The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 113: Re-warming the fairy palace

"Who are you, why do you pretend to be my brother?"

Cao Yangde instinctively regressed, but unfortunately his current strength is too weak, accidentally fell to the ground, his mind flashed one enemy after another, but unfortunately, there is still no connection with Lingdao, because from beginning to end, Lingdao In his eyes, he is simply not qualified to be his opponent.

"Are you a pig? I don't know until now that he is your brother."

The old man of Xianyi Palace can't wait to kill Cao Yangde. Butterfly dance and Qianhui disappeared. I don't know where to go. He doesn't know Qi Yuanzhuo. He can't recognize that Yuan Yuanzhuo is true or false. He can understand it completely. However, Cao Yangde is the younger brother of Qi Yuanzhuo. I didn’t even see that Yuan Yuanzhuo was a counterfeit. It was really stupid.

Cao Yangde had a refutation of his heart, but he had nothing to say. Anyway, his intuition told him that he would pretend to be a singer of Yuan Yuanzhuo and that he had a hatred. If he now sins the sinister palace of the Xianyi Palace, then there must be no way to live. He will slap him, first let the old man of the Xianyi Palace and the warrior who pretends to be Yuan Yuanzhuo to play one game. What he has to do is to restore his strength.


Just when Cao Yangde wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, Lingdao held the dragon and tiger destroying the sword and cut it into the neck of Cao Yangde. The Qinglian mask disappeared. Lingdao recovered its original appearance. Cao Yangde finally knew who was posing as Yu Yuanzhuo. Unfortunately, it is already late.

The Dragon and Tiger Destruction Knife swallowed the vitality of Cao Yangde. After a while, Cao Yangde would die and kill. Before Cao Yang and others, Cao Yangde did not think that he would die in a predecessor’s sword. In particular, the Tianpin sword used by Lingdao is still his younger brother Ye Xin.

"It turned out to be you."

The Sixth National Palace of the Immortal Palace was shocked. I didn’t expect that the person who pretends to be Yu Yuanzhuo will be Lingdao. He also wants to use the butterfly dance and Qianhui to threaten Lingdao. As a result, Lingdao has saved Qianhui and Butterfly Dance, so Lingdao and him. The realm is the same. Normally, he is more powerful than Lingdao. After all, his real realm is higher than Lingdao.

It is a pity that the old six of Xianyi Palace did not know that Lingdao’s past life was the peak of Tianjun. Whether it was eyesight or experience, Xianliu Palace’s sixth is not dominant. What he really predominate is that Xianyi Palace’s emperor personally pointed out After him, Lingdao did not have the guidance of the emperor.

"Yes, it is me." Lingdao took back the dragon and tiger soul knives, walked through the body of Cao Yangde, and came to the front of the Sixth Anniversary of the Immortal Palace. "Not only the person who pretended to be his brother was me, you are in the king. The young warrior asked by the domain is also me. At that time, you were three higher than me. As a result, you are stupid like a pig. I didn’t do it to me at all. Is it regretful?"

Cao Yangde is not reconciled, but unfortunately, he still lives here. He wants to be the first day of the Tiangong Hall in the town. He died at the foot of a warrior in front of the king. It is really unsuccessful. If the Duanmu Emperor knows, he will send three apprentices to kill him. Lingdao and others, the result of two deaths, do not know what his mood.

The old man of Xianxian Palace raises his eyes and wants to say no regrets. It is impossible. In the Tianwang domain, it is impossible to kill the Tao. It is better than killing the Tao in the Tiantian domain. I don’t know how many times it is easy. There is no regret in the world. He can now What you do is to kill Lingdao. As long as Lingdao is dead, Qianhui and Butterfly Dance will definitely show up.

Unfortunately, he thought wrong. Even if he killed Lingdao, Qianhui and Butterfly Dance would still not appear. As long as Lingdao died, Qianhui and Butterfly Dance would appear in Taikoo City. Of course, the premise was that he could kill Lingdao. In the same realm, he wants to kill Lingdao, not to mention that it is difficult to go to heaven, and it is almost the same.

"Why should I regret that the king of heaven and the heavens will kill you, and what is the difference, as long as you die, will you?"

The old man’s mouth is hard, no matter what he thinks, anyway, he can’t make Lingdao proud. He holds the hand of Tianpin’s sword and trembles slightly, not because of fear, but because of excitement, the same cultivation, killing Lingdao has a more sense of accomplishment, because the old seven of the Xianshu Palace in the same realm is not the opponent of Lingdao.

Although the eldest of the Xianyi Palace to the old seven, all the sons of the Emperor of the Immortal Palace, but only the old seven of the Immortal Palace is the birth of his emperor, the sixth of the Xianyi Palace, of course, want to prove that he in the same realm, than Xian The palace is very powerful, as long as he kills Lingdao, it is the best proof.

"The dark prison is empty."

Tianpin's sword is traversed, and the fifth level of origin is like the same handle arbor, splitting the void, opening the earth, not getting grass, and the old prince of the Xianyi Palace will show his killings because he knows the power of Lingdao, the last Lingdao. Can block his emperor's life, even if there is a butterfly dance and Qianhui help, still can not be underestimated, after all, at that time, Xianliu Palace is the peak of the king of heaven, Lingdao, Qianhui, butterfly dance is only the pre-King period.

Lingdao also has a dragon weapon of the dragon and the tiger. Unfortunately, he is not a knife repair, even if the sword is still not easy, his body is strong, but unfortunately, compared with the weapon of the heavenly, it is still inferior to deal with the old fairy palace. The killing trick of the six is ​​based on boxing, punching, boxing, and boxing.

Two fists, like the dragon's head, the fist shadows, the dragons and the violent punches, like the tumbling grinding disk, crushed the knives, the power advantage of Lingdao, fully demonstrated Come out, the old sixth of the Xianyi Palace in the peak of the sky, and the strength of the Lingdao competition, the defeat.

The knife seems to be able to tear the sky, but the boxing is better, and the sword is crushed. Only when it is really played, the old man of the Xianyi Palace understands that even if he has the foundation of the peak, the same repair is still inferior. Lingdao, just a confrontation, Lingdao is to beat him back.

The overbearing boxing power, the destructive and general, broke the killing trick of the Xianliu Palace, and the Lingdao one was flashing, and it was next to the old six of the Xianyi Palace, and it was a punch, the fairy sixth. His face changed a lot, and once he retired, he was still a step late.

The old man of Xianxian Palace suffered from pain, and the abdomen was hit by a wild elephant. He temporarily lost consciousness. Fortunately, he wore a heavenly armor and helped him resist most of the damage. Otherwise, it was just a punch. Let him suffer heavy losses, the same realm decisive battle, Ling Dao is stronger than the Xianliu Palace.

Martial arts, origin, will, and even the world, the Xianliu Palace has no advantage in all six, and the strength and practice, Lingdao has an absolute advantage, do not feel that the same is the same as the emperor, the Xianliu Palace Laoliu practice The emperor, completely inferior to the ridiculous fairy.

"How could it be that the emperor of Xianyi Palace was not his opponent at all, but the old sixth of Xianyi Palace, which was cultivated as at least Tianjun, couldn’t beat Lingdao, too fake."

"Xianyi Palace Laoqi had a big loss in Lingdao's hand and wanted his brother to avenge him. As a result, his brother, who is still not an opponent of Lingdao, was really lost and lost to his family."

"You don't want to laugh at the old sixth of the Fairy Palace. If you change to us, it will be even worse if you play against the Lingdao. I think that even if we join hands, it is still not their opponent."

"If you can't be a great emperor, don't be reluctant. Anyway, I think life is more important. Lingjia Emperor accepts us as a disciple. It's best. If you don't accept it, there is no way. Now, don't offend Lingdao, so you don't have to die. In the hands of the Tao."

"No, I think the Sixth Anniversary of the Fairy Palace is definitely not that simple. If it is lost to Lingdao, then he is still a prince. When they lose both of them, we will help the old man of the Fairy Palace to deal with Lingdao. Is it? Can't you miss the life of Lingdao?"

The young warriors hiding in the distance have expressed their views. Some have seen the power of Lingdao, and they have already retired in their hearts. Even if they join hands with others, they still feel that they have no bottom. However, some people still want to opportunistically, and hope to wait for the opportunity. Killing Lingdao in one fell swoop.

It can be said that among the six people of Ling Dao, Lei Wenyuan, Ao Long, Dong Miaoyin, Qian Hui and Butterfly Dance, the most feared of them is Ling Dao. As long as Ling Dao is dead, they still compete with five other people. Now the Xianliu Palace Laoliu and Lingdao showdown, perhaps the best chance for them to kill Lingdao.

"Please baby open your mouth."

The old six of Xianyi Palace took out the gourd, and the gourd mouth was facing Lingdao. It spurted the light of the sky. Last time, he used the heavenly gourd. On the body of Lingdao, he left a blood hole. Now, He used the scorpion gourd again, in order to be the life of Lingdao.

Anyway, he has been fully prepared to guard against Xian Ling, even if Xian Ling used the technique, he can still resist a moment, as long as there is a moment, killing Lingdao should be enough. Until now, Huatian Hulu has not failed, Lingdao's body Even if it is strong, can you still strengthen the gourd?

"Lingdao ah Lingdao, I admit that you are a genius, even more genius than me, but unfortunately, you are soon a corpse, strong talent, not a real strong, no role at all, I am the Great Parent-child, there is a heavenly gourd, ask a small disciple of your power, what can come up to resist my scorpion gourd."

He fully urged the gourd to make the blue gourd into a house-like size. The soles of the gourd mouth are like the same door. The ground under the foot of Lingdao is like a sieve. It is full of holes and punches. Shadow, the same is the emergence of a hole, the dissipation is clean.

"How much do you think your broken gourd is, I tell you that even the four powers can still block your offensive."

Lingdao took out nine stone carvings, and a stone carving spread out like a city wall, blocking it in front of him. The current nine stone carvings have no ability to kill Tianzun, but it is used to resist the heavenly gourd. Of course, the time that can be resisted is not long, and the Lingdao must be quick and fast.

"Are you telling me a joke?" The old six-nose nostrils of Xianyin Palace screamed disdainfully. "Don't say that it is a weapon of the four powers. Even if it is a weapon of the power, it still can't block my day." Gourd, what is your realm, even if you are a holy soldier, give you a device, are you using it?" The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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