The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 108: In the case of Xianliu Palace

"Why didn't I find it alone, it's hard that Lei Wenyuan has taken the proud dragon and Dong Miaoyin to the Tianjiang domain."

Ling Dao engraved 2,800 megaliths, still did not find the proud dragon, did not find Dong Miaoyin, he was able to find Qian Hui and butterfly dance, maybe Lei Wenyuan can find Aolong and Dong Miaoyin, but he is fundamental I don't know, because of the boulder that he carved, Aolong has already traveled to Tiancheng.

Tianwang domain is too big, even if it is 2,800 megaliths, it still can't be everywhere. I want to let Xianliugong Laoliu, Caoyangde and Qi Yuanzhuo go to Tiancheng domain. He has to continue to work hard. Menghuangjie is killing him. The best opportunity for Xianliu Gongliu, Caoyangde and Qi Yuanzhuo, once he left the big dream Qianqiu Cave, he is not their three opponents at all.

Now there is Ling Jianhao to protect him, but Ling Jianhao can not always follow him, as long as the Xianliu Palace Laoliu, Cao Yangde and Qi Yuanzhuo seize the opportunity, will certainly not let him go, Qi Yuanzhuo, Cao Yangde, Xianjugong Laoliu He is okay, if they kill Qian Hui, Butterfly Dance, Ao Long, and Le Wen Yuan, he regrets.

"The confession is a big dog."

An angry voice interrupted Lingdao’s thoughts. In the distance, he saw that there was a young man in the distance who broke the boulder that he had previously carved. It was not Cao Yangde, not Yuan Zhenzhuo, but Xian. The emperor of the palace, the sixth of the immortal palace.

The Sixth Anniversary of the Xianyi Palace has not suffered from losses. It has not been defeated. It has never been so humiliated. Lingdao, Qianhui and Butterfly Dance are not his opponents. As a result, he not only did not kill Lingdao and Qianhui. Butterfly dance, also in the scent of Xian Ling, pregnant with pregnant.

"Hey, you give me a stop."

Just as Lingdao was about to leave, the old man of the Xianyi Palace shouted loudly. Lingdao and Qianhui and the butterfly dance teamed up to fight the old sixth of the Xianyi Palace. One person is definitely not the opponent of the Xianliu Palace. In the fact that he has changed his appearance, the old six of Xianyi Palace cannot recognize him.

"Who are you, don't we know."

In addition to the Lingdao and the Xianliu Palace, there are no other people in the field. Lingdao had to stop. The Xianliu Palace should not kill innocent people because it is not good for him. The Xianliu Palace is the emperor. Zi, who is also Fengfeng Tianjun, certainly will not covet the things of other kings.

"Jokes, what qualification do you have for me to know." Xianliu Palace Laoliu feels that Lingdao is like a fool. Lingshan is far worse than him, regardless of his status or strength. "I just want to ask you one thing." I don't know if you have seen him."

The old six of Xianyi Palace used infuriating to simulate the appearance of Lingdao. Even if he saw the twelve characters carved by Lingdao on the boulder, he still had doubts. Maybe Lingdao deliberately lied to him and let him Going to the sky to find the area everywhere, the result is Lingdao in the Tianwang domain.

Of course, Lingdao is also likely to travel to the Tianbing domain and the Tianren domain. Because the Tianbing domain and the Tianren domain are safer, one Tianjiang domain is enough for the Xianliugong Laoliu to find, if it is added to the Tianbing domain and the Tianren domain, Perhaps when he left the dream kingdom, he still could not find the shadow of Lingdao.

"Is this person not engraved on the boulder?"

Ling Dao wanted to deceive the old sixth of Xianyi Palace, saying that Ling Dao waited for him in Tian Tianyu. However, in the event that Xianliu Gongliu asked him how he knew it, it would be difficult to explain it. It is better to hand over the initiative to Xian. In the hands of the old six of the palace, regardless of what the old man of the Xianyi Palace asked, he would induct the old six of the Xianzhu Palace to Tianjian.

"Yes, he is Lingdao." Xianliu Palace, the old six big joy, did not expect his luck so good, just look for a person, you can ask Lingdao news, "you have seen his lettering, I know he went In which direction, as long as you don't want to die, tell me everything you know."

Lingdao hesitated to change his appearance. It seems that he is worried about the revenge of the real Lingdao. Since it is necessary to install it, it must be installed like a point, so as to avoid doubts about the Sixth Anniversary of the Xianyi Palace. After that, he still honestly explained what happened before.

"At the time, I was close. I heard that he was talking to himself, saying that he was setting up a network in the sky. Once the Xianliu Palace went to Tianyu, he would have the life of the Xianliu Palace. What to say, the Sixth Anniversary of the Immortal Palace is only in the Tianwang domain, and it is only in the realm of the heavens. Maybe he can't even beat him."

He is deliberately stimulating the sixth in the Xianyi Palace, and the arrogance of the sixth in the Xiantang Palace will definitely be fooled. Even if it is the same realm, the old man of the Xianyi Palace still thinks that the Lingdao is not as good as him, because he fights the Fengjun. Experience, put it there, not to mention that he is still the father of the family, got the personal guidance of the great emperor.

"I really don't know how tall and thick, he can arrange what kind of heaven and earth, nothing more than find someone to help him, his helper, indeed a lot, but unfortunately, in front of me, but a group of people."

The old man of Xianyi Palace said disdainfully, not his arrogance, but the general warrior. He did not put it in his eyes. The Emperor of Lingjia received a genius. However, it must be a very small number. It is certainly not foolish to send the true genius to the hands of the Ling family, unless there is no purpose.

"Right, is he alone lettering, or with others, have you seen two beautiful young women."

Unexpectedly, in the heart of the Sixth Anniversary of the Immortal Palace, I still remembered the butterfly dance and Qianhui. In the eyes of Lingdao, there was a murderous death. The Xianliu Palace did not notice the sixth, but it was not in Xianwang. The opponent of Gong Laoliu, Ling Dao will now shoot, killing the sixth of the Xianlu Palace.

"No, he is acting alone. There is no second person, let alone a beautiful young woman."

Lingdao shook his head, but did not deceive the old six of Xianyi Palace. Regardless of whether Cao Yangde and Qi Yuanzhuo saw the huge stone, he must immediately return to the heavens, and then solve the old six of the Xianyi Palace. More **** than Cao Yangde and Qi Yuanzhuo, even more damn.

"Exactly, I will take down his woman first, and then solve his helper." On the face of the sixth floor of Xianyi Palace, there was a cold smile on the face, and he said, "When he is alone, I am one-on-one, he will I will know how big the gap with me is."

"No, maybe he learned that I killed his helper and robbed his woman. He was directly mad, and you said yes."

The more the old Six of the Fairy Palace wants to be more excited, Ling Dao let Xian Ling Yan cast a slap on him, he will take possession of the woman of Ling Dao, only in this way, can he revenge, can shame, but unfortunately, he does not know, standing on him In front of him, it is Lingdao himself, such as a fake replacement.

"Yes, if you kill his helper and rob his woman, he will definitely be mad."

Lingdao mouth said so, but my heart is sneer, Xianliugong Laoliu is really whimsical, there is him, Xianliu Palace, the old sixth don’t want to touch Qianhui and Butterfly Dance, he only cares about Xianliugong Laoliu Is it the emperor, anyway, he has listed the sixth of the Xiantang Palace in the list of murder.

Xianliugong Laoliu nodded with satisfaction, and then went to Tianjiangyu. He used to come to the dream kingdom. He naturally knew where the Tianjiang domain was. If he knew that Lingdao was in front of him, he turned out to be Missed, I don't know if I will die.

"Whether the apprentice of Duanmu Emperor, the first to kill the Xianliu Palace, it is in the dream world, as long as the clean, others do not know my hands."

The dream kingdom has the rule of the dream kingdom, even if it is the Emperor of the Immortal Palace, there is no way to invade the dream kingdom, and there is no way to destroy the dream kingdom. The dream emperor of the ancient times is much more powerful than the current Emperor Xianjue. It is not a level at all.

When Lingdao rushed to Tianyu, Caoyangde had already arrived at Tianjiangyu. Caoyangde and Qi Yuanzhuo discovered the boulder together. However, Qi Yuanzhuo did not go to Tiancheng, because Qi Yuanzhuo did not believe that Lingdao said that he I feel that Ling Dao is in the midst of doubts. In fact, Ling Dao is still in the Tianwang domain.

Cao Yangde did not advise Yuan Zhuo, because he felt that it was enough for a person to deal with Ling Dao. If Yu Yuanzhuo followed, the merits might not be taken away by Qi Yuanzhuo. The things he had been pregnant may also let Yu Yuanzhuo know that if he had a big mouth, After Cao Yangde, he had no face in the town of Tiangong.

"I didn't expect that they actually did in the sky, but fortunately, the brothers were suspicious, or else, the greatest credit, maybe it is not mine."

Qi Yuanzhuo told him about Lingdao and others. Cao Yangde knew that the two goals in front of him were related to Lingdao. Lingdao may still be lettering in Tianwang, but as long as he took Qianhui and Butterfly Dance, he At the time, Lingdao will definitely be awkward.

"Lingdao gave me the shame, I want ten times, no, a hundred times to return." Cao Yangde's eyes, full of hate, he suddenly had an idea, can make Lingdao crazy, "just put their clothes 扒Light, then tie them to the tree, let all the warriors who come and go enjoy it, and you will be mad."

I have to say that Cao Yangde’s plan is very vicious. He stepped closer to the butterfly dance and Qianhui step by step. Even if the butterfly dance and Qianhui have not seen him, he also knows that he is not good, and the so-called bad is not good. Cao Yangde may have come to kill Lingdao.

"I really don't know what the kid has gone, so he has such a bright blessing."

Even if Cao Yangde saw a lot of beautiful women, she still felt a bit shocked because Qian Hui and Butterfly Dance were even more beautiful than the beauty she had seen before. Unfortunately, he had been stunned by hatred and only wanted the life of Ling Dao. There is no other idea with the butterfly dance. He wants to take the butterfly dance and Qianhui. He wants to humiliate the butterfly dance and Qianhui, just to retaliate.

"Don't blame this monarch for not giving you the opportunity. Let the two of you take the shot together. If you two can stand the enemy, you can escape. Otherwise, your end will be worse than death." The first book comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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