The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 35: Real Dragon King

Some days, the Fengwu martial arts advocates killing Lingdao. Some of them will want to take down the Lingdao, and some of them will be watching the cold-eyed martial arts. The rest of the world will be looking for fish in the water. As long as the Tiandao Lingdao Lingdao, they really can not be in the eyes, but now the blood dragon spirit mastered by Lingdao has reached more than 20 feet.

The blood dragon spirit has improved the strength. They have a deep understanding. A few feet long blood dragon spirit can enhance them. The blood dragon spirit of more than 20 feet can raise the strength of Lingdao to what level. They completely I can't imagine, fortunately, they have a lot of people, and if they fight alone, they simply can't shoot.

"The airborne demon king killed."

"Thumb the devil."

"Bronze blood kills."

"Cangtian Town Wang Quan."


The longer the time for Lingdao, the greater the blood dragon spirit that Lingdao integrates. The sooner you take Lingdao, or the more difficult it is, the smaller the difficulty, the more they will not be alone with Lingdao. Fighting, as soon as it comes up, it is the twenty-eight-day squadron who has joined forces with the martial arts. Only eight of them will not be shot.

The black demon knife exudes the fierce flame of the sky, and it seems to be able to cut off the void, split the yin and yang, break the five elements, a thick finger, roll the magical sky, like the devil's fingers, and point out, you can cut off Scorpio, one finger to the sky, you can cut off the Tianhe.

The ancient battle songs sounded, and the Iron and Blood Corps attacked. All the soldiers were wearing bronze armor, holding bronze spears, pointing at the spears, the mountains collapsed, the rivers were cut off, and a pair of fists, like the seal of the Taikoo, could suppress the sky and suppress the earth. Repression of the void, suppression of the Galaxy, where the double fists pass, no matter what kind of enemy, can only bow down to the court.

One kind of martial arts broke out. They came from various major forces. They had a power and a power of the emperor. They were able to pass the Denglong Ladder. They were all geniuses and were able to display the martial arts. It was normal. Even if you can't play the full power of the martial arts, you can't be underestimated.

Twenty-eight heavenly squadrons at the same time, they all show their own scholasticism, even if they are in the late kings, they will be killed. The kings of the kings will also shun the three houses. Each of them can defeat the opponents across the border. Some can span two small realms, and some can span three small realms.

"Lingdao is over, twenty-eight days will join forces with the peaks of the martial arts, and the first day will be replaced by the emperor's forces. There is no chance of winning. If he runs away, we will block him, but even if he wants to escape I am afraid there is no chance."

"I want to use one's own strength to fight against a group of Heavenly Kings. It is a vain and ignorant behavior. Even if it is a prince of the true dragon family, he must come in with his men. If he is a one-stop, even if it is even more powerful, I can't fight the martial arts with dozens of days, and the two fists are hard to beat, especially the dozens of hands."

The remaining eight heavens will not be shot by the Fengwu soldiers. They just stand in the distance and look at everything. Twenty-eight different kinds of martial arts are like torrents. They are going toward the impact of Lingdao, just like ordinary people are hit by floods. In the face of the tsunami, it is impossible to stop it. They believe that even if Lingdao exerts all the solutions, it is impossible to turn things around.

They are ready, no matter whether Ling Dao is defeated or dead, Ling Dao will inevitably lose all the blood dragon spirits. At that time, they will be able to **** them. Twenty-eight Heavenly Kings have just performed their studies, there must be The consumption, even if the consumption is very small, is not as good as the competition for the blood dragon spirit, because they recharge their batteries, wait for the opportunity to move, but they do not dare to be too much, even if they are joined together, they are not twenty-eight days. The opponent of the martial arts.

"It's a bit of a thing, but unfortunately, you have chosen the wrong opponent. Since I dare to let you in, then I have the ability to pack you up. Even if you are the 28th Heavenly Kings, you are not the enemy of me. ”

Manic, arrogant, overbearing, can not be a lifetime, no one.

From the major forces, the Heavenly Kings have seen the genius of arrogance, have seen arrogant genius, have seen geniuses of arrogance, have never seen a genius of arrogance, but no one has ever seen everything more than Lingdao, obviously Lingdao is one lower than them. In the small realm, it’s hard not to put all of them in the eye. Lingdao thinks that he is a young emperor.

Lingdao stood in the same place, even if it was the twenty-eight-day Tianjun Fengwu who shot at the same time, his face still had a faint smile, as if he did not care about the general, the **** outburst, the raging waves, slamming The void, the sound of rumbling, such as thunder, it seems that there are real dragons, the phoenix flying, the smashing of the sky, the idol town, the sacred sin, the vision.

"True Dragon King Boxing."

The dragon smashed for nine days, and even the stars in the sky seemed to be shaking. The surface of a pair of fists on Lingdao emerged with dense scales. The sun shone with a faint luster, and a pair of arms, like two dragons, ran rampant. It is enough to make the Juyue collapse, the waterfall rewinds, whether it is the king's way, or the beasts are empty, they are unable to stop the world's boxing.

Ling Dao’s physical strength broke out completely. He will have the power of 30 dragons in the late Tian dynasty. He will surpass the singer of the peak of the heavens. Before that, whether he is fighting with Long Hao or killing other dragons. The warrior, he did not use the strongest force, the limit of the peak of the martial arts is only the strength of nine dragons, his physical strength is simply scary.

The nine turns to the dragon's eighth turn, the physical strength soared eight times, the full force of two hundred and forty dragons, usually, he will not use such a limit of power, it can be said that his power alone, More than the twenty-eight-day-old Tianfeng martial arts in front of him, unfortunately, the nine-turn 蛟Long Jin eighth turn on the physical load is too large, even if it is, he can not use the second time in a short time.


"how is this possible."

Those who did not take the shots of the martial arts, all of them took a breath of cold, some people patted the thighs, some knocked their heads, and the physical strength exposed by Lingdao exhibition, the horror reached the extreme, even if it was a humanoid dragon, it was not enough to describe Lingdao. Because of his physical strength, he has already surpassed the real dragon in the same realm, and even surpassed the real dragon who was a small realm.

They seem to see a giant standing on the ground. They can break through the sky, and they can step on the secluded. As long as the giant is happy, one foot can sink the earth, and a fist can smash the sun, the moon and the stars. The power of such a stalwart is not at all. Heaven will be able to possess the martial arts, even the king will be willing to go down the wind, become the Tianjun can be compared with the Lingdao.

More than 20 feet long blood dragon spirit, integrated into the double fist of Lingdao, punched out, terrible power, sweeping everything, even the void is a crack, you know, even twenty-eight days The team of the martial arts martial arts teamed up, and did not take the void, but Lingdao alone, a pair of fists, can tear the void.

No matter what kind of martial arts, no matter what kind of weapon, all can't stop the double fists of Lingdao, it is like grinding the world disk, you can wipe out everything, and like the town world, you can suppress everything, he does not need Weapons, with only one pair of fists, can break up the weapons of the ground, and even the weapons of the heavens will be broken.

He does not need to use the martial arts of his predecessors, and his own real dragon king boxing can swept the twenty-eight-day-old Fengwu martial artists in front of him, and the shocking boxing is enough to destroy all kinds of swords, swords, guns, terrible. The power is enough to smash all the attacks. Twenty-eight days will be shot at the same time. It is still not his opponent. Even his fist can't be caught.


One after another, the Fengwu martial artists flew out, or they crashed on the dragon-shaped peaks, or squatted on the ground. Some people coughed up blood, some had broken sternum, some had broken arms, some had broken legs, and even Some people have a broken head, and the body is turned into blood, and the whole body is turned into a powder.

It’s just a punch, it’s the death of a 28-day-old dynasty, and the wounds of the wounded, no matter how arrogant the words of Ling Dao, no matter how arrogant the Ling Dao’s expression is, now it seems normal, he Qualified to be frivolous, twenty-eight days will be shot at the same time, enough to kill other warriors in other days to kill ten times eight times.

"It's terrible. Fortunately, I didn't shoot, otherwise I can live under his fist."

"Is he really a warrior in the late days? How can the military in the late days be so powerful, even if it is a emperor, the same realm is not his opponent."

"I used to want to **** his dragon spirit. It is really a life. He wants to kill me. A punch is enough."

The eight-day-old who did not shoot the horror of the martial arts, they witnessed the scene of Lingdao’s defeat of twenty-eight celestial martial arts. The punch seemed to be the king of heaven, even the five elements of yin and yang. After the collapse, they have never seen other people who have used the warriors to display such a terrible boxing.

The injured day will be even more stunned by the martial arts. Only when they really fight with Lingdao, do they know how terrible the ridge is. They think that Lingdao is not a strong warrior in the late days, but a powerful Tianjun, and Heavenly Kings are fighting, they are simply impatient, and in their current state, how to make a life and death with Lingdao.

"Blood Dragon Spirit is really a good thing."

More than 20 feet long blood dragon spirit is enough to upgrade the strength of Lingdao to such a terrible situation. If in the Tianling domain, Lingdao wants to beat a 28-bit Tianfeng Fengwu, basically It was impossible. After a punch, the blood dragon spirit merged faster, and his blood dragon spirit rose to 30 feet.

"Give you two choices, or surrender to me, listen to my command in the Dragon Lord's World, no matter what I want you to do anything, you must not defy, or I will send you the last leg, let you die in Tianlong Valley, You are not qualified to bargain with me. Now, make your choices." The first book from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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