherited two major advantages.

Compared with the flesh, the dragon is not like the real dragon in the realm. Compared with the war, the dragon is not like the holy shrine of the realm. However, his body is still not to be underestimated, but the lower half of the 敖烨, Chi Longyang and Lan Yuyu Raising, his warfare, than 敖烨, Lan Yuyu and Chi Longyang, is a strong one.

"His Royal Highness is relieved, and the local military will be able to kill him within ten strokes."

Even if it is a human-armed warrior in the same realm, Long Hao can easily kill it, not to mention that Ling Dao is only in the late days of the Tian dynasty. If it wasn’t for the former Ling Dao who had killed the Dragon Warrior, Long Hao would have to say a trick to kill him. Nodded, Long Hao personally shot, he certainly rest assured, after all, just to deal with the military in the late days.

The young dragons of the dragons all laughed. Lingdao is bragging and can sneak up. They are the princes of their princes. They have long wanted to kill the sin. They even gambled, and some gambling. The trick is to kill Lingdao, and some gambling dragons and five tricks to kill Lingdao, and some gambling dragons and three tricks to kill Lingdao.

After the butterfly dance retreat, the battlefield was given to Lingdao and Longjing. Lingdao believes that she can cope with the Emperor. She also believes that Lingdao can solve Longyan, even the proud dragon and Qianhui are not worried about Lingdao. It’s impossible to kill the dragons in the borders of the dragons. The gap between a small realm is nothing for Lingdao.

The dragon screamed coldly, and the large hand that was full of golden hair caught the Lingdao. Lingdao and 狴犴 狴犴 撼 撼 撼 撼 撼 撼 撼 撼 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿The dragon has a son, hehe, the flesh is not weaker than the real dragon, but unfortunately, later, the flesh is not as good as the real dragon. Only the pro-son of Zulong is a special case.

"A big handprint."

Lingdao five fingers open, palms of the Jinxiu Mountain River emerged, the stars of the stars, the dragon did not think, Lingdao came up to display martial arts, however, he not only did not worry, but instead laughed, Long Hao felt that Lingdao The reason why martial arts is applied is because Ling Dao’s strength is not good, and he can only rely on martial arts to pull back the disadvantages.

However, when Long Hao and Ling Dao came together, he knew that he was wrong. He was wrong. Lingdao just didn’t want to waste time with Long Yao. Previously, Long Yusheng tore up two young people, he is now It is necessary to let the dragons pay for their lives. The huge palm prints are like the Wuzhi Mountain. They are slammed down and they are worth hundreds of millions.


The dragon's hand bones are broken, and a **** fog is bursting. The big handprints are enough to suppress the soldiers of one side of the world. Even if he is physically strong, he can't help it. Not only that, but the big handprints are like the mountains. He was on his body, and the face of Long Hao changed. He almost exclaimed, because the power of Ling Dao has already exceeded the scope of Tian Quan.

You must know that in order to speed up the battle, Lingdao not only used the cover of the sky, but also used the nine-turn dragon strength. In the blink of an eye, it broke out six times its own strength. Don’t look at his realm is lower than the dragon, but he The physical strength of the body is higher than that of the dragon. The cultivation is quite ridiculous. The strength of the body is directed at the real dragon. The power is not, because the strongest is not the real dragon, but the idol.


Even if it is the body of the dragon, it is completely unable to withstand the attack of the ridge. The big handprint on the dragon's body, cut off his bones, smashed his body, and the dragon smashed back and forth again, unfortunately. Behind him is the starry sky, the original source of a ray of atoms, which is condensed into the dragon's body.

The dragon screamed and turned into a body, a three-foot-high ape monkey, a forehead dragon horn, a piece of dragon scales on the body, a large dragon tail, and even a huge palm print, but unfortunately no After returning to work, the big handprints smashed on his body, and one piece of dragon scales was broken. The bright red blood, like spring water, rushed out.

"Only you want to kill me."

Lingdao did not give Dragons a chance to resist. The right leg was like a pillar supporting the heavens. He was slammed on the dragon's body. The dragon's face was pale and the blood was spurting in the mouth. It seemed to be stepped on by the gods. The roots were broken by another bone, and it was a large handprint that was suppressed by the sky. The dragon that was hit hard was no longer supported. The body of Sanzhanggao was crushed into meat.

From the beginning, Lingdao did not intend to let go of the dragon scorpion. The sudden turnout of the ninth-turn dragon rushing, the direct smashing of the dragon scorpion was caught off guard, and Long Hao also said that within ten strokes, the life of Lingdao was taken, and the result was not Lingdao, but instead It is him. If time can go backwards, Long Hao will never stand up and find the trouble of Lingdao.

"This, this, how is this possible?"

The strength of Long Yu is obvious to all. Even Lan Yuyu has to admit that Long Hao has the same level as him. But now, in a short time, Ling Dao will be the dragon, and know that the dragon After recovering the ontology, he couldn’t help but attack Lingdao. Lan Yuyu couldn’t help but make a chill, and replaced him with Lingdao. What would be the result.

The young dragons who were originally prepared to watch the Lingdao jokes were all stupid. They were still gambling, and they were killing Lingdao with eight strokes, or killing Lingdao with five strokes, or killing Lingdao with three strokes. The result is a dragon scorpion, looking at the meat on the ground, they can not help but numb the scalp, the eyes of the early days of the human race junior, too ferocious.

"Okay, killing is good."

The young warriors of the ethnic group applauded Lingdao. Before the war between the young Terracotta and the young dragons of the Dragon, the young warriors of the Terran were defeated. If it were not for the rescue, perhaps hundreds of young people would die. Now Lingdao killed the dragons alive. Of course, they feel very happy. Anyway, now they have a lot of people, and they are not afraid of the young dragons.

"Be bold, even my men dare to kill."

The emperor is angry, if there is a dragon holding him, maybe he has to personally shoot, kill the Lingdao, first confront the butterfly dance, and then the dragon is killed by the Lingdao, the emperor is almost unable to suppress the heart. The anger is over, but fortunately there is a dragon to remind him, let him not impulsive, wait for the Tianlong Valley to come out, and then find Lingdao to settle accounts.

Yan and Chi Longyang have already entered the Tianlong Valley with a group of young dragons from the dragons. With their ability, they will surely find enough blood dragon spirits. Tianlong Valley does not know how many years existed, but does not know how many dragons are buried. Perhaps, the number of blood dragons inside is not clear, and when the Emperor gets enough blood dragon spirit, the butterfly dance and Lingdao can count.

"Don't be angry with your Highness, they have a group of wastes, and even the ancient array of Tianlong can't be broken, why bother with them."

There are young dragons in the dragons who admire the Tao. The ancient array of Tianlong is definitely the pain of the young warriors of the Terran. Until now, the young warriors of the Terran have not succeeded, even the old seven of the Xianyi Palace have ended in failure, and the dragons’ Chi Longyang, all broke the Tianlong ancient array, who made them both true dragons.

The butterfly dance nodded to Lingdao, and it was a greeting. Later, she walked into the ancient array of Tianlong. Her power is so powerful. Needless to say, she can chase the real dragon blue Yuyu, and can defeat the real dragon with a sword. The prince of a family, but she is a sword repair after all, she did not break the ancient dragon array, because her body is not like the real dragon of the realm.

"What ancient array, let me try."

Lei Wenyuan was finally rushed over. From afar, he heard the young dragons of the dragons take the Tianlong ancient sarcasm and ridicule the young warriors. The proud dragon and the lingdao are all there. Of course, he does not need to ask others. After learning the situation, Lei Wen Yuan is a big thorn into the Tianlong ancient array, anyway, even if it can not break, there is no danger.

Behind him, another group of young people of the Terran army came. After his failure, other Terran young warriors tried to break the battle. Unfortunately, no one succeeded, and their flesh was not comparable to the real dragon in the same realm. The ancient array was prepared for the real dragon. The human warrior wants to go in, it is simply delusional.

"You are not saying that you can break the line, how can you still not take it now? Do you have to wait for someone?"

Ling Dao’s killing of dragons in public is equivalent to playing the face of the emperor. As the saying goes, the dog must look at the owner. The emperor deliberately bites the words “waiting for someone”, and the ridicule is full of meaning. I believe that Lingdao's excuse, Lingdao kills Long Yao, relying on martial arts, and Emperor Huang can not think that Lingdao can break.

"His Highness, you force him this way. If he can't break it, will he find a stone to die?"

Lan Yuyu was originally a follower of Emperor Huang. The emperor hated Ling Dao. Of course he had to humiliate Ling Dao. Other young dragons of the Dragons laughed. Until now, there is no one young warrior. In the break of the line, Lingdao will be able to say that he can break the battle in the late days. It is simply the biggest joke in the world.

"Isn't it a break, what is the difficulty?"

Lingdao did not seem to hear the ridicule of the young dragons of the Dragons. He went straight to the Tianlong Ancient Array. He had to wait for the Butterfly Dance and Lei Wenyuan to come to the scene. At this time, they did not break, but when.

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