The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 36: Either surrender or die

If at first, Ling Dao dared to say this, he still didn't know what to expect as a joke. He was only a late-time warrior. The young people present were all higher than him. However, no one is now qualified to laugh at him. No one has the courage to laugh at him. In the end of the day, the warriors defeated the twenty-eight-day-old martial arts fighters, and they did not necessarily believe that they would go out.

For a time, the birds were silent, and one day they were silent. They were geniuses, some were from the emperor forces, and now they want to surrender to a warrior whose realm is lower than them. They are totally unacceptable. Even if Lingdao is stronger than them, they don't want to surrender.

They want to resist, and even want to kill Lingdao, but they understand that even if they join hands, they can’t beat Lingdao. In the previous punch, Lingdao killed eight Heavenly Kings and beat the six heavens. In the case of the martial arts, the remaining 14 people will only be slightly injured.

Even with the eight-day squadrons who did not have the shots, they did not have a half chance of winning. In the heyday, the 28-day squadrons could not stop the martial arts, and now there are still 20 injured. It is even more impossible to stop the attack of Lingdao. If they do not surrender, Lingdao will never be soft.

"I don't know which emperor's power from Ling brother."

One of the heavens asked the Fengwu martial artist to be bold enough. He was a hundred feet away from Lingdao. If Lingdao shot him, he immediately fled, and the blood on the ground was the biggest warning. If he was alone and Ling Do not know how to die, especially Lingdao has mastered the 30-foot long blood dragon spirit, the strength is stronger than before.

On other days, all the martial arts martial arts erected their ears. Until now, no one has seen the origins of Lingdao. If Lingdao comes from a force, as a disciple of their emperor, they want to come to Lingdao and dare not go too far. Even if Lingdao comes from the Imperial Power, they can remember it first, and then settle it slowly.

"I know what you are thinking, but unfortunately, I am not a disciple of the power. You don't have to worry, I am not a disciple of the emperor. In fact, I am a mess and do not belong to any power."

"How can it be scattered?"

The voice of Lingdao has just fallen, and some people exclaimed that a human warrior with a physical body comparable to a real dragon can beat a 28-person tribe of the heavenly kings in a late stage, such a powerful young genius. Even the forces of the emperor are hard to cultivate.

A splendid, more powerful than the genius of the emperor's forces, is really unbelievable. However, there is absolutely no need to lie at Lingdao, because as long as Lingdao is alive and out of the dragon world, others will definitely investigate his origins, no matter who he is. It is a disciple of the Emperor, or a disciple of the power, and can't hide it.

Originally, they still find it difficult to do it. Now it is much easier. Whether it is from the emperor's forces, the heavenly martial arts, or the martial arts from the one-powered forces, as long as they let their elders shoot, kill Lingdao, It's a breeze. They feel that when they face Lingdao, they are full of enthusiasm and there is a backing behind them. It is different.

"Ling brother, many of us are disciples of the emperor's forces. If you kill us all, then in the heavens, I am afraid I can't stand on it, not to mention the power of the emperor, even if it is a force, I want to kill you one day. In the late period of the war, it is as simple as pinching an ant. You have already killed eight heavenly kings. If we let us go, we promise not to say anything."

"Yes, it is right to say that the family should not solve the problem. As long as Ling brother is not aggressive, we can forget what happened before. Although Ling brother injured us, it is also our first shot to Lingxiong. It is purely self-defeating, no wonder. Ling brother."

Don't look at their seemingly amiable and even smiley faces. In fact, they can't wait to smash the corpse in the heart. However, people under the roof have to bow their heads. What they have to do now is to live, everything is good, just first Stabilizing Lingdao, waiting to leave the world of Dragons, they want to kill a warrior with no background, it is easy.

Whether it is to rob them of the blood dragon spirit, or to injure them, they must avenge themselves, but relying on their own strength, there is no way to avenge, can cultivate to the heavens, they believe that Lingdao is not a hoe, a scattered If you are repairing, you should know the current affairs and know how to retreat. Otherwise, he may have become a dead body.

"Less nonsense, either surrender or die, don't take any emperor power to threaten me. If I want to be a disciple of the emperor, do you think it is difficult?"

The problem of Lingdao has made it difficult for the former self-confident Tianfeng to be a Fengwu martial artist. If you want to become a disciple of the emperor, it is very difficult for others. For Lingdao, there is really no difficulty. Some of them are geniuses of the emperor's forces, but compared with Lingdao, they are no different from mediocrity.

Even if Lingdao wants to worship the emperor forces they are in, they don’t have any problems. They even think that Ling Dao will be weaker and weaker than the first day of their power. He thought that Ling Dao was scattered. Repair, very good deal, but now it seems that the repair is more difficult to deal with.

"Give you three time, if you don't lie in front of me, I will kill you."

Anyone can look at it, Lingdao is not joking, their intimidation, their guarantee, their threat, it does not work for Lingdao, they said for a long time, there is no effect at all, maybe Lingdao also hopes They don't surrender. In that case, Lingdao can kill people, and only dead people are the most secretive.

With their origins, their cultivation, their origins, it is indeed a very shameful thing to kneel down to the late warriors who have no gates and no factions. However, if they don’t squat, Lingdao will kill them. Compared with his life, the face is irrelevant. As long as he can live, there will be opportunities to take revenge.

One by one, they smashed down the martial arts, and they chose to surrender. The six seriously injured Tianjun martial artists were the first to squat, and the fourteen minorly injured Tianfeng martial arts martial arts, only ten squats Eight people who had not taken the shot before, and only two of them were on the ground.

The four minorly injured Tianjun martial arts and the six former martial arts martial arts fighters who had not previously shot, did not choose to surrender, their choice is to escape, they know that they are not the opponents of Lingdao, they can only kneel down to others. When they fled the place as quickly as possible, they did not believe that Lingdao could take them all down.

Ten escaping days will be very smart, and the choice is not a direction. Even if Lingdao pursues them, at most one can chase one or two. They have confidence in their speed. They would rather gamble on life and death. They are also unwilling to sneak into Lingdao. Unfortunately, they underestimated the speed of Lingdao and underestimated the means of Lingdao.


Ling Dao bodyized Huan Peng, the two wings of an exhibition, there will be thousands of feet, even if the ten heavens will escape from the peak of the armed forces, can not escape from his shadow, the huge Kun Peng, just fanned the wings, it is The wind whistling, his wings are like two giant knives, squatting on one body after another.

"What is the situation, Lingdao, what is happening in front of Dapeng."

"Not Dapeng, it is Kuangpeng, the fastest speed in the world."

One day, the martial art of the martial arts trembled, said that Peng Peng has the world's fastest speed, is the world's three thousand territory, the fastest race, want to escape in front of 鲲鹏, is simply whimsical, not to mention, Lingdao also got 30 feet long The blood dragon spirit not only improved his attack and defense, but also improved his speed.


One after another, the martial arts squadrons were smashed on the ground, and the blood sprinkled the sky. Some days, the martial arts were severely wounded, while others were smashed into two halves. They died on the spot, they did not want to surrender, they thought To escape, Ling Dao decided to get rid of them, and before they were hit hard, they had not had time to beg for mercy, and Ling Dao would kill them.

It’s only a moment, and the ten heavens will all die in the hands of Ling Dao. It’s not a battle, it’s a massacre. Ling Dao’s slaughter of ten Heavenly Kings’ martial artists is on the ground. The heavens will be lucky, and if they choose to escape, they are now dead.

"I know that you are dissatisfied. Some people even think that when they return to heaven, they will find a strong person to help revenge, but I don't care. As long as you listen to me in the Dragon World, I can spare you a life. If you are guilty of yin, I don't mind killing a few more people."

Lingdao looked coldly and coldly at the 18th place on the ground, like the Fengwu martial artists. They suddenly made them fall like hail, and some of them would surrender to the peaks of the martial arts. They really thought about revenge in the future, but they did not expect Ling The Tao suddenly broke their minds, so Lingdao did not want their lives, let them breathe a sigh of relief.

If you really surrender to Lingdao, you can say that there is no one. Whether it is a disciple of a product or a disciple of the emperor, the mind is looking down on the distraction of Lingdao. If you have a Tianjun, you can have the life of Lingdao. I know that Tianjun does not have much status in terms of power or moral power.

"The great prestige, I did not expect that our dragons have not yet done it for you. Your Terran has been killing each other. It is really interesting. Unfortunately, it is a pity that you have come a step late and have not seen the scene of your fratricidal killing." ”

Hey, the dragons of the real dragon family will be the first to break the Tianlong ancient squad, with the subordinates coming in, his side, followed by forty-nine dragon young warriors, each of whom is a heavenly The peak of the situation, with their strength, to deal with the nineteen Terran warriors, simply is simple and can not be simple things.

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