The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 85: Daojun is coming

"Great disasters."

Unlike the Cataclysm, the Cataclysm, the Great Disaster, is the third-generation disaster, the blade of the disaster, the destruction of the earth, the blade of great disasters, the connection to the sky, floods, windstorms, fires, like roaring Like a dragon, the claws of the teeth, full of nine hundred roads, into the blade of disaster, making the blade of disaster more horrible power.

Up to now, Wei Wei’s first active attack, the previous two confrontations, the first time is the wishfulness of Stuart’s exhibition, the second is the star python of Stuart’s exhibition, Wei’s invincibility to Situhan’s strength, I already know something.

The blade of disaster slammed out, and the heavens and the earth seemed to be torn apart. The five elements were rotated, the yin and yang were intertwined, the floods, the fires and the windstorms broke out, and the sky was dim. Like the doomsday scene, it shrouded Stuart, the ghostly crying voice. It sounds.

"not good."

Situ Han changed his face. He didn't expect Wei's invincible attack to be so tyrannical. Wei invincible was only Tianzun. He swung his hands and the road flew. The source shrouded one side of the world, one after another, gathered together, like a city wall. In front of Situ Han.

The barriers to the stars, the source of the stars, the smelting of the barriers, the indestructible, when Situ Han is still in the sky, the barriers to the stars, you can block the attack of the pre-Sacred King, now he is the late King, against a Tian Zun attack There must be no problem.


The development of the matter exceeded Stuart's expectations. The blade of disaster broke through the barriers of the stars. The Tianzun of the Tiantian Palace was dumbfounded. Situ Han was also stunned. The broken stars squatted on Situ Han’s body and let Situ John hit a spirit, and instantly woke up, sweat soaked his back, because the blade of disaster has already reached him.

"Even if it is a tyrant, don't be so powerful."

"Unbelievable, if I didn't see it with my own eyes, I absolutely don't believe that Tianzun can defeat the late King."

What other warriors said, Situ Han did not hear it, because all his attention was placed on the blade of disaster, the barriers to the stars did not block the blade of disaster, and the plan of Situ Han was disrupted. Now he has no time to show anything. Out of school.

Situ Han waved his fists and slammed into the blade of disaster. He felt that the blade of disaster had broken the barriers of the stars, and the power was definitely reduced. Maybe he could stop it. When he regretted it, it was too late, the disaster The blade broke his fist and the blood splashed.

The blade of the disaster did not diminish, and eventually fell on Stuart's body. Fortunately, Situ Han wore a sacred suit, or else he might die under the blade of disaster, the sacred suit was broken, and the spirit screamed. Situ Han’s body was heavily smashed on the ground, with soot and dust falling.

"This son had spared a life before, but I didn't expect you not only to repent, but also to have such vicious thoughts. You can't leave it."

Wei's invincible body left a shadow in the original place, the next moment appeared in front of the silver moon Tianzun, the nine roads condensed into a spear, the silver moon Tianzun was nailed in the void, the body of the silver moon Tianzun was Imprisoned, all she can do is wait for death, the fire is raging in her body, swallowing her vitality, but unfortunately, no matter how embarrassing she is, it still does not help.

"And you can't escape."

What has been said by White Wolf Tianzun, of course, Wei Invincible will not forget, even Situ Han is not an opponent of Wei invincible, White Wolf Tianzun does not mean to do with her, when Wei invincible kills Silver Moon Tianzun, White Wolf Tianzun begins Escape, unfortunately, Wei is invincible too fast.


The road condenses into a spear, piercing the back of the white wolf, and passing through his body. The spear tip appears in front of his eyes. The blood is like a spring, and the white wolf Tianzun and the silver moon Tianzun can only wait for death. The derived fire has already rushed into his body, and no one will save him.

Situ Han’s face was a burst of white, and Wei’s invincible not only injured him, but also in front of him, he nailed the two Tianzun of the town’s Tiangong to the void. He screamed and re-invigorated Wei’s invincible, if He will not win Wei invincible, and he will definitely not see anyone in the future.

A late holy king, a tyrant, a war, together, a storm, a move, a move and then a big collision, the earth turned into a scorched earth, the clouds disappeared, the wind raged, the two of them hit the ground from the sky, chaos The stone collapsed, the emptiness of the sky, and the blood sprinkled the sky.

"No wonder others call her an invincible son, no reputation under the prestigious name."

Even if Lingdao has the supreme gold scorpion, it still can't see Wei's invincible and Situ Han's showdown. They are getting faster and faster, and they have fought for hundreds of rounds before they stop. Wei Wei is just a little embarrassed, Situ. John’s body is covered with wounds.

Lingdao's past life is just a peak of heaven, and the strength of the battle is definitely not comparable to the current Wei invincible. Even if there is past life experience, the analysis of Wei invincible and Situ Han's battle is still not enough to see, the tyrants and the later holy kings, beyond his present. There are too many realms.


Wei Invincible took a deep breath and shot again. It has already smashed the machine. Anyway, White Wolf Tianzun and Yinyue Tianzun are dead in his hands. Then kill a Situhan, nothing, the blade of disaster re-converges. When you look at it, the weather is changing and the world is turbulent.

Situ Han did not mean to continue the decisive battle with Wei invincible, but turned and left, lost to a Tianzun, indeed shameful, but in comparison, it is still important to live, to stay in the green hills, not afraid of no firewood, if Dead in the hands of Wei invincible, there is no chance to turn over.

He is indeed not Wei's invincible opponent. However, Zhentiangong never lacks the Tao. The Holy King beats Wei invincible and let Daojun take the shot. Anyway, Wei's invincible strength is not much stronger than Situ Han, and he can easily send a road. Jun, whether it is to win Wei invincible, or to kill Wei invincible, it is not difficult.

"I just want to escape now, it’s too late."

The blade of disaster is like electric light, and it is instantaneously coming to the body of Stuart. Situ Han’s body is like a meteorite. He is kneeling on the ground, huge pits, earth and stone, when the smoke is exhausted, Situ John has disappeared, he used the secret method to escape the birth day.

If Wei Invincible really wants to chase, it is not chasing, but, such a big movement, the strong man of Zhentiangong may have noticed that, let’s take a step back, even if they did not find it, the Tianzun who is present may have been summoned to the elders of Zhentian Temple. Wei invincible has not been arrogant, and will not put the elders of the town Tiangong in mind.

"All the warriors who came from Lingjia are coming to me, and this son will take you away."

At the same time as she spoke, she even stunned all the Tianzun of the Tiangong Temple. The threat meant that it was self-evident that the Tianzun of the Tiantian Temple was not a fool. One by one, one eye closed, and one did not know the front. What happened, now offends her words, perhaps the same as the white wolf Tianzun and the silver moon Tianzun.

"Going to the ship."

Wei invincible took out a small palm boat. When her source was infused into the boat, the boat was skyrocketing. Even hundreds of people stood on it and still didn't seem crowded. They came from Lingjia for 81 days. The martial arts martial arts martial arts, Lingdao killed ten, Xianyi Palace, the old seven left, Butterfly Dance, Qian Hui, Ao Long, Lei Wenyuan and Dong Miaoyin in the world of the Princess of Wine, there are still 65 people.

There was her urging the warship, enough to make the speed of the warship surpass the general Tianzun, she did not stop at all, because she killed the Tianzheng of the two town Tiangong, wounded a holy king of the town Tiangong, and dispatched the strongman to the town Tiangong. If you deal with him, the realm will definitely not be lower than the holy kingdom.

"Where to go."

The warship was only five kilometers ahead. Lingdao and others heard a big drink. One young warrior fell to the ground. A black big hand seemed to cover the sun in the sky and caught them. The strongmen of the town Tiangong have already chased, and they want to escape, it is simply a luxury.

Wei Invincible immediately displayed the catastrophe and martyrdom, the blade of the great disaster, squatting in the black hand, even if Situ Han could not stop the killing, but it could not help the **** hand, the blade of disaster is like a sinking sea. Just splashing a layer of ripples.

"When it is finished, it is actually a monarch, this son is not an opponent."

The black hand is extremely fast. The five fingers are like the pillars of the sky. They are inserted on the ground and blocked in front of them. Wei invincible drives the ship and wants to escape from other directions. Unfortunately, it is a black. Big hand, in front of the warship.

One big one after another, forming a cage, trapping the warship inside, let alone the young warriors such as Ling Dao can't escape, even if Wei is invincible, there is no way, Daojun shot, it is not Tianzun can compete, Wudao As the realm reaches the later stage, the gap is greater. Tianzun and Daojun are two different realms.

"Killing the Tianzun of the Tiangong Palace in my town, I still want to go."

Situ Bailang and Situ Yinyue are the Tianzun of Zhentian Temple. Wei invincible nailed them to the void. The elders of Zhentian Temple could not care, let alone Situ Yinyue is a Xuantianzun, not the average Tianzun. If Wei is invincible and retreat, what is the qualification of Zhentiangong to dominate the Tianwang domain.

A middle-aged man appeared in the vision of Ling Dao. His face was rough, his face was full of beards, his face was cheeky, and his face was hooked. He just stood there, and the overwhelming power was shrouded in all directions. He shot and traped Lingdao and others.

Lingdao has a card, and other young warriors may have a card. However, their cards are not enough in front of Daojun. Don’t say that the nine stone carvings of Lingdao have been used. Even if they are used for the first time, they will still not be able to How is Daojun, Daojun is enough to call the king to dominate, and even to create a power.

"It's really a group of daring juniors. I don't want to use the big platform of my town Tianzhu to break through. I dare to make a fuss in the Tiangong Palace. If you let you live alive, what is the majesty of the Tiangong Palace?" The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time See the genuine content!

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