The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 96: Heavenly slavery

"The lord Cao Yangde, the apprentice of Duanmu Emperor of Zhentiangong, the first day of the king of heaven, following this prince, will not humiliate you."

Cao Yangde’s self-reported identity is to reduce unnecessary troubles. The Tianwang martial arts who tracked Lingdao are not in a minority. It’s hard to see a real dragon. You must not miss it. You don’t know how many strong people want to be a real dragon. It is a symbol of status and a manifestation of strong strength.

The dragons are the emperor's forces that have been passed down from the wilderness to the present. The real dragon is the strongest race among the dragons. Generally speaking, the Terran warriors in the same realm are not the opponents of the real dragon. Except for the genius, Cao Yangde wants to conquer. The real dragon is also expected to become a peerless power after the real dragon. At that time, there is a real dragon to help, even if it is an opponent of Cao Yangde's flag, he still can't beat him.

"The first day of the king of heaven, have you heard of it?"

"He is warning us that if we **** the real dragon with him, he will definitely not be merciful."

"If we take the shot, we can beat him."

Other warriors did not leave immediately, but retreated to the distance. The real dragon is proud, and certainly will not promise Cao Yangde. Then, Cao Yangde and Zhenlong must have a battle. Even if the Terran is now dominated by the heavens and the earth, the true dragon family still looks down on the Terran. How can you be willing to be the mount of the Terran Heavenly King?

Regardless of what Cao Yangde used to do before, anyway, it can only be the peak of the king of heaven and the rule of the dream kingdom. Cao Yangde, a peak of the king, must not be broken. If he shows his strength, it is not enough to deter other kings. Then, he not only can't get the real dragon, but he may also die in the hands of other kings.

"The first day of the king of heaven, which is the green onion."

Fortunately, Lingdao has seen the real dragon in the world of Dragon Lord. Otherwise, it can't imitate the arrogance of the true dragon family. Whether it is the prince of the true dragon family, or the scorpion and the red dragon, there is no one to put the Terran In the eyes, since the incarnation of the real dragon, then, there must be a real dragon.

"If the first day of our dragon family is here, you can suppress you by turning your hand, and you can kill you by raising your hand."

Who is the first day of the Dragon, who does not know Lingdao, but does not prevent him from bragging. Zhentian Temple is definitely not as good as the Dragon. I want to come to the first day of the Tiangong Palace. It is not the first day of the Dragon. Possible things, retreat 10,000 steps, even if the Dragon King is not as good as Cao Yangde, still no problem, because Cao Yangde certainly has not seen the first day of the Dragon.

Lingdao’s words, it’s impossible to wear a gang, but his heart has already been raised. Others don’t believe Cao Yangde’s words, Thaksin, because he knows that Duanmu’s emperor did send strong men to chase them, the first day of the king’s domain, Even if the realm is suppressed to the peak of the king, it must be stronger than Ye Xin.

If you reveal your identity, the possibility of Ling Dao’s escape in the hands of Cao Yangde is very small. Ye Xin’s power is personally taught. Cao Yangde is still the brother of Ye Xin. Of course he does not want to go with Cao Yangde. More, more and more wrong, the more you say, the more flaws you have.

"I have heard that the true dragons are arrogant and arrogant. If you are not fake, your dragons are not overlords. They can only be partial. Just if your dragons are really powerful, why haven’t you swept all the people of the Terran, then, you In the early days of a king, what qualifications are yelling in front of the king."

The world of hundreds of meters wide, gathered together, pressed Lingdao gasp, Lingdao use the world's general trend, can only be able to protect his body, his use of the world is even more subtle than Cao Yangde, but unfortunately Being affected by the realm.

Cao Yangde’s own cultivation is the same as that of Ling Dao’s past life. He is also a disciple of the emperor’s power. He is also an apprentice of the great emperor. It is reasonable to say that his control over the world’s general situation should be stronger, but Lingdao not only has memories of past life. It was once in the reincarnation tree, and it has experienced a reincarnation of the world, and the Tenth Heavenly King, of course, is better than Cao Yangde.

"Do me to do it, you have to think clearly. If I don't die, you will wait for the dragon's killing order. On the contrary, if I die in your hands, then you will wait for the dragon strong to drive to the town of Tiangong, forcing The great emperor of your town Tiangong will hand over your murderer."

Lingdao Fox fake Huwei, with the help of the dragon's power, scare Cao Yangde, anyway, no matter how Cao Yangde insulted the dragon, he has no relationship with him, he is not really a dragon warrior, the identity of the real dragon is quite good, than the town Tiangong, Lingxiaoge, ancient The emperor's disciples are so good.

Even the disciple of Duanmu Emperor still dare not to blatantly kill the real dragon. Ling Dao kills Chi Longyang in the Dragon King World. It can be said that it is daring, not the average person dares to do it. Of course, Cao Yangde did not kill the truth at first. In the plan of the dragon, he once practiced a secret technique called the sacred slavery.

As long as the slaves are planted in the world of the will of other warriors, as time goes by, the slaves will be like seeds, break out of the earth, thrive, and blossom, and the dream kingdom is the same as the real world. Once Cao Yangde succeeds, Even if you leave the big dreams, the slaves in the world of Lingdao will still exist.


Five dragon claws attacked at the same time, like five miniature dragons, vacated, flying over the river, and smashing the void. Lingdao saw the Princess of the wine show the Zulongba, even if he used it, it was just like Holding Cao Yangde, after all, Cao Yangde knows how much he knows. He doesn't know at all, he can only be careful.

Cao Yangde did not think that Lingdao actually shot him first, and the real dragon in the early days of the king, he really did not put it in his eyes, just took the Lingdao first, and then planted the slave in the will world of Lingdao. It is certainly no problem to deal with the real dragons in the early days of the Tianwang period.

Unfortunately, in the Tianwang domain of Menghuangjie, Cao Yangde could not use the Tao, or else, it was easy to break the boxing method of Lingdao. He extended his right hand and opened his fingers, like five iron bars, and collapsed at the same time. A finger, just corresponds to a fist shadow.


The fist shadow is broken, the power is scattered, and a huge piece of boulder is crushed. The collision of the original source and the retreat of the ridge are repeated. It is also the source of the fifth level. The source of the Yuan Dynasty is certainly not weak. However, the original strength of Cao Yangde has been overcome. The influence has become more reinforced.

Like a stone, squatting on the dragon's scales, it made a metal-like percussion. The body of the dragon is tyrannical, and there are dragon scales. The defense is better. The first confrontation, Lingdao only Retreating, no injuries, just, he did not mean the slightest meaning of Cao Yangde, because Cao Yangde did not take it seriously.

"It's a bit of a skill, and this gentleman is more interested in you."

A big hand, slammed into Lingdao, Cao Yangde made a full effort, even if it was Lingdao, just saw a bunch of afterimages, as long as you hold the dragon's horn, you can grab the ridge in your hand, first Lingdao was seriously injured, and then he could cast a destiny to grow slavery.

However, Lingdao's reaction speed exceeded Cao Yangde's expectation. Lingdao is not like a real dragon, but like a Kun Peng, his speed is fast and incredible. Cao Yangde's big hand caught an empty one. Said to hold the dragon's horn, he did not even touch a dragon scale.

"Jiuyang Yang has a good hand."

Cao Yangde snorted, the fifth level of the origin of the fire, condensed nine small sun, distributed in nine directions, sealed all the escape routes of Lingdao, five fingers suddenly become longer, like rubber , the Linglong's dragon body, entangled in death.

Lingdao left and right, hit a long dragon, squatting on one small sun, his dragon scales scorching, braving the heat, the temperature of nine small suns is high, making him a headache. Yes, nine small suns are always moving, so that he has no breakthrough.

The dragon body began to grow bigger, but in an instant, it changed from a size to a hundred feet. The fingers wrapped around him were like hair. It could not affect his actions. Cao Yangde did not think that Lingdao was so. Bold, nine small suns burst one by one.

A blossoming flame, sprinkled on the body of Lingdao, caused a piece of dragon scales to burn up. Fortunately, Lingdao quickly used the fifth level of water to condense a big river and extinguish the flame. It was only a short time. In the confrontation, he understood how big the gap between himself and Cao Yangde.

"When a town Tiangong, the district Tianjun dare to die on the real dragon, do you feel too comfortable, do you think that if our dragons attack your town Tiangong, other emperors will help you, maybe, they want you guys The town of Tiangong is destroyed, and then they divide the big power station."

As long as the town Tiangong is destroyed, then the emperor forces in the territory near the Tianwang domain will definitely compete for the big trend. They can send the strongmen and station in the Tianwang domain, and they can use the big forces to train their disciples. Zhentiangong wants them to help, not bleeding. It is impossible.

Cao Yangde’s eyes flashed a sneer. The dragons have not yet arrogant to destroy which Terran forces, and they will destroy the ranks of the Terran forces. Besides, even if the Dragons really start with the Tiantian Palace, it is also the town’s palace and elders. The headache is nothing to do with him.

"What do we do, do you want to take it?"

"Is he the first day of the kingdom, I don't know, anyway, I am not as good as him."

After hiding in the distance, the King of Heavenly Warriors had seen Cao Yangde’s means, and there was no plan to compete with Cao Yangde for the real dragon. Cao Yangde did not dare to kill the real dragon, but killed them, there was no scruples, and the shots were not only benefiting. It is also possible to catch a life, and of course they will not be stupid.

"Today, even if you have a lotus flower, it still has no effect. You must take it with you. You are not able to fly."

Cao Yangde’s voice just fell. Above the sky, it was a fire and a fire pillar. It rose like a cage. It trapped the Ling Road. He used the power of will to unite into one. A large axe, ready to open the world of the will of the road, planting slaves.

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