The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 111: Posing as Yuan Yuanzhuo

"Jokes, why should my master put your father in the eye, do you think your father is the great?"

Cao Yangde is purely qi, first attacked by the proud dragon, and then by the old six of the Xianyi Palace, now the Xianliu Palace sixth appeared, if it is not weak, he will certainly not let go of the Xianliu Palace, no I thought that the sixth son of Xianyi Palace would dare to be rude to his master. I really don’t know how high the earth is.

"Hey, you really haven't said anything wrong. My father is the emperor of Xianyi Palace. You think that you are a big emperor with a high status. Or I have a high status of a great emperor. I will kill you. You think your master will serve you." Revenge, it’s worth it for a disciple to kill me."

The emperor’s sixth old man was ruthlessly ironic. The Emperor’s apprentice was really not qualified to sway in front of him. He didn’t care about Cao Yangde’s life and death. Now Cao Yangde dared to threaten him. Then he really couldn’t let Cao Yangde go. He has already come to Cao Yangde's side, pinching Cao Yangde's neck and lifting Cao Yangde.

"Do you know that the person who threatened me has never finished the game. You think that your master is the Duanmu Emperor. Can you cross the 3,000 territory? Do you think that the identity of a great emperor can make everyone jealous? ""

The strength of his hand is getting bigger and bigger, Cao Yangde’s eyes are flashing, angry and fearful. Until now, Cao Yangde is really fearful, because he knows that the sixth is true. Even if he died in the hands of the old six in Xianyi Palace, Duanmu Emperor would not avenge him.

"There is something to say, there is something to say, I don't know Taishan, I didn't expect it to be the emperor of Xianyi Palace." Cao Yangde gasped and continued, "You must not be against me, presumably It is to deal with them, and they are also my goal. We can say that we are not only enemies, but also friends."

No way, life is more important than face, not to mention asking for mercy in front of the emperor. It is not a particularly shameful thing. Cao Yangde is the first day of the Tiantian Temple, but he understands that if the Emperor of the Tiangong Temple is in the same realm with him, he It is not the opponent of the Emperor of Heaven.

"They are your goal, why."

The sixth day of Xianyi Palace did not let go of Cao Yangde, but continued to ask, only Cao Yangde’s life will be mastered, Cao Yangde will honestly answer the question. Anyway, Cao Yangde understands that the Xianliu Palace has killed him. The ability, as long as he does not want to die, certainly does not dare to lie.

"You don't know, they have stolen the big platform of the Tiangong of my town. From the peak of the sky to the peak of the king, they are so arrogant, how can our town Tiangong possibly spare them, whoever breaks through the general trend, who can Run off."

Cao Yangde also swept away other young warriors hiding in the distance, but unfortunately he did not dare to tamper now, let alone kill them. He can only count on the large number of the old six adults in Xianyi Palace, let him go. Dead in the dream world, but it is really dead, of course he does not want to die.

"That said, Ling Dao is also your goal. Who else is coming from your town Tiangong?"

Only the Lingdao, the proud dragon, and the Levin Yuan of the Sixth Anniversary of the Immortal Palace, he did not know anything, and Ling Dao dared to engrave a piece of boulder in the Tianwang domain, to say that the Xianliu Palace is not worried, it must be False, who knows whether Lingdao has any intrigues.

Although he has absolute certainty, he can kill the Lingdao, but carefully drive the ship for thousands of years, never want to carelessly, so as not to overturn the ship in the gutter. If there are other strong people coming to the town Tiangong, it can let them take the lead, with or without Danger, let them go first.

"And my brother, Yuan Yuanzhuo, the only Tiantian Zun in Zhentian Temple, if he came to deal with Lingdao, it must be hand-to-hand."

Even if the old man of Xianyi Palace is conceited again, he understands that he is not an opponent of Ba Tianzun at all. He did not expect that Tian Tiangong would be willing to let Ba Tianzun personally go out in order to deal with a group of juniors. It is really enough to see them. Of course, if they are in the sky. In the domain, he does not have to be afraid of hegemony.

The Xianyi Palace also has the tyrants, and it is also the brother of the sixth sect of the Xianyi Palace. The reason why the younger generation of the Xianyi Palace is so powerful is because the Emperor of the Immortal Palace has seven emperors, each of whom is a dragon and a phoenix. If it weren't for the emperor's palace, the current Tianzhu domain would be afraid that it would be a tyrant.

"Where is your brother, why didn't he come."

If the Tiantianzun of the town Tiangong is shot, it will surely ensure that nothing is lost. The Xianliu Palace is doing more things, obviously more careful than the old seven of the Xiantang Palace. It is replaced by the old seven of the Xianyi Palace. Under absolute pressure, it is definitely not willing to think about it. Other methods are directly related to Lingdao.

"Yu brother said that he did not believe in the words of Lingdao, that Lingdao is still in the Tianwang domain, he wants to find a good place in the Tianwang domain. If he can't find it, he will come to Tiantian."

Cao Yangde’s words made the plan of Xianliu Palace’s sixth child fall. They could not go to Tianwang’s domain to find Yuan Yuanzhuo. Of course, they can go to Qi Yuanzhuo’s best shot. They can’t find Qi Yuanzhuo. For Xianliugong’s sixth, it’s not the same. What a big deal.

"Your brother is really stupid. Lingdao tells him where he is. As a result, he has to be smart. He really doesn't know how he became a tyrant."

The old six of Xianyi Palace dared to laugh at Qi Yuanzhuo, dare to say that Yuan Yuanzhuo is not, Cao Yangde can not dare, he can only singularly nod to nod, in case Wenyuan Zhuo knows that Cao Yangde said he is bad in the back, still do not know how to deal with Cao Yangde, The peak of the peak is better than the tyrants, the difference is not one star and a half.

"Nothing, as long as they are two, Lingdao will definitely come, and there are two of them in hand. Maybe, we don't need us to do it at all, and Lingdao will be in a hurry."

Qianhui and Butterfly Dance is the trump card of Xianliu Palace's sixth. He used the emperor to kill the butterfly dance last time. Lingdao would rather desperately protect the butterfly dance. Now he won the Qianhui and Butterfly Dance. The Tao is simply letting him knead, unless Lingdao does not want the butterfly dance and the life of Qianhui.

"Impossible, who will give up their lives for two women, and it is difficult to have a problem with the brain."

Cao Yangde shook his head. Anyway, he was replaced by him. He would never be risky for two women, and he would not die for two women. If a woman is like clothes, even two very nice clothes will be gone. Certainly no life is important.

Xianliu Gongliu smiled and did not explain to Cao Yangde. If he had not seen Lingdao to block his imperial life, he would definitely not believe that Lingdao was so stupid, however, whether it was Cao Yang. De, or the sixth son of Xianyi Palace, did not notice the Lingdao that had just arrived.

Because Lingdao used the Qinglian mask and changed his appearance, Cao Yangde and Xianliugong Laoliu only regarded him as an insignificant person. Lingdao was slowed down by the old six steps of Xianyin Palace. The sixth man actually won the thousand benefits, butterfly dance, proud dragon and Cao Yangde.

"I want to use us to threaten the ridge." Qian Hui's face was cold, and one word and one word, "I wonder."

The poison in the poisonous scorpion is really powerful, so the dilution is so many times, it still makes Qianhui feel so weak, and the 10% combat power is now afraid that it will not be able to play 10%. Even if she and the butterfly dance team up, it is still not the enemy. Sixth, as for the proud dragon, the poisoning is deeper and there is no way to continue fighting.

"I really don't think about it. If you dare to commit suicide, I will lighten your clothes, and then put your body in the place where people are most, let others appreciate it. If you are not afraid of being insulted after death, then you will commit suicide. Without you, I can still kill the ridge."

The sixth day of Xianyi Palace throws Cao Yangde on the ground and walks toward Qianhui and Butterfly Dance step by step. Even if it is the butterfly dance and Qianhui in the heyday, he is not afraid, let alone the current Qianhui and Butterfly Dance, just, his The purpose is not to kill Chi Hui and Butterfly Dance.

"I really don't understand why you two have to die on Lingdao. What is his identity? What is my identity? If you are willing, you can follow this emperor. Isn't it a hundred times better than following Lingdao? Is it like me, what is he?"

In fact, whether it is a butterfly dance or a thousand benefits, they want to refute the old sixth of the Xianyi Palace. When did they die for Lingdao?

Only now, they are hostile to the Sixth Anniversary of the Immortal Palace. There is no need to go deep into this issue. It is funny to hide in the distant Lingdao. The relationship between him and the butterfly dance is completely gone to the Xianliu Palace. Said to the point, why the Xianliu Palace sixth will think that the butterfly dance is his woman.

"Teacher, what happened to you."

At this time, Qi Yuanzhuo suddenly appeared in the field, let Cao Yangde look shocked, Xianliu Palace Laoliu did not kill him for the time being, does not mean that he can live, only when Yuan Yuanzhuo is present, he feels that he has saved his life, even in Tian will be the domain, I want to come to the fairy palace, the old six still fights but Yuan Yuanzhuo.

"Senior brother, don't you say that you are looking for Lingdao first in Tianwang? How come you come to Tiantian so quickly."

Where does Cao Yangde know that the original Yuan Yuanzhuo is simply a fake, the real Yuan Yuanzhuo, indeed, is looking for Lingdao in the Tianwang domain, and the Yuan Yuanzhuo appearing in front of him, but Lingdao uses the Qinglian mask to pretend, but fortunately, seeing Lingdao After Yu Yuanzhuo, he can pretend to be his appearance and imitate his voice.

The Sixth Fairy Palace is very close to the Qianhui and the Butterfly Dance. If Lingdao rushes to take the shot, it is very likely that they will be hurt. If the Xianliu Palace is really taking them as a hostage, he will be forced to commit crimes. He does not know what to do. Only then, only to save Qian Hui, Butterfly Dance and Ao Long, he will be able to start the Fairy Palace.

"I asked other kings of the martial arts, some people have seen Lingdao, and then I followed the direction they said, all the way to chase over, did not expect, even met the younger brother, who is the injured brother." Exclaimed, angrily asked, "Teacher, who is turning you into what you are now, are you still a man?" The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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