The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 101: Continue to flicker

The dragon and the tiger destroy the soul knife, and Yuan Yuanzhuo is not afraid at all, because his Yuanzhuo sword is even worse than the dragon and tiger soul-killing knife. However, the nine stone carvings he can’t touch the bottom, giving him the feeling that he is even more powerful than the heavenly weapon. His heart was shaken, and the blood-mosquito stone was carved out. It was even more shocking that he could not speak.

If you are not in the kingdom of the dream kingdom, even if the sacred resurrection, the 裴元卓 can still deal with it, because he is the tyrant, the ordinary sacred soldier can not help him at all, however, now he only has the peak of the king, if the gully overturns, regrets and.

Like weapons and weapons, the sacred weapons and the celestial weapons will also be suppressed in the kingdom of the Emperor of Heaven. However, the sacred weapons and the celestial weapons are more powerful than the weapons of the earth, just like suppressing Tianzun and Tianjun. The king of heaven is at its peak, and they are still as powerful as other kings.

Zhu Yuanzhuo was cautious. After Lingdao took out nine stone carvings, he did not dare to act rashly. Now I want to come. Ye Xin and Cao Yangde are very likely to die. It is no wonder that he has been able to meet three goals. He is waiting, if Lingdao was full of nonsense, bluffing, and certainly did not dare to do anything to him.

However, after Lingdao took out the blood-mosquito stone, he attacked him. The blood-winged black mosquitoes formed and formed, and the long mouthparts exude a **** taste, which made the scalp scalp numb, and nine stone carvings simultaneously attacked. The direction of the attack was 裴元卓, which blocked the escape route of Zhai Yuanzhuo.

"He wants to kill me."

Qian Yuanzhuo was shocked. He did not expect that Lingdao not only dared to shoot, but also wanted to kill him on the spot. No wonder Duanmu Emperor set Lingdao as the only key target. Lingdao was in the early stage of the king’s situation. If he grew up, he would The younger generation of the Temple of Heaven is definitely a threat.

There is a contradiction between Duanmu Emperor and Lingjia Emperor. Qi Yuanzhuo knew that Lingdao is such a genius. If there is another Lingjia Emperor pointing, who knows how strong he is, anyway, the younger generation of Zhentiangong, he has not seen such a The road is generally excellent.

The realm was suppressed and the reaction speed was still there. Qi Yuanzhuo knew that if he waited for the nine stone carvings to do his best, he wanted to escape. It was too late. He quickly held Yuan Zhuojian and took out 16 swords in succession. The Zhenlong Stone Carvings, the Phoenix Stone Carvings, and the Peng Peng Stone Carvings first attacked him, and did not want to give him the chance to escape.

Fortunately, Yu Yuanzhuo practiced the meteor of the Tiangong Temple to catch up with the moon, and the speed of the explosion far exceeded that of the same-world warrior. It was only in the twinkling of an eye. Qi Yuanzhuo was freed from the pursuit of the Zhenlong Stone Carvings, the Phoenix Stone Carvings and the Peng Peng Stone Carvings. He did not look at Lingdao. It is the escape without a trace.

"Unfortunately, let him escape, and he is lucky."

Qianhui's words, let Lingdao laugh and cry, if Qi Yuanzhuo did not escape, the unfortunate is not Qi Yuanzhuo, but they, have to say, blood mosquitoes engraved well, the momentum is very strong, not only scared Qi Yuanzhuo, even with the deception of Qianhui.

"Yeah, if he didn't escape fast, I won't kill him."

Just as Lingdao was ready to tell Qianhui the truth, the butterfly dance pulled Lingdao and suddenly let him react. He quickly changed his mouth and scared off a Ba Tianzun. It is impossible to say that Lingdao is not willing. However, the more the last moment, the more you can't take it lightly. If you hide in the distance, you can hear their voices, and Lingdao will tell you the truth.

Be careful to drive the ship for thousands of years. Fortunately, the butterfly dance reminded Lingdao. Otherwise, Lingdao, Qianhui and Butterfly Dance could not escape. Qian Yuanzhuo was scared away by Lingdao, but he left a heart. He once got one. The hex symbol can eavesdrop on other people's conversations. When he leaves, he hides the scorpion underground.

"I didn't expect him to really lie to me, damn, if it wasn't for the Emperor's world to suppress my realm, how could I be so embarrassed."

When Yuan Yuanzhuo angered the boulder in front of him, when Duanmu Emperor let him deal with a group of juniors, he also felt that he was wasting his time. Unexpectedly, he actually suffered a big loss in the hands of a junior, and he almost died in the hands of juniors. If things are spread out, then he will stand in the Tianwang domain.

"Can't kill you, I can kill other targets. When you leave the dream kingdom and leave the big dream, you can restore the real world. When you use the holy soldiers, it is still not my opponent. You are alive. My shame, only to kill you all, can you avoid the hatred of my heart."

The time that Fu can be maintained is very short. After listening to Ling Dao’s words, it is turned into ashes. Qi Yuanzhuo did not stop, but continued to flee, for fear that Ling Dao would catch up with him because he was a chase master and inevitably overestimated others. The ability to chase, be careful, or return to the heavens first, avoiding the limelight.

The three disciples of Duanmu Emperor, Ye Xin died, Cao Yangde was pregnant, and Yuan Yuanzhuo was scared away. If Duanmu Emperor witnessed all this, I don’t know if he would be mad. Cao Yangde is the first day of Zhentian Temple. Qi Yuanzhuo was the first day of the Tiantian Temple. As a result, they both suffered a big loss in Lingdao.

"He is a god, even if we want to chase him, I am afraid it will not be successful. Instead of wasting time on him, it is better to find someone else."

Lingdao blinked his eyes on Butterfly Dance and Qianhui. Butterfly Dance and Qianhui nodded. Cao Yangde was already powerful enough. He did not expect Zhen Tiangong to be dispatched even on the first day. He must quickly find Aolong and Dong Miaoyin. Let them go to Tiancheng domain, otherwise, they will encounter Cao Yangde and Qi Yuanzhuo, only fearing more and more fierce.

Anyway, he and Le Wenyuan have discussed each other. Whenever Lei Wenyuan finds no other person, he will go to Tianjiang domain. Now he is most worried about the proud dragon, Qianhui and the butterfly dance team, still not the opponent of Qi Yuanzhuo, proud dragon I am sure I can’t beat Yu Yuanzhuo.

The relationship between Dong Miaoyin and Ling Dao is very complicated. She once worked on Ling Dao and helped Ling Dao. Of course, Ling Dao also saved her life. His attention to Dong Miaoyin is definitely far less than that of butterfly dance. Qian Hui, Ao Long and Lei Wenyuan, first look for the proud dragon, then find Dong Miaoyin.

Even if the situation is tense, Lingdao is still in a good mood, because one left and one right, two beautiful women, Qian Hui and Butterfly Dance have taken healing medicinal herbs, their injuries, it does not take long, they can heal, and Yuan Yuanzhuo hurts both of them. Lingdao has already been remembered in his heart, and sooner or later he will be liquidated with Qi Yuanzhuo.

"The rules of the dream kingdom, I think you must be clear. When we find the proud dragons, we will go to the Tianjiang domain. No matter what the realm of the disciple sent by Duanmu Emperor, when it comes to the Tianjiang domain, it will become the peak of the heavens. At that time, we will Like their realm, they have the opportunity to kill them."

Lingdao’s words, immediately got the consent of Qianhui and Butterfly Dance, and Yuan Yuanzhuo almost killed them. They definitely want revenge. They want to avenge in the Tianwang domain. It is impossible, and Yuan Yuanzhuo’s combat power is stronger than them. Qi Yuanzhuo began to underestimate the enemy, perhaps they are already dead.

After seeing the martial arts of Lingdao and Qi Yuanzhuo, they did not dare to provoke him. Qi Yuanzhuo was so powerful that he could only escape in front of Lingdao. They would only start with Lingdao unless they had water in their heads. However, they could not Tell others that the king of the king is too big, and Lingdao still encounters the king of heaven who is looking for trouble.

"Kids, Yan Fu is not shallow, let them go, and our three brothers will spare you a life. You are a warrior in the predecessor of the kingdom. It is far from our opponent, or not to make mistakes."

"The time-conscious person is Junjie. We are the disciples of Menghuangdao. The Tianmeng domain is the largest of our dream islands. We have offended our dream island. The Tianmeng domain has no place for you to stand."

"Being a man has eyesight, some people, you can't afford to sin, don't go away quickly, give us two beautiful people, don't think about heroes saving the United States, because you only have one word to die, die."

The three young warriors came together because they were only in the late period of the kingdom. They acted alone and the possibility of death was great. Although they would not actually die in reality, they would waste a symbol. Their master is only Tianzun. It is not easy for them to get a symbol.

Choosing Lingdao to start is because Lingdao, Qianhui, and Butterfly Dance are all in the early stage of the kingdom. They are two lower realms than they are. What's more, Qianhui is a heroic, unrelenting eyebrow, and the butterfly dance looks like a fairy. Fireworks, they have never seen such a beauty.

"If you don't want to die, hurry, I don't have time to accompany you."

Lingdao said coldly, seeing the butterfly dance and Qianhui being injured by Zhai Yuanzhuo, the result can only scare away Yuan Yuanzhuo, and can not cause any substantial damage to Qi Yuanzhuo. He can't wait to unload the eight pieces of Zhuo Yuanzhuo for the butterfly dance and Qianhui. The most important thing now, of course, is to go to Tiantian.

Butterfly Dance and Qianhui did not speak, because as long as Lingdao shot, they will follow the sword, their injuries will not affect the battle, and then, to deal with the late warriors of Tianwang, for them, it is not difficult, just do not know the immediate The three warriors in the late Tianwang period, how the combat power.

"Oh, my temper is really big, but unfortunately, you have smashed your dog's eyes. In the early days of the kingdom, I dared to let the three warriors in the late days of the kings roll. It was really a bear-hearted leopard."

"If the brothers don't get angry, let me come and shoot him. If the brother wants his life, I will kill him and let him out. How about it."

The first ones to speak were the brothers among them. The three of them were the younger brothers. The brothers nodded and agreed to the third division’s shot. They wanted to use the skills of his three divisions to deal with Lingdao. He and the two younger brothers I looked at Qian Hui and the butterfly dance separately, and the saliva flowed out quickly.

Whether it is Lingdao, Butterfly Dance, Qianhui three, or the three disciples of Menghuangdao, they have not noticed, there are a pair of eyes not far away, always paying attention to them, he is coming to Lingdao, waiting for Ling The Tao and the disciples of Menghuang Island played against each other, and he found the opportunity to start, killing Lingdao in one fell swoop.

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