The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 80: Breakthrough

There are four levels in the main platform of the town Tiangong. There are people-level power stations, prefecture-level power stations, heaven-level power stations, and holy-level power stations. However, there is still a big trend on the big stage. Because of the influence of the big potential, the holy level The more the big trend is behind, the greater the pressure felt by the military.

The big powers are not the same as the big powers. The general trend is clearly displayed in front of all the warriors. Only through the military of the holy stage, we can continue to advance to see the big world. When we reach the big trend, the big trend is tangible. It is invisible. There are different positions on the platform, the pressure is different, and the general trend is everywhere.

In the eyes of others, Lingdao jumped and jumped away from the holy stage, and his feet were empty. However, Lingdao understood that he was not standing in the air, but standing on the invisible ground. He didn’t know what the trend was. The world is also considered to be a higher level than the holy level.


The sound of broken bones sounds, even if it is the flesh of Lingdao, it still can not withstand the pressure of the big world, and it will be replaced by other days. It may have been smashed, ubiquitous pressure, squeezing Lingdao inside and outside. The body, his mouth, kept spilling blood, because his organs were all damaged.

His body cracked a wound, and the blood blew out and dyed his clothes. As time went by, the wounds became more and more dense, and the whole body was up and down. There was no good place, the world of the big world. It is really a horror, far beyond the great level of the Holy Land.

"What happened to him, do you want to kill him now?"

Most of the young disciples in Zhentian Temple don’t know what’s going on. Anyway, Lingdao’s injury is a good thing for them. If it’s not snow, maybe they’ve already started, and they’ll definitely not beat Lingdao in their heyday. Now Lingdao’s injury is obviously not light, but a good opportunity can only blink.

"Could it be that……"

After all, there are a small number of young disciples who have heard about the big forces, but they have never seen them. Lingdao cannot be injured for no reason. Plus, he passed the holy stage, which naturally reminded them of the general trend. If you break through to the kingdom in the big world, it is definitely better than the holy level.

The most struck is the fourteen Heavenly Kings on the Holy Stage. The Lingdao is just beyond their distance. They can accept it. However, Lingdao is on the big picture, and they are not one. At the level, they are far away from each other. Previously, they could compare with each other, but they were not the same thing. Now there is no comparability.

Those who can climb the ranks of the great stage are themselves geniuses in genius. Their elders told them about the big powers. If they can climb into the big world, they will definitely be able to get the key training and even become candidates for the Son. People, there is a great possibility of becoming a saint in the future.

"Don't think about it, don't say if you will get pregnant, then the kid is on the big picture, you can't affect him now."

The white wolf Tianzun sighed and sighed. The non-Zhen Tiangong disciple boarded the big powers, which made him feel mixed in his heart. One day, the Fengwu Fengwu people were on the big momentum. They should be happy. The problem is that they will be in the realm of the big world. The Fengwu warriors and their enemies, in their face, will scrape Situ.

The big trend is not the same as the big trend. When Lingdao is at the stage of the great stage, the military on the stage of the heavenly stage can shoot him. After the big trend, let alone stand on the stage of the heavenly stage, even if it is standing. On the stage of the Holy Order, it was futile to deal with Lingdao, because they attacked and could not enter the general trend.

"You didn't say that he was a disciple of the four powers. Was he also driven out of the sect? If you let him become a disciple of the town, you can't do it."

Situ Yinyue changed his mind and lived for thousands of years. For the first time, she saw that there was a day when the king of the martial arts was on the mighty side. I want to know that the emperor of Tiangong, who lives in the town, has one son and one daughter. However, the emperor and the emperor Female, also did not climb the big picture.

Lingdao is not a disciple of Zhentiangong, and can be on the general trend. If it is cultivated by the town Tiangong, the future achievements will definitely not be low. Situ will be compared with Lingdao. The difference is not a star and a half. Besides, Lingdao becomes After the disciple of the town Tiangong, Situ Yinyue had a way to learn the secret of Lingdao.

"In my opinion, it is completely feasible, so genius, can not let go, the small fight between the juniors, we do not need to be true."

Tianzun echoes the road. He really wants Lingdao to become a disciple of the town Tiangong. Unlike Situ Yinyue, with the talent of Lingdao, there is a great chance that he will become a peerless power in the future. Now the Lingdao realm is low and good. He is easy, it is not difficult for him to be a disciple of the town.

As long as they are willing to give up capital, the high-ranking people of Tiantian Palace are willing to pay attention to Lingdao, or directly let Lingdao be the candidate of the Son. Lingdao will definitely be heart-warming, the Son, the status is extremely high, and even more than the average elder, even the Son. Candidates must have far more status than other disciples.

Tianzun of Zhentian Temple is discussing what, Lingdao completely does not know, the world of the big world is completely destined for his life, he does not dare to relax, quickly run wild and ridiculous, ready to break through to the kingdom, the general trend He can be reborn, provided that he can hold on.

On the stage of the holy stage, Butterfly Dance, Qianhui, Aolong, Lei Wenyuan, and Dong Miaoyin began to break through one by one. If Xue deliberately stood at the end of the heavenly stage, other days will be the peak of the military, regardless of ability. When you boarded the General Stage, you are not afraid to have any thoughts on the Holy Stage.

"You still don't hurry, don't you want to be like them."

From the Ling family, a Tianjun dynasty Fengwu martial artist, pointing to the big belly of the Tiantian disciple, warned that the other days of the Tianwang domain will be the peak of the martial arts, the number of celestial martial arts in the Tianwang domain is more, but as long as there is The snow is there, they dare not disobey.

"It's none of my business. If I want to use me, I want you to look good first."

If the snow did not give the face of the dynasty to the peak of the martial arts, when Lingdao was in danger, they did not help, and now they want to fox foxes, and of course she disagrees, the singer of the martial arts smashed the peak, did not expect Snow will tear down his desk.

The king of heavenly kings will understand the situation, as long as they don’t start on Lingdao, they don’t have any thoughts on the holy platform. If Snow doesn’t care about them, they dare to go forward and find out if Snow really doesn’t have them. They are letting go of their hearts.

One day, it soon passed, and one day the kings were excluded from the general trend. The five places in the holy stage were just Butterfly Dance, Qianhui, Aolong, Lei Wenyuan and Dong Miaoyin. There are forty-five places in the Tiantai-level power station, the prefecture-level power station, and the human-level power station. The Tianwang domain’s Tianjun dynasty peaks occupy twenty people, and the Lingjia’s Tianjun dynasty’s peak military occupies twenty-four. There is also a quota for the number of places that Ruo Xue got.

"They actually grabbed our 30 places. It’s really too much. Let’s grab those juniors.”

Anyone who comes from the Ling family will be able to take advantage of the situation. As long as they leave the big trend, the disciples of the Tiangong Temple will take them down. The Ling family will come to the 81st Heavenly Kings. Killing ten, and then removing the big stage, all controlled by the town Tiangong disciples.

It is said that it is 30 places. In fact, it can only be counted as twenty-six. Because it was only Situ’s hope that it would be able to board the holy stage. Of course, Lingdao boarded the big trend. They did not count the ridge in the original. Among them, because of the size of the big world, it has always been a waste.

"Breaking one, we catch one."

Tian Zun was very patient, waiting for one day to break through the peaks of the martial arts. The warriors in front of the kings were in front of them, and they had no resistance. The people on the stage of the human level broke through the fastest, followed by the ground. On the stage of the big trend, the heavens will be the peaks of the soldiers, then the heavens and the generals on the platform of the heavens will be the peaks of the soldiers, and finally the heavenly kings on the stage of the great stage.

The warriors who came from Lingjia broke through to the kingdom, and they left the big trend. They did not make unnecessary struggles and took the initiative to become the captives of the Tiantian Palace. Some of them came from the power of one product, some came from the power of the emperor, but they did not dare In the town of Tiangong, even if they died in the town of Tiangong, their power, it is impossible for them to make a big move.

"Wine, bring them to your little world, no problem."

At the crucial time when Lingdao is breaking through, he still has not forgotten to remind the Princess of Wine. After all, the Princess of Wine is the heart of a child. In case she has forgotten something else, she will be snow, butterfly dance and proud dragon. , Qian Hui, Dong Miaoyin, Ao Long and Lei Wenyuan, fearing that they will all become prisoners of Zhentian Temple.

"Fast, Xian Ling has broken through, so be sure to take her down for the first time."

As long as Tian Zun stared at Ruo Xue, she had just broken through, and Tian Zun was ready to start. Who knows that if Xue did not leave the heavenly stage, but suddenly disappeared, even Tian Zun would not know where she went. The higher the realm of the Princess of Wine, the more secret the small world is. The Tianzun of Zhentian Palace did not see anything at all.

"How did she appear before, we don't know, now she should use the same method to leave, it does not matter, we take the five juniors on the stage of the Holy Land, and then wait for the juniors in the big world to break through. ”

Situ Yinyue was very patient, but after the breakthrough of the proud dragon, it disappeared without a trace like Ruo Xue. Then, after Dong Miaoyin, Lei Wenyuan, Qian Hui and Butterfly Dance broke through to the king, it also disappeared. There is no trace, even if she uses the projection of the will world, they still have not found their trace.

"What the **** is going on, they are people, how can they be gone." The white wolf Tiandun was furious, and a pair of eyes wanted to spurt fire. "Look, find me, even if you dig three feet, you must find them. "The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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