The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 79: Situ Mingyue

"Say good people die than people, why don't you die."

Lingdao walked to the position of 300 meters and finally stopped. However, the disciple of Zhentiangong hoped that he could continue to go because his mouth was too poisonous and the 300-meter march on the stage of the holy stage was the best so far. The results, the other nineteen holy ranks on the stage of the 14th Heavenly Kings, no one can compare with him.

Whether it was the previous presence of the Tianfeng Fengwu, or the 14th Heavenly Kings who came to the scene, there was no rebuttal to Lingdao. They did not match the Lingdao, and the gap was very large. Lingdao is not a disciple of Zhentiangong. The first time I stepped on the big platform, I was able to walk in front of them.

"What the **** is going on, which power is that kid, dare to come to our town Tiangong."

Just in time, Tianzun, full of doubts, Situ Bailang let them come over, have not had time to explain the situation clearly, anyway, they have never seen the use of the big forces of the heavens and the peaks of the military, simply in the provocation of the town of Heaven The majesty.

"It was the Lingjia Emperor who sent them over. As for the kid, it is said to be a disciple of the four forces. Unfortunately, he was expelled from the Zongmen. Now he wants to be the apprentice of the Emperor."

White Wolf Tianzun said the previous events briefly. His description must have personal feelings. Anyway, according to him, everything is the fault of Lingdao and others. Other Tianzun knows the White Wolf Tianzun. It is unfair to say that it is not broken down because they are on the front line.

"It's not that we don't believe in you, but such a genius, how could it be that the four forces can cultivate it."

It is easy to abolish Situ’s trepidation and be able to defeat the disciples of the Tiangong Palace on the stage of the Holy Land. It is not easy to get rid of the forces of the four powers, because it is not an easy task for the Emperor’s forces to cultivate such a genius. The other Tian Zun who was present at the same time nodded, but it was indeed what Lingdao said.

"There must be a big secret in his body. Maybe he has received any inheritance from the sky. When he breaks through the kingdom, he will take him down and deprive him of his memory."

Silver Moon Tianzun, the only female goddess present, there is her, other Tianzun can only bow down to the minister, because she is a Xuantianzun, even more powerful than Datianzun, even in the town of Tiangong, the status of Xuan Tianzun, in Tianzun Among them are high, because Xuan Tianzun does not say rare, at least not more common.

At the beginning, Lingdao was in Chiyun Prefecture, and the Tianrui Temple, the Moon Hall, and the Suzaku Hall’s Tianzun, could not be found even by a big Tianzun, let alone Xuantianzun, as Lingdao once said Tianzun, even in the Tiangong Palace, still can not be found, because the town of Heaven has not been to Tianzun.

"Silver Moon Tianzun said that we will pay attention to the size of the shot."

Like the white wolf, she is named Situ, named Situ Yinyue. She is embroidered with a golden star on a silver dress. When she looks at her appearance, she is almost like a woman in her twenties. In fact, she is already alive. For thousands of years, under normal circumstances, the peak of Tianzun can live for thousands of years, and the thousand-year-old Tianzun is still young.

"Well, let's wait."

Situ Yinyue spoke, and other Tianzun nodded that it was, for Tianzun, one day, it was nothing at all, and the blink of an eye was just over. Anyway, even if they broke through to the kingdom, they couldn’t turn any big waves. A Tianzu shot, you can solve the problem.

Unfortunately, Lingdao did not rush to break through, but continued to move forward, because he had doubts in his heart and needed an answer. He and the Tiantian Palace were hostile. Even if Tianzun of Zhentian Temple knew the answer, he would not tell him, he would like to know the answer. He can only find it himself.

The more the people's level is behind, the stronger the world is, the same is true at the prefecture-level and the heaven-level platform. The strange thing is why the Holy Land is also like this.

Because the prefecture-level power station has affected the human-level power station, the Tian-level power station has affected the prefecture-level power station, and the holy-level power station has affected the heaven-level power station. Then, what influences the holy level platform, is it true that Above the big stage, there are other big platforms.

If there isn't one, the strength of the heavens and the earth should be the same before and after the great situation. If there is, why he didn't see it, it is impossible to hide it.

By the time of the three hundred and sixty meters, the speed of Lingdao has also become extremely slow. His legs are like plums. It is very heavy. It is only two steps forward. It is tired and he gasps, no. The pressure of being absent is squeezed from all sides, and he wants to crush him. The same is true in his body. The bones, flesh and blood, and the organs are not missing.

"Why does he have to move forward, what is the point? He won't win all the Heavenly Kings."

Some young disciples asked, the best result of the disciple of Zhentiangong is only two hundred and fifty meters. Compared with Lingdao, it is a hundred meters worse. Lingdao is now doing it. It should be peace of mind. Breakthrough is right, and moving forward has no effect at all.

"Maybe, he wants to use the world of the Holy Order to temper the flesh."

Some young disciples are so speculated that the pressure of the big forces can indeed help the military to temper the flesh, not only to temper the flesh, but also to temper the viscera, hammer the bones, and make progress inside and outside. No wonder the Lingdao is better than them. His success is not only successful. Just because of talent.

"Someone is on the stage of the Holy Land. Are they really not disciples of the Tiangong of my town?"

The second one to climb the holy stage is Lei Wenyuan. If it is not for low-key, he is the first to climb the holy stage, because he came earlier than the Lingdao, the heavenly platform and the holy The level of the big platform, really let the heavens and the peaks of the soldiers feel unbearable, or the pressure inside the body.

What happened to the disciples of the Tiangong Temple happened. After Lei Wenyuan, there was another Tianfeng martial artist who climbed the holy stage. She was a butterfly dance. On the other nine sacred platforms, there was only one holy level. On the big stage, there are three Heavenly Kings, and now Lingdao, Lei Wenyuan and Butterfly Dance are added together, and they are also three.

The thing that surprised the disciples of the town Tiangong is not over yet, and the fourth is on the stage of the Holy Land, followed by the fifth, and then the sixth, Aolong, Qianhui and Dong Miaoyin, which is Biewen. Far and butterfly dance slowed down a lot, but after all, stood on the stage of the Holy Land.

"In the end, who is the disciple of Zhentiangong, their sacred ranks on the stage, there are actually six Heavenly Kings, and I am not blind."

"It’s incredible. How did they do it? Is it easy to get on the stage of the Holy Land, or is it a problem in their holy situation?"

Not to mention the disciples of the Tiangong Temple, even the Situ Yinyue and other Tianzun, are confused. When is it so simple to board the Holy Land, to say that Lingdao is a peerless genius, they can accept, how can now be peerless Genius is like Chinese cabbage.

Ling Dao, Lei Wenyuan, Butterfly Dance, Ao Long, Qian Hui and Dong Miaoyin are not disciples of Zhen Tiangong. They are definitely more difficult to climb the holy level than the disciples of Zhen Tiangong. The other nine seats of the Holy Stage are still Most of them are empty, and the number of places they are in is not enough.

"If there is a good show, they will be able to climb the stage of the Holy Land. They will certainly not be willing to give the people of the Holy Order to others. They are either farther away than others, or they are killing each other and putting others to the top. station."

Five places and six people are actually very easy. Just hit a person down. The most dangerous thing is Dong Miaoyin. Because Lingdao and Butterfly Dance, Qianhui, Aolong and Le Wenyuan have a good relationship, Dong Miaoyin is even No matter how powerful, to an enemy five, only lose.

"You will not bully the slaves alone."

Dong Miaoyin said pitifully, a pair of big eyes turned to Lingdao for help. Unfortunately, Lingdao is still moving forward, facing her, and has no intention of turning around. She is counting on Lingdao to help her deal with Qianhui and Butterfly Dance. Ao Long and Le Wen Yuan are simply impossible things.

"It’s a shame to install the real image."

Qianhui right hand-held sword, ready to shoot, proud dragon and Lei Wenyuan standing next to her, if she and Dong Miaoyin fight, they must stand in the opposite of Dong Miaoyin, the butterfly dance does not mean hands, Because they deal with Dong Miaoyin, there is no problem at all.

"Sure enough, they began to kill each other, I really hope they can fight, it is best to die."

The young disciples of Zhentiangong said that they couldn’t get on the stage of the holy level. They were better than Dong Miaoyin’s assault on the great stage, and all the heavenly kings would be able to climb the holy At the level of the big stage, you can break through on the stage of the holy stage. No one is as bad as Dong Miaoyin.

"You don't have to deal with her, the five places in the Holy Land, give you five just right."

Standing at the forefront of Lingdao, turned and smiled and said, Dong Miaoyin looked a glimpse, did not think, Lingdao will help her at this time, Lingdao in the end what is the meaning, is Lingdao want to send his place Give it to her.

No, no, she and Ling Daofei are not relatives. I definitely can't have a quota for Lingdao. At the beginning, she obviously wants to kill Lingdao. Is it that Lingdao falls in love with her, so she even has a quota for the Holy Land. Don't want it anymore.

"I don't know what the big platform is above the Holy Land. Anyway, I can go up."

Lingdao jumped and jumped away from the great stage of the Holy Land. Dong Miaoyin’s cranky thoughts, he did not know at all, because there were other choices, the number of places in the Holy Class, indeed one more, just sent to Dong Miaoyin, until now, Other warriors noticed that Lingdao had already stood at the end of the holy stage.


Whether it was Situ Mingyue or other Tianzun, they all shouted incredulously. The reason why they were so rude was because Lingdao’s actions made them think of one thing.

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