The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 34: Eat soft and not eat hard

"Ling Gongzi saved me and waited for his life. Of course, Long Ling is owned by him. Do you have any opinions?"

In addition to the young warriors who first discovered the blood dragon spirit, the other three did not mean to have the blood dragon spirit. One of them guessed that the Lingdao was a spy of the dragons, for fear that Lingdao would kill them, and that they could survive and be fortunate. The blood dragon spirit, the other two are really grateful to Lingdao, if it is not Lingdao killing eight dragon young warriors, they can not escape.

"The things that are ungrateful, there is no Linggongzi, you can't even enter Tianlong Valley, now Ling Gongzi saves you a life, you still have a face to be blood dragon spirit."

Listening to him saying that looking for a young warrior who wants to be a blood dragon, it is also a low head. It is indeed a broken array of Tianlong, or else they can’t enter the Tianlong Valley, plus the help of life. Even if the skin is thicker, I am embarrassed to ask Lingdao for blood dragon spirit. Besides, with their strength, they are not qualified to compete with Lingdao for blood dragon spirit.

"Even if I want to give you, I am afraid that the blood dragon spirit is not willing."

Lingdao pointed to the blood dragon spirit on his shoulder and said with a smile, the four young warriors felt incredible. They wanted to take away the blood dragon spirit, and the blood dragon spirit actually took the initiative to lean on Lingdao. The Tao is a young warrior of the dragon's spies, and even more scared, he even guessed that Lingdao is a real dragon.

"Let's go find your blood dragon spirit, I will go to my blood dragon spirit."

The life-saving grace, he can not return, but the young warrior in front of him, if he does not know how to advance and retreat, he must not rob the blood dragon spirit, he will not be merciful, he can wait for eight young dragons to kill four young people. After reappearing, it is his blood dragon spirit.

A long-legged blood dragon spirit is not uncommon in Tianlong Valley. The longer blood dragon spirit has it. Lingdao certainly cannot act with the four young warriors in front of him. Who knows what kind of thinking they are playing, now What he has to do is to get more dragon spirits, dragons and dragons from Chi Longyang, who knows how many blood dragons they have mastered.

In the battle for the blood dragon spirit, there are many battles in the Tianlong Valley. There are battles between the armed warriors and the dragon warriors. There are also battles between the armed warriors and the Terran warriors. The dragon warriors can’t fight because the royal family of the true dragons came in, no matter The followers of 敖烨, or the followers of Chi Longyang, or the original living creatures of the Dragon Lord's world, must obey the orders of the Emperor.

"A lot of blood dragon spirits, you don't want to grab, I found it first."

"Don't shame, obviously I found it first, it's all mine. Can you go somewhere else? Anyway, there are many blood dragons in Tianlong Valley."

"Noisy, so many blood dragon spirits, everyone depends on the ability, how much can be grabbed."

On the 500-meter-high dragon-shaped mountain peak, dozens of Terran young warriors gathered together. They saw the blood dragon spirit in the distance, and all of them rushed over. What shocked them was the blood dragon spirit in front of them. Too many, most blood dragon spirits are only a few inches long, even a one-foot long blood dragon spirit is rare.

However, compared with the huge quantity, the size is not important. One foot is ten inches. Even if it is an inch long blood dragon spirit, hundreds of pieces are combined and several feet long, not to mention the blood dragon spirit in front of you. Far more than a few hundred, say a few thousand are still similar, the question now is how much they can grab.

They come from different forces, they are competitors themselves, they are robbing the blood dragon spirits, they will not be soft, there will be palm prints, there will be knives and cracks, there will be swords and clouds, and there will be palms and shadows. If you have the power to sweep the crowd, They want to kill all the other people and swallow all the blood dragon spirits.

"Good luck, I have encountered thousands of blood dragon spirits."

Lingdao has come all the way, and it is a fusion of two blood dragon spirits. Now his blood dragon spirit has reached a full length of two feet, but compared to thousands of blood dragon spirits in front of him, his blood dragon spirit It’s not enough to watch it. Fortunately, it’s not too late for him to come, and all the people will start to **** it.

"The speed is gone, the blood dragon spirit on the top of the mountain is ours. If you dare to take it, you are an enemy."

"Let you help us break through the ancient array of Tianlong, we can let you have a horse, if you are obsessed with it, we will blame our ruthlessness."

Even if they recognize the Lingdao, they still don’t let Lingdao rob the blood dragon spirit. There are many blood dragon spirits in front of them, but they also have a lot of people. There are already 36 people. They have long decided that no matter who they are. Come, they will drive them away, come to a Lingdao, maybe not many blood dragon spirits, however, who knows if there will be other people.

If they put in a person, they may have a second third, and even more people will come. Thirty-six heavens will join forces, even if they are coming to the peak of the emperor, they still I am confident that I will block it. Lingdao can be broken, but it is only because of the strength of his late days. It is impossible to be stronger than the Emperor of Heaven.

"If you are good at words, maybe I can go to other places to find blood dragon spirit. Unfortunately, you threaten me, don't say that you only have 36 people, even if you have one hundred people, how can you treat me?"

In fact, Lingdao wants to rob blood, and he doesn't want to rush at all. Originally, he only intended to grab a part of the blood dragon spirit, and the rest was left to the Tianfeng who was in the field. Now he changed his mind. He always eats soft. It’s hard to eat, even if it’s thirty-six, it’s impossible to scare him.

"A big tone, don't think that you have broken the ancient array of the dragons, you are invincible in the world, you will be in the late days of the world, and your road is still very long in the future. If you don't know the current affairs, we can kill you on the ground. It’s not that you’re a little bit hard, you’ve already become a dead body.”

"It's a good time, young, don't make mistakes. You have to know that there are days outside the sky, people outside the world, breaking the ancient array of dragons, nothing great, really playing, maybe we can beat you if you just take a shot, if you If you join hands, even if you want your life, it is not difficult."

The dragons are the best of the Emperor, but they don’t know. They only see that Lingdao will beat the dragons into meat, and they will not think much about the dragons. They don’t pay attention to Lingdao. The reason is that Lingdao is lower than their realm. The other is that they have not heard of the big background of Lingdao. If Lingdao is the emperor, they will definitely give three points.

Lingdao did not argue with them, but stimulated blood, such as red agate-like blood gas rushing into the sky, one after another blood dragon spirit, as if smelling **** sharks, flying toward Lingdao, the blood of the majestic, like It is horrible to be able to crush the void. It has long been said that the great emperor said that he is a prince, and that he is not arrogant.

If you compare the blood of the martial arts to the creek in ordinary days, then the qi and blood of Lingdao is the Yangtze River, and there is no comparability at all. Even the 36 squadrons who are present at the scene are shocked. They have never felt the power of such surging blood.


What makes them feel incredible is that a blood dragon spirit has taken the initiative to fly to Lingdao. They have to pay attention to the blood dragon spirit, and they have to waste some effort. It takes a while to integrate the blood dragon spirit. However, look at Lingdao. The people just stood there, and the blood dragon spirit took the initiative to send it to the door. They were all human warriors. How is the gap so big?

"Blood Dragon is ours, and you dare to confront us with thirty-six heavenly tyrants. It is a dead end."

One day, after the reaction of the Fengwu martial arts, it is glaring at Lingdao. There are cold murders in a pair of eyes. Thousands of blood dragons, even if they are evenly divided, each of them can get hundreds of blood dragons. Ling, but now, they only grab a few blood dragon spirits, and the rest are all flying to Lingdao.

Lingdao did not hesitate, and began to integrate the blood dragon spirit. If thirty-six heavens would deal with him, the blood dragon spirit must be able to play a great role. His blood dragon spirit is getting bigger and bigger, from two feet. To three feet, and then to four feet, five feet, just a moment, it is a breakthrough of ten feet.

Blood Dragon Spirit is willing to take the initiative to approach Lingdao. He wants to integrate the blood dragon spirit. Of course, there is no difficulty. In other days, other people will be in the position of Fengwu, even if it is a blood dragon spirit that is one-length long, no one will not be able to do it. Even the limit of the blood dragon spirit that some of the heavenly martial arts can be combined is less than ten feet.

However, Shizhang is only the beginning for Lingdao. His blood dragon spirit is still getting bigger. From ten feet to twenty feet, he only spent ten time. He can feel that he and the world are more compatible. The 20-foot long blood dragon spirit can definitely increase his strength, not to mention, the blood dragon spirit is still getting bigger, and there are thousands of blood dragon spirits that are not integrated.

One day, the eyes of the martial artists have widened their eyes, and the eyes seem to be coming out. Even if they are witnessed, they feel unbelievable. They must know that they have a long and long blood dragon, and they need more time. Ling Dao is a long-lasting blood dragon, and they can't wait to open Ling Dao's head to see how he did it.

"Can't hesitate any more, we must take it now, only to kill him, so that he can return all the blood dragon spirits that have been obtained to us."

"He is too much, and he is so mad, it is our blood dragon spirit. As a result, he has stolen all of them, and one has not left us."

At least there are twenty heavenly martial artists who have killed the singer in Lingdao. The rest of the heavens will be hesitant. If they don’t let Lingdao let them in, they will not have a blood dragon spirit. To, let's say, the blood dragon spirit of Tianlong Valley itself is the object of the Lord, can you grab the skills.

"Take him, we can divide his blood dragon spirit, and more importantly, we can still get everything for him. His body is comparable to the real dragon. Is he not interested in the practice of his cultivation? He is How do you get the blood dragon spirit, don't you want to know?" The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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