The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 55: Five Heavenly Kings

Five powerful breaths, rising from the ground, extremely beautiful Tianjun, black Yan Tianjun, listening to the moon Tianjun, Raymond Tianjun, Xinghu Tianjun, all standing in front of Lingdao, extremely beautiful Tianjun, black Yan Tianjun and Raymond Tianjun are old-fashioned, listening to Yue Tianjun and Xingju Tianjun are old-fashioned.

The most powerful Tianjun is the strongest. Raymond Tianjun and the Moon King are second to none. After that, it is the Black Yan Tianjun and the Star Beast Heavenly King. Of course, even if they are worse, they are also Tianjun, and the Five Heavenly Kings are out. What day will the warriors and the kings of the kings are not their opponents at all.

"Damn, even ambushing the five great kings, are they going to kill us all?"

"Well, the five great Heavenly Kings shot, the possibility that we want to live, there is almost no, unless they will use the cards to kill the Five Heavenly Kings."

The Seventh Emperor of the Immortal Palace, as the emperor, must have a card, and there are other disciples of the emperor. Maybe there are cards. However, some disciples can only save their lives and save others. Some disciples The cards may be able to kill Tianjun, but they are not necessarily willing to use them.

Lingdao is powerful and sweeps the young dragons of the dragons. There is no problem. Just for the words of Shangtianjun, he has no chance of winning. Compared with the extremely beautiful Tianjun, Ganyue Tianjun is not a level at all. The extremely beautiful Tianjun wants to kill Yue Tianjun. No effort.

"Let me leave, otherwise you will all die."

The old seven of Xianyi Palace unveiled the swallowing gourd, urging a flying knife inside, a mighty knife, traversing the void, like to divide the yin and yang, open the sky, the comet is broken, the knife is swallowed, Invisible killing, shrouded in the five great kings, not to mention the black Yan Tianjun and the star tales Tianjun, even the extremely beautiful Tianjun, are scared.

I don't know who it is, put a flying knife in the swallowing gourd, in order to protect the old seven of the fairy palace, help him kill the strong enemy at a crucial moment, it is certain that such a strong is not If the five great kings can compare, if he is present, the five great kings will not dare to challenge the old seven.

"No, Prince Edward said that the human empire must die."

Before the start of Lingdao, the most wanted to kill is not Lingdao, but the old seven of Xianyi Palace. The Emperor is the son of the Dragon Emperor. The old seven of Xianyi Palace is the son of the Terran Emperor. They are born. The enemy, killing others is nothing, only to kill the Terran emperor, in order to let the emperor set the name.

"You want me to let him go, are you?"

Others are afraid of the Five Great Heavens, and Lingdao is not afraid, because he has a way to get rid of the five great Heavenly Kings. At this time, Lingdao even laughed out, and the Five Heavenly Kings couldn’t figure it out. Suddenly, Lingdao grabbed the tail of the Emperor. The Emperor Huang was sent to the black Yan Tianjun.

Black Yan Tianjun was shocked. If he hurts the Emperor, then he will be sinful. Under the circumstance, the black Yan Tianjun can only avoid it. At the speed of his heavenly king, it is no problem to avoid the Emperor. Immediately afterwards, Ling Dao used the emperor to squat to the star tales.

The Emperor Huang seems to have become the weapon of Lingdao, and once again he slammed into Tianjun. Unfortunately, the five great Heavenly Kings did not have fuel-efficient lights. They hid faster than rabbits. If Lan Yuyu, Lingdao dared to kill, Emperor Huang did not Similarly, who knows what the Dragon Emperor has arranged on the Emperor.

"No, I will give it back to you."

Lingdao grabbed the dragon's dragon body and slammed it around three times before throwing out the emperor. The five great kings took out their hands and took the emperor with soft power. The huge faucet is full of blood. Even the dragon's horns are scarred, as if they are likely to break at any time.

The five great Tianjun eyelids jumped wildly. I didn't expect Lingdao to be so fierce. The emperor was the prince of the real dragon family. Lingdao even beat him more than Lan Yuyu. If they knew that Lingdao had killed the real dragon, I am afraid. Still shocked, Lingdao's courage is bigger than they think.

"Kill him and kill them both."

The emperor turned into a human body, slowly opened his eyes, his face pale, without a trace of blood, a pair of eyes filled with endless anger, today's shame, I am afraid that he will never forget his life, in any case, the human empire can not put Over, Lingdao can't let go.

He wants to kill the old seven of the Xiantang Palace. It is because of the identity of the old seven of the Xianyi Palace. To kill the Tao, it is revenge. The snow brush is shameful. At the same time, he takes out a dragon scale and a huge dragon. It seems that it can crush the void, impact the Milky Way, and drown the nine days and ten places.

Even if Lingdao would not be a dragon in the shape of a dragon, the Emperor did not use the dragon scale. If the seniors of the real dragon knew it, he would use the scales given by the Dragon Emperor to deal with a lesser than his realm. Before the war, the fear of being vomiting blood, hating it, and angering it is useless.

The dragon scales bloom golden light, in the void, a large "emperor" word, a dragon warrior, can not withstand Long Wei, kneeling, even if it is a human warrior, most of them have been on the ground, and The hard support can’t be done at all.

The old seven of the Immortal Palace is not affected, because he is a prince, just a dragon scale, it is impossible for him to kneel down, just, the flying knife in the hungry gourd, sorrowful, not afraid to attack, give him a fly The knife is not his father. It is normal to fight against the dragon scales given by the Dragon Emperor.

Butterfly dance is fine, because her blood is equally powerful, Qian Hui, Ao Long, Dong Miaoyin are strong support, standing in the same place, Lei Wenyuan is not affected, because his purple blood, let alone the Dragon Emperor gave A dragon scale, even if the Dragon Emperor stood in front of Le Wenyuan, could not let him kneel by the mighty power.

"I shouldn't want to be a disciple of the Great Emperor. The world of the Dragon Lord is simply a terrible place. It is better to stay in the Tianzhu domain, at least for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years."

A young warrior from the Tianzhu domain couldn’t help but complain that other young warriors have a guilty conscience. Their own talents are not bad. There is no need to venture into the dragon world. So far, hundreds of people have died. The number of Terran warriors, the specific number, they do not know.

Even the young warriors of the Terran who have the cards have changed their faces. Their cards are nothing compared to the dragon scales taken by Emperor Huang. As long as the Emperor urges the dragon scales and kills them, it is easy and easy. They are not allowed to leave, then they are difficult to fly.

"Whoever uses treasures beyond his own strength, I will kill the first one. If you don't believe it, try it."

Emperor Huang took up the dragon scales, and one dragon warrior stood up, but also relied on the dragon warriors to fight. If they all fell to the ground, how could they fight with the Terran warriors.

"Kill it, kill it all, one does not stay."

It can be said that Lingdao’s previous actions have caused a great blow to the Emperor, and the emperor’s eyes are red, and he is glaring at Lingdao. Even the eyes of other Terran warriors are filled with endless Killing the enemy, anyone who has seen his ugly human martial arts, all want to die, one can not let go.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Whether it is the dragon warrior who came in with the emperor, the scorpion, the blue dragon and the red dragon, or the dragon in the world of the dragon, they took the lead, they occupied the number advantage, and the home court advantage, even if the Terran warriors desperately, their casualties It is certainly not big.

The Emperor Huang personally ordered that they did not dare to defy, because the Prince of the Real Dragon family had countless ways to kill their lives, and they had to fight against the Terran martial arts. They might die, and they might live. If they avoided the war, then there would be only one dead road. There is no possibility of living.

"War, it is dying, and there is nothing to escape. Kill one enough, kill two and earn, you say yes."

"My race is the master of heaven and earth. In the past, our ancestors were able to kill the dragons. Now, how can we fear the dragons, how can we lose face to our ancestors."

Some people's warriors cheered on themselves. Some people's warriors were excited. Anyway, they couldn't escape. Most young people looked very open. However, there were still young warriors who blinked. They didn't want to die. They just couldn't think of a way. They didn't know how to survive. .

There are even warriors who want to surrender. If they are slaves of the dragons, they may be able to spare their lives. However, they can’t say that unless they end up, the Terran warriors will die, they will beg for mercy, and they will have a chance to live. It is better to be a slave than to die.

"Junior, pick up the old man."

Black Yan Tianjun sneered aloud, extended his right fist, and called to Lingdao. With the strength of his Heavenly King, he bullied a small man of the Tianfeng Peak. It was a shameful thing to say it. Fortunately, his life was short, face What is not important, as long as the Emperor recites his merits and gives his children a little benefit, stronger than anything else.

His skin is dark, even the dragon scales on the back of his hand are black, but his fist is with a flame. When he passes, the ground turns into scorched earth, the grass turns into ashes, and the flame burns more and more, even if Ling The road is a little far away from him, and he feels that his skin is hot.

"You are old, no."

Eight hundred zhang blood dragon spirit, all into the Lingdao's arms, a pair of fists carrying the thunder and the momentum of the thunder, banged out, **** sky, like two red blood dragons, and like two stars, smashed out, Seven times the power of its own outbreak, the physical strength alone, Lingdao is more tyrannical than the black Yan Tianjun who died of blood.


Black Yan Tianjun couldn't help but snorted, Lingdao not only turned him back, but also shook his flames. In his eyes, there was a trace of unbelief, and the district was in the middle of the peak, how could it be played? Such a powerful punch, is it true that the addition of eight hundred zhang blood dragon spirit to the military is really so big?

"Five Great Heavens, a good battle, just let you teach me the strength of my source, the fifth level of the origin of the Yuan, you can see first, do not know if you are lucky, or your misfortune." 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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