The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 54: Tyrannical

No matter how many Zhang's blood dragon spirits are mastered by Lingdao, the Emperor Huang can't fight, but he can't fight without defeat. His cultivation is higher than Lingdao. His origin is stronger than Lingdao. His background is bigger than Lingdao. He has a school of true dragons and does not need to be afraid of Lingdao.

In front of the emperor, there were eight different races. The big seals they formed were so heavy that they were enough to kill everything. The 30-meter-long world and the earth were all compressed into the big seal, and the eight dragons were printed. It seems to be able to crush the void and exude a horrible atmosphere.

"True Dragon King Boxing."

Lingdao waved his fists, and the eight hundred feet of blood dragon spirit melted into his fists. His body was tyrannical. After receiving the bonus of Blood Dragon Spirit, it was even more arrogant, even with Tianpin. The weapon was hard and hard, and he was not afraid of it. Unfortunately, after the Dragon King World, Blood Dragon Spirit did not have such a big effect.


A pair of fists, squatting on the eight dragons, burst into a dazzling light, the mountains shake, the river roars, the ground under their feet, turned over one layer after another, as if thousands of cattle are in the arable land, Whether it is the Dragon Warrior or the Terran Warrior, they have already retired far away, and no one wants to be affected by their fighting.


At the same time, he led other dragon warriors and killed the Terran warriors. His Royal Highness is fighting. They are certainly not qualified to watch the excitement. Whether it is a human warrior or a dragon warrior, they are always watching the Lingdao and the Emperor. For the soldiers, the pair will be, the Emperor and the Lingdao are equivalent to the dragon and the human race respectively.

In addition to the dragons who are hiding in the ground, among the dragons, the strongest is the Emperor, and among the Terran martial artists, the strongest must be the Lingdao who masters the Eighty-Five Blood Dragon Spirit. If the Emperor wins, the Terran Warrior The defeat is undoubted. On the contrary, when Lingdao wins, the five Heavenly Kings will shoot.

There were a lot of cracks in the Eight Dragon Seals. The martial arts that the Emperor was proud of could not defeat the Lingdao. The Emperor had a cold scream and had to exert a stronger martial arts. Anyway, he wore a holy dragon armor. Lingdao’s attack, hitting him, can’t be how he is.

敖皇本 is good at melee, and now there is a holy dragon armor in the body, and Lingdao hard, of course, he is cheap, but he does not understand why Lingdao does not mean to distance him, even the physical body of Lingdao Stronger, it is impossible to match the holy weapon.


Lingdao's double fists, playing on the emperor's body, like a fire tree pear flower, spurting out the sky full of Mars, even if there is a bonus of eight hundred zhang blood dragon spirit, he can not break the holy dragon armor, the emperor The holy dragon armor deceived from the five divisions is really powerful. If there is no holy dragon armor, he is definitely not the opponent of Lingdao.

"How about the Eight Hundreds of Blood Dragon Spirit, this Highness is standing to give you a fight, you can't do me, how can I fight with me."

The emperor’s look is scornful, and his face is disdainful. It’s like the holy dragon armor is his refining. He deliberately opens the door and let Lingdao attack him, in order to verify that the holy dragon armor can block the Lingdao, even though Lingdao’s attack shook his blood, but after all, he did not hurt him.

"Take the next move of the temple, the dragon is like a crack."

The dragon elephant splits the sky, referring to the real dragon and the idol, tearing the sky, the real dragon is the strongest, the idol is the strongest. If the real dragon and the idol are joined together, the tyrannical can't imagine, the emperor's left hand is like a real dragon. The right hand is like a god, and both hands are shot at the same time, which is to tear the ridge into pieces.

The real dragon is emptied, the gods are on the ground, the sky is shaking, the void is cracked, and the dragon dragon armor on the emperor’s body is bursting with dazzling light, true dragon shadow and idol ghost, just like real It manifested itself and rushed toward Lingdao. Even if it was in front of them, they could make the mountains collapse.

"The dragon is a dragon. It is like an elephant. You don't even have one, and you want to use two at the same time. It's a joke."

Lingdao casts the real dragon king boxing, arms like two real dragons, can break the mountain, the two real dragons smashed the true dragon virtual shadow, smashed the illusion of the gods, and slammed into the body of the emperor, previously, Lingdao did not use the nine-turn dragon dragon, and now uses the seventh turn of the nine-turn dragon dragon, directly blasted the emperor.


The emperor's body smashed the mountain wall and smashed in. It seems that an earthquake has occurred. Lingdao can't break the holy weapon. However, the powerful force still hurts the emperor, and only sees the blood of the emperor. The five internal organs are vibrating, the six sputum is painful, and the sternum is broken seven or eight.


Coming out of the boulder is a real dragon. The dragon's body is covered with golden dragon scales. The emperor regains his body, and the holy dragon armor changes its shape and still covers him. The sacred weapon, the size of the wish, whether it is bigger or smaller, there is no problem.


Ling Dao's body suddenly disappeared, and then appeared, is a huge Kun Peng, the true dragon of Baizhang size, in front of Xiao Peng, it seems very small, Qi Peng's wings spread, thousands of feet long, ten 敖 串 串The length that can be reached.

"You are Kun Peng, are you not a human race?"

The sound of Emperor Huang was very loud, and the rumbling sounded, and the boulder fell in the mountains. Like the real family, the Pengpeng family was the hegemon of the wilderness. He could look down on the Terran martial artists, but he would not underestimate the Pengpeng family. The warrior, because of the number of Kun Peng, is even rarer than the real dragon.

鲲鹏, into the water for the 鲲, Fei Teng for Peng, and the real dragon, can be respected in the water, can also dominate in the sky, legend, the wilderness period, and the Peng dynasty to eat the real dragon, phoenix food, 鲲鹏 is the world Extreme speed, the speed of the real dragon is slower than that of Kun Peng.

"What happened? He is not our human warrior."

Even the Terran warriors present at the scene did not understand what was going on. They always thought that Lingdao was a Terran warrior. I didn’t expect Lingdao to become a singular singer. The Tao is not a human warrior, and they are not a front.


The double wings of Kunpeng are like two knives, squatting down. At this moment, the speed of the world is full of vividness. The Emperor is not trying to avoid it. It is just the speed of 鲲鹏, faster than him, a pair of giant wings, squatting On the body of the emperor, fortunately, the emperor wore the holy dragon armor, otherwise it might be broken by the dragon.

The emperor snorted, the dragon's mouth overflowed a lot of blood, but fortunately he made a counterattack in time, the flexible dragon tail, pumped on the Lingdao body, but unfortunately, the huge dragon tail relative to the human warrior, in In front of Yan Peng, nothing is necessary.

However, there are other attacks by Emperor Huang. After he resumed the ontology, he was able to perform more studies. The school he used now is to absorb the power of stars, condense thousands of sharp knives, stab in the body of Kunpeng, and Peng Peng body. Too big, the target is obvious, it is easy to attack.

"The idol is changing."

Kuang Peng was originally on the top of the Emperor, and now Lingdao casts the image of the god, transforms into a god, falls down, four elephant legs, fiercely stepping on, the power of the idol, completely broke out, with his present The weight is squatting, it is not light, not to mention he has used all the power.

The eighth turn of the nine-turn dragon, let him burst out eight times his own strength, eight hundred feet of blood dragon spirit, but also let his strength, multiply skyrocket, it can be said that even a heavenly king Standing under the Lingdao, you must be trampled to death by four elephant legs, and you can't die if you die.


Like Wan Lei Pentium, the body of the emperor squatted on the ground, the earth trembled, and even the magma at the bottom of the earth flowed out. It was only the anti-seismic force that caused the body of the idol to crack. He recovered his body and coughed up a lot of blood.

Even the Lingdao, who was shot, was injured. The emperor who was stepped on below was definitely worse. It can be said that the Holy Dragon’s armor saved the Emperor’s life, otherwise his dragon body could not bear it. The fierce trampling, the potholes are full of golden dragon scales, all stained with bright red blood.

The emperor did not die, but he fainted in the past, and his life was shocked. The wound on the emperor’s body was even more difficult to count. It was shocking. The dragon’s armor was able to save the life of the emperor. It was extremely rare. To protect him from harm is simply impossible.

It’s not that the Emperor’s reaction is slow, but he didn’t even think that the Peng Peng, who swooped down, would suddenly become a god. His tricks had not been applied, but he felt that he was staring at Venus, and then he lost his pain. Consciousness, Kuang Peng became a god, he just smashed the moment.

"Give me up."

Lingdao grabbed the tail of the emperor and slammed the emperor, and then the body of the emperor was on a dragon-shaped mountain. The emperor who had passed out was wowed up. Before he understood what was going on, Lingdao grabbed his tail again and tied him to another dragon-shaped mountain.


The body of Emperor Huang once again and again, squatting on the peak of the dragon-shaped mountain. The body of Lingdao is extremely small compared to the real dragon of the size of a hundred feet. But now, no one dares to look down on Lingdao. First, beat the blue dragon. Then, slamming the emperor, even if the emperor wears the holy dragon armor, it is still not the opponent of Lingdao.

"In the end, who is the Prince of the Real Dragon family, I feel that he is more than a real dragon, too strong."

No matter whether it is a human warrior or a dragon warrior, they have to admit that Lingdao is strong. Now let them fight with Lingdao alone. They must not dare. Lan Yuyu fainted in the past, and the emperor was even worse. Lingdao is a toy, and it’s time to go.

"Let the Prince down, otherwise, this day will kill you."

The Tianjun hidden in the ground is finally unable to sit still. If you let Lingdao continue to squat down, who knows the Prince of the Real Dragons, will there be any three long and two short, the first opening of the extremely beautiful Tianjun, the other four Tianjun Then it was rushed out, and the five dragons were to kill the road. Even if Lingdao mastered the blood dragon spirit of eight hundred feet, it would still be impossible to escape.

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