The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 99: Double beauty

"What are Ye Shidi and Cao Shidi doing?"

A butterfly dance can still be accepted. I did not expect to encounter another thousand benefits. Compared with them. Yan Yuanzhuo thinks all his women. All are mediocre powder. If you don't know that Lingjia is in the audience. He thought it was a beauty pageant. Two targets were encountered before and after. How do you say talent first? Anyway, there is nothing to say.

A young warrior who broke through the holy stage. There are five in total. Three women and two men. result. Qi Yuanzhuo came to Tianwang. I have encountered two of them. Ye Xin and Cao Yangde’s ability to do things is really bad. But for Yu Yuanzhuo. Not a bad thing.


Qianhui is not the first time to kill a dream disciple. She did not know Yan Yuanzhuo. I thought it was another dream island. The warriors of other forces are jealous. Only the disciples of Menghuang Island are fearless. Anyway, they died in the dream world. It’s not really dead.

The opening of Yuan Yuanzhuo is the life of Qianhui. Qian Hui felt that she and Yu Yuanzhuo did not know each other. There is definitely no hatred. Naturally, Zhu Yuanzhuo became a disciple of Menghuangdao. Duanmu Emperor sent disciples to pursue their affairs. Qianhui still doesn't know. Whether it is Ye Xin. Or Cao Yangde. She did not meet one.

Jianguang cut through the void. Qian Hui does not say anything. It is a three-footed Qingfeng. Killed in front of Qian Yuanzhuo. just. She still doesn't know. Yu Yuanzhuo who played against her. It is the only one in Tianwang. The first day of the town of Heaven. The apprentice of Duanmu Emperor.

Qi Yuanzhuo is also referred to as a sword. Meet the three-footed Qingfeng of Qianhui. Like two swords. A sound of gold and iron symphony was issued. Mars is splashing. It's just an instant collision. Let Qianhui understand. Encountered a powerful person. Qi Yuanzhuo is definitely not comparable to those of the previous Emperor.

Two fingers. Three-footed Qingfeng with thousands of Huis. The edge of the blade. Actually, I still couldn’t hurt the hand of Yuan Yuanzhuo. Qian Hui took a deep breath. Such a strong person actually wants her life. Of course she does not dare to have a little care. Instead of fighting with Yu Yuanzhuo, he won the three-footed Qingfeng. It is better to give up the three-footed Qingfeng.

Qianhui holds a three-footed Qingfeng. The strongest force broke out. Throw a thousand feet of Qingfeng forward. Subsequently. She felt a lot of energy. Lively blocked the three feet of Qingfeng. Fortunately, she has taken the opportunity to retreat. Take out a sword that is refining the peak of Tianjun.

"The big freedom is the sword."

Jianqi Hualong, Huafeng, Huasi, and Shengsheng. The sword is like a mountain, like a river, like Gu Yue, such as the stars. The sword is like the wind, like fire, like the thunder, like the sun. Great self-defeating swordsmanship. The point is that you are free. Not subject to various restrictions. Thereby achieving an unfettered realm.

Even the well-informed Yuan Yuanzhuo. The same is extremely strange. He has not encountered such a varied swordsmanship. There are not only all kinds of beasts. There are mountains and rivers, sun and moon stars. There are even heaven and earth visions. For a while. He was so overwhelmed. Clearly there are flaws everywhere. But I can't find a flaw.

There is a real dragon roaring. Hit the body of Zhao Yuanzhuo. There is a phoenix cross. A pair of wings like a flame to create a sword. There is an idol shaking the void. Shake the earth. Footsteps on the mountain river. There is a holy battle to fight the sky. Total Annihilation. Push Jinshan down the jade column. There is also Huxiaoshan Forest. The group wolf whistle. Nine lions are rampant.

unfortunately. Qianhui has only seen the real dragon. Phoenix, holy shrine and idol. She has never seen it before. Can't play a stronger power. Change to Lingdao to display the words. Power is definitely better. Because he knows more about the beast. Not only because of the ridiculousness of the fairy. Also because he has ten stone carvings. But Lingdao is a martial art.

"The sword is good. Unfortunately. Your realm is too low... It is only in the early days of the king. If you can beat me. Then I should take the sword and wipe the neck. Compared with the border warriors. Your strength is very strong. Strong enough to kill the king of the kings. But the deity wants to kill you. Even if you break through to the middle of the kingdom, you still have to die."

Yan Yuanzhuo sneered. The fifth level of the source of power condenses into a big sword. Slammed forward. According to Jian Feng. A fierce beast is broken. The sword of Qianhui. Can't stop his offensive. The gap in the realm. Enough to make Qianhui desperate. Not at all a level.

Sword. Countless swords. Condensed into mountains. The mountains are vast.砸向裴元卓. Qianhui has already understood. Qi Yuanzhuo is not something she can deal with. and so. There is no need to fight with Yuan Yuanzhuo at all. She is suffering from the realm of eating. Stay in the green hills. Not afraid of not burning wood.

"Don't waste your efforts. You can't escape. You are so beautiful. I won't break the bones of you. I will definitely leave you a whole body. Let you die beautifully. Struggling. There is no benefit to you at all." Can you still break through the king of heaven to Tianzun?"

The original sword smashed a mountain. but. There are vines flying out. Entangled it. There are flowers and trees. Blocked in front of Qian Yuanzhuo. Qianhui escaped at the same time. Still playing the big free swordsmanship. In order to slow down the speed of Qian Yuanzhuo.

Yu Yuanzhuo screamed. The sound wave is like an invisible sword of the same handle. Crush the vines. Blast the trees. I haven't waited for Yuan Yuanzhuo to catch up. Another waterfall falls from the sky. Shocked his body. If you look carefully. You will find that the waterfall is made up of countless swords. It is similar to the way that Yuan Yuanzhuo previously killed the king of the king.

"If it wasn't for the Emperor's world to suppress my realm. Your worms and tricks. There is no point at all. Of course. Even if I only have the peak of the king. It is more than enough to kill you. You just postponed your death time. You can't change it. The fact of death."

He did not think of it at all. Qianhui is so difficult. perhaps. He blamed Ye Xin and Cao Yangde. Because of the butterfly dance and the thousand benefits. It is not good to kill at all. I thought it was a matter of hand. The result has been delayed for so long. And one didn't kill...

"Yuan Zhuojian."

Qian Yuanzhuo created the Tianjian sword. It fits well with him. As a sword repair. Use your own cast sword. Generally speaking. Better than others. but. Some swordsmiths can repair for other swords. Tailored to create the most suitable sword. Better than they cast themselves.

Different from other swords. Yuan Zhuojian is like a patchwork of two swords. Qi Yuanzhuo’s right hand holds the hilt. Above the hilt is a sword. Below is another sword. I haven’t killed Qianhui yet. Qian Yuanzhuo is quite annoyed. Do not hesitate to use Yuan Zhuojian. In the past, Yuan Zhuojian was killing Tianzun. Even killing the Holy King. It is now used to kill the early kings.

After using Yuan Zhuojian. Qian Yuanzhuo’s fighting power has soared. A waterfall falls back and rolls back... whether it is a mountain. Still big river. It is impossible to resist the footsteps of Qian Yuanzhuo. Not only that. Qi Yuanzhuo also raised Yuan Zhuojian. Come to Qianhui. Where the swordsman passed. The boulder collapsed. The trees are turned into lotus root starch.

"Be careful."

The butterfly dance is armed with a gold sword. Far out of the sword. Thousands of butterflies have appeared. Blocked in front of Qian Yuanzhuo. The attack of Yu Yuanzhuo. It will definitely make Qianhui feel overwhelmed. If Yu Yuanzhuo kills the past. Qianhui must have a big loss.

She and Qianhui are known because of Lingdao. Qianhui is dangerous. She can't stand by. not to mention. Qian Yuanzhuo can find Qianhui. Also has an inseparable relationship with her. Again. I don't know what kind of means Qianyuan Zhuo has. I was able to stay behind her.

After the 裴元卓斩 killed the thousand benefits. Will definitely chase her. It is unlikely that she will escape when she arrives. If she is now with Qianhui. It is possible to escape in the hands of Qian Yuanzhuo. She and Qian Hui shot together. It will definitely slow down the speed of Qian Yuanzhuo.

"Butterfly dance."

Qianhui has a long hair and a long hair. The red battle armor was stained with blood. Fortunately, it blocked the attack of Yu Yuanzhuo. Fortunately, the butterfly dance suddenly appeared. Helped her block the Yuan Yuanzhuo. otherwise. The consequences could be disastrous. Zhu Yuanzhuo is stronger than her. I was able to pull the distance before. Or because of Yuan Yuanzhuo’s care.

Yu Yuanzhuo snorted. Yuan Zhuojian crushed all the butterflies. Butterfly dance appeared. It was entirely in his expectation. He had previously smelled the butterfly dance. It is not so much that butterfly dance is born. It is better to say that he was forced to show up.

"I already guessed that you know. You think you are hiding in the distance. The deity does not know. You have seen the power of the deity. I know that the sneak attack is useless to the deity. Then you are not willing to leave. It only shows you and her." Know. Now you can join forces. Anyway, it is easy for the deity to kill you."

"Xuanyuan nine swords."

"The big freedom is the sword."

Butterfly Dance and Qianhui look at each other. At the same time, the sword method is applied. Attacked Yu Yuanzhuo. at this time. The greatness of Yuan Zhuojian. It is reflected. Qian Yuanzhuo holds Yuan Zhuojian. Two swords connected by the hilt. Just one to deal with the butterfly dance. One to deal with Qianhui.

Qian Yuanzhuo is powerful. The show is vivid. Even the butterfly dance and Qianhui teamed up. Still retreating. They applied swordsmanship. Retreat on one side. Still can't open the distance between Yu Yuanzhuo. After all, it is the tyrant. Butterfly Dance and Qian Hui still underestimated him.


The sword of Yuan Zhuojian. Striked into the red armor of Qianhui. Make Qianhui scream. A sword wound appeared in the abdomen. Not only Qianhui was injured. The right hand of the butterfly dance. There is also a sword wound. Deep visible bone. The peak of the king of heaven and the peak of the king of heaven have been three poor realms. What's more, Qi Yuanzhuo is still Tianzun himself.

Fight to the hustle and bustle. Yu Yuanzhuo even pulled Yuan Zhuojian from the middle. It turned out to be a complete two-handed sword. One hand just used a sword. The swordsmanship of Qianhui and Butterfly Dance is getting more and more chaotic. Because the rhythm is completely in the hands of Qian Yuanzhuo. The situation of butterfly dance and Qianhui is already in jeopardy. Fight again. Both of them will die under the sword of Qi Yuanzhuo.

"True Dragon King Boxing."

Zheng Yuanzhuo, who is playing against Qianhui and Butterfly Dance. Suddenly heard a dragon. The two dragons rushed from afar. He slammed into his back. Let him turn over.

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