The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 100: Frightened

Butterfly Dance and Qianhui are not the opponents of Zhai Yuanzhuo. It is not easy to support them now. Zhai Yuanzhuo is not only higher than them, but also uses weapons that are stronger than them. The combat experience is also superior to them, and they have been replaced by other predecessors. He died under the sword of Qi Yuanzhuo.

Qianhui’s armor is blood-stained, and the speed of the sword is not slowed down, because she knows that once the combat power is sharply reduced, their disadvantages will only be greater. The dance of the butterfly dance blooms with blood, and the clothes are flying, the golden battle. The sword stabbed again and again, and the sword was like a rainbow, which seemed to have been stained with blood.

Lingdao was the one who heard the movement of the battle before he came over. I didn’t expect to see the scene of Chen Yuanzhuo’s injury to the butterfly dance and Qianhui. Anyone can see that the Yuan Zhaozhuo recruits a murderous machine, obviously wants a butterfly dance. And the life of Qianhui, if no one else intervenes, the possibility of butterfly dance and Qianhui dying under the sword of Yuan Yuanzhuo is very great.

He did not say anything, it was the use of the seventh turn of the nine-turn dragon dragon, the display of the real dragon king boxing, Lingdao's speed is already fast, plus Yuan Yuanzhuo did not think, even someone dared to start with him, Qian Hui and butterfly dance And the war and retreat, there are not a few people who have encountered the king of heaven.

However, those who have seen the power of the martial arts have not dared to intervene. The strengths of Qianhui and Butterfly Dance are more powerful than those of the general kings. However, they are not opponents of Yuan Yuanzhuo. They even want heroes to save. Beauty, you have to measure your own skills.

Butterfly Dance and Qianhui are in danger. Lingdao must not sit and watch. Don’t say that Yuan Yuanzhuo is only the peak of the king. Even if Yu Yuanzhuo returns to the realm of Ba Tianzun, he still dares to work with Qi Yuanzhuo. Just a punch, Yu Yuanzhuo can’t prevent it, it is Lingdao hit a turn.

Seven times the strength of his own, making Lingdao's boxing strength, big scary, only the king of the king of the king of the Yuan Dynasty Zhuo Zhuo single than the physical strength, certainly not as good as the performance of the nine-turn dragon dragon's Lingdao, Qi Yuanzhuo only feel the back pain, it seems to be Two giant hammers smashed on him.

"It turned out to be you."

Zhai Yuanzhuo turned around and fiercely glared at Lingdao. He only recognized Lingdao with a glance, because Lingdao is the only key target of Duanmu Emperor, as long as he kills Lingdao, Qianhui and Butterfly Dance, then Ye Xin and Cao Yangde credited, certainly not his big.

"I didn't expect you to send it to the door, but it saved the deity." Yuan Yuanzhuo swept Lingdao and smiled. "You want a hero to save the beauty. Unfortunately, your realm is too low and the strength is too bad. If you rush to take it, it will only bring you a murder."

"If it weren’t for the Emperor’s kingdom to suppress the cultivation of the deity, killing you three is simply effortless. Of course, even if you want to kill you now, it’s just a little bit of effort. You can practice for a few hundred years, maybe even The deity compares one or two, but unfortunately, after a few hundred years, the deity will only be stronger."

Ba Tianzun is the limit that Qi Yuanzhuo can reach in Tianzun. Next, he must break through to the holy kingdom. Anyway, he thinks that Lingdao, Butterfly Dance and Qianhui are never his opponents. I want to come to them three in Tianzun. The limit of the situation, at most, like him, he became a tyrant, and he talked about surpassing him.

"You are fine."

Lingdao came to the butterfly dance and Qianhui, checked their injuries, and let him breathe a sigh of relief. The butterfly dance and Qianhui suffered all the flesh wounds. The butterfly dance was fine. Qianhui’s face was reddish because she had The sword was wounded in the abdomen, and Lingdao even reached out and touched it.

"You are the apprentice of Duanmu Emperor, claiming to be the deity, it should be a god. Do you want to say that you are the first day of the Tiantian Temple? I have seen the saint of your town Tianzhu. She has seven Tianfu, it is Taitianzun. You can beat her, presumably it is a tyrant."

Qian Yuanzhuo’s previously demonstrated combat power was not at all possible. The Ling Dao and Cao Yangde had their own hands. However, Qi Yuanzhuo was obviously stronger than Cao Yangde. Cao Yangde claimed to be the first day of the Tiantian Temple, and Yuan Yuanzhuo was certainly not bad. Otherwise, it should not be the apprentice of the Emperor.

If you want to be an apprentice of Duanmu Emperor, it is simple and simple. It is difficult and difficult to say. From the king of heaven to the realm of the Tao, as long as he can become the first person in one of the realms, he can be his apprentice, even the eldest daughter of the emperor Duanmu. Jane is not the opponent of Zhai Yuanzhuo. It is not surprising that Zhai Yuanzhuo can be the apprentice of the upper wood emperor.

"How do you know, don't you know me."

Qi Yuanzhuo was shocked first, then he laughed. He was the first day of Tianwang domain. Lingdao knew that he was normal. Today, Tianwang domain, he is the only one who dominates Tianwei, and has a famous name. Lingdao does not see it. After him, I must have seen his portrait.

"Which green onion are you, how can I know you." Lingdao snorted and continued to fight against Yuan Yuanzhuo. "Districtly respected, it is not an opponent of Tianzun. It is even more vulnerable in the face of Heavenly Supreme. If it is given to me. Time, achievement to heavenly respect, nothing at all."

"I can infer your identity, just because you have met your two younger brothers. Unfortunately, they are not good at learning and are already in my hands. Don't say that killing the Emperor is still quite fulfilling. I don't know if you are interested in doing the third one."

The third thing that Lingdao said is the third apprentice who died in his hands. Ye Xin is really dead in the dream kingdom. Cao Yangde is not dead at all. He just wants to scare Yuan Zhuo, if he is outside. , Yu Yuanzhuo has the cultivation of the tyrants, Lingdao can not scare him, but the dream world is different.

"Jokes, Ye Shidi and Cao Shidi, just take a shot and take your first level. It’s like taking a bag. You said that you killed them. It’s a big joke. You can kill me with a warrior. The first day of the town Tiangong and the first day of the king, you are not a child when I am three years old."

裴元卓瞳孔微微, did not immediately shoot, do not look at his mouth will be low, there is no doubt in his mouth, in fact, he has already had doubts in his heart, Ling Dao killed not kill Ye Xin and Cao Yangde, he did not know, but Lingdao must have seen the leaves Letter and Cao Yangde, or else he will not know that his two younger brothers have come in.

It stands to reason that Ye Xin and Cao Yangde cannot know Lingdao. They will definitely not let go of the only key target. However, why is Lingdao still alive, can it be said that it is exactly the same as Lingdao said? Letter and Cao Yangde have suffered unexpected events.

"You said, I used the dragon and tiger to kill the soul to kill you, okay."

Lingdao suddenly took out a knives and smashed the sword, which scared Yu Yuanzhuo, because Qi Yuanzhuo knew the dragon and the tiger, and knew that the dragon and the tiger were in the hands of Ye Xin, and wanted to force the letter of Ye Xin. Weapons are impossible. The only explanation is that Ling Dao really killed Ye Xin.

Regardless of the doubts of Qian Yuanzhuo, the Dragon and Tiger Desperate Knife cannot be fake. Even if it is in the peak of the king of heaven, Ye Xin is not the opponent of Zhai Yuanzhuo. However, since Ling Dao can kill Ye Xin, then his strength must not be small. Oh, no wonder that Lingdao is the only key target, and it is even more powerful than Butterfly Dance and Qianhui.

"Unfortunately, Cao Yangde, as the first day of the Tiantian Temple, the future is limitless. I have to blame him for offending me and letting him break his bones. It is already my kindness. Are you thinking about it, how can I use my realm? Killing Cao Yangde."

Qi Yuanzhuo nodded unconsciously. Then he saw the side of Lingdao, and there was another stone inscription. The nine stone carvings that Lingdao received from Wan Fuzong were all used. It is impossible to kill now. Dead Heaven, but used to scare others, no problem at all.

The fifth level of Yuanshi origins poured out, Zhenlong stone carving, phoenix stone carving, 鲲鹏石刻, lithograph stone carving, 饕餮 stone carving, sacred stone carving, demon fox stone carving, exquisite stone carving, no stone carving, one by one like a recovery, bloom Extremely powerful atmosphere.

Nine stone carvings seem to constitute a wild world, a powerful beast, a ruthless, and Yuan Yuanzhuo feels his own small, like a casual beast, can tear him into pieces, Qian Yuanzhuo's forehead cold sweat, back ridge Hemp, no wonder Cao Yangde will die in Lingdao.

Anger is angry, and Lingdao does not lose his mind. Even if he and Butterfly Dance and Qianhui join hands, it is still not the opponent of Qi Yuanzhuo. If he really fights, not only will he die, but he will also catch the life of butterfly dance and Qianhui. He also did not let Qian Hui and Butterfly Dance escaped first, because he couldn't stop Qi Yuanzhuo. After he killed him, he could still catch up with the butterfly dance and Qianhui and put them under the sword.

Therefore, Lingdao thought of a way, that is, using the information is not equal, will scare Yuan Yuanzhuo to run away, Ye Xin and Cao Yangde died without death, Qi Yuanzhuo obviously does not know, he has a dragon and tiger soul knives, and there are nine stone carvings, as long as Qi Yuanzhuo does not want to die, and certainly will not act rashly.

"The Dragon and Tiger Desperate Knife is Ye Shidi's, and there are nine weapons. Why do I feel stronger than the Tianzi weapon?"

In the eyes of Zhai Yuanzhuo, there was a slight hesitation. If he retired, he would definitely be unwilling. If he did, he did not know how strong the nine stone carvings of Lingdao were. If he died in the hands of Ling Dao like Cao Yangde, It’s not dead.

Ling Dao always stares at Yu Yuanzhuo. It can be said that Qi Yuanzhuo has made every move and he is in his eyes. He knows that Qi Yuanzhuo has already believed his words, but he only wants to do it. Now, he still needs to add a fire. But it is a big fire.

"Blood mosquitoes, if you can't show your most powerful side, I will ruin your squalor."

After threatening the blood-mosquito stone, Lingdao took out the blood-mosquito stone and possessed the blood-mosquito stone carving of Fuling. It is not comparable to the other nine stone carvings. It is powerful and bloody, like rivers and oceans, submerged in Qiankun, blood. The breath of the mosquito-carved stone erupted, like the resurrection of the sacred soldier, which scared the body of the singer, and his eyes flashed a hint of fear.

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