The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 86: Saint Virgin

"Elders, among them, who is on the big picture."

When the elders of Zhentian Temple were preparing to teach Lingdao and others, the voice of a young woman came from afar. The face of the elders of the Tiantian Palace was stiff, and the body was fixed in place, taking a group of juniors to come to him. It’s just a small matter. I didn’t expect to encounter this little ancestor. It’s unfortunate.

The Virgin Mary, the realm of the Virgin, is far less advanced than the elders, but his status is higher than that of the average elders. Her talent is high. She is now Taitianzun and hopes to become a tyrant. Her father is the emperor of the Tiangong Temple. As a saint and an emperor, how many people in the town Tiangong dare not give her face.

She is dressed in a red brocade, and the long hair of the black hair springs naturally falls, the willow eyebrows, the Danfeng eye, the face slightly powdered, the neck wearing a necklace, like a crystal, the crystal clear, sparkling, white jade bracelet at the wrist To make her skin whiter.

"It turned out to be His Royal Highness. In fact, I just came. The specific situation is completely unclear." The elders of Zhentian Temple don't want to be wrapped up by the Virgin's Highness, and they quickly push off the road. "The Tianzun who informed me earlier should know that His Royal Highness can Look for them."

Duanmuzhen nodded, did not continue to ask, but let the elders of the town Tiangong breathe a sigh of relief, the elders of the Tiantian Palace repeatedly shot, a pillar of the sky, locked the Wei invincible warship, hard to pull near the big platform, not Wei invincible does not want to resist, but her struggle is futile.

"The Holy Virgin has something to ask you, and you honestly confess, among them is the great power who is on board."

It is also the elder of the Tiantian Palace, and the Highness of the Virgin. The Tianzun who is present is of course knowing everything, and the words of the Virgin are quite arrogant. If they cause dissatisfaction with His Royal Highness, even the Highness of the Virgin will kill them on the spot. No one avenged them.

"Kid, it's a bit of a skill, it's even worse than I was."

Duanmuzhen carefully looked at Lingdao and said with a smile. If someone thought that she was really praising Lingdao, it was absolutely a big mistake. The sacred woman was narrow-minded. It was not a secret in Zhentian Temple. She took the initiative to admit it. Lingdao, I want to come to Lingdao, there is definitely no good end.

The Duanmu Emperor of Zhentian Temple has one son and one daughter. Unfortunately, when they were in the peak of the sky, none of them reached the big trend. Of course, Duanmuzhen’s performance at that time was very good. The holy stage was marching three hundred and nine. Ten meters, only ten meters can reach the end.

"and then."

Lingdao only asked a faintly sentence, but he was not happy because of Duanmuzhen’s praise. Duanmuzhen’s eyebrows were wrinkled. I thought that Lingdao would be polite, or sincerely afraid, who knows that Lingdao has no reaction, even if Lingdao does not Know that she is the daughter of Duanmu Emperor, the four words of His Royal Highness, he should have heard it.

As everyone knows, the saint is in the heart of Lingdao, there is really no shock. There are several saints who have seen Lingdao. It is said that whoever has the strongest strength is definitely the Ziwei Saint, and Duanmuzhen is not good. Yin Qingyi is The saint is also an emperor, and the ranks of the heavens are still behind him.

"How about being a subordinate of this saint, following this saint."

Duanmuzhen and Lingdao are innocent and have no enmity. There is no need to kill Lingdao. It is best to conquer Lingdao. With her status, with her beauty, let a king of heavenly surrender, there should be no problem, let alone, Although she did not say it, Lingdao should know what will happen if she refuses her.

"The Holy Lady is thinking twice. He just wants to be a disciple of our town Tiangong. He also asks the Virgin to put him down."

The elders of Zhentiangong said with a hard scalp that the young warriors who can make a breakthrough in the big world are so talented that they can't imagine that such a genius can definitely get the attention of Zhentiangong. He can't wait to open the best conditions and let Lingdao nod. Who knows, the Highness of the Virgin wants to be a subordinate, and the ugly point is the slave.

If it wasn’t for Dumuzhen, it would be replaced by other Tianzun. The elders of Zhentian Palace had already slapped them and flew them. They didn’t want to let Lingdao be a disciple of Tiangong, but they also insulted Lingdao. The genius who can climb the big world will certainly not agree with Duanmuzhen’s proposal.

"Why, are you elders with opinions about this saint?"

The next sentence of the Temple of the Virgin is to make the elders of the Tiantian Temple numb, to offend who is not good, but to offend the Highness of the Virgin, it is simply too long, anyway, Lingdao is not his apprentice, there is no need for Lingdao, and Sheng The unhappy woman is not happy.

"The temple of the Virgin has misunderstood, they are all handed over to you, what do you want to do, how to do it."

He is a prince who is not a fake. He is the elder of Zhentian Temple. Even in the Tianwang domain, his status is not bad. However, Duanmuzhen’s father is the great emperor, Duanmuzhen’s brother is the saint, and Duanmuzhen himself It is a saint, he is still good to shut up.

"Account for your knowledge." Duanmuzhen paused, and regretfully said, "I still want to smoke you a few whip. After all, you are the elder of Zhentiangong, and you are also a gentleman.

The elders of Zhentian Palace only felt that the cold sweat was rolling down. Duanmuzhen might not be able to hurt him, but in front of a group of young disciples, Duanmuzhen whip his face and he couldn’t get through the face. He stood aside honestly, no matter what Duanmu Jane will make a blind eye, and even close his eyes.

"Now it's daytime, why do you start dreaming?"

Duanmu Zhenzhen is compelling, Lingdao certainly won't give her a good look, and she won't be polite with her. Lingdao can be sure that they won't have anything. Lingjia Emperor arranged for Wei invincible to come and explain their life and death. As long as the Lingjia Emperor is willing to take it, the town Tiangong can't do anything about them.

"Give face, face, come to the saint, and ask him to beg for mercy."

Tian Zun, who was present at the scene, wanted to start, but after Wei invincible glanced at it, he did not dare to come. They witnessed Wei’s invincible killing of White Wolf Tianzun and Yinyue Tianzun. If Wei is invincible to start with them, they certainly do not What will be good to end.

"Hey." A whip was drawn on the front of Tianzun. Duanmuzhen said coldly, "A bunch of useless things, I really don't know how you became Tianzun, let you play a small one." Uranus, you are still timid and look forward to the future."

Didn't wait for other Tianzun to have any action, Duanmuzhen was a whip to take down, and another Tianzun pumped the skin, and Dumuzhen itself was Taitianzun, and the whip was a holy weapon. Of course they couldn't stop it. Fortunately, other Tianzun learned to be smart, and quickly rushed to Lingdao, ready to start.

Wei is invincible than their shots. She holds a spear in the left and right hands and pierced the body of the two gods. The two gods are rushing to the front. I want to give a good impression to the temple. Who is this? Knowing that he died in the hands of Wei invincible, Wei has no enemy to kill them, there is no difficulty at all.

"I want to call my younger brother and ask if this son doesn't."

The latter Tian Zun quickly stopped his footsteps. If he did not shoot, he would just whip his whip. If he shot, it would be the death of his body. Wei’s invincible speed was too fast. Even if Duan Zhenzhen wanted to stop it, it was simply too late. Of course, the two gods’ lives It’s not worth mentioning in Duanmu’s heart.

"I am the lord of the Virgin, she is the tyrant, we can't beat her."

One of the Tianzun eyes turned around and quickly said that Wei was invincible. On the one hand, he explained why they didn't dare to do it. On the other hand, he wanted to remind His Royal Highness, so that the Holy Lady should not do it. Unfortunately, Duanmuzhen I was not grateful to him at all, but instead a lash on his face, burning pain.

"Why, you think that this holy woman is not as good as the tyrant."

The virgin is very angry, because she was despised by others, and it is also the Tianzun of the Tiantian Temple. If the Tianzun does not say that Wei is invincible, she may not be able to do it. Now, she has to do it, she is not only Tai Tian Zun, or the biological daughter of Duanmu Emperor.

The long whip of the sacred weapon level was once again drawn out, but this time the goal is no longer the Tianzun of the Tiantian Palace, but Wei Weidi, Duanmuzhen is not a fool, can become a tyrant, certainly not good to deal with, seven Tianfu The illusion has appeared one after another.

Don't look at Duanmuzhen just picking out a whip at random. In fact, she is using the whip method of Zhentian Temple. The long whip is like a real dragon, and it is like a sacred elephant. It is more like a nine-tailed fox swaying its tail and whip. One is nine, the speed is fast, and the power breaks out in an instant.

Wei invincible is still calm, exerting great disasters and martyrdom, the blade of great disaster, slamming out, like to divide yin and yang, cracking the sky, floods, fires, windstorms, like roaring wild beasts, and Duanmuzhen The whip confrontation is together, like a flash flood, deafening, shaking.

Eight Tianfu virtual shadows exude a ray of light, and the style of Duanmuzhen is completely suppressed. Unfortunately, Wei Invincible does not take up much of the cheap, just let Duanmuzhen go backwards half a step, Duanmuzhen’s strength, than Situ John is even stronger, because she is not only Taitianzun, but also the biological daughter of the Emperor, but also holding the holy soldiers.

The advantage of Wei's invincible is that there is more Tianfu. The disadvantage lies in the birth. It is the weapon. If she can become the apprentice of Lingjia Dadi, even if there is no breakthrough, the combat strength can still be improved. It can be said that the full strength of Ba Tianzun, Wei Invincible Not fully controlled.

"His Royal Highness, how to deal with such a small role, why bother to take your own shot."

Hey, when the elders are different, not only the realm is deep, but even the speech is higher than the presence of Tianzun. Of course, even if the presence of Tianzun joins hands, it is still not Wei’s invincible opponent. The elders can not care about Wei invincible, just because he is Dao Jun.

"Well, the saint will give her to you, first interrupt the limbs, then drag it out to feed the dog." The first book from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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