The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 82: Invincible son

"Who are you, which forces, do you want to intervene in the town of Tiangong?"

The white wolf Tianzun sternly asked, if he could solve the problem by his own strength, he would not carry out the town Tianzhu, even though the young woman in front of him had not yet shot, but they could only retreat by the momentum, and the strength must not be small. watch for.

If the shoulder is cut, the waist is like a prime, the eyebrows are like a green feather, the muscles are like white snow, the three thousand green silks are bunched up, the pretty face is not applied, the beautiful is heart-rending, the light blue long skirt is dragged to the ground. The body is awkward, and if the air is blue, her mouth is full of smiles, a pair of alums, and casually smashed the eyes of the Tiangong of the town.

"Why do I think she is a bit familiar, have I seen her before?"

Situ Yinyue muttered, but she did not notice, after hearing her words, the next Tian Zun looked at the young woman in front of her eyes. Not only did Situ Yinyue feel that the young woman in front of her eyes was familiar, and other Tianzun also had this feeling.

"If you say this, I seem to have an impression. Who is she?"

After the White Wolf Tianzun finished, other Tianzun nodded and said that they all had an impression. As a result, they were more curious about the young women in front of them. However, they wanted to break their heads and still don’t know who she is. It should be The talents you know are right, but there is no clue.

They are Tianzun, almost unforgettable. The current situation is too weird. I don’t know her name. I don’t even know where I have seen her. I can’t remember who the young woman is. I can understand, how? They can't think of it all.

"I was scared by the town of Tiangong, can you change the pattern?"

A "again" word is enough to show that she and Tian Tianzun of the Tiantian Temple are not the first to deal with each other. Tian Tianzun of the Tiantian Temple is frowning, trying to think back to the women she has seen before, but the women and the young people in front of them Women can't overlap together at all.

"Too lazy to talk nonsense with you, let them go, spare you a life."

The young woman refers to Lingdao and other warriors who came from Lingjia, because she and Zhentiangong had enmity, so the tone was very strong. She couldn’t wait for Situ Yinyue and other gods to do it. In that case, she had a reason to shoot. Kill them one by one. After all, it is in the Tiangong Temple of Tianwangyu. It is sure to give the town Tiangong a face. She is not good at taking the initiative, and passive counterattacks are different.

Situ Bailang and other celestial faces are sullen, and on their sites, if the captives they will catch are given to the young women in front of them, then they will not have a face in the Tianwang domain, but the young women are imposing, if they do not pay If you can't help but kill.

"Nothing, I have already sent a message to Uncle Han, and with the repair of his holy king, it is not the hand of the young woman who has taken it."

White Wolf Tianzun passed to other Tianzun, let them feel at ease, Situ Han, on the ages, there is no Situ Bailang and Situ Yinyue, but they are a generation higher than them. Of course, Situ Bailang and Situ Yinyue are in front of Situ Han. It must be respectful, because Situ Han is already a late holy king.

"Who are you, dare to report your name."

Situ Yinyue stood up. The Tianzun who was present was her strongest. What she had to do now was to delay the time. If the young woman in front of her shot, she would teach some, if she couldn’t beat it, let other Tianzun Shot, because the young woman in front of her eyes is not big, and it is not too high to want to come to the realm.

"In the past, you bullied me in a low realm, shot me and wanted my life. Now I am like you, and you are afraid, it is really sad."

The young woman is ridiculous, that is, she wants to anger the Tianzun of the Tiangong Temple. Situ Bailang and others are shocked. They think that she is the holy king. We must know that Situ Yinyue is Xuantianzun, and only by the momentum, Situ Yinyue retreats. Isn't she too respectable?

Taitianzun, it is already possible to become the first day of the great territory, because there are no territories in the territory, and there is no such thing as Tianzun. In the eyes of Situ Yinyue, there is a glimmer of color, and she is not as young as she is. Woman, on the talent, she is not as good as the young woman in front of her.

"What are the qualifications of the madman who are hiding their heads?"

Situ Yinyue couldn't help but laugh at her. The woman in front of her looks better than her. She is stronger than her. She is the only one who can get the hand. She is the background of the Tiantian Palace. The power of the product, the Situ family is a large family of the town of Tiangong.

"Cold moon kill."

A cold drink, Situ Yinyue shot, a pair of crossed the void, a round of the moon, straight into the young woman to go, the fifth level of the origin of the moonlight, sprinkled the earth, a road constitutes the moon, the sky, The waning moon shines brighter and bigger, like the giant blade of the size of a hundred feet. The cold moon is raging, the coldness is pressing, the giant blade is falling, and a giant pit appears on the ground.

The young woman raised her right hand and slammed it toward the waning moon. The powerful momentum burst out. The palm-sized palm prints suddenly magnified. Like the Wuzhishan Mountain, they squatted on the waning moon, and the collision of the Taoist ceremonies broke out with earth-shattering sounds. The dazzling light, the thorns of a warrior can not open their eyes.

The waning moon burst into flames, the moonlight was exhausted, and the disappearance disappeared without a trace. The moves of Situ Yinyue's display were in the face of young women, and they were simply vulnerable. It was also Tianzun, and the strength was different. It was like a general peak. The difference between Tianzun and Situ Yinyue is the same.


The young woman suddenly appeared in front of Situ Yinyue. Situ Yinyue did not react. She was slap in the face of Situ Yinyue. The body of Situ Yinyue rolled over in the void several times. After that, she fell to the ground, and her half of her cheeks were bloody.

In other towns, Tianzun Tianshen was shocked and scared. Situ Yinyue was stronger than them. As a result, Situ Yinyue was not worth mentioning compared with the young women in front of him. If they were replaced, they would be even more unbearable, especially in front of them. The woman also deliberately played the face of Situ Yinyue, clearly humiliating her.

"I am crazy, how can you do it."

The young woman held the wrist of her right hand in her left hand, and her right hand swayed a few times. Other Tianzun even felt pain in her cheek. She just swept away other Tianzun, and they all retreated. I was afraid that she would slap their slap in the face, and the young warriors present were not there. A few, they certainly don't want to be ugly.

Situ Yinyue’s staring at the young woman in front of her eyes seems to have a deep hatred with her. However, she has not waited for her to speak. The young woman is once again shot, stepping on the face of Situ Yinyue, and will be Situ Yinyue. The face stepped on the ground and the blood was splashing.

"There is too much deception. I dare to let go in the Tiangong of my town. Do you want to die?"

The white wolf Tian Zun daringly yelled, only the slightly trembling hands, showing his inner fear, Situ Yinyue is not the opponent of the young woman, he is even more unlikely to beat the young woman, but Situ Han is coming soon, he No need to do it with young women.

"The killing is just the beginning, you are so humiliating the Tianzun of my town Tiangong, too much."

Another Tianzun said with a cold face, for the Bajie Situ family, can only take a risk, the young woman in front of her is strong, but unfortunately compared with the behemoth of the emperor's power, it is still very small, and the strongest of the town Tiangong is present. Killing her is just a piece of cake.

There are also saints, princes, lords, and emperors on Tianzun. They have to deal with her a godly lord. They don’t need the great emperor, the Taoist prince, and the Daojun to go out. The holy king can, and dare to beat the Tiangong Tianzun’s warrior in the Tianwang domain. There won't be any good endings, and young women will not be exceptional.

"Excessively, you used to kill me, want to put me to death, can't be too much, you don't want to know who I am, then you will look at your dog's eyes."

The young woman changed her body and changed her long skirt into a robes. The black hair was scattered and her momentum suddenly changed. If she was a beautiful woman who was a fish geese and a closed moon, then she is now Yushu Linfeng. Handsome handsome man.

"It's you."

White Wolf Tianzun could not help but exclaim. After the young woman changed into a men's clothing, he immediately recognized her identity. Other Tianzun suddenly realized that it was no wonder that they could not think of who she was, because she used to show people in the image of men. It was the first time she saw her dressed up in women's clothing.

"It's much more comfortable now, haha..." The young woman smiled and looked like a beautiful boy. "You know who this son is now, but I am too embarrassed to say that this son is too much."

The Tianzun of the Tiantian Temple was silent. Once, they chased her more than once, especially Situ Yinyue. She also severely injured her and almost ordered her life. She thought she was disappearing because of the injury. The more I died, I didn’t expect her not only to die, but also to become so powerful.

"I know who she is, she is invincible, Wei is invincible."

Some young disciples have revealed the identity of the young woman. She is the legend of the Tianwang domain. Wei is invincible. She was originally a disciple of the Tianwang domain. She was dressed as a man. Since childhood, she has been dressed as a man. Over time, others have forgotten that she is a woman, she Claiming to be a son, others call her invincible son.

Since the cultivation of the invincible son, the same realm has never had an opponent, let alone a disciple of Shaoyingu. Even the disciples of other forces are not her opponents. Later, she and the disciples of the Tiangong Palace clashed, and even killed. The son of the great man of the town Tiangong.

She succumbed to the great disaster. The great man of Tiantian Palace personally went to Shaoyin Valley and wanted to take her down. She sacrificed his son with her blood. Fortunately, she was not in Shaoyin Valley, but she escaped. Shaoyin Valley expelled her from the Zongmen. For a disciple, and the town Tiangong as an enemy, Shaoyin Valley is definitely not willing.

Even if the invincible son is stunning, it still has no effect. Zhentiangong wants to kill a young genius. It is simply a matter of ease. In order to please the town Tianzhu, Shaoyin Valley also sent a strong person and personally chased the invincible son.

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