The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 97: Ba Tianzun, Qi Yuanzhuo

"King Kong is in prison."

"Nine-tailed magic."

The real danger comes from Cao Yangde’s will to attack. If it is not the kingdom of the Emperor’s kingdom, the king’s will, Cao Yangde’s king’s will, can completely crush the will of the world, and become the first king of the king’s domain. Of course, Cao Yangde mastered the will of the king. Otherwise, if his will could not keep up, his strength could not be fully exerted.

The giant axe formed by Cao Yangde’s willpower can definitely open the world of the will of the king of the king, and the king’s will will suppress the ninth will, so that he can defeat the ninth will of other kings and kings. After all, after all, His experience is there.

Lingdao's will world is like gold. It shines with dazzling light, golden glitter, a huge fox tail, sweeping on a huge axe, hard hit, Lingdao is not as good as Cao Yangde, so what he wants to do is to use The giant axe squatted on the fox's tail, as if it were in a group of cotton.

"The worms are small and dare to offer ugliness in front of the prince."

Didn't take the Lingdao, but it made Cao Yangde extremely surprised. There are other kings in the distance who are arrogant. He not only wants to suppress the Lingdao, but also suppresses the beautiful and bright, his willpower, and he is ready to go. In a very short time, I planted a slave in the will of the world.

The majestic willpower, like the flood of the floodgates, poured out, the rivers flowed, the stream continued, as if there was nothing to stop the general, even if the distant kings of the heavenly warriors could not help but retreat, for fear of being affected. .

Cao Yangde’s face showed a disdainful smile. The real dragon in the early days of the king’s life could not be his opponent. Soon, he could successfully plant a slave print. After that, he would have a real dragon mount. The dragon has grown into a peerless powerhouse, perhaps not weaker than him, and when he is in the same position, who else can compete with him.

"It is this time, drink, exquisite, help me."

It can be said that Cao Yangde’s actions are just in the calculation of Ling Dao. With his strength, it is indeed not the opponent of Cao Yangde. However, once Cao Yangde uses all the willpower to deal with him, it is Cao Yangde’s weakest. At the time, other kings will not help him, and the wine and exquisite will definitely be able to shoot.

If it is normal, Xian Ling's martial arts can't do anything about Cao Yangde, but now it is different. Cao Yangde's realm is suppressed, and the willpower is coming out of the nest. It is impossible to resist the singer's martial arts. The timing was very precise, and the wine immediately sent Xian Linglong out.


If Xue fiercely stunned Cao Yangde and tried his best to display his skills, although Cao Yangde felt dangerous, he couldn’t come to confront him. The speed of sputum was equivalent to the speed of light. Cao Yangde only felt a sharp pain in his stomach. Then his stomach was like a balloon and swelled up.

"what's the situation."

Just when other Heavenly Kings felt that Lingdao would be defeated, Cao Yangde screamed and quickly recovered his willpower. He might continue to shoot, he could successfully plant a slave, but he might die. If he is dead, the destiny of slavery will have no use.

It’s not the same as before, because if the snow is worried that the sputum can’t work, and Cao Yangde is again and again, Cao Yangde’s belly is getting bigger and bigger. If he is in the Tianwang domain, those disciples of the town’s Tiangong are equivalent to a child. Then, Cao Yangde is now pregnant with seven or eight children.

"let's go."

Lingdao recovered his true body and hugged Ruo Xue. In the most fierce situation, he passed through a fire pillar in front. He had a pair of Qi Peng wings behind his back, and his speed was maximized, and Cao Yangde suppressed the immortal. Exquisite martial arts, he must stay away from Cao Yangde as soon as possible.

If Xue's face is reddish, a pair of eyes are unconsciously closed. When it was Xianling's form, Lingdao had no feeling of holding it. Now it is a person, completely different. Fortunately, Lingdao has escaped. Did not notice his embarrassment at all.

"Let me go back to the world of wine, or else your speed, or a slow shot."

Lingdao put one hand on the neck of Ruo Xue, and the other hand on the snowy buttocks. If the snow can't wait to bury his head in the body of Lingdao, if the sound of snow is small, it is like a mosquito. In Lingdao still nodded, let the wine princess pull Ruo Xue into her world.

"That was just..." Cao Yangde’s eyes brightened, and then it was full of annoyance. "Master’s key goal, the only key goal, I did not expect that he was not a human warrior, but a real dragon. No wonder Master has set him as a key target."

It’s not that Cao Yangde doesn’t want to kill Lingdao, but his current situation, he can’t keep up with the speed of Lingdao. He feels his stomach is like an amusement park, where there are children playing and kicking. If he does not solve the sorcerer's martial arts, he can't do anything with other warriors.

"Is it just that Xianling is so good, then his stomach is getting bigger, because of the singularity of Xianling's family."

The King of Heaven and the Warrior has a wide range of knowledge. The first time I thought of Xian Ling's sorrows and the sorrowful sorcerer's sorcerer's skills. If you give all the martial arts rankings in the world, the terrible degree of pregnancy sorcerer will surely rank in the top five, pregnant. The power of scorpion surgery may not be great, but others are afraid, especially male warriors. They would rather die and be reluctant to become pregnant.

"The first day of the king of heaven, the king was pregnant in the dream kingdom, laughing at me, and the face of the town of Tiantian will be left behind."

There is a schadenfreaker of the king of heaven, saying that Cao Yangde wanted to monopolize the real dragon, and it has already caused them to be upset, but they dare not swear, if they are not afraid of the strength of Cao Yangde, they can not wait for the danger of swearing, Cao Yangde Squatting under the sword.

"Today's business, if someone dares to talk, even if it is to catch up with the ends of the earth, this lord will also smash you."

Cao Yangde glanced coldly at the other kings of the martial arts, until they lowered their heads one by one, he was quite a big belly, and he left the place one step at a time. What he has to do now is to quickly return to Tianjun domain. With the cultivation of his peak Tianjun, the singularity of Xian Linglong was eliminated.

I have to say that Cao Yangde is very unlucky, because he only knows the appearance of the thirty young warriors who come from Lingjia. What kind of skills do they have? He doesn’t know that he has not put any 30 warriors in front of him. In the heart, of course, you don't need to know them.

Just after Cao Yangde left the Tianwang domain for a day, Qi Yuanzhuo rushed to the Tianwang domain. Qi Yuanzhuo was the first day of the Tianwang domain. Even if the dream king circles suppressed him to the peak of the king, his strength would still be stronger than the previous Cao Yangde. The Tao is not an opponent of Cao Yangde, and it is even more impossible to beat Yu Yuanzhuo.

Of course, the other warriors from Lingjia who came from Lingjia are not the opponents of Qi Yuanzhuo. They can even say that they are not at all a level. Cao Yangde also has to respect the name of Qi Yuanzhuo. You must know that Zhenyuan Zhuo is the town. Tiangong is the only one in Tiantian.

Even Duanmu, the biological daughter of Duanmu Emperor, is only Taitianzun, and it is still worse than Qiuyuanzhuo. At the beginning, Duanmuzhen challenged Yuanyuanzhuo, but unfortunately lost in the hands of Qi Yuanzhuo, otherwise, now The first day of the Tiangong Temple is Duanmuzhen.

"Ye Shidi appeared in the Tianwang domain at the beginning. He had the most targets for killing. Cao Shidi was the second to reach the Tianwang domain. The target of his killing should not be a minority. I don't know, how many goals can be killed. If you lose to two younger brothers, you can't hold your face."

Qi Yuanzhuo is still thinking about the merits. He does not know that his two younger brothers, one who died and one pregnant, can be said to be worse than one. He thinks that Ye Xin and Cao Yangde have no difficulty in dealing with the predecessor of the king. Because of the fighting power of Ye Xin and Cao Yangde, they far surpassed the predecessor of the king.

Unfortunately, Ye Xin died in the hands of Lei Wenyuan and Ling Dao. Cao Yangde had a big loss in front of Ling Dao and Ruo Xue. Qi Yuanzhuo thought that there were not many goals left. As everyone knows, he has more than 20 goals. He didn't think about meeting with Ye Xin and Cao Yangde. If he was to act with them, he couldn't pull his face and rob his brother.

He brows his head, because there are traces of fighting in the distance, he did not want to control it, because the dream king was to let the warriors come in and kill, but he did not think that one of the young warriors is his goal. One, another warrior, he did not know.

"The king of heaven was at the peak of the king of heaven. The result was that the king of heaven had the upper hand in the early stage. It was interesting. It is no wonder that Master asked us to take the shot, which is really a genius."

Qi Yuanzhuo did not rush to start, but waited for the two kings to be born and died. Anyway, as long as he shot, not to mention a pre-war warrior, even if the 30 warriors were together, the result was only one person. The difference between thirty people and three dead.

The golden sword is swaying, the sword is like a pointed cone, the sword is like a big river, the sword is like a river, and the butterfly dances with the king of the king. The scalp is numb, and the roots are not thought of. The butterfly dance is so powerful, he just thinks that the butterfly If the dance looks like a fairy, and wants to take advantage of it, who knows that he just started, the butterfly dance is to pull out the golden sword.

At first, he felt that the butterfly dance was not self-sufficient. He deliberately used the words to sing the butterfly dance. As a result, the butterfly dance was more and more fierce. He had left nine deep visible bone wounds on him. He couldn’t think of it. The fairy who does not eat the fireworks is so fierce.

"Don't honed, you kill him, I'm killing you."

Qi Yuanzhuo deliberately said, because he found that the butterfly dance out of the sword is absent-minded, perhaps has noticed him.

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