The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 92: One chasing two escapes

"Tian Lei wings."

The silver snake dances. Purple electric fly. Take advantage of Ye Xin’s efforts. Lei Wenyuan has already shot. The fifth level of the source of the thunder. Condensed into a pair of huge wings. An electric snake is like a feather. Start with a strong hand. After the start, I suffered. Ye Xin is much higher than Lei Wen in three small realms. Of course, Lei Wenyuan must seize the opportunity.

It’s awkward. The earth is turned into scorched earth. There is an anxious atmosphere in the void. Huge thunder wings. Like two swords. At the same time. The thunder of the sky. A thunder sea has evolved. The waves are rolling. The waves are everywhere. Where the sword passed. Dazzling light. The thorns of Ye Xin’s eyes hurt.

"I don't know how to live. You are three lower realms than me. Even if you attack, you can't change your defeat."

Ye Xin glanced at Lei Wenyuan with angrily. I did not expect that Lei Wenyuan deliberately stimulated him with words. Let him lose his mind. unfortunately. The truth is as he said. Absolute strength in front of. The sneak attack has no effect at all. He even killed the Heavenly King. The predecessor of the king of heaven is really worth mentioning.

"Chiba kills."

One after another green leaves. Floating in front of Ye Xin. The veins on the surface of the leaves are clear. Every green leaf. Only the size of the palm. But it can easily kill the king of the king. Chiba kills all the green leaves. Gather together. Turned into a green long sword.

Not the same as ordinary swords. The green sword has no blade. The place where the original blade was. It is covered with serrations. It is the tip of a piece of green leaves. When the green sword is smashing to the sky. Jianguang green oil. Cover all directions. Sawtooth is like cutting a void. A harsh rubbing sound was heard.

In the eyes of Ye Xin. Flashed a trace of disdain. If it was not the order of the Duanmu Emperor himself. He was too lazy to deal with a group of young warriors who had just broken through on the big stage. It is not a level of strength at all. The martial arts of Lei Wenyuan. It is impossible to stop his Chiba kill.

The green sword cuts hundreds of silver snakes. It is like a broken bamboo on the wings of the sky. The huge Tianlei wings are broken instantly. Ye Xin feels that the outcome has been divided. Even if Le Wenyuan is using other martial arts. Blocking his Chiba kill. It will still suffer from minor trauma. He shot for the second time. You can definitely have a life of Levin.

just. The development of things. Once again, I missed Ye Xin’s expectations. The huge Tianlei wings are crushed. Once again form a pair of wings. Lei Wenyuan suddenly turned around. The wings seem to grow on his body. A double wings show. Fantastically fanned. His body is like lightning. Disappeared in the field.

"The bastard. The rabbit is a scorpion."

Ye Xin knows. From beginning to end. Lei Wenyuan did not plan to fight with him at all. Even if Levin took a step forward to him. Just to give yourself time to escape. He was transferred by the group that Lei Wenyuan played. After the reaction. His face is blue. Gas to liver pain.

骂 骂. Gas is back. Ye Xin was still the first time to catch up... The king of the dream kingdom is very large. It’s hard to find the second goal. Of course you can't let go. Kill one more. The credit is a big point. I wanted to take all the credit. It seems impossible now.

coincidentally. The direction in which Raven is moving forward. It happened to be directed at Lingdao. Lei Wenyuan is very fast. Even Ye Xin. They are all shocked. Because Lei Wenyuan is not slower than Ye Xin. Fortunately, Ye Xin has full confidence. Because he knows that Levin is very expensive. Certainly not sustainable.

"Yeah. Lei Wenyuan."

Ling Wen first saw Lei Wenyuan. Not only because his eyesight is far more than other kings. Also because Levin is eager to run away. It is too late to observe the front. When Lei Wenyuan noticed the Lingdao... It was less than a kilometer away from Lingdao. Ye Xin is still behind. Lei Wenyuan has no time to change direction.

"Run fast. Duanmu Emperor let his apprentices chase us. There is one behind."

Duanmu Emperor four words. Enough to make Lingdao play a spirit of one hundred and twenty. Don't look at Lei Wenyuan's battle for the sky in the ancient times. Ranked sixth. His true combat power. Absolutely still ahead. A warrior who can let Raven escape. Lingdao is also not sure to deal with it.

"What state."

Lingdao asked a subconsciously. Then I remembered it. They are in the kingdom of the king of dreams. Regardless of the realm of the warrior who pursued Lei Wenyuan. Now the highest can only be the peak of the king. It can be said. The third trial place. Helped them a lot.

Switch to another place. The apprentice of Duanmu Emperor. Just a god. They can kill them. Menghuangjie suppressed the realm of their opponents. Let them have the possibility of living. but. Can do the apprentice of Duanmu Emperor. It must be a genius. There are three small realms. Lingdao is definitely not an opponent.

"The king of heaven is at its peak. And I can see that he is the peak of the king of heaven. It is not the realm of the reign of the emperor."

Let Lei Wenyuan rest assured. The speed of Lingdao is not slower than him. The flesh is tyrannical. It’s just a part of the power of the wild. It’s like a wild singer, and there is not only a real dragon change. There are also phoenix changes, 鲲 变 change, idols and so on. The speed of the road. It is the same strength as his body. Far beyond the border warlords.

"You have played with him. You should know something about his strength. If you and I join forces. Can you kill him?"

Run away. After all, it is not the solution. The warrior sent by Duanmu Emperor. There must be more than one. Lingdao concluded. Chasing their other warriors. Definitely more powerful. If you chase and kill Lei Wenyuan. It is the words of Heavenly or Holy King. Lingdao did not have the idea of ​​killing each other.

"I really broke through the iron shoes. I didn't have to work hard. I didn't expect it. I even met a goal. And it is still a key goal."

The eyesight of Duanmu Emperor. How high is it. Even Butterfly Dance, Qian Hui, Ao Long, Dong Miaoyin and Lei Wenyuan boarded the Holy Land. Still not a key target. Ye Xin understands. Thirty kings are among the former warriors. There is only one key target. It is Lingdao.

It can be said. Kill one of the Lingdao. More than killing ten individual warriors. The credit must be great. The reason why Duanmu Emperor valued Lingdao is very simple. Because of his son and daughter. Did not board the big trend. Even when he was at the peak of the day. It’s just a breakthrough on the holy stage.

"You two don't want to escape. You will be awkward. I can give you a good time. Otherwise, I will let you know. What is life is better than death."

Ye Xin followed behind Lingdao and Lei Wenyuan... shouted loudly. He is not afraid of Lingdao and Lei Wenyuan to find other helpers. Even the ten kings of the kings of the kings gathered together. Still not his opponent at all. He followed Lingdao and Lei Wenyuan without hesitation. It is the intention of holding a long line to catch big fish.

"Difficult. Hard. Don't say tricks. Even if they add the proud dragons. They still have no chance of winning. His strength. It is even stronger than the mid-term Tianjun. There should be no problem in the later period."

Follow the leaf letter behind. The face is slightly changed. I did not expect that Lei Wenyuan actually passed a trick to kill. Just judge his strength. Ye Xin is the first king of the town Tiangong. It does have the strength to compete with the late Tianjun. To know. The gap between Tianwang and Tianjun is enormous. Ye Xin was in the early days of the day. It can also counter the predecessor of the king of heaven... across four small realms. It can only span three small realms.

"Is it late?"

Lingdao’s heart is a glimpse. He was in the early days of the king. Of course, it is not the opponent of the late Tianjun. And the gap is not that big. Just don't know. The stone king can be used in the king of the dream kingdom. The nine stone carvings that Wan Fuzong got. It does not exert much power. But he also has blood mosquito carvings.

but. Can not be used. Still not used well. Because Duanmu Emperor has other apprentices to chase them. Ye Xin is only the first one. If you deal with Ye Xin. It relies on blood mosquito carvings. Then. Deal with the warriors behind. He has lost a killer. Not a last resort. Blood mosquito carvings are still hidden.

"I mean to listen to him. As long as you follow what I said. They have the opportunity to kill him."

Lei Wenyuan uses the will to pass the sound. Ye Xin did not know what he and Ling Dao said. When the dragon is in the world. Lei Wenyuan killed the king. And not relying on blood dragon spirit. just. Ye Xin is an apprentice of Duanmu Emperor. Maybe there is a life card. In case the method of Lei Wenyuan fails. Then he is likely to be ruined.

Fortunately, I met Lingdao. If you have Lingdao help. The chances of success are much greater. The first trial and the second trial. Lingdao performance is outstanding. Lei Wenyuan has confidence in him. however. Do this. It is possible to expose the secrets of Lei Wenyuan.

It can be said. All the world knows that Lei Wenyuan is secret. Only himself. If it is not trusting Lingdao. He would rather stop running. Not willing to use the method he thought of. of course. Lingdao is just a predecessor of the king. And it is still a small disciple. It is not always possible to recognize purple blood.

"Good. What do you say? I will do it."

Lingdao did not know where Lei Wenyuan came from. I was confident that I would kill Ye Xin, the peak of the king. but. He did not question Lei Wenyuan. Instead, choose to unconditionally believe in Lei Wenyuan. If Levin is using his escape. Then he will definitely die in the hands of Ye Xin. He believes that Levin is not a despicable villain. It’s like Levin’s belief that he won’t escape.

"It's very simple. I will start with him. No matter what happens. You don't want to intervene. Whether he kills me or I voluntarily blew. You can rest assured. I haven't lived enough. I won't die. Whether he kills me." Still I committed suicide. It’s just an illusion.

When he thought I was dying. When I relax my vigilance. You will fight with him again. You have to do it. Not defeating him. Not killing him. It is delaying time. As long as it can attract his attention. That's it. Remember. Take your life as a priority. Do not be impulsive. I believe. Laugh at the last person. It must be us. ”

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