The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 78: Nine Holy Stages

"You are not surprised at all, you already know that it is me, right."

If Xue walked to Lingdao, he lowered his head and asked softly. When dealing with Tianwang Tiantian’s martial arts, she was very angry. She was a genius. She was a singer, but now she is like an introverted girl, so easy to be shy. , pretty face red.

"When I was in the realm of life and death, I had doubts. At that time, you were not right. It was only for a long time. I couldn’t confirm anything. Later, I saved you in the central territory. It is the problem, whether you are Xian Ling, or the person, the breath is the same after all, to the realm of your time, want to shape, not difficult, and you never.

Last time in the chaotic ancient domain, you saved me, blocked me in front of me, suffered heavy damage, after taking the fruit, the wine said that your body has a problem, it has always been a person, I don’t think there is anything wrong with the person, but you I dare not come out, or say that you are embarrassed to see me, let me firmly believe in my own guess. ”

Xian Ling's body is Ruo Xue, indeed in the expectation of Ling Dao. If there is any, he did not say that Her Majesty is still the name he gave to Xian Ling. If it is snow, he also wants to call Xian Ling Xiao Xue and Xiao Bai. Come, if Snow wants to hide his identity, it is simply impossible.

"Oh, I know, the wine is deliberate, you two are colluding well, deliberately lied to me."

If Xue looked up, and glanced at Lingdao with angrily, unfortunately she had no way to take Lingdao. She was two hundred years old, just a hundred years ahead, stupid, when she opened her eyes, the first The person who saw it was Lingdao. At that time, Lingdao could not cultivate, and took her with him wherever he went.

She is the emperor who spends her childhood with Ling Ling. She is the queen of life and death. She is the sorrowful sorrow of the central territory. She is also the sorrowful sorrow of the ancient domain. Snow, snow in the snow, as white as snow.

"I remember someone who said how to be your wife, how do you know shy now?"

At the beginning of the life and death of Dongjian domain, the Queen slammed Ling Da several times. She thought that Ling Dao would not know her identity. No matter what she did or what she said, she would not be jealous. Who knows, later in the Central Government The territory was injured and fell into the hands of Lingdao.

"You." If the snow is suffocating, I didn't expect Lingdao to revisit the old things, deliberately embarrassing her. "The adults don't call the villain, the king is too lazy to care about you."

The butterfly dance sneaked a sneak look at the snow, perhaps it was curious if the snow appeared, maybe it was curious if Xue and Lingdao had anything to do with it, anyway, she did not ask anything, Qian Hui suspiciously looked at Lingdao, and saw Seeing Ruo Xue, she feels that there is an extraordinary relationship between Ling Dao and Ruo Xue.

"Sure enough, it is a big color wolf. It is really shameless to bring two beautiful women and not to hide.

Dong Miaoyin whispered, and Ling Dao was already a hobby in her eyes.

Lingdao really wants to shout, "I am awkward, I am innocent", whether it is butterfly dance, Qianhui, or even Ruo Xue, and he is not the relationship that Dong Miaoyin thinks, but this kind of thing is more and more Black, he still does not explain well, and Dong Miaoyin is not his person, no need to explain.

"Damn, even dare to be in front of us, flirting with love, there is no reason."

The white wolf Tianzun is very angry, the other Tianzun is also the same face, and Situ’s hope is abolished by Lingdao. Other days, the disciples will be blind because of Lingdao and Dad’s stomach. However, they can only wait until the Lingdao breaks through the king’s realm. For Lingdao, the grievances in their hearts can be imagined.

They are Tianzun. In normal times, the younger generations meet with them respectfully. Today they are suffocated by a small generation of young people. They bring 500 people to the peaks of the martial arts, and the result is the fifty of the four major platforms. One place, one did not grab.

"I have a way to inform other Tianzun, let them move the Holy Order, and kill the arrogance of the juniors."

One of the Tianzong proposing, immediately got the approval of other Tianzun, Lingdao is too arrogant, must let him know the power of the town Tiangong, even if they take Lingdao, Lingdao will not be convinced, they just take advantage of the realm However, if the disciple of Zhentian Temple is better than Lingdao, it will be different.

The power of the emperor is extremely efficient. After all, the general trend is only used by the heavenly martial arts. It is not difficult to move to other places. What's more, they only want the holy stage, and they must have the disciples of the town. On the top of the Holy Order.

Now I hope that the disciples of the Tiangong Temple and Lingdao will seize a holy stage. It is impossible at all. Fortunately, there is not a small number of great stages in the Tiangong Palace. Soon, one after another, the big forces are coming across the sky. There is at least one disciple of the town Tiangong.

"Is it visible? It is impossible to be on the stage of the Holy Land. We have disciples in our Tiangong Palace and can easily climb to the great stage."

There are a total of nine holy-level platforms, which fall into the field. There are only one town of Tiangong disciples on the five sacred platforms. There are two township disciples on the three major platforms, and there is a general platform. The disciples of the three towns of Tiangong, who are the 14th Heavenly Kings, are all the geniuses of the town.

The Tiangong of the Tiangong Temple is definitely not a minority. However, only 14 of them can be on the stage of the Holy Order. If you are a white wolf, you will be bragging about it, just to laugh at the Lingdao and hit the Lingdao. It’s no big deal to see the board of the Holy Land.

"You need to take advantage of the big trend to break through to the kingdom."

Lingdao refused to pay attention to the white wolf Tianzun, and regarded the white wolf Tianzun as the air. He continued to chat with Ruo Xue. If the snow is the peak of the sky, if it breaks through the general trend, it will definitely be good for her, that is, I don’t know. With Ruo Xue’s ability, can you climb the holy stage.

"No, I will help you guard."

If the snow shakes his head and shakes his head, it will not break through the big trend. For her, the impact is not great. The kingdom is only a transition. She does not intend to kill others in the kingdom. The place of the big platform is still for Lingdao. His friend, she doesn't need it, and Lingdao certainly won't be reluctant.

"I will go to the great stage of the Holy Order. Anyway, it is impossible to stop you."

Butterfly Dance, Qianhui, Aolong and Levin have not gone to the holy stage because they have not yet adapted to the heavenly stage. On the nine major platforms next to it, the 14th Heavenly Kings stand on the stage. Lingdao certainly cannot be seen.

"It’s just that I’ve just stepped onto the holy stage. I’ve moved a hundred meters. It’s really more people than people, and the goods are worth throwing.”

The disciple of the Tiangong Temple, next to a sacred platform, said with a smile, his face was full of disdain. From the beginning to the end of the holy stage, there was a full 400 meters. He was able to walk to a distance of 100 meters. It is not easy. He wants to laugh at the slogan, but it does not have the effect it deserves.

"Senior brother, you still don't say it, it's very shameful." On the stage of the prefecture, a disciple of the Tiangong Temple whispered, "He had walked to the 150-meter-meter before, just because he and Situ brothers started. Only jumped from the holy stage."

His original intention was to be a good disciple of the town of Tiangong. As a result, the disciple of the Tiangong of the town looked at him like a viper and scared him. Fortunately, the disciple of the Tiangong Temple did not continue to speak because Lingdao came. The position is farther than him. He used a hundred meters to laugh at the 150 meters of Lingdao. It is simply a slippery world.

Fortunately, the nine holy ranks invited by White Wolf Tianzun, after all, are the distance of the disciples of the town Tiangong. More than Lingdao, among the 14 disciples of the Tiangong Temple, there are three distances that are farther away than Lingdao. One is one hundred and eighty meters, the other is two hundred and ten meters, and the other is two hundred and fifty meters.

"150 meters, um, it's a bit of a skill, but it depends on who you compare."

"Where the soil buns come, I want to laugh at us for 150 meters. I really think that 150 meters is not good."

"One hundred meters less than me, hey, it's not bad, little brother, there is a future."

The first two are ridiculous, the third is insinuation, anyway, their purpose is to devalue the ridge, it is best to sneak out the ignorance of the ignorance, but unfortunately, they must take a good position, because it is not as good as Lingdao’s disciple Too much, they must not talk indiscriminately.

"It seems like I didn't say a word, all of you are talking about it."

While Lingdao is advancing, he does not care about it. One hundred and fifty meters is not his limit. He can continue to move forward. The disciple of Zhentian Palace must fight him. Then he will definitely not do what has happened. The town Tiangong disciple To provoke him, you must be prepared to be hit.

His speed is not fast, but the impact of the Holy Stage on him is very small. When he used to deal with Situ, he could use the world of the Holy Land for his own use. At that time, it was not Situ. Struggling to fight with him, maybe he has now advanced to a position of three hundred meters or more.

"People are more dead than people, goods are thrown than goods. I agree with this sentence. Therefore, if you compare with me, you can die. It is best to go together."

Fifty meters, one hundred meters, one hundred and fifty meters, two hundred meters, two hundred and fifty meters, it is hard to beat him. The white wolf Tianzun thought that he would find other Tiangong disciples who could climb the holy stage. I can save my face, but I don’t know, he will only lose more and it will be terrible.

The disciples of Tiangong in one town have opened their mouths. They have never seen a martial artist who is so powerful as Lingdao. Lingdao does not seem to be on the stage of the holy stage, but on the stage of the human level. In particular, the disciples of the town Tiangong, who had previously sneered at Lingdao, were even more ashamed and difficult to find a place to dig into.

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