The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 109: Arrogant's sneak attack

"Apprentice of Duanmu Emperor, Tianjun of Zhentian Temple."

When dealing with Cao Yangde, only Lingdao and Ruo Xue were there, Qian Hui and Butterfly Dance were not there. They had not seen Cao Yangde, but when Cao Yangde opened it, they could guess the identity of Cao Yangde. If they were in Tianwang, they were sure. Taboo Cao Yangde, fortunately, the days are different.

Butterfly Dance and Qianhui are the peaks of the heavens. Cao Yangde is also the peak of the heavens. The realm is the same. Even if the realm of Cao Yangde itself is far beyond the butterfly dance and Qianhui, they still have the confidence to cope. Fortunately, Yuan Yuanzhuo did not come, otherwise, The situation is different.

"Well, you can guess my identity, it's a bit interesting, but unfortunately, you are not the opponent of this king."

Qian Huiyi broke the identity of Cao Yangde, and it really made Cao Yangde a little surprised. Unfortunately, even if Qianhui knew his identity, it still had no effect. Qian Hui did not know his weaknesses, but he did not know his flaws. He really fought and he won the victory. .

"Let me try first."

She asked about the butterfly dance, because she wanted to fight with Cao Yangde alone. If it was not, then let the butterfly dance, the butterfly dance nodded. When they were at the peak of the sky, they had few rivals. Now Cao Yangde Sent to the door, just to give Qianhui practice, sharpen the sword of Qianhui.

"The big freedom is the sword."

Qianhui is not polite. When the sword is first drawn, the swordsmanship is displayed. The swords and shadows are heavy. If the mountains are beautiful, such as the rivers, the waterfalls are falling, the swords are dazzling, such as flying silver snakes, such as the fire, such as the big sky, Sword Mansson, such as the real dragon fight, such as the dog food month, such as the white tiger Xiaotian.

In a battle, she made her understanding of the big free swordsmanship, and went up to the next level. Her swordsmanship is more unrestrained than before. Anyway, her sword falls like a raindrop, and the moment after, her The sword is as strong as a mountain.

"What swordsman do you use, how have you never seen this before?" Cao Yangde did not put Qianhui in his eyes, but said in a mean way. "There is nothing in the Huayu. Your talent is not bad, why should you cultivate such a slick sword?"

Even if Cao Yangde has experienced many battles, he still has not seen such a varied swordsmanship. Anyway, he thinks that the swordsmanship should pursue pureness, master the swordsmanship of Lei’s origin, and use the sword method related to mine. The power of the sword, mastering the sword of the origin of the fire, using the sword method related to fire, certainly awesome.

However, the sword method used by Qianhui is related to fire for a while. It is related to mine for a while, and related to mountains and rivers for a while. It is related to the beasts in a while. Cao Yangde does not know what the purpose of Qianhui is. Is it worthwhile to rely on such a sword? The law wins him.

"This monarch does not know who created the sword, but it can be asserted that the founder of such a sword will certainly not become a real powerhouse. Maybe he can become a god, even a holy king. However, his path is not long. Because his swordsmanship is chaotic, I don’t know what it is."

Cao Yangde is a disciple of Zhentian Temple. The first day of the Emperor's power, the horizon is definitely high. Qianhui is only a predecessor of the king. The most is to cultivate the martial arts created by Tianzun. It is even possible that she will display the sword. It was only created by Tianjun.

Qian Hui eyes, eyes like electricity, Cao Yangde can say that her strength is not good, it can be said that she is not self-reliant, but she can not say that her swordsmanship is not good, Cao Yangde's words, stimulated to Qianhui, so that Qianhui only attacked, a pair Desperate posture.

Cao Yangde's big hands, like two volcanoes, came from the same pressure. Above the sky, the waterfalls fell down, and the inexhaustible swordskins turned into water, and they rushed into two volcanoes. Cao Yangde did not expect Qianhui. Swordsmanship can still have such power.

Fortunately, the origin of Caoyangde is even stronger. After all, it is blocking the waterfall and continuing to suppress it. At this time, Qianhui’s sword is like a long wing, flying to Caoyangde, and Qianhui’s hand clearly has a sword, but in front of Cao Yangde The sword is equally true.

A sword was drawn from the neck of Cao Yangde. If Cao Yangde avoided the time, he might have died under the sword. The cold sweat soaked the back of Cao Yangde. He did not think that Qian Hui’s sword was so powerful. The neck has a shallow sword wound, and a trace of blood overflows.


Like a beast, deafening, Cao Yangde only felt countless head beasts, biting him away, Cao Yangde had to take back his hands, and then took a palm and a palm, and shattered all the fierce beasts, however, Without waiting for Cao Yang Desong to breathe, he noticed that a star fell.

Although it is not a true star, it can't be underestimated. Because the stars fall, it is the explosion. It is all Jianqi. Cao Yangde understands that he is looking down on Qianhui and even seeing the swordsmanship of Qianhui. Start to care, how can he be restrained everywhere now.

Cao Yangde's hands changed again and again, and there was a flame portal around his body. Whether it was a falling star or a rampage of a beast, or a mountain collapse, the river hit, all blocked by the portal, Qianhui Only attack and defense, then he will only defend.

He believes that Qianhui can't always attack. In the end, Qianhui's own cultivation is only in the early stage of the king's kingdom. If you use the war of attrition, Qianhui will definitely not work. As a result, even if the Qianhui attack is fierce, in fact, the outcome has been divided. The ultimate winner is definitely Cao Yangde.

The butterfly dance didn't talk, because Qianhui didn't seem to be fighting, but it was like venting. If this is the case, then let Qianhui vent enough. Anyway, she has a crush. If Qianhui is dangerous, she can shoot it. She masters the time source. And the source of space, on the speed of the shot, Cao Yangde can not match.

"How to fight it, it seems to be Ling Qianhui, I should not be wrong."

The proud dragon was originally very interested, because finally saw a beautiful woman, the result turned out to be Qianhui, and instantly let his mood fall to the bottom. He can see that Qianhui has the upper hand on the surface. In fact, Cao Yangde is just waiting for the opportunity. Cao Yangde is like a hunter. If you don’t shoot, you can beat Qianhui with one shot.

"Dragon sword, in order not to disappoint your name, I think you can help me to give his dragon."

He took out the dragon sword and said softly. Anyway, Cao Yangde and Qian Hui are far away from him, and they are fighting. They don’t want to hear what he said. What's more, he has not seen Cao Yangde, and he thought that Cao Yangde did not Know him, in fact, Cao Yangde has noticed the proud dragon, who let the proud dragon break through the stage of the holy stage.

The dragon sword swayed, as if shaking his head, because he did not understand what the proud dragon said, the dragon that Cao Yangde came to, the last time in the dragon master world, the real dragon encountered was the dragon. Cao Yangde, a human warrior, can still conquer a real dragon.

"I just made an analogy. I understand that it is his life. If you still don't understand, then you really are not qualified to be my sword."

Fortunately, the wisdom of the dragon sword is not high. If it is replaced by the weapon of the imperial palace monkey, it is afraid that the dragon will be knocked out. The dragon will manipulate the dragon sword, just like a rainbow, and it will immediately rush to Cao Yang. Before the Germans, Cao Yangde was shocked, and the dragon sword had not arrived yet. He felt that his body was cocked.

The goal of Xiaolongjian is very clear. Caoyangde is not a fool. Of course, it can be seen. However, Cao Yangde did not think that the proud dragon was so shameless, and the sneak attack was gone. It was even a shame to attack such a place. pole.

At the crucial moment, the Qianhui war did not care about the dragon sword, but a sword and a sword, and the flame portal around Cao Yangde could not stop the dragon sword. In order to avoid the dragon sword, his defense There was a flaw, and Qianhui was killed in front of him.

The proud dragon continues to manipulate the dragon sword. If Cao Yangde thinks that he has escaped once, he can do everything well. That is simply dreaming. The speed of the dragon sword is not slowed down, but it is getting faster and faster. Cao Yangde can’t wait to swear, how can So fighting.

"Jiuyang Yang has a good hand."

Cao Yangde decided to take down the dragon sword first, and then deal with Qianhui, the small sun composed of flames, condensed into a pair of big hands, grabbed the dragon sword, let him breathe a sigh of relief, although the dragon sword is struggling, but He still kept the dragon sword, so that the dragon sword could not continue to mess.

"First let you take it lightly, wait for me to shoot again."

It is impossible for the dragon sword to be so easily controlled. The proud dragon is only to numb Cao Yangde, let Cao Yangde carelessly, and change to normal, Cao Yangde will not be so careless, but now he must put all his energy into Qianhui. Because now there are not only Qianhui, but also butterfly dance and proud dragon, he must quickly decide.

The big self-satisfied swordsmanship evolved a ** day and a bright moon, the sun and the moon rotate, as if there is endless power, Cao Yangde screamed, displayed a heavenly martial arts, a piece of flames of heaven and earth, It turned to Qianhui, the big day collapsed, and the moon was disillusioned, and it could not stop Cao Yangde’s attack.

Thousands of Huis step backwards, gasping for breath, dying, and then dying, and exhausted, and then playing down, it is not good for her, but fortunately, she does not need her to continue to shoot, the butterfly dance is standing honestly, but the proud dragon is not obeying He will not let such a great opportunity.

Cao Yangde is repelling Qianhui, and then he can even win the thousand benefits. However, he also consumes a lot of money. He needs to slow down a few moments before he can continue to work. He has not relaxed his vigilance, whether it is a butterfly dance or Ao Long, once he has acted, he must have a solution.

Unfortunately, he missed a weapon, that is, the dragon sword, just in the blink of an eye, the dragon sword is one, two, four, four, eight, sixteen, and at the same time, Cao Yangde face big Change, the body instinctively retreats, twirling, and move, however, the 16-handed dragon sword, still complete the task of the proud dragon, let him send out a heartbreaking scream.

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