The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 112: Save people

"Are you still a man?"

"Are you still a man?"

"Are you still a man?"

Cao Yangde’s ear echoes the words of Yuan Yuanzhuo, as if the sword has been inserted into his heart again and again, making his face more and more ugly, and the sound of Qi Yuanzhuo is very large, which makes one after another warrior, and turned his attention to Cao Yangde. The body, even a specific part, if there is a seam, maybe Cao Yangde has already drilled in.

Ling Dao was secretly laughing. On the surface, he was wearing a look of concern. The last time Cao Yangde was pregnant, now Cao Yangde became an eunuch. He is even worse than Ye Xin. If Cao Yangde knew this, he would endure it. Duanmu Emperor's punishment, he certainly will not come to kill Lingdao and others.


Cao Yangde shouted his teeth and shouted, but unfortunately, he did not dare to make a fire on Qi Yuanzhuo. Qi Yuanzhuo was a tyrant, and Cao Yangde was only a Fengfeng Tianjun. Now he is poisoned and loses his strength. It is even more unlikely to be an opponent of Qi Yuanzhuo. Who knows how Yuan Yuanzhuo swears at him.

"That is the kid who sneaked at me, brother, trouble you to shoot, help me kill him." After Cao Yangde finished speaking, he shook his head and continued, "No, first abolish him, don't kill him, wait." After I recovered, I personally tortured him, not letting him die, and it is hard to eliminate my hatred."

He pointed to the proud dragon, the face of the color of grievances, if you kill the proud dragon, it is indeed too cheap and proud, he has already thought of dozens of ways to afflict the proud dragon, then, even if the proud dragon squats on the ground for mercy, he Still not soft, he hates the proud dragon, hate not to eat its flesh and blood.

"What is that he makes you not a man, you want me to abolish him, is it to make you like you."

The sound of Qi Yuanzhuo was bigger than before, so Cao Yangde could not find a stone to die. The laughter from the distance made Cao Yang’s face look blue and white, even if there was no order from Duanmu Emperor, Cao Yangde All the young warriors in the distance must be killed.

"The younger brother is relieved, I will definitely help you out, let him become like you."

He stepped forward to the proud dragon, Rao is proud of the courage is not small, and now still scared with cold sweat, Qi Yuanzhuo wants to kill him, he is not afraid, but Qi Yuanzhuo wants to turn him into an eunuch, he must be afraid, the world newspaper, come quickly, I didn’t expect to give Cao Yangde so much, and the retribution came.

Cao Yangde numbs his limbs, and he is still strong behind him, because he wants to see the Yuan Yuanzhuo afflicting the proud dragon. He has suffered the pain, and the proud dragon also has to suffer, that is, he does not know whether the proud dragon can withstand it. The proud dragon is just like him. In his heart, he is quite comfortable.

"Yeah." Just when Qiu Yuanzhuo was ready to start with Aolong, he inadvertently swept Qianhui and Butterfly Dance. His attention was immediately transferred to Qianhui and Butterfly Dance. "Where is the little girl, it is born." Handsome, just don't know how it tastes."

The proud dragon sighed with relief, because Qi Yuanzhuo had turned to the butterfly dance and Qianhui. I didn’t expect the butterfly dance and Qianhui to save him from the fire. If he knew that Yuan Yuanzhuo was pretending to be Lingdao, and deliberately scared him. I don't know if he will be desperate with Lingdao.

"Hello, the two of them are already mine, and it is difficult for you to grab people."

Cao Yangde is only the peak of Tianjun, and the sixth son of Xianyi Palace is completely sure to deal with it. However, the Yuandaizhuo is not the same. The means of the tyrants are inevitably not comparable to that of the Fengfeng Tianjun. The old six of the Xianyi Palace is extremely jealous. The oldest man in the palace held a knife in his right hand and stood in front of Qian Hui and the butterfly dance, blocking the Yuan Yuanzhuo.

"If I remember correctly, the two of them should be eloquent, how can they become yours, can you be shameless as a prince?"

Pretending to be a singer of Yuan Yuanzhuo, the face is really as thick as a city wall. It is so good to say that Butterfly Dance and Qianhui are his. Fortunately, Butterfly Dance and Qianhui don’t know that he is Lingdao, or he will definitely not spare him. Now Qianhui and Butterfly Dance have no Refuting, I just hope that Yu Yuanzhuo and Xianliu Palace will fight, and they will fight for time to force the toxins out of the body.

In the current state of Qianhui and Butterfly Dance, it is certainly impossible to fight with Xianliu Gongliu and Qianyuanzhuo. Only Xianliugong Laoliu and Qiyuanzhuo dog bite the dog, they have the chance to win the defeat, a tyrant, a great family, the same day I will not be able to cope with the situation.

"If I am in other places, I can't beat you, but now, like me, only the sky will peak, I am afraid that you will not succeed." The sword of the celestial sword in the hands of Xianliu Palace, shaking up, fighting Intentional, "You don't hit their attention, everything is easy to say, otherwise, use your strength to talk to me about conditions."

"I don't have the right thing. The brothers have always been cautious. How can they be beaten by the two women and the old six of Xianjue Palace? The same repair is done. Even if the brothers can win, I am afraid that it is also a terrible victory. No wonder others say that they are bold, why are they saying that they are brothers? If you color it, you are not careful."

Cao Yangde only felt that the former Yuan Yuanzhuo was different from the previous ones. He did not expect that the original Yuan Yuanzhuo was simply a counterfeit goods. Of course, if Lingdao and Xianyi Palace were playing, they would definitely reveal the stuffing, because Lingdao would not have won the Yuanzhuo. Out of school.

"In addition to you and me, there are other warriors present. If we fight for you to die, what should we do if they are in danger?"

Qi Yuanzhuo refers to the young warrior in the distance to remind the old man of the Xianyi Palace. In fact, he is worried about revealing his identity. If Cao Yangde and Xianliugong Laoliu know that he is Lingdao, he wants to save Qianhui and Butterfly Dance. And proud dragon, certainly not as good as heaven.

"It turns out that when you two are still afraid, a tyrant, a prince, will be afraid of a group of young warriors in the early days of the king. It’s a big joke. In the end, let me praise them, or if you are timid. Like a rat."

If Xianliugong Laoliu does not work with Qi Yuanzhuo, the plan of Qianhui and Butterfly Dance will definitely fail. Now Qianhui takes the initiative to open the door. It is for the ancestral temple and the old man, but the butterfly dance, although not talking, is a beautiful face. Filled with contempt, I don’t know if I can’t look down on the timidity of Xianliu’s Laoliu and Qi Yuanzhuo, or I’m sorry for the strength of Xianliu’s Laoliu and Qianyuanzhuo.

In fact, as long as Lingdao is rumored to Butterfly Dance and Qianhui, they will be able to know their identity. The reason why he did not say is that he is worried that Xianliugong Laoliu and Caoyangde can see the flaws, only to hide Qianhui and Butterfly Dance. In the drums, their performance is no problem.

"This kind of childish radical method will not play any role at all." Yan Yuanzhuo first took a look at Qianhui, and then discussed with the old man of the Xianyi Palace. "It is better than this. They are two people. You and I are two people, not as good as one person." One, how."

Qian Hui binoculars spit fire, I did not expect that Yuan Yuanzhuo actually treated them as goods, and distributed them randomly. The butterfly dance face was colder. If it was not all-powerful, she must first smash a sword. However, the banter of Yan Yuanzhuo did not take them. The anger is on the mind.

The Sixth Anniversary of Silencer Palace was silenced. If he fights with Yuan Yuanzhuo, he does not have the grasp of victory. If both loses, it is very likely that the bamboo basket will be filled with water. However, he will give Qian Hui or Butterfly Dance to Qi Yuanzhuo. He is a little unwilling.

"I don't know, they both want which one you want."

After a while, the old man of the Xianyi Palace asked, if he could only choose one, he would choose a butterfly dance, because the butterfly dance is like a fairy who does not eat the fireworks, which is more tempting than Qianhui. Qi Yuanzhuo chose Qianhui, he still can accept.

"I don't know the two of them. You should let me appreciate it first, then make a choice, how."

Qi Yuanzhuo’s proposal, the old man of Xianyi Palace did not think about it, but he agreed to it. Since he has made a decision, there is no need to hesitate. If Yuan Yuanzhuo wants to monopolize Qian Hui and Butterfly Dance, he will definitely not let go of Yuan Yuanzhuo. At that time, even if you fight for a dead life, the old sixth of Xianyi Palace will not make you good.

As long as Yuan Yuanzhuo is not a fool, he will certainly not come to chaos. Xianliu Gongliu and he have already reached an agreement. Then, they can only get one butterfly dance, and one person gets Qianhui. The idea of ​​Xianliugong Laoliu is correct, but unfortunately, He never thought that the Yuan Zhenzhuo in front of him was a fake.

"Before, others said that the fish stag geese, the moon is shy, I don't believe it at all, now I believe, because there are really such beautiful women in the world."

Qi Yuanzhuo gradually approached Qianhui and Butterfly Dance, and Xianliu Palace took the initiative to give way. In fact, Lingdao was thinking, whether or not to take advantage of the current opportunity, taking advantage of the butterfly dance and Qianhui's cheap, but unfortunately, Qianhui was full of anger, The butterfly dance is frosty, so he can't start.

"You two don't get angry, it's me, Lingdao." Yan Yuanzhuo used the will to make the sound of the butterfly dance and Qianhui, and there was an accident. He continued to say, "Wait, I will send you to the small world. Don't resist."

The Sixth Anniversary of the Immortal Palace did not know that Lingdao used the will to pass the sound. However, the next move of Qi Yuanzhuo made him angry, and Yuan Yuanzhuo strode to the middle of the butterfly dance and Qianhui, grasping the butterfly dance in one hand and grasping it in one hand. Qianhui, when the sixth day of the Xianyi Palace was preparing to pull the knife, Qianhui and the butterfly dance disappeared into the field.

"They are people, where are you going."

Qi Yuanzhuo asked in confusion, the old sixth of the Xianyi Palace was also puzzled. When the old six of the Xianyi Palace had not reacted, Qi Yuanzhuo had disappeared in the same place and appeared next to the proud dragon. He first voiced to Lingdao. Then use the same method to let the proud dragon disappear without a trace.

"No, you are not my brother, my brother is definitely still in the kingdom, you are fake, you must be fake."

Cao Yangde finally reacted, but unfortunately, it is already late, because the proud dragon, the butterfly dance, and the thousand Hui disappeared. The sixth of the Xianyi Palace intends to use the butterfly dance and Qianhui to threaten the Lingdao. However, Lingdao has already made the butterfly dance and Qianhui. Saved.

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