The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 30: Easy to break

"Nothing can be broken. After all, we have not succeeded. What kind of atmosphere must we blow?"

"Isn't it too shameful? Is he thinking that he can defeat the Dragon Warrior and break the Tianlong Guzheng?"

Even the young people of the Terran who are present are incapable of arrogance. They all tried to break through, but all ended in failure. As a result, Lingdao turned out to look down on the ancient array. If there is no difficulty in the Tianlong Guzheng, then they can’t even break the ancient array of Tianlong. Isn’t it really like a group of wastes that the Emperor said?

Whether it is martial arts or physical training, even the emperor can't succeed in breaking the battle. They don't believe that Lingdao can break. They feel that the more arrogant the road is, the more humiliating it is, and the young warriors of the dragons are waiting for Ling. After the failure of Ling Dao, Emperor Huang will definitely let Lan Yuyu take the shot, and then he can humiliate them.

"you can."

The butterfly dance whispered, as if it was encouraging Lingdao, and it seemed to have absolute confidence in Lingdao. With her beauty, wherever she goes, she is the focus, but she has previously defeated the emperor with a sword, and her performance is too strong. Others, even if they want to see her, are secretly looking at them, not afraid to stare straight, for fear of annoying her.

There are quite a few young women present, and there are also beautiful ones. However, compared with the butterfly dance, only Qianhui. The temperament of the two is different, the Qianhui in the red gold armor, the heroic and refreshing, the towel does not let the eyebrows. A butterfly dance in a long skirt is like a fairy who does not eat the fireworks of the human world.

Qianhui can gather more than 500 people, not only because she is a child of Lingjia, but also because she is peerless. Even if it is a red gold armor, it is difficult to cover her proud figure. It is a pity that she has a heart on the kendo. She is a sword and specializes in swords. She is like a sharp sword. If someone wants to be close to her, she must be careful about her edge.

The butterfly dance does not have a little bit of fireworks, and the appearance of a pair of people who refuse to be thousands of miles away is like a fairy who is tall and high. She is like an iceberg, a dusty iceberg, and rarely sees a smile on her face. Because of this, she took the initiative to speak with Lingdao, which caused the embarrassment of other young warriors.

"Why do you want to eat swan meat, how can he capture the beauty of his heart?"

"I want to show up in front of the beauty, but unfortunately, he chose the wrong place. Is it possible for him to break through?"

Whether it is the young dragons of the dragons or the young warriors of the Terran, as long as they have ideas about the butterfly dance, they are consciously standing on a front. Of course, just standing on a front line and laughing at the Lingdao, they really fight, they are still hostile. They don't know that Lingdao and Butterfly Dance have long known each other. They only think that Lingdao relies on other ways to know the name of the butterfly dance.

Lingdao just smiled at the butterfly dance. What other people said, he was too lazy to pay attention. When he stepped into the ancient array of Tianlong, he was as unable to move as other people, and he could only passively withstand the dragon collision. Both Yan and Chi Longyang can be broken, and Lingdao has not worried about himself. If you let others know what he thinks, he must be considered a madman.

"As a human race, you are ridiculed about Lingdao. After he breaks, I see if you have a face to follow."

Ao Long and Ling Dao are not big people. Now they are ridiculed by Ling Dao. After Lingdao broke, he did not intend to let those warriors follow. It is a pity that his words have no effect at all. The young warrior who satirizes Ling Dao is even more ridiculed.


The dragon hit the Lingdao again and again, but Lingdao didn’t feel at all. I want to break through the ancient array, and it has nothing to do with the realm. In different realms, the dragons that have been hit are not the same. Ling Dao’s talent will be in the late stage of the game. Of course, it is impossible to give him the test of the peak of the sky.

Even if it is the dragon strongman who arranges the ancient dragon array, I am afraid that the body of the armed warrior can be compared with the real dragon, and it just happened to come to the dragon world. Even if it is a real dragon, it is a collision of half an hour, but only half an hour, the dragon will no longer rush to the road, because there is no effect at all.

"It has already been said that your Terran wants to break through the ancient array, and it is simply an idiotic dream."

"If you can't break the slogan, let's see how he ends up?"

Only half an hour later, Lingdao exited the Tianlong ancient array. Whether it was the young dragons of the dragons or the young warriors of the Terran, they believed that Lingdao failed. Even the real dragon must be half an hour before it can be broken. Lingdao is now unable to withstand the dragon collision, and then actively retired.

The failure of Lingdao has been said to be in the expectation of many people. The Tianlong Ancient Array is basically prepared for the true dragon family. The Terran Warrior wants to break the battle, which is harder than going to heaven. All the young people in the field have tried it, even if they bite their teeth, there is no hope of breaking.

Can kill the dragon, whether it is a dragon warrior, or a human warrior, I have to admit the power of Ling Dao. However, the strength does not mean that the flesh is tyrannical, the butterfly dance can repel the true dragon family's prince and emperor, and the old seven of the immortal palace to kill the young genius of the dragon, they can not break the ancient array.

"I don't feel right, how do I feel that the Tianlong ancient array seems to have been broken?"

There are dragons and young warriors who have pointed their eyes and found different places. If the defeat fails, Tianlong Guzheng will have no reaction. On the other hand, if the battle is successful, Tianlong Guzheng will open a portal. After Lingdao exited the Tianlong ancient array, the Tianlong ancient array obviously shook up, as if to give way to Lingdao.


The portal of three feet high and ten feet wide is slowly opened. After Yu and Chi Longyang broke the Tianlong ancient array, there was such a portal, and I did not expect it to appear again. The young people of the Terran and the young dragons who had previously ridiculed Lingdao, as if they had eaten dead flies, were more ugly and ugly.

The Terran young warriors do not believe that Lingdao can break because they have tried. Regardless of their strength, Tianlong Guzheng only hits their bodies with dragons. If the physical strength is not enough, they don’t want to break. From the beginning of a group of heavenly martial arts, to the Tianhui martial arts brought by Qianhui, together with the Tianshi martial arts who came to the scene, there are thousands of people, no one succeeded.

"The old seven of Xianxian Palace have failed. How could he succeed? Is it true that his body is more tyran than the emperor? What is the practice of his cultivation, is the body comparable to the real dragon?"

"We haven't succeeded in so many geniuses. Why can he break? Who is the genius of his territory? How have you never heard of it?"

The young geniuses who were present couldn’t help but look at the Lingdao. Some of them were confident that they could kill the dragons like Lingdao, but no one could break. At least in the physical aspect, they are not as good as Lingdao. Fortunately, the strength of the body is only a part of the strength. If it is a showdown, they are not afraid of the road.

The most unacceptable is the Dragon of the Dragon Lord's World. They know the most about the Tianlong Ancient Array. Even if it is a half-blood dragon, it will not break the Tianlong Ancient Array. But now, a young man of the Terran, in front of them, broke the Tianlong ancient array. If you don't see it with your own eyes, even if someone tells them, they don't believe it.

"What are you still doing? Hurry in, or else the blood dragon spirit will be robbed by the dragon!"

Many Terran young warriors are laughing, and the real dragons will not let them enter the Tianlong Valley. Lingdao opened the gateway to Tianlong Valley, and they were the only chance to enter Tianlong Valley, because other Terran warriors could not break. As long as they can enter the Tianlong Valley, they can get more dragon spirits, and the stronger they can play in the dragon world, the stronger.

"You, you, you... all go and go! Before the war with the Dragon Warriors, you know that you have escaped, a group of breeders, what qualifications are in the Tianlong Valley?"

Lingdao pointed to one young man and other young warriors. They wanted to enter Tianlong Valley through the portal. Unfortunately, Lingdao disagreed. His memory is very good. He has remembered which military people were escaping. They want to fish in the water and follow other people into the Tianlong Valley. Lingdao does not let them do so.

"There are you one by one. I used to sneer at Lingdao. Now where does the face go to the portal he opened?"

Aolong has long known that Lingdao can break the line. The previous record of the young Terracotta martial artists who ridiculed Lingdao is to prevent them from entering now. They can't wait to unload the eight dragons, because Lingdao is breaking, and certainly do not know which military people have laughed at him. However, the proud dragon is good, pointing them all out.

"Thank you, Ling brother, if it is not Ling brother, we have no possibility of entering Tianlong Valley."

"Yeah, this is really thanks to Lingxiong. If there is anything to help in the future, just say it."

After all, it’s only a minority, and most of the Terran young warriors walked into the Tianlong Valley through the portal. If it wasn’t for Lingdao, they wouldn’t have entered the Tianlong Valley at all. It’s okay to thank Lingdao. Some people really thanked, some people took the initiative to pay, because a body is comparable to the real dragon, the future achievements can not be underestimated.

"If you say no, let's not let in? We are going to enter, how can you take us?"

"Several of you, do you still want to block us?"

The young people of the Terran who were not designated by the Lingdao and the proud dragons to enter the Tianlong Valley were united. They did not believe that Lingdao and Aolong could stop them. Unfortunately, there is no need to do it at all. They are like ones hitting the Taikoo Mountain. Tianlong Guzheng was broken by Lingdao. Whoever allowed him to enter Tianlong Valley, who can enter, he did not agree, want to be strong, it is impossible.

Some people regret, some people are jealous, some people glare at Lingdao, and others have murdered. Lingdao does not let them enter Tianlong Valley, which means that they can't get Long Ling in Tianlong Valley. When other people come out from Tianlong Valley, they are weak.

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