The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 77: Invincible


If Snow didn't mean to shoot, it was just a glimpse of the previous two days of the dynasty. The two dynasties were waiting for Ruo Xue to shoot. Who knows if Snow has not moved, Ling Dao is really not Live, the first one laughed, and other warriors still don’t know what happened.

Whether it is Qianhui, Butterfly Dance, Aurora and Lei Wenyuan, or Lingdao, it is impossible to deal with 490 Heavenly Kings, and it is impossible to be more relaxed than Ruo Xue. Lingdao will never forget the snowy horror. If you use five words to describe the strength of the snow, it is "who is pregnant."

"What are you doing for both of you, fast shots, are you still afraid that a woman can't."

In the days that follow, the martial artists of the dynasty rushed to the road. They wanted to quickly solve the problem of snow, and then deal with Lingdao. Only by killing Lingdao, can they get Tianpin weapons and Tianpin martial arts. They don’t want to waste time on Ruoxue. They feel that the two days will be more than enough to deal with Ruo Xue.

"I don't want to shoot, but my stomach hurts, it hurts."

One of them was stunned by the martial arts.

"I said, can you find a better excuse, and then say, you are also the best in the world. If you are timid, don't dare to say it."

Practice to the peak of the sky, in general, no disease, no disaster, unless it is a problem with cultivation, or poisoning, the previous good, said stomach pain, stomach pain, the next day will be unbelievable, even feel He threw the face of the disciple of the town Tiangong.

"No, my stomach hurts, let's go."

Another one who was in the middle of the day, the martial arts squatting on the stomach, sitting on the big stage.

"You can do it, you really do, one says that your stomach hurts, and the other one says stomach pain, dare not find a decent excuse."

"The courage is so small, what heroes are still rushing to the front, it is really a laugh."

Other days, the Fengwu martial artists would not believe that their stomach hurts, especially the second one, which is even more shameful. For even one reason, they must plagiarize others, and they will immediately push them away and prepare them. Go forward and go to Ruo Xue.

Maybe in the battle with Ruo Xue, you can still eat some tofu, but they haven’t shot yet. If the snow is a sneak peek at them, Lingdao’s hands can beat Situ’s hope and let them fight with Lingdao. They don't have enough courage to deal with Ruo Xue, of course they are not afraid.

"Beauty, are you teasing us, oh, beautiful eyes, not as good as my wife, how?"

"You don't rob me, it's obviously..." Originally, he still wanted to play with the snow, and there was a sharp pain in his stomach. If Xue's martial arts just came into effect, he would scream, "哎呦I have a stomachache and it hurts."

"No, my stomach hurts, what is going on."

A stomachache, two stomachaches, is not enough to cause the attention of all the warriors, but now, one after another, crying stomachache, absolutely not normal, especially the former warrior who also satirized the two stomachaches before, is even more shy, Because their stomach is really painful.

"Look and see, their belly is bulging."

One day, the people of the martial arts were exclaimed. The two days when they first screamed their stomachaches, they were like a balloon. They swollen like a balloon. Then they screamed at the back of the stomach. Like them, the belly grows one by one.

"It is the martial arts, it is the martial arts of the Xianling ancestors."

The white wolf Tianzun was well-informed. The first one recognized Ruo Xue’s technique. After he reminded him, other Tianzuns also responded. Xian Ling’s pregnancy technique is very famous because people are scared. Fortunately, pregnancy is very rare, otherwise, the Xianling family will certainly be able to cross the horizon.

"Pregnant sputum, who is pregnant, you..."

Tian Zun of Zhentian Palace wanted to ask other people to continue to shoot the martial arts. However, he said that he could not export, because he understood that if he had mastered the sorrows of pregnant sorcerers, and he had a realm, he would not dare to shoot at Xian Ling. A big man, if pregnant, is even more terrible than death.

On the big stage, the Tianfeng dynasty Fengwu martial arts, quickly away from the snow, for fear that if the snow used them for martial arts, if the Tiantian shot of the town Tiangong, you can certainly ignore the snow martial arts, but unfortunately, the confrontation on the big stage, they can not Intervening, if the snow's martial arts, have already scared them, and expect them to kill the Lingdao, it is simply delusional.

"I don't want to be pregnant, save me, who can save me, I am a man, what am I pregnant?"

One of the Heavenly Kings’ martial arts squatting on the big belly, rolling on the big stage, knowing that if the snow is so terrible, killing him will not provoke snow, but unfortunately no one dares to save him, now other days will be the peak It is too late for the warriors to stay away from the snow, not to mention that even if others want to save, they do not know how to save.

"I said, where did you find the helper, it is better than a thousand horses." Lei Wenyuan admitted that he was very knowledgeable. However, he did not expect that there were such powerful girls around Lingdao. "It will not, but it is Your little lover, although you are not a fan of youth, but you are too romantic."

Lingdao almost a squat, fell on the heavenly stage, the butterfly dance is next to it, if the snow is in front, Lei Wenyuan is so unobtrusive, so the butterfly dance face is expressionless, as if not heard Just don't know why Lingdao is a little disappointed.

"what did you say."

If the snow turns around, just gently ask, let Lei Wenyuan tremble, looking at the big belly in front of the ground will be the peak of the military, Lei Wenyuan feels scalp tingling, and quickly shut up, Dong Miaoyin He laughed, he dared to open, if he was snow, he really didn't dare.

Previously, I only used to ridicule Lingdao, but I forgot that if the snow was so powerful, it would be enough for a person to scare more than 400 people who would be scared to shoot out, even if it was Lei Wenyuan, Ling Dao, Qian Hui, Butterfly dance and Aolong teamed up to achieve this effect.

"You are not trying to kill me, why not yet."

Lingdao slammed his mouth and slammed the heavenly kingdom of Tianwang’s dynasty. They joined forces and were not afraid of Lingdao. They couldn’t beat the four hands, and Lingdao could not beat them for hundreds of days. The peak of the military is not successful.

However, if the snow exists, let them not dare to come, anyone can see, if Xue and Lingdao are a group, if you shoot on Lingdao, you must first pass through the snow, think of pregnancy. The horror of scorpion surgery, they just feel that their legs are shaking, preferring to die and not to be pregnant.

"The villain is ambition, hiding in the back of a woman is a skill, there is a kind of class with me."

A young disciple of the Tiantian Temple was angry, but he said angrily, but his words had just been finished, but he regretted it, because if he had to fight alone with Lingdao, he would lose no doubt, and he might even die in the hands of Lingdao. Tiangong is present with Tianzun, but they can't save him on the big stage.

"Okay, then come over and lead you to death."

Lingdao said madly, unfortunately, the young disciple of the town Tiangong was not fooled, and dozens of hundreds of numbers dealt with Lingdao, only to seize the Lingdao grasp, Lingdao’s previous record, they did not know, anyway, Lingdao waste Situ looked at them, they saw it with their own eyes.

"How to do."

The white wolf Tianzun and other Tianzun frowned. The problem now is that one day will be shot by the peaks of the martial arts, but they will not be able to beat the ridge. Dozens of hundreds of days will take the shots of the martial arts, and Xianling does not agree, they have not The law is on the big platform, and it is even more difficult to shoot the Lingdao and others on the big stage.

"What can I do? I can only wait for them to break through to the kingdom, and they will have a big power station and they will have their lives."

One Tianzun said helplessly, the 50 places of the four major platforms, one of them can not get, anyway, the town of Tiantang is far more than four major platforms, fifty places for them, is not a loss, they are just I feel embarrassed and have the majesty of the power of the emperor.

"Bring them down, we have a way to cure them."

Another Tianzun pointed to the heavenly generals on the stage of the big belly of the heavens and the peaks of the martial arts said, with their cultivation, to solve the sorrowful sorcerer's sorcerer, certainly not a problem, not a sturdy skill is not strong, but if the snow The realm is too low, and the peak of the sky is better than that of Tianzun, but it is far worse.

"Whoever dares to take them down, I will let them follow the pregnancy, you said yes."

If the snow is clear and the Tianzun of the Tiangong Temple sings against it, the Tianzun of the Tiantian Palace wants the life of Lingdao, she will not be polite with the Tiangong of the Tiantian Temple, if she is not out of the small world of the Princess of the Wine, I don’t know Ling. What will happen to the Tao, she does not know that Lingdao can deal with the Tianwang domain of the Tianwang domain.

With the current strength of Lingdao, it is true that there are only 490 ninth-day squadrons. However, he has other methods. He has already prepared for both hands. If the snow does not come out, he will prepare with another hand. Dealing with the Tianwang domain will be the peak of the military.

Those who originally wanted to help the Tianfeng martial arts, they retired, they did not want to conceive, even if the Tiantian of the Tiantian Temple punish them, they all recognized, anyway, the punishment is bigger than pregnancy, as for the robbing of the general situation, They have long since left their minds, and the town of Tiantian is not without other big powers.

"Well, you are very embarrassed." The white wolf Tian Zun's face was iron and blue, and he pointed angrily at Lingdao and others. "When you break through to the kingdom, the big force disappears, and the day will surely make you die."

Sure enough, the words of the white wolf Tianzun, so many days will be the face of the peaks of the martial arts face pale, even if they break through the king of heaven, is still not the opponent of Tianzun, there is no guardian of the big force, Tian Tianzun of the Tiangong Palace wants to take them, it is easy, why not say After they broke through to the kingdom, is it their death?

"Don't waste time, you have to break through, this day is still waiting to torture you." The first book from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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