The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 81:

"No, no, no trace of them."

"It’s weird, where are they going?"

"We can't find God, can we still expect them to find it?"

Tian Zun, a town in Tiangong, was black-faced. Six juniors who had just broken through to the kingdom of heaven disappeared before their eyes. They could not find them. Their will world penetrated into every place, five hundred miles away. Looking for it again, there is still no figure of butterfly dance and so on.

The most they want to win is Lingdao, followed by five young people on the stage of the Holy Order. Butterfly Dance, Qianhui, Aolong, Lei Wenyuan, Dong Miaoyin are not disciples of Zhentian, but they are able to climb the holy situation. Taiwan, their talent should be higher than Situ.

If Butterfly Dance, Qianhui, Aolong, Lei Wenyuan, Dong Miaoyin and Ling Dao have no big background, they can completely make them a disciple of Tiangong. On the contrary, if they are disciples of the emperor, then let them be there. The emperor's forces, paying enough to redeem them.

The misappropriation of the Tiantai Palace’s general platform is a felony. If it is not the law, it will be able to kill the young warriors who have come from Lingjia. The town Tiangong is strong and not fake, but from Lingjia. Young warriors, the origins are too mixed, and the power of the emperor is too much.

"Architecture, block the void, must not let him escape."

Situ Yinyue pointed to the importance of Lingdao, Butterfly Dance, Qianhui, Aolong, Lei Wenyuan and Dong Miaoyin. It is not as good as Lingdao. What happened, they can't change. Now they can do it. Lingdao, they will not escape after the envelope locks empty.

They can't even take action on the big stage, and it's even more impossible for the Lingdao in the big world. Fortunately, they are not in a hurry. As long as the Lingdao breaks through the kingdom and leaves the big world, they can Start, calculate the time, Lingdao should be successful.

"It’s a terrible heart. From start to finish, he doesn’t even scream, can't he feel pain?”

The big trend really made Lingdao reborn, but the process was very painful. Even as a bystander, the warriors present felt that the scalp was numb. They saw with their own eyes that there were countless wounds on Lingdao, they heard it, Ling A bone in the body broke.

Lingdao has already become a **** person, the skin has fallen off one layer after another, the bones have been crushed again and again, and the viscera has been split one after another, just like a knife, cutting his flesh, a handle Hammerhead, licking his bones, he is like a thick iron, hammering and hammering, and making a humanoid weapon.

If he faints in the past, he may die in the general trend. Fortunately, he persisted. His body is stronger than before. He has made great progress both inside and outside. In the past, his body and body. It is like the difference between stone and egg than the current body.

After breaking through to the kingdom of heaven, the scope of the heavens and the earth that he mastered has soared. Only when he is in the early days of the heavens, he can grasp the world of heaven and earth in a hundred meters, not to mention the general Tianshi warriors, and some in the middle of the world. The warrior is not as good as him in the world.

"Well, he finally broke through to the kingdom and prepared."

In the eyes of the white wolf Tianzun, flashing a cold mang, Lingdao as his face, abolished the Situ beat, is equal to hit his face, he certainly will not forget, Situ Yinyue and other Tianzun want to make Lingdao town Tiangong disciple, he has no opinion, but he wants Lingdao to suffer first.

The fifth level of the origin of the water, turned into a big river, washed the body of Lingdao again, then, Lingdao's body is like a stove, let his clothes dry up, Tianzun of the Tiangong Palace wants to do it. Of course, he knows, fortunately he is not worried.

Lingjia the Great let them go to the Tianwang domain to use the big force to break through the realm. They will definitely not care about them. He wants to accept the apprentices, but he does not want them to die. Of course, Lingdao also has second-hand preparations, if Lingjia the Great does not save them. He has other ways to deal with the Tianzun of the Tiantian Temple.

"Kid, you are going to do it with us, or you can follow suit."

One of the gods smiled and asked, as long as Lingdao did not disappear with the butterfly dance and other people, they suddenly had no trace, they had absolute certainty, and they took the Lingdao. Only the white wolf Tianzun was gloomy, he hoped. Lingdao chose to do it. Otherwise, he would not be able to start with Lingdao.

"You are so daring, the Lingjia Emperor sent me over, don't you want to be right with the Emperor." Ling Daoton paused, gave the Tianzun of the Tiantian Temple a time to think, and then continued, "Yes, your town Tiangong There is a great emperor, not afraid of the Ling family, but the level of fighting, can you blend?"

Tiantian of Tiantian Temple does not care about Lingjia’s attitude. Let Lingdao understand that Zhentian Temple must have the emperor to sit in the town. The Lingling Pavilion in Tianlingyu, if there is a great emperor, will never tolerate the continued development of Lingjia. The forces, and the power of the emperor who did not have the great emperor, are not the same.

On the bottom of the story, Lingjia is not on the town Tiangong, on the Great Emperor, the Emperor of the Tiantian Palace is definitely better than the Emperor of Lingjia, and the time to prove the emperor is earlier. Lingdao does not know how strong the Emperor of the Tiangong Palace is, but he wants to be afraid of Ling The great emperor, because Lingjia the Great has only become a great emperor for a few years.

"If you get angry with the Lingjia Emperor, then you all have to die. You don't need the Lingjia Emperor to do it. In order to calm the anger of the Lingjia Emperor, your town Tianzhu will take the initiative to kill you. You are the best before you start. I really want to know clearly, I don’t know how to die afterwards."

Not only the young disciples of Zhentian Temple were stunned, but even the Tianzun of the Tiangong Temple was stunned. They had not yet made the Lingdao, and Lingdao began to use the Emperor of Lingjia to suppress them. They were clearly in the Tianwang domain. How do you feel like they are at home of the Lingdao.

"The eloquence is good, but unfortunately, it has no effect on us." Situ Yinyue squinted and said with a smile. "First of all, you use the big power station, you are losing money. After all, the big power station is our town Tiangong, and secondly, we did not think Killing you, why are you hostile to us?"

"Boy, you used to hurt our disciples in the town of Tiangong. We have a large number of adults. We can never go anywhere. Just, you need to promise us a condition, that is to become a disciple of our town Tiangong."

Another Tianzun went on to say that he didn't like to bend around, and when he saw the mountain, he showed what they meant. The white wolf Tiandui wanted to beat him up. If he didn't make the Lingdao, he threw out their plans, not the pendulum. Make it clear that Lingdao bargains.

"Why, it is also from Lingjia, how the treatment is so different."

"People are more than people, mad, I always understand, it is him who abolished the genius of the Tiangong Temple. He is the one who provoked the Tiangong Tianzun of the town. Why is he not only okay, but he can also become a disciple of Zhentiangong."

The warriors who came from Lingjia said that they became the captives of Zhentian Temple. They are still alive and still don’t know. It’s clear that the disaster is Lingdao. As a result, Lingdao has also received the attention of Tiantian Temple, and it looks like As long as Lingdao nods, he can not only become a disciple of Zhentian, but also a disciple of high status.

Of course, they know in their hearts that the reason is that Lingdao is too outstanding. When they are in the world of dragons, they just see the power of Lingdao. Who knows that the king of heaven is the most popular, and even the singer. The emperor of the palace, all of them left the king of heaven.

"If I don't want to be a disciple of Zhentian Temple, what will happen to you."

Lingdao can feel the hostility of Bailang Tianzun, and can also perceive the unsatisfactory intention of Yinyue Tianzun. He is certainly not a good disciple of the town Tiangong. Who knows the Tianzun of Zhentian Temple and what kind of thoughts he has for him. What's more, the disciples of Zhentiangong and the identity of the apprentices of Lingjia are incomparable.

He wants to be the apprentice of Lingjia Dadi. He wants to know who the Ling family is. In the beginning, Qianhui went to the world of Jianshen to help him. It must have been instructed by the top of the Lingjia, and maybe even the Lingjia Emperor personally. The order, just, he can be sure that Lingjia is not the person he knows, so he wants to know.

"You are not an apprentice of Lingjia Dadi. We killed you. Even if Lingjia Dao wants to avenge you, I can't find a reason. You said that you are a disciple of the four powers. Do you expect the four powers to avenge you? ”

"We let you be a disciple of the town, you can afford to see you, don't know what to do, if you annoy us, maybe we will not kill you, but let you survive without asking for death."

"They are scaring you. As long as you are willing to be a disciple of our town, you may be a candidate for the Son. Do you know how high the status of the Son is in our town, even if we meet the Son?" All have to be respectful, we are not worth mentioning in front of the Son."

Some Tianzun sings a black face, and some Tianzun sings a white face. It is also a threat to Ling Dao. It is also a smashing of Ling Dao. Of course, they are not talking about playing. If Ling Dao does not agree, they will definitely not be on Lingdao. Retiring, White Wolf Tianzun wants to torture Lingdao, and Yinyue Tianzun wants to take Lingdao and get his secret.

With their strength, to deal with Lingdao, it is simply bullying. Unfortunately, they have not realized the big bully, who makes their realm higher than Lingdao.

"Hey, a group of heavenly bullies are bullying a king. It’s so shameless."

A young woman, coming from a distance, a powerful momentum, forced the Tianzun of the Tiangong Palace to retreat again and again, not to mention the White Wolf Tianzun and other Tianzun, even if it is a silver moon, it is a face change, she has not yet arrived. It is to give all the Tianzun of the town Tiangong a horse.

"You want to do it, this girl can be accompanied." The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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