The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 91: Ye Xin shot

"I am really in a dream."

Lingdao’s face is incredible. Because the dream is too real. He tried to lick himself. It hurts. Everything around me. Let him feel that the real can no longer be true. Do you know that you are in the big dream? He certainly won't know that he is in the dream world.

If it is his enemy. Have such terrible strength. Then he really didn't know how he died. No wonder some people say that Menghuang can compete with the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. He did not know how powerful the Three Emperors and Five Emperors were. Anyway, the dream kingdom has made him feel unfathomable.

Other kings who came in with him before the war. I don't know where it is. Anyway, he did not see one. The first trial has a blood dragon spirit. The second trial is to let him break through. What to assess in the third trial. He is not at all clear.

"Well. It turned out to be the predecessor of the king of heaven. Good luck."

A young warrior rushed over to the place where Lingdao was. He is a disciple of Menghuangdao. It is of course to sharpen the body to the dream kingdom. unfortunately. He is only in the middle of the kingdom. It is not the opponent of the king of the kings. The emergence of Lingdao. It made his eyes shine.

The disciples of Menghuangdao are the most courageous in the dream kingdom. Nothing they dare not provoke. Because they have the symbol. Die in a dream. The real world is safe and sound. Horizontally afraid of it. I am afraid of being unwilling. Many warriors are not willing to provoke the disciples of Menghuang Island in the Dream Emperor.

"Kid. I am unlucky to meet me. If there is any last words. You can say it."

He is not the first time to enter the dream world. Just the previous performance. not so good. When the king was in the early days. He chose to kill the enemy in the sky. Even now he is in the middle of the kingdom. Still intending to kill the domain in the day. of course. Encounter the king of the king before the war. He certainly won't miss it.

Because he kills a warrior every time. Menghuangdao Tongtong has a record. just. The record is simple. Will not specifically remember what the realm of the military. Just record how many killings in the sky. How many killings are in the kingdom of heaven. Take his realm. Kill ten warriors in the sky. Still no Tianwang domain kills a warrior.

"There is no hate in the dark."

Once you shoot. It is life and death. Because killing each other. The other party is dead. The other party killed him. Just consume a symbol. He has two sources. One is the dark source. Can make him like an assassin. Hidden in the night. The other is the origin of the sword. Can make his swords and powers. Improve a grade.

The night of the dream kingdom. There are bright moons and stars. just. His dark origins shrouded the entire battlefield. Deal with the king of the king. He has no confidence. But kill a pre-war king. Extremely simple. Say. Lingdao is still a raw face. I don’t think it’s a great genius.

"Nothing is innocent. See you for the first time. Just kill the killer. Maybe. I know what the third trial is."

Dream Emperor Island disciple. The king of the king of heaven. Nothing at all. Lingdao is just a simple punch. Boxing is all right. Teared the dark source. Wandering in the swords of the warriors in the middle of the kingdom. Just a punch. The power that broke out. It is to make the face of the king of heaven in the middle of the war.

"Not good. I kicked the iron plate. It is no wonder that he was only in the early days of the king. He dared to wander in the kingdom."

He has a symbol. It does not die in Menghuang Island. just. Fuxi needs to contribute points to redeem. The big dream Qianqiu Cave is indeed free and open. but. If there is no sign. He is no different from the warriors of other forces. Again. His record. Will end in Lingdao...

Lingdao’s fist is a hard-boiled sword. With the power of the majestic. The hard-boiled push of the sword is pushed back. He is in the middle of the king of the kingdom. The blood is splashing. In the middle of the kingdom, the body of the warrior was split in two. It must be dead. however. Last minute. A symbol appears. Let him reorganize his flesh and blood. Disappeared in the field.

"Diamond Island's disciple."

At the time of Wan Fuzong. Ling Dao has learned to be a symbol. However, the previous symbol. Too complicated. It is not what he can understand now. if not. As long as he portrays the symbol. Death in a dream can't affect the real world.

Not only did Lingdao meet the disciples of Menghuangdao. Butterfly Dance and Qianhui also met the disciples of Menghuangdao. The dragons and Lei Wenyuan encountered the warriors of other forces. Compared to the disciple of Menghuangdao. Warriors of other forces should be more careful. They won't be free to shoot.

unfortunately. There is no way to hide the realm of the dream kingdom. Others can see it at a glance. They are only in the early days of the king. The warrior below the king of heaven. I will not come to the kingdom domain at all. Therefore, this is the case. The king of heaven was the lowest warrior in the realm of the kingdom. It is the best weapon to kill.

The most unfortunate thing is a young genius who broke through to the predecessor of the king on the human level. Because he met Ye Xie, the disciple of Duanmu Emperor. He does not know Ye Xin. Ye Xin knows him. and so. Ye Xin said nothing. It was to kill him on the spot. The first day of the town Tiangong. Kill a warrior in front of the king. It's as simple as pinching an ant.

"You are the first one. But you are not the last one. The other twenty-nine. I will be buried for you soon."

Ye Xinte remembered the appearance of the thirty warriors in the predecessor. Just to be in the dream world. Kill them one by one. He has no stay. After killing the first warrior of the king of heaven. I rushed to other places. Take his strength. I don't think there is any danger in the kingdom.

The young warrior who came from Lingjia. Found one thing. Enough to make them panic. That is, they don't know where the heavens are. In case you arrive at Tianjun domain. They will only die faster. What's more. They are even where they are. Do not know at all.

Fortunately, the area of ​​the Tianwang domain is not small. Ye Xin found an hour. Still did not find a second goal. of course. A disciple of Menghuang Island provoked him. I want to get him to practice. Of course he will not be merciless. The disciple of Menghuang Island delayed his time. He can't wait to kill them all.

After Yuan Yuanzhuo entered Tianzun domain. Just caught a god. Forced him how to go to the king of the king. unfortunately. That Tianzun did not know at all. Qi Yuanzhuo did not hesitate to kill him. then. He won the second and third Tianzun. It was not until the fourth Tianzun knew how to get to the kingdom.

His method. Not brilliant. Cao Yangde can also think of it. As long as you don't encounter a strong person from the Holy Land, the Dao Jun domain and the Taoist domain... You Yuan Zhuo can completely walk in the Tianzun domain. He and Cao Yangde used the method. The predecessor of the king from the Ling family did not think of it. It’s just that they have no ability to execute.

In the kingdom of the king of dreams. The king of the kings is absolutely not less than five figures. The predecessor of the king from the Ling family wants to find a warrior who can deal with it. It’s hard to go to heaven. Because other pre-war kings had already traveled to Tiancheng. They are not willing to find death in the king of heaven.

They don’t know about Lingdao. Danger is approaching step by step. Ye Xin is already powerful enough. Cao Yangde and Qi Yuanzhuo will only be stronger. Don't talk about other pre-war kings. Even Lingdao. Encounter them. There will still be no chance of winning. They want to kill the words of Lingdao. It can be said. The possibility of Lingdao's death is very large.

"No. Killing one after another, the king of the heavens. There is no added effect on me at all."

From now on to the present. The king of the king who killed Lingdao. There are already thirteen. The location of the first trial was the Dragon King World. Just get the blood dragon spirit. You can enhance your strength. He also thought that the Dream Emperor had a similar function to the Dragon World. It seems that he wants more.

have to say. His luck is very good. Because he met the thirteen kings of the warriors. There is only one king who is in the kingdom. The rest is not the end of the king of the king of the war, the king of the king of the king. He was at the peak of the day. It is possible to counter the kings of the kings. Break through to the pre-King period. His strength is another big step forward.

"Haha. Finally let me find one. You are my second goal."

It is twenty miles away from Lingdao. Ye Xin met a former warrior from the Ling family. He is not someone else. It is Ray Wenyuan. unfortunately. Ye Xin did not know what happened on the big stage. If he knows that Levin is able to board the Holy Land. Definitely more happy.

"You are looking for me."

Lei Wenyuan is the first time to come to Tianmeng. It stands to reason that no warrior knows him. Ye Xin’s words. I am very confused. Ye Xin is the king of heaven and king. And the strength is extremely powerful. It is by no means comparable to the general king of the king. Lei Wenyuan took a step back. Watching Ye Xin with vigilance.

"Yes. You may not know me. But the name of Duanmu Emperor. You must have heard of it. Yes. I am the apprentice of Duanmu Emperor. What you did in Tianwang is too much. I decided to do it all." Kill. Respect for the teacher."

Ye Xin doesn't mind telling his own origins. Anyway, Levin is far in his eyes. Already a dead person. The young warrior who came from Lingjia. It is to be the apprentice of Lingjia the Great. And he is already an apprentice of Duanmu Emperor. Presumably, Levin’s heart must have envied him.

unfortunately. He is in the eyes of Lei Wenyuan. Did not see you. Also did not see envy. Not even fear. Die in the dream kingdom. The real world is also dead. Is Levin far from fear of death? Still, Lei Wen far does not know the things of the dream kingdom.

"Then you are still nonsense. Shoot."

The words of Lei Wenyuan. It is to let Ye Xin take a look. Ye Xin’s first reaction. It is Ray Wen’s brain that has problems. The second reaction. It is a trap. just. Lei Wenyuan is a warrior in front of the king. What traps can be placed. Is it that Lei Wenyuan has the ability to kill him?

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